return type_flag;
-* SwapBytes?
-static inline int wkb_swap_bytes(uint8_t variant)
- /* If requested variant matches machine arch, we don't have to swap! */
- if ( ((variant & WKB_NDR) && (getMachineEndian() == NDR)) ||
- ((! (variant & WKB_NDR)) && (getMachineEndian() == XDR)) )
- {
- return LW_FALSE;
- }
- return LW_TRUE;
Function for putting a Byte value into the buffer
return n;
-Function for copying a variable length value into the buffer
-static uint8_t* to_twkb_buf(uint8_t *iptr, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t variant, int the_size)
- LWDEBUGF(2, "Entered to_twkb_buf",0);
- int i = 0;
- /* Machine/request arch mismatch, so flip byte order */
- if ( wkb_swap_bytes(variant)&&the_size>1 )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < the_size; i++ )
- {
- buf[i] = iptr[the_size - 1 - i];
- }
- }
- /* If machine arch and requested arch match, don't flip byte order */
- else
- {
- memcpy(buf, iptr, the_size);
- }
- return buf + the_size;
Function for encoding a value as varInt and putting it in the buffer
uint8_t flag=0;
- /* Set the endian flag */
- END_PREC_SET__ENDIANESS(flag, ((variant & WKB_NDR) ? 1 : 0));
+ /* Set the id flag */
+ END_PREC_SET_ID(flag, ((variant & WKB_ID) ? 1 : 0));
/* Tell what precision to use*/
/*Copy the flag to the buffer*/
buf = uint8_to_twkb_buf(flag,buf);
LWDEBUGF(2, "Entered ptarray_to_twkb_size",0);
switch (method)
- case 0:
- return ptarray_to_twkb_size_m0(pa, variant,prec,accum_rel);
- break;
case 1:
return ptarray_to_twkb_size_m1(pa, variant,prec,accum_rel);
return size;
-Calculates the needed space for storing a specific pointarray as encoded with "method0"
-static size_t ptarray_to_twkb_size_m0(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint8_t variant,int prec,int accum_rel[])
- LWDEBUGF(2, "ptarray_to_twkb_size entered%d",0);
- int dims = FLAGS_NDIMS(pa->flags);
- int i, j, r, last_size,factor,test_size,r_test,j_test;
- double *dbl_ptr;
- size_t size = 0;
- last_size=0;
- int start=0;
- /*The variable factor is used to "shift" the double float coordinate to keep enough significant digits,
- for demanded precision, when cast to integer*/
- factor=pow(10,prec);
- /*This is a multidimmenstional array keeping trac of the three different storage sizes.
- It holds number of bytes, max-value and min-value*/
- static int size_array[3][3] = {{1,INT8_MAX,INT8_MIN},{2,INT16_MAX,INT16_MIN},{4,INT32_MAX,INT32_MIN}};
- /* Include the npoints size if it's not a POINT type) */
- if ( ! ( variant & WKB_NO_NPOINTS ) )
- {
- LWDEBUGF(2, "We add space for npoints",0);
- size += u_getvarint_size(pa->npoints);
- }
- /*if we don't have a ref-point yet*/
- if(accum_rel[0]==INT32_MIN)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(2, "We don't have a ref-point yet so we give space for full coordinates",0);
- /*Get a pointer to the first point of the point array*/
- dbl_ptr = (double*)getPoint_internal(pa, 0);
- LWDEBUGF(2, "Our geom have %d dims",dims);
- /*Load the accum_rel aray with the first points dimmension*/
- for ( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
- {
- LWDEBUGF(4, "dim nr %d, refvalue is %d",j, accum_rel[j]);
- r = round(factor*dbl_ptr[j]);
- accum_rel[j]=r;
- LWDEBUGF(4, "deltavalue = %d and resulting refvalue is %d",r,accum_rel[j]);
