The README lists all the files available in the directory, along with short
descriptions of each, but a few newly added ones were missing. While we're
at it, reorder the list into alphabetical order.
Author: Takeshi Ideriha
binaryheap.c - a binary heap
+bipartite_match.c - Hopcroft-Karp maximum cardinality algorithm for bipartite graphs
bloomfilter.c - probabilistic, space-efficient set membership testing
+dshash.c - concurrent hash tables backed by dynamic shared memory areas
hyperloglog.c - a streaming cardinality estimator
+ilist.c - single and double-linked lists
+knapsack.c - knapsack problem solver
pairingheap.c - a pairing heap
rbtree.c - a red-black tree
-ilist.c - single and double-linked lists.
stringinfo.c - an extensible string type