#define AUXGRAPH 128
#define GRAPHTYPEMASK 192 /* the OR of the above */
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
#define MAKEFWDEDGE(new, old) { \
edge_t *newp; \
newp = new; \
ED_edge_type(newp) = VIRTUAL; \
ED_to_orig(newp) = old; \
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+#define MAKEFWDEDGE(new, old) { \
+ edge_t *newp; \
+ newp = new; \
+ *newp = *old; \
+ AGTAIL(newp) = AGHEAD(old); \
+ AGHEAD(newp) = AGTAIL(old); \
+ ED_tail_port(newp) = ED_head_port(old); \
+ ED_head_port(newp) = ED_tail_port(old); \
+ ED_edge_type(newp) = VIRTUAL; \
+ ED_to_orig(newp) = old; \
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
static boxf boxes[1000];
typedef struct {
while (ED_to_orig(e))
e = ED_to_orig(e);
- if (ND_rank(e->head) > ND_rank(e->tail))
+ if (ND_rank(aghead(e)) > ND_rank(agtail(e)))
return FALSE;
- if (ND_rank(e->head) < ND_rank(e->tail))
+ if (ND_rank(aghead(e)) < ND_rank(agtail(e)))
return TRUE;
- if (ND_order(e->head) >= ND_order(e->tail))
+ if (ND_order(aghead(e)) >= ND_order(agtail(e)))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
edge_t *e, *e0, *e1, *ea, *eb, *le0, *le1, **edges;
path *P;
spline_info_t sd;
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
int et = EDGE_TYPE(g->root);
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ int et = EDGE_TYPE(agroot(g));
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
if (et == ET_NONE) return;
#ifdef ORTHO
- if (e0->tail == e0->head) {
+ if (agtail(e0) == aghead(e0)) {
int b, sizey, r;
- n = e0->tail;
+ n = agtail(e0);
r = ND_rank(n);
if (r == GD_maxrank(g)) {
if (r > 0)
updateBB(g, ED_label(e));
- else if (ND_rank(e0->tail) == ND_rank(e0->head)) {
+ else if (ND_rank(agtail(e0)) == ND_rank(aghead(e0))) {
make_flat_edge(&sd, P, edges, ind, cnt, et);
for (e = ND_out(n).list[0]; ED_edge_type(e) != NORMAL;
e = ED_to_orig(e));
dimen = ED_label(e)->dimen;
- width = GD_flip(n->graph) ? dimen.y : dimen.x;
+ width = GD_flip(agraphof(n)) ? dimen.y : dimen.x;
ED_label(e)->pos.x = ND_coord(n).x + width / 2.0;
ED_label(e)->pos.y = ND_coord(n).y;
if (hint1 != 0)
f1 = hint1;
else {
- if (e->tail == e->head)
+ if (agtail(e) == aghead(e))
if (ED_tail_port(e).defined || ED_head_port(e).defined)
- else if (ND_rank(e->tail) == ND_rank(e->head))
+ else if (ND_rank(agtail(e)) == ND_rank(aghead(e)))
f2 = hint2;
else {
if (f1 == REGULAREDGE)
- f2 = (ND_rank(e->tail) < ND_rank(e->head)) ? FWDEDGE : BWDEDGE;
+ f2 = (ND_rank(agtail(e)) < ND_rank(aghead(e))) ? FWDEDGE : BWDEDGE;
else if (f1 == FLATEDGE)
- f2 = (ND_order(e->tail) < ND_order(e->head)) ?
