-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_muc_log).
-record(room, {jid, title, subject, subject_author, config}).
+-define(PLAINTEXT_IN, "ZZIZZ").
-record(logstate, {host,
fw(F, " <a href=\"http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/\"><img style=\"border:0;width:88px;height:31px\" src=\"~s/vcss.png\" alt=\"Valid CSS!\"/></a>", [Images_dir]),
fw(F, "</span></div></body></html>").
+htmlize_nick(Nick1, html) ->
+ htmlize("<"++Nick1++">", html);
+htmlize_nick(Nick1, plaintext) ->
+ htmlize(?PLAINTEXT_IN++Nick1++?PLAINTEXT_OUT, plaintext).
add_message_to_log(Nick1, Message, RoomJID, Opts, State) ->
#logstate{out_dir = OutDir,
dir_type = DirType,
top_link = TopLink} = State,
Room = get_room_info(RoomJID, Opts),
Nick = htmlize(Nick1, FileFormat),
- Nick2 = htmlize("<"++Nick1++">", FileFormat),
+ Nick2 = htmlize_nick(Nick1, FileFormat),
Now = now(),
TimeStamp = case Timezone of
local -> calendar:now_to_local_time(Now);
html ->
plaintext ->
- ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1, "<[^>]*>", "")
+ S1x = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1, "<[^<^>]*>", ""),
+ S1y = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1x, ?PLAINTEXT_IN, "<"),
+ ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1y, ?PLAINTEXT_OUT, ">")
io:format(F, S2, []).
%% The NoFollow parameter tell if the spam prevention should be applied to the link found
%% true means 'apply nofollow on links'.
htmlize(S1, _NoFollow, plaintext) ->
- S1;
+ S1x = ejabberd_regexp:replace(S1, "<", ?PLAINTEXT_IN),
+ ejabberd_regexp:replace(S1x, ">", ?PLAINTEXT_OUT);
htmlize(S1, NoFollow, _FileFormat) ->
S2_list = string:tokens(S1, "\n"),