Unsharp is a general purpose unsharp masking filter. It sharpens by blurring, then calculating the difference between the blurred picture and the original.
-Lapsharp sharpens by using convolution kernels approximating Laplacian edge filters, often producing higher quality results than unsharp masking.</string>
+Lapsharp sharpens by using convolution kernels approximating Laplacian edge filters, sometimes producing higher quality results than unsharp masking.</string>
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None uses the default preset settings.
-Unsharp can be tuned for Fine, Medium, or Coarse sharpening. Select one based on the output picture resolution and fineness of detail to enhance.
+Unsharp can be tuned for Fine, Medium-Fine, Medium, Medium-Coarse, or Coarse sharpening. Select one based on the output picture resolution and fineness of detail to enhance.
Lapsharp's Film tune refines settings for use with most live action content. Film uses an isotropic Laplacian kernel to sharpen all edges similarly, and luminance (brightness) information is sharpened more than chrominance (color) information.
-Lapsharp's Grain tune is similar to Film, but uses a slightly larger Laplacian of Gaussian kernel to reduce the effect on noise and grain. Useful for preserving grain and as a general alternative to the Film tune.
+Lapsharp's Grain tune is similar to Film, but uses an isotropic Laplacian of Gaussian kernel to reduce the effect on noise and grain. Useful for preserving grain and as a general alternative to the Film tune.
Lapsharp's Animation tune is useful for cel animation such as anime and cartoons. Animation is identical to Film, but overall strength is reduced to avoid creating artifacts.