%files backend-mysql
%doc pdns/dnssec.schema.mysql.sql
%files backend-mysql
%doc modules/gmysqlbackend/schema.mysql.sql
#FIXME: shell loops hide errors
for prog in dnsbulktest dnsgram dnsreplay dnsscan dnsscope dnstcpbench dnswasher \
- notify nproxy nsec3dig saxfr ; do \
+ notify nproxy nsec3dig saxfr sdig ; do \
mv "$(tmpdir)"/usr/bin/$$prog "$(tools_tmpdir)"/usr/bin ; \
[ -e "$(tmpdir)"/usr/share/man/man8/"$$prog".8 ] && \
mv "$(tmpdir)"/usr/share/man/man8/"$$prog".8 "$(tools_tmpdir)"/usr/share/man/man8/ ; \
--- /dev/null
+% SDIG(1)
+% PowerDNS.com BV
+% September 2015
+**sdig** - Perform a DNS query and show the results
+**sdig** sends a DNS query to *IPADDRESS* on port *PORT* and displays the answer
+in a formatted way.
+These options can be added to the commandline in any order.
+: Set the DO bit to request DNSSEC information.
+: Don't show the SOA serial in the response.
+: Set the RD bit in the question.
+: Show the NSEC3 flags in the response.
+: Use TCP instead of UDP to send the query.