--- /dev/null
+//===--- DataflowSolver.h - Skeleton Dataflow Analysis Code -----*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file was developed by Ted Kremenek and is distributed under
+// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines skeleton code for implementing dataflow analyses.
+#include "clang/AST/CFG.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
+namespace clang {
+/// DataflowWorkListTy - Data structure representing the worklist used for
+/// dataflow algorithms.
+class DataflowWorkListTy {
+ typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet<const CFGBlock*,20> BlockSet;
+ BlockSet wlist;
+ /// enqueue - Add a block to the worklist. Blocks already on the worklist
+ /// are not added a second time.
+ void enqueue(const CFGBlock* B) { wlist.insert(B); }
+ /// dequeue - Remove a block from the worklist.
+ const CFGBlock* dequeue() {
+ assert (!wlist.empty());
+ const CFGBlock* B = *wlist.begin();
+ wlist.erase(B);
+ return B;
+ }
+ /// isEmpty - Return true if the worklist is empty.
+ bool isEmpty() const { return wlist.empty(); }
+/// DataflowSolverTy - Generic dataflow solver.
+template <typename _DFValuesTy, // Usually a subclass of DataflowValues
+ typename _TransferFuncsTy,
+ typename _MergeOperatorTy >
+class DataflowSolver {
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Type declarations.
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ typedef _DFValuesTy DFValuesTy;
+ typedef _TransferFuncsTy TransferFuncsTy;
+ typedef _MergeOperatorTy MergeOperatorTy;
+ typedef typename _DFValuesTy::AnalysisDirTag AnalysisDirTag;
+ typedef typename _DFValuesTy::ValTy ValTy;
+ typedef typename _DFValuesTy::BlockDataMapTy BlockDataMapTy;
+ typedef typename _DFValuesTy::ObserverTy ObserverTy;
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // External interface: constructing and running the solver.
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ DataflowSolver(DFValuesTy& d, ObserverTy* o = NULL) : D(d), O(o) {}
+ ~DataflowSolver() {}
+ /// runOnCFG - Computes dataflow values for all blocks in a CFG.
+ void runOnCFG(const CFG& cfg) {
+ // Set initial dataflow values and boundary conditions.
+ D.InitializeValues(cfg);
+ // Tag dispatch to the kind of analysis we do: forward or backwards.
+ SolveDataflowEquations(cfg,typename _DFValuesTy::AnalysisDirTag());
+ }
+ /// runOnBlock - Computes dataflow values for a given block.
+ /// This should usually be invoked only after previously computing
+ /// dataflow values using runOnCFG, as runOnBlock is intended to
+ /// only be used for querying the dataflow values within a block with
+ /// and Observer object.
+ void runOnBlock(const CFGBlock* B) {
+ TransferFuncsTy TF (D.getMetaData(),O);
+ ProcessBlock(B,TF,AnalysisDirTag());
+ }
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Internal solver logic.
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ /// SolveDataflowEquations (FORWARD ANALYSIS) - Perform the actual
+ /// worklist algorithm to compute dataflow values.
+ void SolveDataflowEquations(const CFG& cfg, dataflow::forward_analysis_tag) {
+ // Create the worklist.
+ DataflowWorkListTy WorkList;
+ // Enqueue the ENTRY block.
+ WorkList.enqueue(&cfg.getEntry());
+ // Create the state for transfer functions.
+ TransferFuncsTy TF(D.getMetaData(),O);
+ // Process the worklist until it is empty.
+ while (!WorkList.isEmpty()) {
+ const CFGBlock* B = WorkList.dequeue();
+ // If the dataflow values at the block's exit have changed,
+ // enqueue all successor blocks onto the worklist to have
+ // their values updated.
+ if (ProcessBlock(B,TF,AnalysisDirTag()))
+ for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator I=B->succ_begin(), E=B->succ_end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ WorkList.enqueue(*I);
+ }
+ }
+ /// SolveDataflowEquations (BACKWARD ANALYSIS) - Perform the actual
+ /// worklist algorithm to compute dataflow values.
+ void SolveDataflowEquations(const CFG& cfg, dataflow::backward_analysis_tag) {
+ // Create the worklist.
+ DataflowWorkListTy WorkList;
+ // Enqueue the EXIT block.
+ WorkList.enqueue(&cfg.getExit());
+ // Create the state for transfer functions.
+ TransferFuncsTy TF(D.getMetaData(),O);
+ // Process the worklist until it is empty.
