-# $File: windows,v 1.12 2015/08/29 07:10:35 christos Exp $
+# $File: windows,v 1.13 2015/09/23 16:03:03 christos Exp $
# windows: file(1) magic for Microsoft Windows
# This file is mainly reserved for files where programs
# Summary: Old format help files
-# Extension: .hlp
+# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WinHelp
+# Reference: http://www.oocities.org/mwinterhoff/helpfile.htm
+# Update: Joerg Jenderek
# Created by: Dirk Jagdmann <doj@cubic.org>
-0 lelong 0x00035f3f MS Windows 3.x help file
+# check and then display version and date inside MS Windows HeLP file fragment
+0 name help-ver-date
+# look for Magic of SYSTEMHEADER
+>0 leshort 0x036C
+# version Major 1 for right file fragment
+>>4 leshort 1 Windows
+# print non empty string above to avoid error message
+# Warning: Current entry does not yet have a description for adding a MIME type
+!:mime application/winhelp
+!:ext hlp
+# version Minor of help file format is hint for windows version
+>>>2 leshort 0x0F 3.x
+>>>2 leshort 0x15 3.0
+>>>2 leshort 0x21 3.1
+>>>2 leshort 0x27 x.y
+>>>2 leshort 0x33 95
+>>>2 default x y.z
+>>>>2 leshort x 0x%x
+# to complete message string like "MS Windows 3.x help file"
+>>>2 leshort x help
+# GenDate often older than file creation date
+>>>6 ldate x \b, %s
+# Magic for HeLP files
+0 lelong 0x00035f3f
+# ./windows (version 5.25) labeled the entry as "MS Windows 3.x help file"
+# file header magic 0x293B at DirectoryStart+9
+>(4.l+9) uleshort 0x293B MS
+# look for @VERSION bmf.. like IBMAVW.ANN
+>>0xD4 string =\x62\x6D\x66\x01\x00 Windows help annotation
+!:mime application/x-winhelp
+!:ext ann
+>>0xD4 string !\x62\x6D\x66\x01\x00
+# "GID Help index" by TrID
+>>>(4.l+0x65) string =|Pete Windows help Global Index
+!:mime application/x-winhelp
+!:ext gid
+# HeLP Bookmark or
+# "Windows HELP File" by TrID
+>>>(4.l+0x65) string !|Pete
+# maybe there exist a cleaner way to detect HeLP fragments
+# brute search for Magic 0x036C with matching Major maximal 7 iterations
+# discapp.hlp
+>>>>16 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
+>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+# putty.hlp
+>>>>>>&0 search/0x69AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
+>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
+>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
+>>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+# GCC.HLP is detected after 7 iterations
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 use help-ver-date
+# this only happens if bigger hlp file is detected after used search iterations
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&4 leshort !1 Windows y.z help
+!:mime application/winhelp
+!:ext hlp
+# repeat search again or following default line does not work
+>>>>16 search/0x49AF/s \x6c\x03
+# remaining files should be HeLP Bookmark WinHlp32.BMK (XP 32-bit) or WinHlp32 (Windows 8.1 64-bit)
+>>>>16 default x Windows help Bookmark
+!:mime application/x-winhelp
+!:ext /bmk
+## FirstFreeBlock normally FFFFFFFFh 10h for *ANN
+##>>8 lelong x \b, FirstFreeBlock 0x%8.8x
+# EntireFileSize
+>>12 lelong x \b, %d bytes
+## ReservedSpace normally 042Fh AFh for *.ANN
+#>>(4.l) lelong x \b, ReservedSpace 0x%8.8x
+## UsedSpace normally 0426h A6h for *.ANN
+#>>(4.l+4) lelong x \b, UsedSpace 0x%8.8x
+## FileFlags normally 04...
+#>>(4.l+5) lelong x \b, FileFlags 0x%8.8x
+## file header magic 0x293B
+#>>(4.l+9) uleshort x \b, file header magic 0x%4.4x
+## file header Flags 0x0402
+#>>(4.l+11) uleshort x \b, file header Flags 0x%4.4x
+## file header PageSize 0400h 80h for *.ANN
+#>>(4.l+13) uleshort x \b, PageSize 0x%4.4x
+## Structure[16] z4
+#>>(4.l+15) string >\0 \b, Structure_"%-.16s"
+## MustBeZero 0
+#>>(4.l+31) uleshort x \b, MustBeZero 0x%4.4x
+## PageSplits
+#>>(4.l+33) uleshort x \b, PageSplits 0x%4.4x
+## RootPage
+#>>(4.l+35) uleshort x \b, RootPage 0x%4.4x
+## MustBeNegOne 0xffff
+#>>(4.l+37) uleshort x \b, MustBeNegOne 0x%4.4x
+## TotalPages 1
+#>>(4.l+39) uleshort x \b, TotalPages 0x%4.4x
+## NLevels 0x0001
+#>>(4.l+41) uleshort x \b, NLevels 0x%4.4x
+## TotalBtreeEntries
+#>>(4.l+43) ulelong x \b, TotalBtreeEntries 0x%8.8x
+## pages of the B+ tree
+#>>(4.l+47) ubequad x \b, PageStart 0x%16.16llx
+# start with colon or semicolon for comment line like Back2Life.cnt
+0 regex \^(:|;)
+# look for first keyword Base
+>0 search/45 :Base
+>>&0 use cnt-name
+# only solution to search again from beginning , because relative offsets changes when use is called
+>0 search/45 :Base
+>0 default x
+# look for other keyword Title like in putty.cnt
+>>0 search/45 :Title
+>>>&0 use cnt-name
+# display mime type and name of Windows help Content source
+0 name cnt-name
+# skip space at beginning
+>0 string \
+# name without extension and greater character or name with hlp extension
+>>1 regex/c \^([^\xd>]*|.*\.hlp) MS Windows help file Content, based "%s"
+!:mime text/plain
+!:apple ????TEXT
+!:ext cnt
+# Windows creates an full text search from hlp file, if the user clicks the "Find" tab and enables keyword indexing
+0 string tfMR MS Windows help Full Text Search index
+!:mime application/x-winhelp-fts
+!:ext fts
+>16 string >\0 for "%s"
# Summary: Hyper terminal
# Extension: .ht