- size += s_getvarint_size((long) r);
- }
- start=1;
- }
- LWDEBUGF(2, "We have %d points to iterate ",pa->npoints);
- for ( i = start; i < pa->npoints; i++ )
- {
- dbl_ptr = (double*)getPoint_internal(pa, i);
- for ( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
- {
- /*To get the relative coordinate we don't get teh distance from the last point
- but instead the distance from our accumulated last point
- This is important to not build up a accumulated error when rounding the coordinates*/
- r=round(factor*dbl_ptr[j]-accum_rel[j]);
- /*last used size is too small so we have to increase*/
- if(fabs(r)>size_array[last_size][1])
- {
- /*A little ugly, but we sacrify the last possible value fitting into a INT4, just to detect too big values without the need to do the substraction again with a double float instead*/
- if(fabs(r)>=size_array[2][1])
- lwerror("The relative coordinate coordinate exceeds the max_value (%d):%d",size_array[2][1],r);
- /*minimum value for last used size, used to flag a change in size*/
- size += size_array[last_size][0];
- /*Find how much space we actually need */
- while ( fabs(r)>size_array[(++last_size)][1] && last_size<3) {}
- /*register the one byte needed to tell what size we need*/
- size ++;
- }
- /*We don't need that much space so let's investigate if we should decrease*/
- else if(last_size>0 && fabs(r)<size_array[last_size-1][1])
- {
- /*We don't care to change to smaller size if we don't see all dimensions
- in a coordinate fits in that size, so we don't even test if it isn't the first dimension*/
- if(j==0)
- {
- test_size=0;
- /*Here we test if we can decrease the size for all dimmensions*/
- for ( j_test = 0; j_test < dims;j_test++ )
- {
- r_test=round(factor*dbl_ptr[j_test]-accum_rel[j_test]);
- while ( fabs(r_test)>size_array[(test_size)][1] && test_size<=last_size)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(4, "testing %d bytes for value %d, dim: %d",size_array[test_size][0],r_test,j_test );
- test_size++;
- }
- }
- if(test_size<last_size)
- {
- /*
- OK, we decide to actually do the decrease in size
- minimum value for last used size, to flag a change in size*/
- size += size_array[last_size][0];
- /*We decrease to the biggest size needed for all dimmensions in the point*/
- last_size=test_size;
- /*register the one byte needed to tell what size we need*/
- size++;
- }
- }
- }
- accum_rel[j]+=r;
- //add the size of the coordinate
- size += size_array[last_size][0];
- }
- }
- return size;
Chooses between encoding/compression methods for storing the pointarray
LWDEBUGF(2, "Entered ptarray_to_twkb_buf",0);
switch (method)
- case 0:
- buf = ptarray_to_twkb_buf_m0(pa, buf, variant,prec,accum_rel);
- return buf;
- break;
case 1:
buf = ptarray_to_twkb_buf_m1(pa, buf, variant,prec,accum_rel);
return buf;
return buf;
-Stores a pointarray with "method0" in the buffer
-static uint8_t* ptarray_to_twkb_buf_m0(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t variant,int8_t prec,int accum_rel[])
- LWDEBUGF(2, "entered ptarray_to_twkb_buf_m0\n",0);
- int dims = FLAGS_NDIMS(pa->flags);
- int i, j, r, last_size,factor,test_size,r_test,j_test;
- double *dbl_ptr;
- factor=pow(10,prec);
- last_size=0;
- int start=0;
- /*This is a multidimmenstional array keeping trac of the three different storage sizes.