+ f2 = (ND_order(agtail(e)) < ND_order(aghead(e))) ? FWDEDGE : BWDEDGE;
else /* f1 == SELF*EDGE */
le0 = getmainedge(e0);
le1 = getmainedge(e1);
- t0 = ND_rank(le0->tail) - ND_rank(le0->head);
- t1 = ND_rank(le1->tail) - ND_rank(le1->head);
+ t0 = ND_rank(agtail(le0)) - ND_rank(aghead(le0));
+ t1 = ND_rank(agtail(le1)) - ND_rank(aghead(le1));
v0 = ABS((int)t0); /* ugly, but explicit as to how we avoid equality tests on fp numbers */
v1 = ABS((int)t1);
if (v0 != v1)
return (v0 - v1);
- t0 = ND_coord(le0->tail).x - ND_coord(le0->head).x;
- t1 = ND_coord(le1->tail).x - ND_coord(le1->head).x;
+ t0 = ND_coord(agtail(le0)).x - ND_coord(aghead(le0)).x;
+ t1 = ND_coord(agtail(le1)).x - ND_coord(aghead(le1)).x;
v0 = ABS((int)t0);
v1 = ABS((int)t1);
if (v0 != v1)
return (v0 - v1);
/* This provides a cheap test for edges having the same set of endpoints. */
- if (le0->id != le1->id)
- return (le0->id - le1->id);
+ if (AGID(le0) != AGID(le1))
+ return (AGID(le0) - AGID(le1));
ea = (ED_tail_port(e0).defined || ED_head_port(e0).defined) ? e0 : le0;
if (ED_tree_index(ea) & BWDEDGE) {
if (et0 == FLATEDGE && ED_label(e0) != ED_label(e1))
return (int) (ED_label(e0) - ED_label(e1));
- return (e0->id - e1->id);
+ return (AGID(e0) - AGID(e1));
/* cloneGraph:
graph_t* auxg;
Agsym_t **list;
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
auxg = agopen ("auxg", AG_IS_DIRECTED(g)?AGDIGRAPH:AGRAPH);
agraphattr(auxg, "rank", "");
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+// auxg = agopen ("auxg", AG_IS_DIRECTED(g)?AGDIGRAPH:AGRAPH);
+ if (agisdirected(g))
+ auxg = agopen ("auxg",Agdirected, NIL(Agdisc_t *));
+ else
+ auxg = agopen ("auxg",Agundirected, NIL(Agdisc_t *));
+ agattr(auxg,AGRAPH, "rank", "",1);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
GD_drawing(auxg) = NEW(layout_t);
GD_drawing(auxg)->quantum = GD_drawing(g)->quantum;
GD_drawing(auxg)->dpi = GD_drawing(g)->dpi;
GD_nodesep(auxg) = GD_nodesep(g);
GD_ranksep(auxg) = GD_ranksep(g);
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
list = g->root->univ->nodeattr->list;
while ((sym = *list++)) {
agnodeattr (auxg, sym->name, sym->value);
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ //copy node attrs to auxg
+// list = g->root->univ->nodeattr->list;
+ sym=agnxtattr(agroot(g),AGNODE,NULL); //get the first attr.
+ while ((sym = agnxtattr(agroot(g),AGNODE,sym))) {
+ agattr (auxg, AGNODE,sym->name, sym->defval );
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
list = g->root->univ->edgeattr->list;
while ((sym = *list++)) {
agedgeattr (auxg, sym->name, sym->value);
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ //copy edge attributes
+ sym=agnxtattr(agroot(g),AGEDGE,NULL); //get the first attr.
