We found that findAll has been implemented incorrectly multiple times
by various people using the matchers. To prevent further wasted
development effort, it makes sense to add it as convenience matcher
implemented as eachOf(m, forEachDescendant(m)).
This patch also updates the docs with the new matchers.
git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk@174320
<tr style="text-align:left"><th>Return type</th><th>Name</th><th>Parameters</th></tr>
+<tr><td>Matcher<*></td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('eachOf0')"><a name="eachOf0Anchor">eachOf</a></td><td>Matcher<*> P1, Matcher<*> P2</td></tr>
+<tr><td colspan="4" class="doc" id="eachOf0"><pre>Matches if any of the given matchers matches.
+Unlike anyOf, eachOf will generate a match result for each
+matching submatcher.
+For example, in:
+ class A { int a; int b; };
+The matcher:
+ recordDecl(eachOf(has(fieldDecl(hasName("a")).bind("v")),
+ has(fieldDecl(hasName("b")).bind("v"))))
+will generate two results binding "v", the first of which binds
+the field declaration of a, the second the field declaration of
+Usable as: Any Matcher
+<tr><td>Matcher<*></td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('findAll0')"><a name="findAll0Anchor">findAll</a></td><td>Matcher<T> Matcher</td></tr>
+<tr><td colspan="4" class="doc" id="findAll0"><pre>Matches if the node or any descendant matches.
+Generates results for each match.
+For example, in:
+ class A { class B {}; class C {}; };
+The matcher:
+ recordDecl(hasName("::A"), findAll(recordDecl(isDefinition()).bind("m")))
+will generate results for A, B and C.
+Usable as: Any Matcher
<tr><td>Matcher<*></td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('forEach0')"><a name="forEach0Anchor">forEach</a></td><td>Matcher<ChildT> ChildMatcher</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="4" class="doc" id="forEach0"><pre>Matches AST nodes that have child AST nodes that match the
provided matcher.
+/// \brief Matches if the node or any descendant matches.
+/// Generates results for each match.
+/// For example, in:
+/// \code
+/// class A { class B {}; class C {}; };
+/// \endcode
+/// The matcher:
+/// \code
+/// recordDecl(hasName("::A"), findAll(recordDecl(isDefinition()).bind("m")))
+/// \endcode
+/// will generate results for \c A, \c B and \c C.
+/// Usable as: Any Matcher
+template <typename T>
+ internal::EachOfMatcher, internal::Matcher<T>,
+ internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<internal::ForEachDescendantMatcher, T> >
+findAll(const internal::Matcher<T> &Matcher) {
+ return eachOf(Matcher, forEachDescendant(Matcher));
/// \brief Matches AST nodes that have a parent that matches the provided
/// matcher.
new VerifyIdIsBoundTo<FunctionDecl>("decl", 1)));
+TEST(FindAll, BindsNodeOnMatch) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matchAndVerifyResultTrue(
+ "class A {};",
+ recordDecl(hasName("::A"), findAll(recordDecl(hasName("::A")).bind("v"))),
+ new VerifyIdIsBoundTo<CXXRecordDecl>("v", 1)));
+TEST(FindAll, BindsDescendantNodeOnMatch) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matchAndVerifyResultTrue(
+ "class A { int a; int b; };",
+ recordDecl(hasName("::A"), findAll(fieldDecl().bind("v"))),
+ new VerifyIdIsBoundTo<FieldDecl>("v", 2)));
+TEST(FindAll, BindsNodeAndDescendantNodesOnOneMatch) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matchAndVerifyResultTrue(
+ "class A { int a; int b; };",
+ recordDecl(hasName("::A"),
+ findAll(decl(anyOf(recordDecl(hasName("::A")).bind("v"),
+ fieldDecl().bind("v"))))),
+ new VerifyIdIsBoundTo<Decl>("v", 3)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matchAndVerifyResultTrue(
+ "class A { class B {}; class C {}; };",
+ recordDecl(hasName("::A"), findAll(recordDecl(isDefinition()).bind("v"))),
+ new VerifyIdIsBoundTo<CXXRecordDecl>("v", 3)));
TEST(EachOf, TriggersForEachMatch) {
"class A { int a; int b; };",