- It holds number of bytes, max-value and min-value*/
- static int size_array[3][3] = {{1,INT8_MAX,INT8_MIN},{2,INT16_MAX,INT16_MIN},{4,INT32_MAX,INT32_MIN}};
- /* Set the number of points (if it's not a POINT type) */
- if ( ! ( variant & WKB_NO_NPOINTS ) )
- {
- buf = u_varint_to_twkb_buf(pa->npoints,buf);
- LWDEBUGF(4, "Regiter npoints:%d",pa->npoints);
- }
- /*if we don't have a ref-point yet*/
- if(accum_rel[0]==INT32_MIN)
- {
- /*Get a pointer do the first point of the point array*/
- dbl_ptr = (double*)getPoint_internal(pa, 0);
- /*the first coordinate for each dimension is copied to the buffer
- and registered in accum_rel array*/
- for ( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
- {
- LWDEBUGF(4, "dim nr %d, refvalue is %d",j, accum_rel[j]);
- r = round(factor*dbl_ptr[j]);
- accum_rel[j]=r;
- LWDEBUGF(4, "deltavalue = %d and resulting refvalue is %d",r,accum_rel[j]);
- buf = s_varint_to_twkb_buf(r,buf);
- }
- start=1;
- }
- for ( i = start; i < pa->npoints; i++ )
- {
- LWDEBUGF(4, "Writing point #%d", i);
- dbl_ptr = (double*)getPoint_internal(pa, i);
- for ( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
- {
- /*To get the relative coordinate we don't get the distance from the last point
- but instead the distance from our accumulated last point
- This is important to not build up a accumulated error when rounding the coordinates*/
- r=round(factor*dbl_ptr[j]-accum_rel[j]);
- //accum_rel[j]+=r;
- //LWDEBUGF(4, "delta value for dim %d is %d, real coordiinate is %f and accumulated coordinate is%d", j, r,dbl_ptr[j],accum_rel[j] );
- LWDEBUGF(4, "size:%d,dim: %d deltavalue: %d, coordinate: %f accumulated coordinate %d",last_size, j, r,dbl_ptr[j],accum_rel[j] );
- /*last used size is too small so we have to increase*/
- if(fabs(r)>size_array[last_size][1])
- {
- LWDEBUGF(4, "increasing size from %d bytes",size_array[last_size][0]);
- /*minimum value for last used size, used to flag a change in size*/
- buf = to_twkb_buf((uint8_t *) &(size_array[last_size][2]),buf, variant, size_array[last_size][0]);
- /*Find how much space we actually need */
- while ( fabs(r)>size_array[(++last_size)][1] && last_size<3) {}
- LWDEBUGF(4, "to size %d bytes",size_array[last_size][0]);
- /*register needed space*/
- memcpy( buf, &(size_array[last_size][0]), 1);
- buf++;
- }
- /*We don't need that much space so let's investigate if we should decrease
- But if it is just a horizontal or vertical line, one dimmension will have short steps but another will still need bigger steps
- So, to avoid size changes up and down for every point we don't decrease size if it is not possible for all dimmensions
- We could here look even further forward to find out what is most optimal, but that will cost in computing instead*/
- else if (last_size>0 && fabs(r)<size_array[last_size-1][1])
- {
- /*We don't care to change to smaller size if we don't see all dimensions
- in a coordinate fits in that size, so we don't even test if it isn't the first dimension*/
- if(j==0)
- {
- test_size=0;
- /*Here we test if we can decrease the size for all dimmensions*/
- for ( j_test = 0; j_test < dims;j_test++ )
- {
- r_test=round(factor*dbl_ptr[j_test]-accum_rel[j_test]);
- LWDEBUGF(4, "r_test = %d against size %d ; %d",r_test, test_size,size_array[(test_size)][1] );
- while ( fabs(r_test)>size_array[(test_size)][1] && test_size<=last_size)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(4, "testing %d bytes for value %d, dim: %d",size_array[test_size][0],r_test,j_test );
- test_size++;
- }
- }
- if(test_size<last_size)
- {
