#include <limits>
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
#include "src/ir/dfa/dfa.h"
namespace re2c
-static void calc_live(
- const dfa_t &dfa,
- const std::set<size_t> &fallback,
- std::vector<bool> &visited,
- std::vector<std::set<size_t> > &live,
- size_t i)
+static size_t mask_dead_tags(Tagpool &tagpool,
+ size_t oldidx, const bool *live)
- if (!visited[i]) {
- visited[i] = true;
- dfa_state_t *s = dfa.states[i];
- bool fallthru = false;
- for (size_t c = 0; c < dfa.nchars; ++c) {
- const size_t j = s->arcs[c];
- if (j != dfa_t::NIL) {
- calc_live(dfa, fallback, visited, live, j);
- live[i].insert(live[j].begin(), live[j].end());
- } else {
- fallthru = true;
- }
- }
+ const bool *oldtags = tagpool[oldidx];
+ bool *newtags = new bool[tagpool.ntags];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < tagpool.ntags; ++i) {
+ newtags[i] = oldtags[i] & live[i];
+ }
+ const size_t newidx = tagpool.insert(newtags);
+ delete[] newtags;
+ return newidx;
- if (s->rule != Rule::NONE) {
- const Rule &rule = dfa.rules[s->rule];
- for (size_t j = rule.ltag; j < rule.htag; ++j) {
- live[i].insert(j);
- }
- if (rule.trail.type == Trail::VAR) {
- live[i].insert(rule.trail.pld.var);
- }
- } else if (fallthru) {
- // transition to default state: all fallback rules
- // are potentialy reachable, their contexts are alive
- live[i].insert(fallback.begin(), fallback.end());
+static bool dangling_arcs(const size_t *arcs, size_t narcs)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < narcs; ++i) {
+ if (arcs[i] == dfa_t::NIL) {
+ return true;
+ return false;
-size_t deduplicate_contexts(dfa_t &dfa,
- const std::vector<size_t> &fallback)
+/* note [liveness analyses on tags]
+ *
+ * Tag T is alive in state S if either:
+ *
+ * - There is a transition from S to default state, S does not set T,
+ * S is final and T belongs to tag set associated with rule in S.
+ *
+ * - There is a transition from S to default state, S does not set T
+ * and T belongs to any tag set associated with fallback rules.
+ *
+ * - There is a transition from S to some state S' (maybe equal to S),
+ * S does not set T and T is alive in S'.
+ */
+static void calc_live(const dfa_t &dfa,
+ const bool *fallback,
+ bool *visited,
+ bool *live,
+ size_t i)
- const size_t nctxs = dfa.contexts.size();
- if (nctxs < 2) {
- return nctxs;
+ if (visited[i]) {
+ return;
- std::set<size_t> fbctxs;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < fallback.size(); ++i) {
- const Rule &rule = dfa.rules[dfa.states[fallback[i]]->rule];
- for (size_t j = rule.ltag; j < rule.htag; ++j) {
- fbctxs.insert(j);
+ visited[i] = true;
+ dfa_state_t *s = dfa.states[i];
+ const size_t ntags = dfa.contexts.size();
+ // add tags before recursing to child states,
+ // so that tags propagate into loopbacks to this state
+ if (dangling_arcs(s->arcs, dfa.nchars)) {
+ if (s->rule != Rule::NONE) {
+ // final state, only rule tags are alive
+ add_tags_with_mask(&live[i * ntags],
+ dfa.rules[s->rule].tags,
+ dfa.tagpool[s->tags],
+ ntags);
+ } else {
+ // transition to default state and dispatch on
+ // 'yyaccept': all fallback rules are potentially
+ // reachable, their tags are alive
+ // no mask (no rule implies no rule tags)
+ add_tags(&live[i * ntags], fallback, ntags);
- if (rule.trail.type == Trail::VAR) {
- fbctxs.insert(rule.trail.pld.var);
+ }
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < dfa.nchars; ++c) {
+ const size_t j = s->arcs[c];
+ if (j != dfa_t::NIL) {
+ calc_live(dfa, fallback, visited, live, j);
+ add_tags_with_mask(&live[i * ntags],
+ &live[j * ntags],
+ dfa.tagpool[s->tags],
+ ntags);
+static void mask_dead(dfa_t &dfa,
+ const bool *livetags)
const size_t nstates = dfa.states.size();
- std::vector<bool> visited(nstates);
- std::vector<std::set<size_t> > live(nstates);
- calc_live(dfa, fbctxs, visited, live, 0);
- std::vector<size_t> buffer(nctxs);
- std::vector<bool> xxx(nctxs * nctxs);
+ const size_t ntags = dfa.contexts.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nstates; ++i) {
- const std::set<size_t>
- &ctxs = dfa.states[i]->ctxs,
- &liv = live[i];
- std::vector<size_t>::iterator
- diff = buffer.begin(),
- diff_end = std::set_difference(liv.begin(), liv.end(),
- ctxs.begin(), ctxs.end(), diff);
- for (; diff != diff_end; ++diff) {
- for (std::set<size_t>::const_iterator j = ctxs.begin(); j != ctxs.end(); ++j) {
- xxx[*diff * nctxs + *j] = xxx[*j * nctxs + *diff] = true;
+ dfa_state_t *s = dfa.states[i];
+ mask_dead_tags(dfa.tagpool, s->tags, &livetags[i * ntags]);
+ }
+// tags that are updated here are pairwise incompatible
+// with all tags that are alive, but not updated here
+static void incompatible(bool *tbl,
+ const bool *live,
+ const bool *tags,
+ size_t ntags)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ntags; ++i) {
+ if (live[i] && !tags[i]) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < ntags; ++j) {
+ if (tags[j]) {
+ tbl[i * ntags + j] = tbl[j * ntags + i] = true;
+ }
- // We have a binary relation on the set of all contexts
- // and must construct set decomposition into subsets such that
- // all contexts in the same subset are equivalent.