+ while (!WorkList.isEmpty()) {
+ const CFGBlock* B = WorkList.dequeue();
+ // If the dataflow values at the block's entry have changed,
+ // enqueue all predecessor blocks onto the worklist to have
+ // their values updated.
+ if (ProcessBlock(B,TF,AnalysisDirTag()))
+ for (CFGBlock::const_pred_iterator I=B->pred_begin(), E=B->pred_end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ WorkList.enqueue(*I);
+ }
+ }
+ /// ProcessBlock (FORWARD ANALYSIS) - Process the transfer functions
+ /// for a given block based on a forward analysis.
+ bool ProcessBlock(const CFGBlock* B, TransferFuncsTy& TF,
+ dataflow::forward_analysis_tag) {
+ ValTy& V = TF.getVal();
+ // Merge dataflow values from all predecessors of this block.
+ V.resetValues();
+ MergeOperatorTy Merge;
+ for (CFGBlock::const_pred_iterator I=B->pred_begin(),
+ E=B->pred_end(); I!=E; ++I)
+ Merge(V,D.getBlockData(*I));
+ // Process the statements in the block in the forward direction.
+ for (CFGBlock::const_iterator I=B->begin(), E=B->end(); I!=E; ++I)
+ TF.BlockStmt_Visit(const_cast<Stmt*>(*I));
+ return UpdateBlockValue(B,V);
+ }
+ /// ProcessBlock (BACKWARD ANALYSIS) - Process the transfer functions
+ /// for a given block based on a forward analysis.
+ bool ProcessBlock(const CFGBlock* B, TransferFuncsTy& TF,
+ dataflow::backward_analysis_tag) {
+ ValTy& V = TF.getVal();
+ // Merge dataflow values from all predecessors of this block.
+ V.resetValues();
+ MergeOperatorTy Merge;
+ for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator I=B->succ_begin(),
+ E=B->succ_end(); I!=E; ++I)
+ Merge(V,D.getBlockData(*I));
+ // Process the statements in the block in the forward direction.
+ for (CFGBlock::const_reverse_iterator I=B->begin(), E=B->end(); I!=E; ++I)
+ TF.BlockStmt_Visit(const_cast<Stmt*>(*I));
+ return UpdateBlockValue(B,V);
+ }
+ /// UpdateBlockValue - After processing the transfer functions for a block,
+ /// update the dataflow value associated with the block. Return true
+ /// if the block's value has changed. We do lazy instantiation of block
+ /// values, so if the block value has not been previously computed we
+ /// obviously return true.
+ bool UpdateBlockValue(const CFGBlock* B, ValTy& V) {
+ BlockDataMapTy& M = D.getBlockDataMap();
+ typename BlockDataMapTy::iterator I = M.find(B);
+ if (I == M.end()) {
+ M[B].copyValues(V);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (!V.equal(I->second)) {
+ I->second.copyValues(V);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ DFValuesTy& D;
+ ObserverTy* O;
+} // end namespace clang
--- /dev/null
+//==- UninitializedValues.cpp - Find Unintialized Values --------*- C++ --*-==//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file was developed by Ted Kremenek and is distributed under
+// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file implements Uninitialized Values analysis for source-level CFGs.
+#include "clang/Analysis/UninitializedValues.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/CFGVarDeclVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/CFGStmtVisitor.h"
+#include "DataflowSolver.h"
+using namespace clang;
+// Dataflow initialization logic.
+namespace {
+class RegisterDecls : public CFGVarDeclVisitor<RegisterDecls> {
+ UninitializedValues::MetaDataTy& M;
+ RegisterDecls(const CFG& cfg, UninitializedValues::MetaDataTy& m) :
+ CFGVarDeclVisitor<RegisterDecls>(cfg), M(m) {}
+ void VisitVarDecl(VarDecl* D) {
+ if (M.Map.find(D) == M.Map.end()) {
+ M.Map[D] = M.NumDecls++;
+ }
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+void UninitializedValues::InitializeValues(const CFG& cfg) {
+ RegisterDecls R(cfg,this->getMetaData());
+ R.VisitAllDecls();
+ getBlockDataMap()[ &cfg.getEntry() ].resize( getMetaData().NumDecls );
+// Transfer functions.
+namespace {
+class TransferFuncs : public CFGStmtVisitor<TransferFuncs,bool> {
+ UninitializedValues::ValTy V;
+ UninitializedValues::MetaDataTy& M;
+ UninitializedValues::ObserverTy* O;
+ TransferFuncs(UninitializedValues::MetaDataTy& m,
+ UninitializedValues::ObserverTy* o) : M(m), O(o) {
+ V.resize(M.NumDecls);
+ }
+ UninitializedValues::ValTy& getVal() { return V; }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+// Merge operator.
+namespace {
+struct Merge {
+ void operator()(UninitializedValues::ValTy& Dst,
+ UninitializedValues::ValTy& Src) {
+ assert (Dst.size() == Src.size() && "Bitvector sizes do not match.");
+ Src |= Dst;
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+// Observer to flag warnings for uses of uninitialized variables.
+// External interface (driver logic).
+void UninitializedValues::CheckUninitializedValues(const CFG& cfg) {
+ typedef DataflowSolver<UninitializedValues,TransferFuncs,Merge> Solver;
+ UninitializedValues U;
+ { // Compute the unitialized values information.
+ Solver S(U);
+ S.runOnCFG(cfg);
+ }
+// WarnObserver O;
+ Solver S(U);
+ for (CFG::const_iterator I=cfg.begin(), E=cfg.end(); I!=E; ++I)
+ S.runOnBlock(&*I);
--- /dev/null
+//==- CFGVarDeclVisitor - Generic visitor of VarDecls in a CFG --*- C++ --*-==//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file was developed by Ted Kremenek and is distributed under
+// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file implements the template class CFGVarDeclVisitor, which provides
+// a generic way to visit all the VarDecl's in a CFG.
+#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
+#include "clang/AST/CFG.h"
+namespace clang {
+template <typename ImplClass>
+class CFGVarDeclVisitor : public StmtVisitor<ImplClass> {
+ const CFG& cfg;
+ CFGVarDeclVisitor(const CFG& c) : cfg(c) {}
+ void VisitStmt(Stmt* S) {
+ for (Stmt::child_iterator I=S->child_begin(), E=S->child_end(); I!=E; ++I)
+ static_cast<ImplClass*>(this)->Visit(*I);
+ }
+ void VisitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr* DR) {
+ static_cast<ImplClass*>(this)->VisitDeclChain(DR->getDecl());
+ }
+ void VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt* DS) {
+ static_cast<ImplClass*>(this)->VisitDeclChain(DS->getDecl());
+ }
+ void VisitDeclChain(ScopedDecl* D) {
+ for (; D != NULL ; D = D->getNextDeclarator())
+ static_cast<ImplClass*>(this)->VisitScopedDecl(D);
+ }
+ void VisitScopedDecl(ScopedDecl* D) {
+ if (VarDecl* V = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D))
+ static_cast<ImplClass*>(this)->VisitVarDecl(V);
+ }
+ void VisitVarDecl(VarDecl* D) {}
+ void VisitAllDecls() {
+ for (CFG::const_iterator BI = cfg.begin(), BE = cfg.end(); BI != BE; ++BI)
+ for (CFGBlock::const_iterator SI=BI->begin(),SE = BI->end();SI != SE;++SI)
+ static_cast<ImplClass*>(this)->Visit(const_cast<Stmt*>(*SI));
+ }
+} // end namespace clang
--- /dev/null
+//===--- DataflowValues.h - Data structure for dataflow values --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file was developed by Ted Kremenek and is distributed under
+// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines a skeleton data structure for encapsulating the dataflow
+// values for a CFG. Typically this is subclassed to provide methods for
+// computing these values from a CFG.
+#include "clang/AST/CFG.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace dataflow {
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ /// Dataflow Directional Tag Classes. These are used for tag dispatching
+ /// within the dataflow solver/transfer functions to determine what direction
+ /// a dataflow analysis flows.
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ struct forward_analysis_tag {};
+ struct backward_analysis_tag {};
+} // end namespace dataflow
+template <typename TypeClass,
+ typename _AnalysisDirTag = dataflow::forward_analysis_tag >
+class DataflowValues {
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Type declarations.
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ typedef typename TypeClass::ValTy ValTy;
+ typedef typename TypeClass::MetaDataTy MetaDataTy;
+ typedef typename TypeClass::ObserverTy ObserverTy;
+ typedef _AnalysisDirTag AnalysisDirTag;
+ typedef llvm::DenseMap<const CFGBlock*, ValTy> BlockDataMapTy;
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Predicates.
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ /// isForwardAnalysis - Returns true if the dataflow values are computed
+ /// from a forward analysis. If this returns true, the value returned
+ /// from getBlockData() is the dataflow values associated with the END of
+ /// the block.
+ bool isForwardAnalysis() { return isForwardAnalysis(AnalysisDirTag()); }
+ /// isBackwardAnalysis - Returns true if the dataflow values are computed
+ /// from a backward analysis. If this returns true, the value returned
+ /// from getBlockData() is the dataflow values associated with the ENTRY of
+ /// the block.
+ bool isBackwardAnalysis() { return !isForwardAnalysis(); }
+ bool isForwardAnalysis(dataflow::forward_analysis_tag) { return true; }
+ bool isForwardAnalysis(dataflow::backward_analysis_tag) { return false; }
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Initialization and accessors methods.
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ /// InitializeValues - Invoked by the solver to initialize state needed for
+ /// dataflow analysis. This method is usually specialized by subclasses.
+ void InitializeValues(const CFG& cfg) {};
+ /// getBlockData - Retrieves the dataflow values associated with a
+ /// specified CFGBlock. If the dataflow analysis is a forward analysis,
+ /// this data is associated with the END of the block. If the analysis
+ /// is a backwards analysis, it is associated with the ENTRY of the block.
+ ValTy& getBlockData(const CFGBlock* B) {
+ typename BlockDataMapTy::iterator I = BlockDataMap.find(B);
+ assert (I != BlockDataMap.end() && "No data associated with CFGBlock.");
+ return I->second;
+ }
+ const ValTy& getBlockData(const CFGBlock*) const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<DataflowValues*>(this)->getBlockData();
+ }
+ /// getBlockDataMap - Retrieves the internal map between CFGBlocks and
+ /// dataflow values. Usually used by a dataflow solver to compute
+ /// values for blocks.
+ BlockDataMapTy& getBlockDataMap() { return BlockDataMap; }
+ const BlockDataMapTy& getBlockDataMap() const { return BlockDataMap; }
+ /// getMetaData - Retrieves the meta data associated with a dataflow analysis.
+ /// This is typically consumed by transfer function code (via the solver).
+ /// This can also be used by subclasses to interpret the dataflow values.
+ MetaDataTy& getMetaData() { return Meta; }
+ const MetaDataTy& getMetaData() const { return Meta; }
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Internal data.
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ BlockDataMapTy BlockDataMap;
+ MetaDataTy Meta;
+} // end namespace clang
--- /dev/null
+//===- UninitializedValues.h - unintialized values analysis ----*- C++ --*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file was developed by Ted Kremenek and is distributed under
+// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file provides the interface for the Unintialized Values analysis,
+// a flow-sensitive analysis that detects when variable values are unintialized.
+#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/DataflowValues.h"
+namespace clang {
+ class VarDecl;
+/// UninitializedValuesTypes - Utility class to wrap type declarations
+/// used for defining the UninitializedValues class.
+class UninitializedValuesTypes {
+ class ValTy {
+ llvm::BitVector BV;
+ public:
+ // Accessors to internal bitvector.
+ unsigned size() const { return BV.size(); }
+ void resize(unsigned i) { BV.resize(i); }
+ llvm::BitVector::reference operator[](unsigned i) { return BV[i]; }
+ void operator|=(const ValTy& RHS) { BV |= RHS.BV; }
+ // Used by the solver.
+ void resetValues() { BV.reset(); }
+ bool equal(ValTy& RHS) const { return BV == RHS.BV; }
+ void copyValues(ValTy& RHS) { BV = RHS.BV; }
+ };
+ struct MetaDataTy {
+ llvm::DenseMap<const VarDecl*, unsigned > Map;
+ unsigned NumDecls;
+ MetaDataTy() : NumDecls(0) {}
+ };
+ class ObserverTy {
+ virtual ~ObserverTy();
+ virtual void ObserveStmt(Stmt* S, MetaDataTy& M, ValTy& V) {}
+ virtual void ObserveBlockExit(const CFGBlock* B, MetaDataTy& M, ValTy& V) {}
+ };
+/// UninitializedValues - Objects of this class encapsulate dataflow analysis
+/// information regarding what variable declarations in a function are
+/// potentially unintialized.
+class UninitializedValues : public DataflowValues<UninitializedValuesTypes> {
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Public interface.
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ static void CheckUninitializedValues(const CFG& cfg);
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Internal logic.
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ UninitializedValues() {}
+ /// IntializeValues - Create initial dataflow values and meta data for
+ /// a given CFG. This is intended to be called by the dataflow solver.
+ void InitializeValues(const CFG& cfg);
+} // end namespace clang