. Fixed #69044 (discrepency between time and microtime). (krakjoe)
- GD:
- . Added TGA read support. (cmb)
-- MySQLi:
- . Fixed bug #67348 (Reading $dbc->stat modifies $dbc->affected_rows).
- (Derick)
-- Opcache:
- . Fixed bug #78106 (Path resolution fails if opcache disabled during request).
- (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #78175 (Preloading segfaults at preload time and at runtime).
- (Dmitry)
-- SQLite3:
- . Implement FR ##70950 (Make SQLite3 Online Backup API available). (BohwaZ)
-13 Jun 2019, PHP 7.4.0alpha1
-- Core:
- . Fixed bug #77345 (Stack Overflow caused by circular reference in garbage
- collection). (Alexandru Patranescu, Nikita, Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #77877 (call_user_func() passes $this to static methods).
- (Dmitry)
- . Implemented FR #76148 (Add array_key_exists() to the list of specially
- compiled functions). (Majkl578)
- . Fixed bug #76430 (__METHOD__ inconsistent outside of method).
- (Ryan McCullagh, Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #75921 (Inconsistent: No warning in some cases when stdObj is
- created on the fly). (David Walker)
- . Fixed bug #71030 (Self-assignment in list() may have inconsistent behavior).
- (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #76451 (Aliases during inheritance type checks affected by
- opcache). (Nikita)
-- CLI:
- . The built-in CLI server now reports the request method in log files.
- (Simon Welsh)
-- COM:
- . Deprecated registering of case-insensitive constants from typelibs. (cmb)
-- CURL:
- . Fixed bug #76480 (Use curl_multi_wait() so that timeouts are respected).
- (Pierrick)
- . Implemented FR #77711 (CURLFile should support UNICODE filenames). (cmb)
- . Deprecated CURLPIPE_HTTP1. (cmb)
- . Deprecated $version parameter of curl_version(). (cmb)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #75232 (print_r of DateTime creating side-effect). (Nikita)
-- FFI:
- . Added FFI extension. (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #78075 (finfo_file treats JSON file as text/plain). (Anatol)
-- Filter:
- . The filter extension no longer have the --with-pcre-dir on Unix builds,
- allowing the extension to be once more compiled as shared using
- ./configure. (Kalle)
-- FPM:
- . Implemented FR #72510 (systemd service should be hardened). (Craig Andrews)
-- GD:
- . Implemented the scatter filter (IMG_FILTER_SCATTER). (Kalle)
- . Fixed bug #73291 (imagecropauto() $threshold differs from external libgd).
- (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #76324 (cannot detect recent versions of freetype with
- pkg-config). (Eli Schwartz)
- . The bundled libgd behaves now like system libgd wrt. IMG_CROP_DEFAULT never
- falling back to IMG_CROP_SIDES.
- . The default $mode parameter of imagecropauto() has been changed to
- IMG_CROP_DEFAULT; passing -1 is now deprecated.
- . Added support for aspect ratio preserving scaling to a fixed height for
- imagescale(). (Andreas Treichel)
-- Hash:
- . The hash extension is now an integral part of PHP and cannot be disabled
- as per RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/permanent_hash_ext. (Kalle)
- . Implemented FR #71890 (crc32c checksum algorithm). (Andrew Brampton)
-- InterBase:
- . Unbundled the InterBase extension and moved it to PECL. (Kalle)
+ . Removed deprecated image2wbmp(). (cmb)
+ . Removed deprecated png2wbmp() and jpeg2wbmp(). (cmb)
- Intl:
- . Raised requirements to ICU ≥ 50.1. (cmb)
- . Changed ResourceBundle to implement Countable. (LeSuisse)
- . Changed default of $variant parameter of idn_to_ascii() and idn_to_utf8().
- (cmb)
-- LDAP:
- . Deprecated ldap_control_paged_result_response and ldap_control_paged_result
+ . Removed deprecated INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003. (cmb)
-- Mbstring:
- . Fixed bug #77907 (mb-functions do not respect default_encoding). (Nikita)
+- JIT:
+ . Fixed bug #77857 (Wrong result if executed with JIT). (Laruence)
-- Opcache:
- . Implemented preloading RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/preload. (Dmitry)
-- OpenSSL:
- . Added TLS 1.3 support to streams including new tlsv1.3 stream.
- (Codarren Velvindron, Jakub Zelenka)
- . Added openssl_x509_verify function. (Ben Scholzen)
- . openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() now throws in error conditions.
- (Sammy Kaye Powers)
+- LDAP:
+ . Removed deprecated ldap_sort. (mcmic)
-- PCRE:
- . Implemented FR #77094 (Support flags in preg_replace_callback). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #72685 (Repeated UTF-8 validation of same string in UTF-8 mode).
- (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #73948 (Preg_match_all should return NULLs on trailing optional
- capture groups).
++- mysqlnd:
++ . Fixed #60594 (mysqlnd exposes 160 lines of stats in phpinfo). (PeeHaa)
- PDO:
. Fixed bug #77849 (Disable cloning of PDO handle/connection objects).