If thou wouldst gain entry, bear with thee an instrument of music, for the
pontlevis may be charmed down with the proper melody. What notes comprise
it only the gods know, but a musical mastermind may yet succeed by witful
-improvization. However, the less perspicacious are not without recourse,
+improvisation. However, the less perspicacious are not without recourse,
should they be prepared to circumambulate the castle to the postern.
+The gods are said to be pleased when offerings are given to the
+priests who attend their temples, and they may grant various favors to
+those who do so. But beware! To be young and frugal is better than to
+be old and miserly.
The name of Elbereth may strike fear into the hearts of thine enemies, if
thou dost write it upon the ground at thy feet. If thou maintainest the
They say that bandaging one's wounds helps to keep up one's appearance.
They say that booze can be diluted but not cancelled.
They say that by listening carefully, you can hear a secret door!
+They say that calculating your donations lets you choose your blessings.
They say that carrots and carrot juice may improve your vision.
They say that cave spiders are not considered expensive health food.
They say that demigods must leave behind their prized earthly possessions.
internals: use Is_box rather than explicitly checking what it checks
fix some unreachable messages (either make then reachable or remove them)
can quiver coins when GOLDOBJ is defined
+grammar, spelling and other typos
+oracle and rumor regarding priestly donations
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes