++- Issue #25725: Fixed a reference leak in pickle.loads() when unpickling
++ invalid data including tuple instructions.
+- Issue #25663: In the Readline completer, avoid listing duplicate global
+ names, and search the global namespace before searching builtins.
+- Issue #25688: Fixed file leak in ElementTree.iterparse() raising an error.
+- Issue #23914: Fixed SystemError raised by unpickler on broken pickle data.
+- Issue #25691: Fixed crash on deleting ElementTree.Element attributes.
+- Issue #25624: ZipFile now always writes a ZIP_STORED header for directory
+ entries. Patch by Dingyuan Wang.
- Issue #25626: Change three zlib functions to accept sizes that fit in
Py_ssize_t, but internally cap those sizes to UINT_MAX. This resolves a
regression in 3.5 where failed to read chunks larger than 2