smyrna_view_mode mode;
- typedef struct _object_data //has to be attached to every Node, Edge, Graph and cluster
- {
- Agrec_t h;
- int ID;
- char *ObjName;
- int ObjType;
- int Layer;
- int Visible;
- int Selected;
- int NumDataCount;
- float *NumData;
- int StrDataCount;
- char **StrData;
- int param; //generic purpose param
- int TVRef; //Topview reference
- int edgeid; /*for only edges, > 0 multiedges */
- } element_data;
#define OD_Visible(p) (
#define OD_Locked(p) (
#define OD_Highlighted(p) (
cam_t type; //
} viewport_camera;
- typedef struct
- {
- Agnode_t *Node;
- /*original coordinates */
- float x;
- float y;
- float z;
- /*coordinates to draw */
- float distorted_x;
- float distorted_y;
- float distorted_z;
- float zoom_factor;
- int in_fish_eye; //boolean value if to apply fisheye
- glCompColor Color;
- char *Label;
- char *Label2;
- int degree;
- float node_alpha;
- int valid;
- element_data data;
- float size;
- xdot* xDot;
- } topview_node;
- typedef struct
- {
- Agedge_t *Edge; //edge itself
- float x1;
- float y1;
- float z1;
- float x2;
- float y2;
- float z2;
- float length;
- topview_node *Node1; //Tail
- topview_node *Node2; //Head
- glCompColor Color;
- element_data data;
- xdot* xDot;
- } topview_edge;
typedef struct _graph_data {
Agrec_t h;
char *GraphFileName;
} selection;
typedef struct {
- topview_edge *Edges;
int Nodecount;
int Edgecount;
struct {