- sudo /sbin/ip addr add dev lo
- sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/travis_ci_zeromq3-source.list
- sudo apt-get update
- - sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libtolua-dev bc libcdb-dev libnet-dns-perl unbound-host ldnsutils dnsutils bind9utils libtool libcdb-dev xmlto dblatex links asciidoc ruby-json ruby-sqlite3 rubygems libcurl4-openssl-dev ruby1.9.1 socat time libzmq1 libzmq-dev pkg-config daemontools authbind liblua5.1-posix1 libopendbx1-dev libopendbx1-sqlite3
+ - sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libtolua-dev bc libcdb-dev libnet-dns-perl unbound-host ldnsutils dnsutils bind9utils libtool libcdb-dev xmlto dblatex links asciidoc ruby-json ruby-sqlite3 rubygems libcurl4-openssl-dev ruby1.9.1 socat time libzmq1 libzmq-dev pkg-config daemontools authbind liblua5.1-posix1 libopendbx1-dev libopendbx1-sqlite3 python-virtualenv
- sudo update-alternatives --set ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1
- sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/53
- sudo chmod 755 /etc/authbind/byport/53
- ./stop.sh
- sleep 3
- ./clean.sh
+ - cd ../regression-tests.api
+ - ./runtests
- cd ../regression-tests
- touch tests/verify-dnssec-zone/allow-missing
- ./start-test-stop 5300 bind-both
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+if [ ! -d .venv ]; then
+ virtualenv .venv
+. .venv/bin/activate
+python -V
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+set -e
+set -x
+exec ./runtests.py
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Shell-script style.
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+SQLITE_DB = 'pdns.sqlite3'
+WEBPORT = '5556'
+WEBPASSWORD = '12345'
+# Generated by runtests.py
+options { directory "../regression-tests/zones/"; };
+zone "example.com" { type master; file "example.com"; };
+# Prepare sqlite DB with a single zone.
+subprocess.check_call(["rm", "-f", SQLITE_DB])
+subprocess.check_call(["make", "-C", "../pdns", "zone2sql"])
+with open('../modules/gsqlite3backend/no-dnssec.schema.sqlite3.sql', 'r') as schema_file:
+ subprocess.check_call(["sqlite3", SQLITE_DB], stdin=schema_file)
+with open('../modules/gsqlite3backend/dnssec.schema.sqlite3.sql', 'r') as schema_file:
+ subprocess.check_call(["sqlite3", SQLITE_DB], stdin=schema_file)
+with open('named.conf', 'w') as named_conf:
+ named_conf.write(NAMED_CONF_TPL)
+with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tf:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(["../pdns/zone2sql", "--transactions", "--gsqlite", "--named-conf=named.conf"], stdout=tf)
+ p.communicate()
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ raise Exception("zone2sql failed")
+ tf.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET) # rewind
+ subprocess.check_call(["sqlite3", SQLITE_DB], stdin=tf)
+# Now run pdns and the tests.
+print "Launching pdns_server and running tests..."
+pdnsargs = ("--daemon=no --local-port=5300 --socket-dir=./ --no-shuffle --launch=gsqlite3 --gsqlite3-dnssec --send-root-referral --allow-2136-from= --experimental-rfc2136=yes --cache-ttl=0 --no-config --gsqlite3-database="+SQLITE_DB+" --experimental-json-interface=yes --webserver=yes --webserver-port="+WEBPORT+" --webserver-address= --query-logging --webserver-password="+WEBPASSWORD).split()
+pdns = subprocess.Popen(["../pdns/pdns_server"] + pdnsargs, close_fds=True)
+rc = 0
+test_env = {}
+ print ""
+ p = subprocess.check_call(["nosetests", "--with-xunit"], env=test_env)
+except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
+ rc = ex.returncode
+ pdns.terminate()
+ pdns.wait()
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+import requests
+from test_helper import ApiTestCase
+class TestBasics(ApiTestCase):
+ def test_Unauth(self):
+ r = requests.get(self.url("/servers/localhost"))
+ self.assertEquals(r.status_code, requests.codes.unauthorized)
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+import requests
+from test_helper import ApiTestCase
+class Servers(ApiTestCase):
+ def test_ListServers(self):
+ r = self.session.get(self.url("/servers"))
+ self.assertSuccessJson(r)
+ lst = r.json()
+ self.assertEquals(len(lst), 1) # only localhost allowed in there
+ data = lst[0]
+ for k in ('id', 'daemon_type', 'url'):
+ self.assertIn(k, data)
+ self.assertEquals(data['id'], 'localhost')
+ def test_ServersLocalhost(self):
+ r = self.session.get(self.url("/servers/localhost"))
+ self.assertSuccessJson(r)
+ data = r.json()
+ for k in ('id', 'type', 'version', 'daemon_type', 'url', 'zones_url', 'config_url'):
+ self.assertIn(k, data)
+ self.assertEquals(data['id'], 'localhost')
+ self.assertEquals(data['type'], 'Server')
+ # or 'recursor' for recursors
+ self.assertEquals(data['daemon_type'], 'authoritative')
+ def test_ReadConfig(self):
+ r = self.session.get(self.url("/servers/localhost/config"))
+ self.assertSuccessJson(r)
+ data = dict(r.json())
+ self.assertIn('version', data)
+ print data
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+import requests
+from test_helper import ApiTestCase
+class Servers(ApiTestCase):
+ def test_ListZones(self):
+ r = self.session.get(self.url("/servers/localhost/zones"))
+ self.assertSuccessJson(r)
+ data = r.json()
+ self.assertIn('domains', data)
+ domains = data['domains']
+ example_com = [domain for domain in domains if domain['name'] == u'example.com']
+ self.assertEquals(len(example_com), 1)
+ example_com = example_com[0]
+ for k in ('name', 'masters', 'kind', 'last_check', 'notified_serial', 'serial'):
+ self.assertIn(k, example_com)
--- /dev/null
+import requests
+import urlparse
+import unittest
+import os
+class ApiTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # TODO: config
+ self.server_url = '' % (os.environ.get('WEBPORT','5580'))
+ self.session = requests.Session()
+ self.session.auth = ('admin', os.environ.get('WEBPASSWORD','changeme'))
+ def url(self, relative_url):
+ return urlparse.urljoin(self.server_url, relative_url)
+ def assertSuccessJson(self, result):
+ result.raise_for_status()
+ self.assertEquals(result.headers['Content-Type'], 'application/json')