-#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
return *this;
- BitVector &operator>>=(unsigned N) {
- assert(N <= Size);
- if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(empty() || N == 0))
- return *this;
- unsigned NumWords = NumBitWords(Size);
- assert(NumWords >= 1);
- wordShr(N / BITWORD_SIZE);
- unsigned BitDistance = N % BITWORD_SIZE;
- if (BitDistance == 0)
- return *this;
- // When the shift size is not a multiple of the word size, then we have
- // a tricky situation where each word in succession needs to extract some
- // of the bits from the next word and or them into this word while
- // shifting this word to make room for the new bits. This has to be done
- // for every word in the array.
- // Since we're shifting each word right, some bits will fall off the end
- // of each word to the right, and empty space will be created on the left.
- // The final word in the array will lose bits permanently, so starting at
- // the beginning, work forwards shifting each word to the right, and
- // OR'ing in the bits from the end of the next word to the beginning of
- // the current word.
- // Example:
- // Starting with {0xAABBCCDD, 0xEEFF0011, 0x22334455} and shifting right
- // by 4 bits.
- // Step 1: Word[0] >>= 4 ; 0x0ABBCCDD
- // Step 2: Word[0] |= 0x10000000 ; 0x1ABBCCDD
- // Step 3: Word[1] >>= 4 ; 0x0EEFF001
- // Step 4: Word[1] |= 0x50000000 ; 0x5EEFF001
- // Step 5: Word[2] >>= 4 ; 0x02334455
- // Result: { 0x1ABBCCDD, 0x5EEFF001, 0x02334455 }
- const unsigned Mask = maskTrailingOnes<BitWord>(BitDistance);
- const unsigned LSH = BITWORD_SIZE - BitDistance;
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumWords - 1; ++I) {
- Bits[I] >>= BitDistance;
- Bits[I] |= (Bits[I + 1] & Mask) << LSH;
- }
- Bits[NumWords - 1] >>= BitDistance;
- return *this;
- }
- BitVector &operator<<=(unsigned N) {
- assert(N <= Size);
- if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(empty() || N == 0))
- return *this;
- unsigned NumWords = NumBitWords(Size);
- assert(NumWords >= 1);
- wordShl(N / BITWORD_SIZE);
- unsigned BitDistance = N % BITWORD_SIZE;
- if (BitDistance == 0)
- return *this;
- // When the shift size is not a multiple of the word size, then we have
- // a tricky situation where each word in succession needs to extract some
- // of the bits from the previous word and or them into this word while
- // shifting this word to make room for the new bits. This has to be done
- // for every word in the array. This is similar to the algorithm outlined
- // in operator>>=, but backwards.
- // Since we're shifting each word left, some bits will fall off the end
- // of each word to the left, and empty space will be created on the right.
- // The first word in the array will lose bits permanently, so starting at
- // the end, work backwards shifting each word to the left, and OR'ing
- // in the bits from the end of the next word to the beginning of the
- // current word.
- // Example:
- // Starting with {0xAABBCCDD, 0xEEFF0011, 0x22334455} and shifting left
- // by 4 bits.
- // Step 1: Word[2] <<= 4 ; 0x23344550
- // Step 2: Word[2] |= 0x0000000E ; 0x2334455E
- // Step 3: Word[1] <<= 4 ; 0xEFF00110
- // Step 4: Word[1] |= 0x0000000A ; 0xEFF0011A
- // Step 5: Word[0] <<= 4 ; 0xABBCCDD0
- // Result: { 0xABBCCDD0, 0xEFF0011A, 0x2334455E }
- const unsigned Mask = maskLeadingOnes<BitWord>(BitDistance);
- const unsigned RSH = BITWORD_SIZE - BitDistance;
- for (int I = NumWords - 1; I > 0; --I) {
- Bits[I] <<= BitDistance;
- Bits[I] |= (Bits[I - 1] & Mask) >> RSH;
- }
- Bits[0] <<= BitDistance;
- clear_unused_bits();
- return *this;
- }
// Assignment operator.
const BitVector &operator=(const BitVector &RHS) {
if (this == &RHS) return *this;
- /// \brief Perform a logical left shift of \p Count words by moving everything
- /// \p Count words to the right in memory.
- ///
- /// While confusing, words are stored from least significant at Bits[0] to
- /// most significant at Bits[NumWords-1]. A logical shift left, however,
- /// moves the current least significant bit to a higher logical index, and
- /// fills the previous least significant bits with 0. Thus, we actually
- /// need to move the bytes of the memory to the right, not to the left.
- /// Example:
- /// Words = [0xBBBBAAAA, 0xDDDDFFFF, 0x00000000, 0xDDDD0000]
- /// represents a BitVector where 0xBBBBAAAA contain the least significant
- /// bits. So if we want to shift the BitVector left by 2 words, we need to
- /// turn this into 0x00000000 0x00000000 0xBBBBAAAA 0xDDDDFFFF by using a
- /// memmove which moves right, not left.
- void wordShl(uint32_t Count) {
- if (Count == 0)
- return;
- uint32_t NumWords = NumBitWords(Size);
- auto Src = ArrayRef<BitWord>(Bits, NumWords).drop_back(Count);
- auto Dest = MutableArrayRef<BitWord>(Bits, NumWords).drop_front(Count);
- // Since we always move Word-sized chunks of data with src and dest both
- // aligned to a word-boundary, we don't need to worry about endianness
- // here.
- std::memmove(Dest.begin(), Src.begin(), Dest.size() * sizeof(BitWord));
- std::memset(Bits, 0, Count * sizeof(BitWord));
- clear_unused_bits();
- }
- /// \brief Perform a logical right shift of \p Count words by moving those
- /// words to the left in memory. See wordShl for more information.
