DROP TRIGGER delete_a ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER insert_when ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER delete_when ON main_table;
+-- Test WHEN condition accessing system columns.
+create table table_with_oids(a int) with oids;
+insert into table_with_oids values (1);
+create trigger oid_unchanged_trig after update on table_with_oids
+ for each row
+ when (new.oid = old.oid AND new.oid <> 0)
+ execute procedure trigger_func('after_upd_oid_unchanged');
+update table_with_oids set a = a + 1;
+NOTICE: trigger_func(after_upd_oid_unchanged) called: action = UPDATE, when = AFTER, level = ROW
+drop table table_with_oids;
-- Test column-level triggers
DROP TRIGGER after_upd_row_trig ON main_table;
CREATE TRIGGER before_upd_a_row_trig BEFORE UPDATE OF a ON main_table
DROP TRIGGER insert_when ON main_table;
DROP TRIGGER delete_when ON main_table;
+-- Test WHEN condition accessing system columns.
+create table table_with_oids(a int) with oids;
+insert into table_with_oids values (1);
+create trigger oid_unchanged_trig after update on table_with_oids
+ for each row
+ when (new.oid = old.oid AND new.oid <> 0)
+ execute procedure trigger_func('after_upd_oid_unchanged');
+update table_with_oids set a = a + 1;
+drop table table_with_oids;
-- Test column-level triggers
DROP TRIGGER after_upd_row_trig ON main_table;