#include "base/logger.hpp"
#include "base/application.hpp"
#include "base/objectlock.hpp"
+#include "base/json.hpp"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
return 1;
+ String inventory_path = AgentUtility::GetRepositoryPath() + "/inventory.index";
+ Dictionary::Ptr old_inventory = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ if (Utility::PathExists(inventory_path)) {
+ old_inventory = Utility::LoadJsonFile(inventory_path);
+ }
+ Dictionary::Ptr inventory = make_shared<Dictionary>();
Log(LogInformation, "cli")
<< "Updating agent configuration for ";
+ Utility::LoadExtensionLibrary("icinga");
+ std::vector<String> object_paths = RepositoryUtility::GetObjects();
BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Ptr& agent, AgentUtility::GetAgents()) {
+ /* store existing structure in index */
+ inventory->Set(agent->Get("endpoint"), agent);
Dictionary::Ptr repository = agent->Get("repository");
String zone = agent->Get("zone");
String endpoint = agent->Get("endpoint");
+ Dictionary::Ptr host_services = make_shared<Dictionary>();
ObjectLock olock(repository);
BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, repository) {
String host = kv.first;
+ String host_pattern = host + ".conf";
+ bool skip = false;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const String& object_path, object_paths) {
+ if (object_path.Contains(host_pattern)) {
+ Log(LogWarning, "cli")
+ << "Host '" << host << "' already existing. Skipping its creation.";
+ skip = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (skip)
+ continue;
/* add a new host to the config repository */
Dictionary::Ptr host_attrs = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ host_attrs->Set("__name", host);
+ host_attrs->Set("name", host);
host_attrs->Set("check_command", "dummy"); //TODO: add a repository-host template
host_attrs->Set("zone", zone);
Array::Ptr services = kv.second;
+ if (services->GetLength() == 0) {
+ Log(LogNotice, "cli")
+ << "Host '" << host << "' without services.";
+ continue;
+ }
ObjectLock xlock(services);
BOOST_FOREACH(const String& service, services) {
+ String service_pattern = host + "/" + service + ".conf";
+ bool skip = false;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const String& object_path, object_paths) {
+ if (object_path.Contains(service_pattern)) {
+ Log(LogWarning, "cli")
+ << "Service '" << service << "' on Host '" << host << "' already existing. Skipping its creation.";
+ skip = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (skip)
+ continue;
/* add a new service for this host to the config repository */
Dictionary::Ptr service_attrs = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ String long_name = host + "!" + service; //use NameComposer?
+ service_attrs->Set("__name", long_name);
+ service_attrs->Set("name", service);
service_attrs->Set("host_name", host); //Required for host-service relation
service_attrs->Set("check_command", "dummy"); //TODO: add a repository-service template
service_attrs->Set("zone", zone);
/* write a new zone and endpoint for the agent */
Dictionary::Ptr endpoint_attrs = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ endpoint_attrs->Set("__name", endpoint);
+ endpoint_attrs->Set("name", endpoint);
Dictionary::Ptr settings = agent->Get("settings");
Array::Ptr zone_members = make_shared<Array>();
+ zone_attrs->Set("__name", zone);
+ zone_attrs->Set("name", zone);
zone_attrs->Set("endpoints", zone_members);
zone_attrs->Set("parent", agent->Get("parent_zone"));
+ /* check if there are objects inside the old_inventory which do not exist anymore */
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& old_agent_objs, old_inventory) {
+ String old_agent_name = old_agent_objs.first;
+ /* check if the agent was dropped */
+ if (!inventory->Contains(old_agent_name)) {
+ Log(LogInformation, "cli")
+ << "Agent update found old agent '" << old_agent_name << "'. Removing it and all of its hosts/services.";
+ //TODO Remove an agent and all of his hosts
+ Dictionary::Ptr old_agent = old_inventory->Get(old_agent_name);
+ Dictionary::Ptr old_agent_repository = old_agent->Get("repository");
+ ObjectLock olock(old_agent_repository);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, old_agent_repository) {
+ String host = kv.first;
+ Dictionary::Ptr host_attrs = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ host_attrs->Set("name", host);
+ RepositoryUtility::RemoveObject(host, "Host", host_attrs); //this removes all services for this host as well
+ }
+ //TODO: Remove zone/endpoint information as well
+ String zone = old_agent->Get("zone");
+ String endpoint = old_agent->Get("endpoint");
+ Dictionary::Ptr zone_attrs = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ zone_attrs->Set("name", zone);
+ RepositoryUtility::RemoveObject(zone, "Zone", zone_attrs);
+ Dictionary::Ptr endpoint_attrs = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ endpoint_attrs->Set("name", endpoint);
+ RepositoryUtility::RemoveObject(endpoint, "Endpoint", endpoint_attrs);
+ } else {
+ /* get the current agent */
+ Dictionary::Ptr new_agent = inventory->Get(old_agent_name);
+ Dictionary::Ptr new_agent_repository = new_agent->Get("repository");
+ Dictionary::Ptr old_agent = old_inventory->Get(old_agent_name);
+ Dictionary::Ptr old_agent_repository = old_agent->Get("repository");
+ ObjectLock xlock(old_agent_repository);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, old_agent_repository) {
+ String old_host = kv.first;
+ if (!new_agent_repository->Contains(old_host)) {
+ Log(LogInformation, "cli")
+ << "Agent update found old host '" << old_host << "' on agent '" << old_agent_name << "'. Removing it.";
+ Dictionary::Ptr host_attrs = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ host_attrs->Set("name", old_host);
+ RepositoryUtility::RemoveObject(old_host, "Host", host_attrs); //this will remove all services for this host too
+ } else {
+ /* host exists, now check all services for this host */
+ Array::Ptr old_services = kv.second;
+ Array::Ptr new_services = new_agent_repository->Get(old_host);
+ ObjectLock ylock(old_services);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const String& old_service, old_services) {
+ if (!new_services->Contains(old_service)) {
+ Log(LogInformation, "cli")
+ << "Agent update found old service '" << old_service << "' on host '" << old_host
+ << "' on agent '" << old_agent_name << "'. Removing it.";
+ Dictionary::Ptr service_attrs = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ service_attrs->Set("name", old_service);
+ service_attrs->Set("host_name", old_host);
+ RepositoryUtility::RemoveObject(old_service, "Service", service_attrs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
Log(LogInformation, "cli", "Committing agent configuration.");
std::cout << "\n";
+ /* store the new inventory for next run */
+ Utility::SaveJsonFile(inventory_path, inventory);
std::cout << "Make sure to reload Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect." << std::endl;
return 0;