Problem: Crypt test may fail on MS-Windows.
Solution: Ignore "[unix]" in the file message. (Christian Brabandt,
closes #8561)
call assert_equal(range(1, 4000)->map( {_, v -> string(v)}), getline(1,'$'))
set key=
w! ++ff=unix
- " enryption removed
- call assert_match('"Xcrypt_sodium.txt" 4000L, 18893B written', execute(':message'))
+ " enryption removed (on MS-Windows the .* matches [unix])
+ call assert_match('"Xcrypt_sodium.txt".*4000L, 18893B written', execute(':message'))
call delete('Xcrypt_sodium.txt')
set cryptmethod&vim
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 3157,