- //
- // This problem is isomorphic to partitioning graph into cliques
- // (aka finding the 'clique cover' of a graph).
- //
- // Finding minimal clique cover in arbitrary graph is NP-complete.
- // We build just some cover (not necessarily minimal).
- // The algorithm takes quadratic (in the number of contexts) time.
+static void incompatibility_table(const dfa_t &dfa,
+ const bool *livetags,
+ bool *incompattbl)
+ const size_t nstates = dfa.states.size();
+ const size_t ntags = dfa.contexts.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nstates; ++i) {
+ const dfa_state_t *s = dfa.states[i];
+ incompatible(incompattbl, &livetags[i * ntags],
+ dfa.tagpool[s->tags], ntags);
+ }
+/* We have a binary relation on the set of all tags
+ * and must construct set decomposition into subsets such that
+ * all contexts in the same subset are equivalent.
+ *
+ * This problem is isomorphic to partitioning graph into cliques
+ * (aka finding the 'clique cover' of a graph).
+ *
+ * Finding minimal clique cover in arbitrary graph is NP-complete.
+ * We build just some cover (not necessarily minimal).
+ * The algorithm takes quadratic (in the number of tags) time.
+ * static void equivalence_classes(const std::vector<bool> &incompattbl,
+ */
+static size_t equivalence_classes(const bool *incompattbl,
+ size_t ntags, std::vector<size_t> &represent)
static const size_t END = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
- part(nctxs, 0), // partition: mapping of context to its representative
- head(nctxs, END), // list of representatives
- next(nctxs, END); // list of contexts mapped to the same representative
- // skip the 1st context, it maps to itself
- for (size_t c = 1; c < nctxs; ++c) {
+ head(ntags, END), // list of representatives
+ next(ntags, END); // list of tags mapped to the same representative
+ // skip the 1st tag, it maps to itself
+ for (size_t c = 1; c < ntags; ++c) {
size_t h;
for (h = 0; h != END; h = head[h]) {
size_t n;
for (n = h; n != END; n = next[n]) {
- if (xxx[c * nctxs + n]) {
+ if (incompattbl[c * ntags + n]) {
if (n == END) {
- part[c] = h;
+ represent[c] = h;
next[c] = next[h];
next[h] = c;
if (h == END) {
- part[c] = c;
+ represent[c] = c;
head[c] = head[0];
head[0] = c;
- size_t ncontexts = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nctxs; ++i) {
- if (part[i] == i) {
- ++ncontexts;
+ size_t nreps = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ntags; ++i) {
+ if (represent[i] == i) {
+ ++nreps;
+ return nreps;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nstates; ++i) {
- dfa_state_t *s = dfa.states[i];
- std::set<size_t> ctxs;
- for (std::set<size_t>::const_iterator j = s->ctxs.begin(); j != s->ctxs.end(); ++j) {
- ctxs.insert(part[*j]);
+static size_t patch_tagset(Tagpool &tagpool, size_t oldidx,
+ const std::vector<size_t> &represent)
+ const bool *oldtags = tagpool[oldidx];
+ bool *newtags = new bool[tagpool.ntags]();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < tagpool.ntags; ++i) {
+ if (oldtags[i]) {
+ newtags[represent[i]] = true;
- s->ctxs.swap(ctxs);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nctxs; ++i) {
- dfa.contexts[i].uniqname = dfa.contexts[part[i]].uniqname;
+ const size_t newidx = tagpool.insert(newtags);
+ delete[] newtags;
+ return newidx;
+static void patch_tags(dfa_t &dfa, const std::vector<size_t> &represent)
+ const size_t nstates = dfa.states.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nstates; ++i) {
+ dfa_state_t *s = dfa.states[i];
+ s->tags = patch_tagset(dfa.tagpool, s->tags, represent);
- return ncontexts;
+ const size_t ntags = dfa.contexts.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ntags; ++i) {
+ dfa.contexts[i].uniqname = dfa.contexts[represent[i]].uniqname;
+ }
+size_t deduplicate_contexts(dfa_t &dfa,
+ const std::vector<size_t> &fallback)
+ const size_t ntags = dfa.contexts.size();
+ if (ntags == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool *fbctxs = new bool[ntags]();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fallback.size(); ++i) {
+ const size_t r = dfa.states[fallback[i]]->rule;
+ add_tags(fbctxs, dfa.rules[r].tags, ntags);
+ }
+ const size_t nstates = dfa.states.size();
+ bool *visited = new bool[nstates]();
+ bool *live = new bool[nstates * ntags]();
+ calc_live(dfa, fbctxs, visited, live, 0);
+ mask_dead(dfa, live);
+ bool *incompattbl = new bool[ntags * ntags]();
+ incompatibility_table(dfa, live, incompattbl);
+ std::vector<size_t> represent(ntags, 0);
+ const size_t nreps = equivalence_classes(incompattbl, ntags, represent);
+ if (nreps < ntags) {
+ patch_tags(dfa, represent);
+ }
+ delete[] fbctxs;
+ delete[] visited;
+ delete[] live;
+ delete[] incompattbl;
+ return nreps;
} // namespace re2c