+ while ((sym = agnxtattr(agroot(g),AGEDGE,sym))) {
+ agattr (auxg, AGEDGE,sym->name, sym->defval);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
attr_state.E_constr = E_constr;
attr_state.E_samehead = E_samehead;
attr_state.E_sametail = E_sametail;
attr_state.N_group = N_group;
attr_state.State = State;
E_constr = NULL;
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
E_samehead = agfindattr(auxg->proto->e, "samehead");
E_sametail = agfindattr(auxg->proto->e, "sametail");
E_weight = agfindattr(auxg->proto->e, "weight");
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ E_samehead = agattr(auxg,AGEDGE, "samehead",(char*)0);
+ E_sametail = agattr(auxg,AGEDGE, "sametail",(char*)0);
+ E_weight = agattr(auxg,AGEDGE, "weight",(char*)0);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
if (!E_weight)
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
E_weight = agedgeattr (auxg, "weight", "");
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ E_weight = agattr (auxg,AGEDGE,"weight", "");
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
E_minlen = NULL;
N_group = NULL;
static node_t*
cloneNode (graph_t* g, node_t* orign, int flipped)
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
node_t* n = agnode(g, orign->name);
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ node_t* n = agnode(g, agnameof(orign),1);
+ agbindrec(n, "Agnodeinfo_t", sizeof(Agnodeinfo_t), TRUE); //node custom data
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
agcopyattr (orign, n);
if (shapeOf(orign) == SH_RECORD) {
int lbllen = strlen(ND_label(orign)->text);
static edge_t*
cloneEdge (graph_t* g, node_t* tn, node_t* hn, edge_t* orig)
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
edge_t* e = agedge(g, tn, hn);
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ edge_t* e = agedge(g, tn, hn,NULL,1);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
for (; ED_edge_type(orig) != NORMAL; orig = ED_to_orig(orig));
agcopyattr (orig, e);
points[pointn++] = hp;
dy += stepy;
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
clip_and_install(e, e->head, points, pointn, &sinfo);
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ clip_and_install(e, aghead(e), points, pointn, &sinfo);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
pointf del;
edge_t* hvye = NULL;
- g = e0->tail->graph;
- tn = e0->tail, hn = e0->head;
+ g = agraphof(agtail(e0));
+ tn = agtail(e0), hn = aghead(e0);
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
e = edges[ind + i];
if (ND_label(e)) labels++;
auxg = cloneGraph (g);
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
subg = agsubg (auxg, "xxx");
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ subg = agsubg (auxg, "xxx",1);
+ agbindrec(subg, "Agraphinfo_t", sizeof(Agraphinfo_t), TRUE); //node custom data
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
agset (subg, "rank", "source");
rightx = ND_coord(hn).x;
leftx = ND_coord(tn).x;
auxh = cloneNode(auxg, hn, GD_flip(g));
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
e = edges[ind + i];
- if (e->tail == tn)
+ if (agtail(e) == tn)
auxe = cloneEdge (auxg, auxt, auxh, e);
auxe = cloneEdge (auxg, auxh, auxt, e);
if (!hvye) {
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
hvye = agedge (auxg, auxt, auxh);
