type is matched against the return type, it does not require its own
name suffix.
+For target developers who are defining intrinsics for back-end code
+generation, any intrinsic overloads based solely the distinction between
+integer or floating point types should not be relied upon for correct
+code generation. In such cases, the recommended approach for target
+maintainers when defining intrinsics is to create separate integer and
+FP intrinsics rather than rely on overloading. For example, if different
+codegen is required for ``llvm.target.foo(<4 x i32>)`` and
+``llvm.target.foo(<4 x float>)`` then these should be split into
+different intrinsics.
To learn how to add an intrinsic function, please see the `Extending
LLVM Guide <ExtendingLLVM.html>`_.