return Array1D(data_ + from, size);
- // Dot product of a 1D array and a 2D array into this one.
- inline Array1D& dotProduct(const ReadArray1D& a, const ReadArray2D& b) {
+ // Add dot product of a 1D array and a 2D array into this one.
+ inline Array1D& addDotProduct(const ReadArray1D& a, const ReadArray2D& b) {
U_ASSERT(a.d1() == b.d1());
U_ASSERT(b.d2() == d1());
for (int32_t i = 0; i < d1(); i++) {
- data_[i] = 0;
for (int32_t j = 0; j < a.d1(); j++) {
data_[i] += a.get(j) * b.get(j, i);
return *this;
+ // Add the Hadamard Product of two arrays of the same size into this one.
+ inline Array1D& addHadamardProduct(const ReadArray1D& a, const ReadArray1D& b) {
+ U_ASSERT(a.d1() == d1());
+ U_ASSERT(b.d1() == d1());
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < d1(); i++) {
+ data_[i] += a.get(i) * b.get(i);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
// Add the values of another array of the same size into this one.
inline Array1D& add(const ReadArray1D& a) {
U_ASSERT(a.d1() == d1());
// Apply tanh to all the elements in the array.
inline Array1D& tanh() {
+ return tanh(*this);
+ }
+ // Apply tanh of a and store into this array.
+ inline Array1D& tanh(const Array1D& a) {
+ U_ASSERT(a.d1() == d1());
for (int32_t i = 0; i < d1_; i++) {
- data_[i] = std::tanh(data_[i]);
+ data_[i] = std::tanh(a.get(i));
return *this;
// Computing LSTM as stated in
+// ifco is temp array allocate outside which does not need to be
+// input/output value but could avoid unnecessary memory alloc/free if passing
+// in.
void compute(
+ int32_t hunits,
const ReadArray2D& W, const ReadArray2D& U, const ReadArray1D& b,
const ReadArray1D& x, Array1D& h, Array1D& c,
- UErrorCode &status)
+ Array1D& ifco)
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
// ifco = x * W + h * U + b
- Array1D ifco(b.d1(), status);
- {
- Array1D hU(b.d1(), status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
- ifco.dotProduct(x, W)
- .add(hU.dotProduct(h, U))
- .add(b);
- } // delocate hU
+ ifco.assign(b)
+ .addDotProduct(x, W)
+ .addDotProduct(h, U);
- int32_t hunits = b.d1() / 4;
ifco.slice(0*hunits, hunits).sigmoid(); // i: sigmod
ifco.slice(1*hunits, hunits).sigmoid(); // f: sigmoid
ifco.slice(2*hunits, hunits).tanh(); // c_: tanh
ifco.slice(3*hunits, hunits).sigmoid(); // o: sigmod
- {
- Array1D ic(c.d1(), status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
- c.hadamardProduct(ifco.slice(hunits, hunits))
- .add(ic
- .assign(ifco.slice(0, hunits))
- .hadamardProduct(ifco.slice(2*hunits, hunits)));
- }
+ c.hadamardProduct(ifco.slice(hunits, hunits))
+ .addHadamardProduct(ifco.slice(0, hunits), ifco.slice(2*hunits, hunits));
- h.assign(c)
- .tanh()
+ h.tanh(c)
.hadamardProduct(ifco.slice(3*hunits, hunits));
int32_t input_seq_len = indices.size();
int32_t hunits = fData->fForwardU.d1();
- // To save the needed memory usage, the following is different from the
- // Python or ICU4X implementation. We first perform the Backward LSTM
- // and then merge the iteration of the forward LSTM and the output layer
- // together because we only neetdto remember the h[t-1] for Forward LSTM.
+ // ----- Begin of all the Array memory allocation needed for this function
+ // Allocate temp array used inside compute()
+ Array1D ifco(4 * hunits, status);
Array1D c(hunits, status);
+ Array1D logp(4, status);
// TODO: limit size of hBackward. If input_seq_len is too big, we could
// run out of memory.
// Backward LSTM
Array2D hBackward(input_seq_len, hunits, status);
+ // Allocate fbRow and slice the internal array in two.
+ Array1D fbRow(2 * hunits, status);
+ // ----- End of all the Array memory allocation needed for this function
if (U_FAILURE(status)) return 0;
+ // To save the needed memory usage, the following is different from the
+ // Python or ICU4X implementation. We first perform the Backward LSTM
+ // and then merge the iteration of the forward LSTM and the output layer
+ // together because we only neetdto remember the h[t-1] for Forward LSTM.
for (int32_t i = input_seq_len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Array1D hRow = hBackward.row(i);
if (i != input_seq_len - 1) {
printf("fData->fEmbedding.row(indicesBuf[%d]):\n", i);
#endif // LSTM_DEBUG
- compute(fData->fBackwardW, fData->fBackwardU, fData->fBackwardB,
+ compute(hunits,
+ fData->fBackwardW, fData->fBackwardU, fData->fBackwardB,
- hRow, c, status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) return 0;
+ hRow, c, ifco);
- Array1D logp(4, status);
- // Allocate fbRow and slice the internal array in two.
- Array1D fbRow(2 * hunits, status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) return 0;
Array1D forwardRow = fbRow.slice(0, hunits); // point to first half of data in fbRow.
Array1D backwardRow = fbRow.slice(hunits, hunits); // point to second half of data n fbRow.
// Forward LSTM
// Calculate the result into forwardRow, which point to the data in the first half
// of fbRow.
- compute(fData->fForwardW, fData->fForwardU, fData->fForwardB,
+ compute(hunits,
+ fData->fForwardW, fData->fForwardU, fData->fForwardB,
- forwardRow, c, status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) return 0;
+ forwardRow, c, ifco);
// assign the data from hBackward.row(i) to second half of fbRowa.
- logp.dotProduct(fbRow, fData->fOutputW).add(fData->fOutputB);
+ logp.assign(fData->fOutputB).addDotProduct(fbRow, fData->fOutputW);
printf("backwardRow %d\n", i);