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ hvye = agedge (auxg, auxt, auxh,NULL,1);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
agxset (hvye, E_weight->index, "10000");
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ agxset (hvye, E_weight, "10000");
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
GD_gvc(auxg) = GD_gvc(g);
setEdgeType (auxg, et);
boolean isBegin)
boxf b;
- graph_t* g = n->graph;
+ graph_t* g = agraphof(n);
b = endp->nb = maximal_bbox(sp, n, NULL, e);
endp->sidemask = TOP;
pathend_t* endp, boolean isBegin)
boxf b;
- graph_t* g = n->graph;
+ graph_t* g = agraphof(n);
b = endp->nb = maximal_bbox(sp, n, NULL, e);
endp->sidemask = BOTTOM;
edge_t *f;
pointf points[7];
- g = e->tail->graph;
- tn = e->tail;
- hn = e->head;
+ tn = agtail(e);
+ hn = aghead(e);
+ g = agraphof(tn);
for (f = ED_to_virt(e); ED_to_virt(f); f = ED_to_virt(f));
- ln = f->tail;
+ ln = agtail(f);
ED_label(e)->pos = ND_coord(ln);
if (et == ET_LINE) {
else ps = routepolylines(P, &pn);
if (pn == 0) return;
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
clip_and_install(e, e->head, ps, pn, &sinfo);
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ clip_and_install(e, aghead(e), ps, pn, &sinfo);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
/* make_flat_bottom_edges:
pathend_t tend, hend;
graph_t* g;
- tn = e->tail, hn = e->head;
- g = tn->graph;
+ tn = agtail(e);
+ hn = aghead(e);
+ g = agraphof(tn);
r = ND_rank(tn);
if (r < GD_maxrank(g)) {
nextr = GD_rank(g) + (r+1);
if (et == ET_LINE) {
- makeSimpleFlat (e->tail, e->head, edges, ind, cnt, et);
+ makeSimpleFlat (agtail(e), aghead(e), edges, ind, cnt, et);
- tn = e->tail, hn = e->head;
- g = tn->graph;
+ tn = agtail(e);
+ hn = aghead(e);
+ g = agraphof(tn);
r = ND_rank(tn);
if (r > 0) {
rank_t* prevr;
else ps = routepolylines(P, &pn);
if (pn == 0)
- clip_and_install(e, e->head, ps, pn, &sinfo);
+ clip_and_install(e, aghead(e), ps, pn, &sinfo);
P->nbox = 0;
while (ED_edge_type(e) != NORMAL)
e = ED_to_orig(e);
- hn = e->head;
- tn = e->tail;
+ hn = aghead(e);
+ tn = agtail(e);
delr = ABS(ND_rank(hn)-ND_rank(tn));
- if ((delr == 1) || ((delr == 2) && (GD_has_labels(hn->graph) & EDGE_LABEL)))
+ if ((delr == 1) || ((delr == 2) && (GD_has_labels(agraphof(hn)) & EDGE_LABEL)))
return 0;
- if (fe->tail == e->tail) {
+ if (agtail(fe) == agtail(e)) {
*hp = hn;
startp = add_pointf(ND_coord(tn), ED_tail_port(e).p);
endp = add_pointf(ND_coord(hn), ED_head_port(e).p);
if (ED_label(e)) {
dimen = ED_label(e)->dimen;
- if (GD_flip(hn->graph)) {
+ if (GD_flip(agraphof(hn))) {
width = dimen.y;
height = dimen.x;
sl = 0;
e = edges[ind];
- g = e->tail->graph;
+ g = agraphof(agtail(e));
hackflag = FALSE;
- if (ABS(ND_rank(e->tail) - ND_rank(e->head)) > 1) {
+ if (ABS(ND_rank(agtail(e)) - ND_rank(aghead(e))) > 1) {
fwdedgea = *e;
if (ED_tree_index(e) & BWDEDGE) {
MAKEFWDEDGE(&fwdedgeb, e);
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
fwdedgea.tail = e->head;
fwdedgea.u.tail_port = ED_head_port(e);
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ agtail(&fwdedgea) = aghead(e);
+ ED_tail_port(&fwdedgea) = ED_head_port(e);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
} else {
fwdedgeb = *e;
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
fwdedgea.tail = e->tail;
