call Incsearch_cleanup()
+" Similar to Test_incsearch_substitute() but with a screendump halfway.
+func Test_incsearch_substitute_dump()
+ if !exists('+incsearch')
+ return
+ endif
+ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
+ return
+ endif
+ call writefile([
+ \ 'set incsearch hlsearch scrolloff=0',
+ \ 'for n in range(1, 10)',
+ \ ' call setline(n, "foo " . n)',
+ \ 'endfor',
+ \ '3',
+ \ ], 'Xis_subst_script')
+ let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xis_subst_script', {'rows': 9, 'cols': 70})
+ " Give Vim a chance to redraw to get rid of the spaces in line 2 caused by
+ " the 'ambiwidth' check.
+ sleep 100m
+ " Need to send one key at a time to force a redraw.
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ':.,.+2s/')
+ sleep 100m
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, 'f')
+ sleep 100m
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, 'o')
+ sleep 100m
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, 'o')
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_incsearch_substitute_01', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>")
+ call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ call delete('Xis_subst_script')
func Test_search_undefined_behaviour()
if !has("terminal")