Patch by Ned Jackson Lovely based on a suggestion by Robert Pyle.
def test_wav(h, f):
+ import wave
# 'RIFF' <len> 'WAVE' 'fmt ' <len>
if not h.startswith(b'RIFF') or h[8:12] != b'WAVE' or h[12:16] != b'fmt ':
return None
- style = get_short_le(h[20:22])
- nchannels = get_short_le(h[22:24])
- rate = get_long_le(h[24:28])
- sample_bits = get_short_le(h[34:36])
- return 'wav', rate, nchannels, -1, sample_bits
+ try:
+ w = wave.openfp(f, 'r')
+ except (EOFError, wave.Error):
+ return None
+ return ('wav', w.getframerate(), w.getnchannels(),
+ w.getnframes(), 8*w.getsampwidth())
('sndhdr.hcom', ('hcom', 22050.0, 1, -1, 8)),
('sndhdr.sndt', ('sndt', 44100, 1, 5, 8)),
('sndhdr.voc', ('voc', 0, 1, -1, 8)),
- ('sndhdr.wav', ('wav', 44100, 2, -1, 16)),
+ ('sndhdr.wav', ('wav', 44100, 2, 5, 16)),
filename = findfile(filename, subdir="sndhdrdata")
what = sndhdr.what(filename)
Anne Lord
Tom Loredo
Justin Love
+Ned Jackson Lovely
Jason Lowe
Tony Lownds
Ray Loyzaga
+- Issue #5024: sndhdr.whichhdr now returns the frame count for WAV files
+ rather than -1.
- Issue #17460: Remove the strict argument of HTTPConnection and removing the
DeprecationWarning being issued from 3.2 onwards.