Some translations for crypt-gpgme.c are marked as fuzzy but the keybindings
attached to these translations are not, this creates confusions for the users
who see the english message but have the keybindings for a message in their own
language available.
As long as the translations are fuzzy, the keybindings should stay fuzzy.
"PGP (v)erschl., (s)ign., sign. (a)ls, (b)eides, s/(m)ime, (u)nverschl.?"
#: crypt-gpgme.c:4733
+#, fuzzy
msgid "samfco"
msgstr ""
"S/MIME (v)erschl., (s)ign., sign. (a)ls, (b)eides, (p)gp, (u)nverschl.?"
#: crypt-gpgme.c:4764
+#, fuzzy
msgid "esabpfc"
msgstr "vsabpku"
"PGP (v)erschl., (s)ign., sign. (a)ls, (b)eides, s/(m)ime, (u)nverschl.?"
#: crypt-gpgme.c:4770
+#, fuzzy
msgid "esabmfc"
msgstr "vsabmku"
msgstr "¿co(d)ificar, f(i)rmar (c)omo, amb(o)s, inc(l)uido, o ca(n)celar? "
#: crypt-gpgme.c:4733
+#, fuzzy
msgid "samfco"
msgstr ""
#. Alternatively, you may duplicate the letter 'c' is translated to.
#. This comment also applies to the five following letter sequences.
#: crypt-gpgme.c:4727
+#, fuzzy
msgid "sapfco"
msgstr ""
"PGP: cifra(e), firma(s), firma (c)ome, entram(b)i, s/(m)ime, annullare(c)?"
#: crypt-gpgme.c:4733
+#, fuzzy
msgid "samfco"
msgstr ""
"S/MIME cifra(e), firma(s), firma (c)ome, entram(b)i, (p)gp, annullare(c)?"
#: crypt-gpgme.c:4764
+#, fuzzy
msgid "esabpfc"
msgstr "esabpfc"
"PGP: cifra(e), firma(s), firma (c)ome, entram(b)i, s/(m)ime, annullare(c)?"
#: crypt-gpgme.c:4770
+#, fuzzy
msgid "esabmfc"
msgstr "esabmfc"