priority, // stat kernel scheduling priority
nice, // stat standard unix nice level of process
- rss, // stat resident set size from /proc/#/stat (pages)
+ rss, // stat identical to 'resident'
alarm, // stat ?
// the next 7 members come from /proc/#/statm
- size, // statm total # of pages of memory
- resident, // statm number of resident set (non-swapped) pages (4k)
- share, // statm number of pages of shared (mmap'd) memory
- trs, // statm text resident set size
- lrs, // statm shared-lib resident set size
- drs, // statm data resident set size
- dt; // statm dirty pages
+ size, // statm total virtual memory (as # pages)
+ resident, // statm resident non-swapped memory (as # pages)
+ share, // statm shared (mmap'd) memory (as # pages)
+ trs, // statm text (exe) resident set (as # pages)
+ lrs, // statm library resident set (always 0 w/ 2.6)
+ drs, // statm data+stack resident set (as # pages)
+ dt; // statm dirty pages (always 0 w/ 2.6)
unsigned long
- vm_size, // status same as vsize in kb
- vm_lock, // status locked pages in kb
- vm_rss, // status same as rss in kb
- vm_data, // status data size
- vm_stack, // status stack size
- vm_swap, // status based on "swap ents", Linux 2.6.34
- vm_exe, // status executable size
- vm_lib, // status library size (all pages, not just used ones)
+ vm_size, // status equals 'size' (as kb)
+ vm_lock, // status locked pages (as kb)
+ vm_rss, // status equals 'rss' and/or 'resident' (as kb)
+ vm_data, // status data only size (as kb)
+ vm_stack, // status stack only size (as kb)
+ vm_swap, // status based on linux-2.6.34 "swap ents" (as kb)
+ vm_exe, // status equals 'trs' (as kb)
+ vm_lib, // status total, not just used, library pages (as kb)
rtprio, // stat real-time priority
sched, // stat scheduling class
vsize, // stat number of pages of virtual memory ...