matches an empty line in actual output; and doctest directives
were added]{2.4}
+There's also a way to register new option flag names, although this
+isn't useful unless you intend to extend \module{doctest} internals
+via subclassing:
+ Create a new option flag with a given name, and return the new
+ flag's integer value. \function{register_optionflag()} can be
+ used when subclassing \class{OutputChecker} or
+ \class{DocTestRunner} to create new options that are supported by
+ your subclasses. \function{register_optionflag} should always be
+ called using the following idiom:
+ MY_FLAG = register_optionflag('MY_FLAG')
+ \versionadded{2.4}
\module{doctest} is serious about requiring exact matches in expected
returned by \function{sys.exc_info()}.
- Create a new option flag with a given name, and return the new
- flag's integer value. \function{register_optionflag()} can be
- used when subclassing \class{OutputChecker} or
- \class{DocTestRunner} to create new options that are supported by
- your subclasses. \function{register_optionflag} should always be
- called using the following idiom:
- MY_FLAG = register_optionflag('MY_FLAG')
As mentioned in the introduction, \module{doctest} has grown to have