# we do not use _safe_read() here because this may be a .will_close
# connection, and the user is reading more bytes than will be provided
# (for example, reading in 1k chunks)
- s = self.fp.read(amt)
+ n = self.fp.readinto(b)
if self.length is not None:
- self.length -= len(s)
+ self.length -= n
if not self.length:
- return s
+ return n
+ def _read_next_chunk_size(self):
+ # Read the next chunk size from the file
+ line = self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1)
+ if len(line) > _MAXLINE:
+ raise LineTooLong("chunk size")
+ i = line.find(b";")
+ if i >= 0:
+ line = line[:i] # strip chunk-extensions
+ try:
+ return int(line, 16)
+ except ValueError:
+ # close the connection as protocol synchronisation is
+ # probably lost
+ self.close()
+ raise
- def _read_chunked(self, amt):
+ def _read_and_discard_trailer(self):
+ # read and discard trailer up to the CRLF terminator
+ ### note: we shouldn't have any trailers!
+ while True:
+ line = self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1)
+ if len(line) > _MAXLINE:
+ raise LineTooLong("trailer line")
+ if not line:
+ # a vanishingly small number of sites EOF without
+ # sending the trailer
+ break
- if line == b"\r\n":
++ if line in (b'\r\n', b'\n', b''):
+ break
+ def _readall_chunked(self):
assert self.chunked != _UNKNOWN
chunk_left = self.chunk_left
value = []