don't state that "you narrowly avoid losing all chance" message if you try
to put on a helm of opposite alignment in the quest after converting
fix enlightenment feedback for bonus or penalty on damage and chance to hit
+effects of purple worms consuming special monsters is now more consistent
+ across eating, digesting and dropped corpses while engulfed
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
if (!u.uswallow && flooreffects(obj,u.ux,,"drop")) return;
/* uswallow check done by GAN 01/29/87 */
if(u.uswallow) {
- boolean could_petrify;
+ boolean could_petrify = FALSE;
+ boolean could_poly = FALSE;
+ boolean could_slime = FALSE;
+ boolean could_grow = FALSE;
+ boolean could_heal = FALSE;
if (obj != uball) { /* mon doesn't pick up ball */
- could_petrify = obj->otyp == CORPSE &&
- touch_petrifies(&mons[obj->corpsenm]);
+ if (obj->otyp == CORPSE) {
+ could_petrify = touch_petrifies(&mons[obj->corpsenm]);
+ could_poly = polyfodder(obj);
+ could_slime = (obj->corpsenm == PM_GREEN_SLIME);
+ could_grow = (obj->corpsenm == PM_WRAITH);
+ could_heal = (obj->corpsenm == PM_NURSE);
+ }
(void) mpickobj(u.ustuck,obj);
- if (could_petrify && is_animal(u.ustuck->data)) {
- minstapetrify(u.ustuck, TRUE);
- /* Don't leave a cockatrice corpse available in a statue */
- if (!u.uswallow) delobj(obj);
+ if (is_animal(u.ustuck->data)) {
+ if (could_poly || could_slime) {
+ (void) newcham(u.ustuck,
+ could_poly ? (struct permonst *)0 :
+ &mons[PM_GREEN_SLIME],
+ FALSE, could_slime);
+ delobj(obj); /* corpse is digested */
+ } else if (could_petrify) {
+ minstapetrify(u.ustuck, TRUE);
+ /* Don't leave a cockatrice corpse in a statue */
+ if (!u.uswallow) delobj(obj);
+ } else if (could_grow) {
+ (void) grow_up(u.ustuck, (struct monst *)0);
+ delobj(obj); /* corpse is digested */
+ } else if (could_heal) {
+ u.ustuck->mhp = u.ustuck->mhpmax;
+ delobj(obj); /* corpse is digested */
+ }
} else {
monkilled(mdef, "", (int)mattk->adtyp);
if (mdef->mhp > 0) return 0; /* mdef lifesaved */
+ if (mattk->adtyp == AD_DGST) {
+ /* various checks similar to dog_eat and meatobj.
+ * after monkilled() to provide better message ordering */
+ if (mdef->cham != CHAM_ORDINARY) {
+ (void) newcham(magr, (struct permonst *)0, FALSE, TRUE);
+ } else if (mdef->data == &mons[PM_GREEN_SLIME]) {
+ (void) newcham(magr, &mons[PM_GREEN_SLIME], FALSE, TRUE);
+ } else if (mdef->data == &mons[PM_WRAITH]) {
+ (void) grow_up(magr, (struct monst *)0);
+ /* don't grow up twice */
+ return (MM_DEF_DIED | (magr->mhp > 0 ? 0 : MM_AGR_DIED));
+ } else if (mdef->data == &mons[PM_NURSE]) {
+ magr->mhp = magr->mhpmax;
+ }
+ }
return (MM_DEF_DIED | (grow_up(magr,mdef) ? 0 : MM_AGR_DIED));