sub verifyssh {
my ($proto, $ip, $port) = @_;
- open(FILE, "<$SSHPIDFILE");
- my $pid=0+<FILE>;
- close(FILE);
+ my $pid;
+ if(open(FILE, "<$SSHPIDFILE")) {
+ $pid=0+<FILE>;
+ close(FILE);
+ logmsg "TRACESSH:verifyssh: pid from $SSHPIDFILE is $pid\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ logmsg "TRACESSH:verifyssh: cannot open file $SSHPIDFILE\n";
+ }
return $pid;
if($pid > 0) {
+ unlink($pidfile);
my $flag=$verbose?'-v ':'';
$flag .= '-d ' if($debugprotocol);
return (0,0);
- if (!verifyserver('ssh',$ip,$port)) {
+ if (!verifyserver("ssh",$ip,$port)) {
logmsg "RUN: SSH server failed verification\n";
# failed to talk to it properly. Kill the server and return failure
stopserver("$sshpid $pid2");
my $cmd="$ssh -N -F $sshconfig $ip > $sshlog 2>&1";
my ($sshpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 30, 1);
- logmsg "TRACESSH:runsocksserver: startnew returns sshpid: $sshpid pid2: $pid2\n";
if($sshpid <= 0 || !kill(0, $sshpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the SOCKS server\n";
# Ugly hack but ssh doesn't support pid files
- if (!verifyserver('socks',$ip,$port)) {
+ if (!verifyserver("socks",$ip,$port)) {
logmsg "RUN: SOCKS server failed verification\n";
# failed to talk to it properly. Kill the server and return failure
stopserver("$sshpid $pid2");