- ///
- void wordShr(uint32_t Count) {
- if (Count == 0)
- return;
- uint32_t NumWords = NumBitWords(Size);
- auto Src = ArrayRef<BitWord>(Bits, NumWords).drop_front(Count);
- auto Dest = MutableArrayRef<BitWord>(Bits, NumWords).drop_back(Count);
- assert(Dest.size() == Src.size());
- std::memmove(Dest.begin(), Src.begin(), Dest.size() * sizeof(BitWord));
- std::memset(Dest.end(), 0, Count * sizeof(BitWord));
- }
int next_unset_in_word(int WordIndex, BitWord Word) const {
unsigned Result = WordIndex * BITWORD_SIZE + countTrailingOnes(Word);
return Result < size() ? Result : -1;
-typedef std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> RangeList;
-template <typename VecType>
-static inline VecType createBitVector(uint32_t Size,
- const RangeList &setRanges) {
- VecType V;
- V.resize(Size);
- for (auto &R : setRanges)
- V.set(R.first, R.second);
- return V;
-TYPED_TEST(BitVectorTest, ShiftOpsSingleWord) {
- // Test that shift ops work when the desired shift amount is less
- // than one word.
- // 1. Case where the number of bits in the BitVector also fit into a single
- // word.
- TypeParam A = createBitVector<TypeParam>(12, {{2, 4}, {8, 10}});
- TypeParam B = A;
- EXPECT_EQ(4U, A.count());
- EXPECT_TRUE(A.test(2));
- EXPECT_TRUE(A.test(3));
- EXPECT_TRUE(A.test(8));
- EXPECT_TRUE(A.test(9));
- A >>= 1;
- EXPECT_EQ(createBitVector<TypeParam>(12, {{1, 3}, {7, 9}}), A);
- A <<= 1;
- A >>= 10;
- EXPECT_EQ(createBitVector<TypeParam>(12, {}), A);
- A = B;
- A <<= 10;
- EXPECT_EQ(createBitVector<TypeParam>(12, {}), A);
- // 2. Case where the number of bits in the BitVector do not fit into a single
- // word.
- // 31----------------------------------------------------------------------0
- // XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00000111 | 11111110 00000000 00001111 11111111
- A = createBitVector<TypeParam>(40, {{0, 12}, {25, 35}});
- EXPECT_EQ(40U, A.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(22U, A.count());
- // 2a. Make sure that left shifting some 1 bits out of the vector works.
- // 31----------------------------------------------------------------------0
- // Before:
- // XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00000111 | 11111110 00000000 00001111 11111111
- // After:
- // XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 11111100 | 00000000 00011111 11111110 00000000
- A <<= 9;
- EXPECT_EQ(createBitVector<TypeParam>(40, {{9, 21}, {34, 40}}), A);
- // 2b. Make sure that keeping the number of one bits unchanged works.
- // 31----------------------------------------------------------------------0
- // Before:
- // XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 11111100 | 00000000 00011111 11111110 00000000
- // After:
- // XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00000011 | 11110000 00000000 01111111 11111000
- A >>= 6;
- EXPECT_EQ(createBitVector<TypeParam>(40, {{3, 15}, {28, 34}}), A);
- // 2c. Make sure that right shifting some 1 bits out of the vector works.
- // 31----------------------------------------------------------------------0
- // Before:
- // XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00000011 | 11110000 00000000 01111111 11111000
- // After:
- // XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00000000 | 00000000 11111100 00000000 00011111
- A >>= 10;
- EXPECT_EQ(createBitVector<TypeParam>(40, {{0, 5}, {18, 24}}), A);
- // 3. Big test.
- A = createBitVector<TypeParam>(300, {{1, 30}, {60, 95}, {200, 275}});
- A <<= 29;
- EXPECT_EQ(createBitVector<TypeParam>(
- 300, {{1 + 29, 30 + 29}, {60 + 29, 95 + 29}, {200 + 29, 300}}),
- A);
-TYPED_TEST(BitVectorTest, ShiftOpsMultiWord) {
- // Test that shift ops work when the desired shift amount is greater than or
- // equal to the size of a single word.
- auto A = createBitVector<TypeParam>(300, {{1, 30}, {60, 95}, {200, 275}});
- // Make a copy so we can re-use it later.
- auto B = A;
- // 1. Shift left by an exact multiple of the word size. This should invoke
- // only a memmove and no per-word bit operations.
- A <<= 64;
- auto Expected = createBitVector<TypeParam>(
- 300, {{1 + 64, 30 + 64}, {60 + 64, 95 + 64}, {200 + 64, 300}});
- EXPECT_EQ(Expected, A);
- // 2. Shift left by a non multiple of the word size. This should invoke both
- // a memmove and per-word bit operations.
- A = B;
- A <<= 93;
- EXPECT_EQ(createBitVector<TypeParam>(
- 300, {{1 + 93, 30 + 93}, {60 + 93, 95 + 93}, {200 + 93, 300}}),
- A);
- // 1. Shift right by an exact multiple of the word size. This should invoke
- // only a memmove and no per-word bit operations.
- A = B;
- A >>= 64;
- createBitVector<TypeParam>(300, {{0, 95 - 64}, {200 - 64, 275 - 64}}), A);
- // 2. Shift left by a non multiple of the word size. This should invoke both
- // a memmove and per-word bit operations.
- A = B;
- A >>= 93;
- createBitVector<TypeParam>(300, {{0, 95 - 93}, {200 - 93, 275 - 93}}), A);
TYPED_TEST(BitVectorTest, RangeOps) {
TypeParam A;