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ agtail(&fwdedgea) = agtail(e);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
le = getmainedge(e);
while (ED_to_virt(le))
le = ED_to_virt(le);
+#ifndef WITH_CGRAPH
fwdedgea.head = le->head;
fwdedgea.u.head_port.defined = FALSE;
fwdedgea.u.edge_type = VIRTUAL;
fwdedgea.u.head_port.p.x = fwdedgea.u.head_port.p.y = 0;
fwdedgea.u.to_orig = e;
+#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ aghead(&fwdedgea) = aghead(le);
+ ED_head_port(&fwdedgea).defined = FALSE;
+ ED_edge_type(&fwdedgea) = VIRTUAL;
+ ED_head_port(&fwdedgea).p.x = ED_head_port(&fwdedgea).p.y = 0;
+ ED_to_orig(&fwdedgea) = e;
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
e = &fwdedgea;
hackflag = TRUE;
} else {
boxn = 0;
pointn = 0;
segfirst = e;
- tn = e->tail;
- hn = e->head;
+ tn = agtail(e);
+ hn = aghead(e);
b = tend.nb = maximal_bbox(sp, tn, NULL, e);
- beginpath(P, e, REGULAREDGE, &tend, spline_merge(e->tail));
+ beginpath(P, e, REGULAREDGE, &tend, spline_merge(tn));
b.UR.y = tend.boxes[tend.boxn - 1].UR.y;
b.LL.y = tend.boxes[tend.boxn - 1].LL.y;
b = makeregularend(b, BOTTOM,
boxes[boxn++] = maximal_bbox(sp, hn, e, ND_out(hn).list[0]);
e = ND_out(hn).list[0];
- tn = e->tail;
- hn = e->head;
+ tn = agtail(e);
+ hn = aghead(e);
hend.nb = maximal_bbox(sp, hn, e, ND_out(hn).list[0]);
e = straight_path(ND_out(hn).list[0], sl, pointfs, &pointn);
recover_slack(segfirst, P);
segfirst = e;
- tn = e->tail;
- hn = e->head;
+ tn = agtail(e);
+ hn = aghead(e);
boxn = 0;
tend.nb = maximal_bbox(sp, tn, ND_in(tn).list[0], e);
- beginpath(P, e, REGULAREDGE, &tend, spline_merge(e->tail));
+ beginpath(P, e, REGULAREDGE, &tend, spline_merge(tn));
b = makeregularend(tend.boxes[tend.boxn - 1], BOTTOM,
ND_coord(tn).y - GD_rank(tn->graph)[ND_rank(tn)].ht1);
if (b.LL.x < b.UR.x && b.LL.y < b.UR.y)
pointfs[pointn++] = ps[i];
recover_slack(segfirst, P);
- hn = hackflag ? fwdedgeb.head : e->head;
+ hn = hackflag ? aghead(&fwdedgeb) : aghead(e);
/* make copies of the spline points, one per multi-edge */
fb = lb = -1;
uleft = uright = NULL;
- if (flag || ND_rank(first->tail) + 1 != ND_rank(last->head))
+ if (flag || ND_rank(agtail(first)) + 1 != ND_rank(aghead(last)))
uleft = top_bound(first, -1), uright = top_bound(first, 1);
refineregularends(uleft, uright, tendp, 1, boxes[0], uboxes, &uboxn);
lleft = lright = NULL;
- if (flag || ND_rank(first->tail) + 1 != ND_rank(last->head))
+ if (flag || ND_rank(agtail(first)) + 1 != ND_rank(aghead(last)))
lleft = bot_bound(last, -1), lright = bot_bound(last, 1);
refineregularends(lleft, lright, hendp, -1, boxes[boxn - 1], lboxes,
for (i = 0; i < tendp->boxn; i++)
add_box(P, tendp->boxes[i]);
- if (ND_rank(first->tail) + 1 == ND_rank(last->head)) {
+ if (ND_rank(agtail(first)) + 1 == ND_rank(aghead(last))) {
if ((!uleft && !uright) && (lleft || lright)) {
b = boxes[0];
y = b.UR.y - b.LL.y;
v = n;
while (1) {
- v = ND_out(v).list[0]->head;
+ v = aghead(ND_out(v).list[0]);
if (ND_node_type(v) != VIRTUAL)
if ((ND_out(v).size != 1) || (ND_in(v).size != 1))
f = ND_out(f->head).list[0];
plist[(*np)++] = plist[n - 1];
plist[(*np)++] = plist[n - 1];
- plist[(*np)] = ND_coord(f->tail); /* will be overwritten by next spline */
+ plist[(*np)] = ND_coord(agtail(f)); /* will be overwritten by next spline */
return f;
node_t *vn;
b = 0; /* skip first rank box */
