set ttybuiltin
+func GetEscCodeCSI27(key, modifier)
+ let key = printf("%d", char2nr(a:key))
+ let mod = printf("%d", a:modifier)
+ return "\<Esc>[27;" .. mod .. ';' .. key .. '~'
+func GetEscCodeCSIu(key, modifier)
+ let key = printf("%d", char2nr(a:key))
+ let mod = printf("%d", a:modifier)
+ return "\<Esc>[" .. key .. ';' .. mod .. 'u'
+" This checks the CSI sequences when in modifyOtherKeys mode.
+" The mode doesn't need to be enabled, the codes are always detected.
+func RunTest_modifyOtherKeys(func)
+ new
+ set timeoutlen=20
+ " Shift-X is send as 'X' with the shift modifier
+ call feedkeys('a' .. a:func('X', 2) .. "\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
+ call assert_equal('X', getline(1))
+ " Ctrl-i is Tab
+ call setline(1, '')
+ call feedkeys('a' .. a:func('i', 5) .. "\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
+ call assert_equal("\t", getline(1))
+ " Ctrl-I is also Tab
+ call setline(1, '')
+ call feedkeys('a' .. a:func('I', 5) .. "\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
+ call assert_equal("\t", getline(1))
+ " Alt-x is ø
+ call setline(1, '')
+ call feedkeys('a' .. a:func('x', 3) .. "\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
+ call assert_equal("ø", getline(1))
+ " Meta-x is also ø
+ call setline(1, '')
+ call feedkeys('a' .. a:func('x', 9) .. "\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
+ call assert_equal("ø", getline(1))
+ " Alt-X is Ø
+ call setline(1, '')
+ call feedkeys('a' .. a:func('X', 3) .. "\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
+ call assert_equal("Ø", getline(1))
+ " Meta-X is ø
+ call setline(1, '')
+ call feedkeys('a' .. a:func('X', 9) .. "\<Esc>", 'Lx!')
+ call assert_equal("Ø", getline(1))
+ bwipe!
+ set timeoutlen&
+func Test_modifyOtherKeys_CSI27()
+ call RunTest_modifyOtherKeys(function('GetEscCodeCSI27'))
+func Test_modifyOtherKeys_CSIu()
+ call RunTest_modifyOtherKeys(function('GetEscCodeCSIu'))