- /*
- OK, we decide to actually do the decrease in size
- minimum value for last used size, to flag a change in size*/
- buf = to_twkb_buf((uint8_t *) &(size_array[last_size][2]), buf,variant, size_array[last_size][0]);
- LWDEBUGF(4, "decreasing size from %d bytes",size_array[last_size][0]);
- /*We decrease to the biggest size needed for all dimmensions in the point*/
- last_size=test_size;
- LWDEBUGF(4, "to size %d bytes",size_array[last_size][0]);
- /*register how many bytes we need*/
- memcpy( buf, &(size_array[last_size][0]), 1);
- buf++;
- }
- }
- }
- accum_rel[j]+=r;
- //add the actual coordinate
- buf = to_twkb_buf((uint8_t *) &r,buf, variant, size_array[last_size][0]);
- }
- }
- //LWDEBUGF(4, "Done (buf = %p)", buf);
- return buf;
Calculates needed storage size for aggregated points
size_t size = 0;
/* geometry id, if not subgeometry in type 4,5 or 6*/
- if (!(variant & WKB_NO_ID))
+ if (variant & WKB_ID)
size += u_getvarint_size((unsigned long) id);
/* Points */
/* Set the geometry id, if not subgeometry in type 4,5 or 6*/
- if (!(variant & WKB_NO_ID))
+ if (variant & WKB_ID)
buf = u_varint_to_twkb_buf(id, buf);
return buf;
Calculates needed storage size for aggregated lines
size_t size = 0;
/* geometry id, if not subgeometry in type 4,5 or 6*/
- if (!(variant & WKB_NO_ID))
+ if (variant & WKB_ID)
size += u_getvarint_size((unsigned long) id);
/* Size of point array */
/* Set the geometry id, if not subgeometry in type 4,5 or 6*/
- if (!(variant & WKB_NO_ID))
+ if (variant & WKB_ID)
buf = u_varint_to_twkb_buf(id, buf);
return buf;
Calculates needed storage size for aggregated polygon
size_t size = 0;
/* geometry id, if not subgeometry in type 4,5 or 6*/
- if (!(variant & WKB_NO_ID))
+ if (variant & WKB_ID)
size += u_getvarint_size((unsigned long) id);
int i;
/* Set the geometry id, if not subgeometry in type 4,5 or 6*/
- if (!(variant & WKB_NO_ID))
+ if (variant & WKB_ID)
buf = u_varint_to_twkb_buf(id, buf);
/* Set the number of rings */
return buf;
Calculates needed storage size for aggregated collection
return NULL;
- /* If neither or both variants are specified, choose the native order */
- if ( ! (variant & WKB_NDR || variant & WKB_XDR) ||
- (variant & WKB_NDR && variant & WKB_XDR) )
- {
- if ( getMachineEndian() == NDR )
- variant = variant | WKB_NDR;
- else
- variant = variant | WKB_XDR;
- }
/* Allocate the buffer */
buf = lwalloc(buf_size);
if ( buf == NULL )
/* Retain a pointer to the front of the buffer for later */
wkb_out = buf;
- /* Set the endian flag */
- END_PREC_SET__ENDIANESS(flag, ((variant & WKB_NDR) ? 1 : 0));
+ /* set ID bit if ID*/
+ END_PREC_SET_ID(flag, ((variant & WKB_ID) ? 1 : 0));
/* Tell what method to use*/
- END_PREC_SET__METHOD(flag, method);
+ END_PREC_SET_METHOD(flag, method);
/* Tell what precision to use*/
/*Copy the flag to the buffer*/
buf = uint8_to_twkb_buf(flag,buf);
return NULL;
- /* If neither or both variants are specified, choose the native order */
- if ( ! (variant & WKB_NDR || variant & WKB_XDR) ||
- (variant & WKB_NDR && variant & WKB_XDR) )
- {
- if ( getMachineEndian() == NDR )
- variant = variant | WKB_NDR;
- else
- variant = variant | WKB_XDR;
- }
/* Allocate the buffer */
buf = lwalloc(buf_size);
/* Set the endian flag */
- END_PREC_SET__ENDIANESS(flag, ((variant & WKB_NDR) ? 1 : 0));
+ END_PREC_SET_ID(flag, ((variant & WKB_ID) ? 1 : 0));
/* Tell what method to use*/
- END_PREC_SET__METHOD(flag, method);
+ END_PREC_SET_METHOD(flag, method);
/* Tell what precision to use*/
/*Copy the flag to the buffer*/
buf = uint8_to_twkb_buf(flag,buf);