- for (vn = e->head;
+ for (vn = aghead(e);
ND_node_type(vn) == VIRTUAL && !sinfo.splineMerge(vn);
- vn = ND_out(vn).list[0]->head) {
+ vn = aghead(ND_out(vn).list[0])) {
while ((b < p->nbox) && (p->boxes[b].LL.y > ND_coord(vn).y))
if (b >= p->nbox)
edge_t *f, *ans = NULL;
int i;
- for (i = 0; (f = ND_out(e->tail).list[i]); i++) {
+ for (i = 0; (f = ND_out(agtail(e)).list[i]); i++) {
#if 0 /* were we out of our minds? */
if (ED_tail_port(e).p.x != ED_tail_port(f).p.x)
- if (side * (ND_order(f->head) - ND_order(e->head)) <= 0)
+ if (side * (ND_order(aghead(f)) - ND_order(aghead(e))) <= 0)
if ((ED_spl(f) == NULL)
- && ((ED_to_orig(f) == NULL) || (ED_to_orig(f)->u.spl == NULL)))
+ && ((ED_to_orig(f) == NULL) || (ED_spl(ED_to_orig(f)) == NULL)))
if ((ans == NULL)
- || (side * (ND_order(ans->head) - ND_order(f->head)) > 0))
+ || (side * (ND_order(aghead(ans)) - ND_order(aghead(f))) > 0))
ans = f;
return ans;
edge_t *f, *ans = NULL;
int i;
- for (i = 0; (f = ND_in(e->head).list[i]); i++) {
+ for (i = 0; (f = ND_in(aghead(e)).list[i]); i++) {
#if 0 /* same here */
if (ED_head_port(e).p.x != ED_head_port(f).p.x)
- if (side * (ND_order(f->tail) - ND_order(e->tail)) <= 0)
+ if (side * (ND_order(agtail(f)) - ND_order(agtail(e))) <= 0)
if ((ED_spl(f) == NULL)
- && ((ED_to_orig(f) == NULL) || (ED_to_orig(f)->u.spl == NULL)))
+ && ((ED_to_orig(f) == NULL) || (ED_spl(ED_to_orig(f)) == NULL)))
if ((ans == NULL)
- || (side * (ND_order(ans->tail) - ND_order(f->tail)) > 0))
+ || (side * (ND_order(agtail(ans)) - ND_order(agtail(f))) > 0))
ans = f;
return ans;
/* returns the cluster of (adj) that interferes with n,
-static graph_t *cl_bound(n, adj)
+static Agraph_t *cl_bound(n, adj)
node_t *n, *adj;
graph_t *rv, *cl, *tcl, *hcl;
if (ND_node_type(n) == NORMAL)
tcl = hcl = ND_clust(n);
else {
- orig = ND_out(n).list[0]->u.to_orig;
- tcl = ND_clust(orig->tail);
- hcl = ND_clust(orig->head);
+ orig = ED_to_orig(ND_out(n).list[0]);
+ tcl = ND_clust(agtail(orig));
+ hcl = ND_clust(aghead(orig));
if (ND_node_type(adj) == NORMAL) {
cl = ND_clust(adj);
rv = cl;
} else {
orig = ED_to_orig(ND_out(adj).list[0]);
- cl = ND_clust(orig->tail);
+ cl = ND_clust(agtail(orig));
if (cl && (cl != tcl) && (cl != hcl) && cl_vninside(cl, adj))
rv = cl;
else {
- cl = ND_clust(orig->head);
+ cl = ND_clust(aghead(orig));
if (cl && (cl != tcl) && (cl != hcl) && cl_vninside(cl, adj))
rv = cl;
static boxf maximal_bbox(spline_info_t* sp, node_t* vn, edge_t* ie, edge_t* oe)
double b, nb;
- graph_t *g = vn->graph, *left_cl, *right_cl;
+ graph_t *g = agraphof(vn), *left_cl, *right_cl;
node_t *left, *right;
boxf rv;
int i;
node_t *n, *rv = NULL;
- rank_t *rank = &(GD_rank(vn->graph)[ND_rank(vn)]);
+ rank_t *rank = &(GD_rank(agraphof(vn))[ND_rank(vn)]);
for (i = ND_order(vn) + dir; ((i >= 0) && (i < rank->n)); i += dir) {
n = rank->v[i];
if (ND_out(n0).size == 1 && e1) {
e0 = ND_out(n0).list[0];
for (cnt = 0; cnt < 2; cnt++) {
- if ((na = e0->head) == (nb = e1->head))
+ if ((na = aghead(e0)) == (nb = aghead(e1)))
if (order != (ND_order(na) > ND_order(nb)))
return TRUE;
if (ND_in(n0).size == 1 && e1) {
e0 = ND_in(n0).list[0];
for (cnt = 0; cnt < 2; cnt++) {
- if ((na = e0->tail) == (nb = e1->tail))
+ if ((na = agtail(e0)) == (nb = agtail(e1)))
if (order != (ND_order(na) > ND_order(nb)))
return TRUE;