#include "vpx_ports/emmintrin_compat.h"
/* Compute the sum of all pixel differences of this MB. */
-static inline unsigned int abs_sum_diff_16x1(__m128i acc_diff) {
+static INLINE unsigned int abs_sum_diff_16x1(__m128i acc_diff) {
const __m128i k_1 = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
const __m128i acc_diff_lo = _mm_srai_epi16(
_mm_unpacklo_epi8(acc_diff, acc_diff), 8);
unsigned char *running_avg_y_start = running_avg_y;
unsigned char *sig_start = sig;
- int sum_diff_thresh;
+ unsigned int sum_diff_thresh;
int r;
int shift_inc = (increase_denoising &&
motion_magnitude <= MOTION_MAGNITUDE_THRESHOLD) ? 1 : 0;
int increase_denoising) {
unsigned char *running_avg_start = running_avg;
unsigned char *sig_start = sig;
- int sum_diff_thresh;
+ unsigned int sum_diff_thresh;
int r;
int shift_inc = (increase_denoising &&
motion_magnitude <= MOTION_MAGNITUDE_THRESHOLD_UV) ? 1 : 0;