dighole dealt with holes in drawbridges, but digactualhole did not
detect attempt to swap places with big pet through narrow opening
stinking clouds in bones files do not get their ttl set reasonably
stinking clouds in bones files may incorrectly set player_inside
+breaking wand of digging on a drawbridge shouldn't dig/hole a pit in the bridge
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
breaksink(x, y);
+ } else if (lev->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN ||
+ (is_drawbridge_wall(x, y) >= 0)) {
+ int bx = x, by = y;
+ /* if under the portcullis, the bridge is adjacent */
+ (void) find_drawbridge(&bx, &by);
+ destroy_drawbridge(bx, by);
+ return;
if (ttyp != PIT && !Can_dig_down(&u.uz)) {