# todo: add all subdirs
-SUBDIRS = liblwgeom libpgcommon regress postgis loader utils @RASTER@ @TOPOLOGY@
+SUBDIRS = liblwgeom libpgcommon postgis @RASTER@ @TOPOLOGY@ loader utils @EXTENSIONS@ regress
# todo: add more rules here, like uninstall, clean...
all install uninstall noop clean distclean check:
+if test $POSTGIS_PGSQL_VERSION -ge 91; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([enabling extensions for PostgreSQL 9.1...])
+ EXTENSIONS=extensions
dnl Temporary hack until minimum PostgreSQL version is 9.0:
dnl If PostgreSQL < 9.0 is detected, trigger the inclusion of the new versioned PGXS targets
--- /dev/null
+ $(MAKE) -C postgis all
+ $(MAKE) -C postgis_topology all
+ $(MAKE) -C postgis clean
+ $(MAKE) -C postgis_topology clean
+ $(MAKE) -C postgis install
+ $(MAKE) -C postgis_topology install
DATA = $(filter-out $(wildcard sql/*--*.sql),$(wildcard sql/*.sql))
#DOCS = $(wildcard ../../doc/html/*.html)
-PG_CONFIG = pg_config
PG91 = $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --version | grep -qE " 8\.| 9\.0" && echo no || echo yes)
SQL_BITS = $(wildcard sql_bits/*.sql)
DATA = $(filter-out $(wildcard sql/*--*.sql),$(wildcard sql/*.sql))
-PG_CONFIG = pg_config
PG91 = $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --version | grep -qE " 8\.| 9\.0" && echo no || echo yes)
SQL_BITS = $(wildcard sql_bits/*.sql)