#request{auth = Auth, lang = Lang, host = HostHTTP,
method = Method} =
Request) ->
- case ejabberd_router:is_my_host(HostHTTP) of
- true ->
- case get_auth_admin(Auth, HostHTTP, RPath, Method) of
- {ok, {User, Server}} ->
- AJID = get_jid(Auth, HostHTTP, Method),
- process_admin(global,
- Request#request{path = RPath,
- us = {User, Server}},
- AJID);
- {unauthorized, <<"no-auth-provided">>} ->
- {401,
- [{<<"WWW-Authenticate">>,
- <<"basic realm=\"ejabberd\"">>}],
- ejabberd_web:make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>,
- ?T("Unauthorized"))])};
- {unauthorized, Error} ->
- {BadUser, _BadPass} = Auth,
- {IPT, _Port} = Request#request.ip,
- IPS = ejabberd_config:may_hide_data(misc:ip_to_list(IPT)),
- ?WARNING_MSG("Access of ~p from ~p failed with error: ~p",
- [BadUser, IPS, Error]),
- {401,
- [{<<"WWW-Authenticate">>,
- <<"basic realm=\"auth error, retry login "
- "to ejabberd\"">>}],
- ejabberd_web:make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>,
- ?T("Unauthorized"))])}
- end;
- false ->
- ejabberd_web:error(not_found)
+ case get_auth_admin(Auth, HostHTTP, RPath, Method) of
+ {ok, {User, Server}} ->
+ AJID = get_jid(Auth, HostHTTP, Method),
+ process_admin(global,
+ Request#request{path = RPath,
+ us = {User, Server}},
+ AJID);
+ {unauthorized, <<"no-auth-provided">>} ->
+ {401,
+ [{<<"WWW-Authenticate">>,
+ <<"basic realm=\"ejabberd\"">>}],
+ ejabberd_web:make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>,
+ ?T("Unauthorized"))])};
+ {unauthorized, Error} ->
+ {BadUser, _BadPass} = Auth,
+ {IPT, _Port} = Request#request.ip,
+ IPS = ejabberd_config:may_hide_data(misc:ip_to_list(IPT)),
+ ?WARNING_MSG("Access of ~p from ~p failed with error: ~p",
+ [BadUser, IPS, Error]),
+ {401,
+ [{<<"WWW-Authenticate">>,
+ <<"basic realm=\"auth error, retry login "
+ "to ejabberd\"">>}],
+ ejabberd_web:make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>,
+ ?T("Unauthorized"))])}
get_auth_admin(Auth, HostHTTP, RPath, Method) ->
{HostOfRule, AccessRule} = get_acl_rule(RPath, Method),
try jid:decode(SJID) of
#jid{user = <<"">>, server = User} ->
- get_auth_account(HostOfRule, AccessRule, User, HostHTTP,
- Pass);
+ case ejabberd_router:is_my_host(HostHTTP) of
+ true ->
+ get_auth_account(HostOfRule, AccessRule, User, HostHTTP,
+ Pass);
+ _ ->
+ {unauthorized, <<"missing-server">>}
+ end;
#jid{user = User, server = Server} ->
get_auth_account(HostOfRule, AccessRule, User, Server,