#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ***********************************************************************
-# * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, International Business Machines Corporation
+# * Copyright (c) 2002-2011, International Business Machines Corporation
# * and others. All Rights Reserved.
# ***********************************************************************
# this current year on them.
use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Time::localtime;
+use File::stat;
+use File::Find;
-my $icuSource = $ARGV[0];
-die "Can't open ICU dir: $icuSource" unless -d $icuSource ;
+my $icu_src = $ARGV[0] || ".";
+my $cpyskip = 'cpyskip.txt';
-my $ignore = "CVS|\\.svn|\\~|\\#|Debug|Release|\\.dll|\\.ilk|\\.idb|\\.pdb|\\.dsp|\\.dsw|\\.opt|\\.ncb|\\.vcproj|\\.sln|\\.suo|\\.cvsignore|\\.cnv|\\.res|\\.icu|\\.exe|\\.obj|\\.bin|\\.exp|\\.lib|\\.out|\\.plg|positions|unidata|\\.jar|\\.spp|\\.stub|\\.policy|\\.ttf|\\.TTF|\\.otf";
+die "Can't open ICU directory: $icu_src" unless -d $icu_src;
-my ($sec, $min, $hour, , $day, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime;
-$year += 1900;
-if ( ! -f "cpyskip.txt" ) {
- die "Can't open cpyskip.txt, please download from http://source.icu-project.org/cpyskip.txt (see http://site.icu-project.org/processes/copyright-scan for more details)"
+die ("Can't find $cpyskip. Please download it from ".
+ "http://source.icu-project.org/cpyskip.txt (see ".
+ "http://site.icu-project.org/processes/copyright-scan for more details).")
+ unless -f $cpyskip;
+# list of file extensions to ignore
+my @ignore_extensions = qw(svn dll ilk idb pdb dsp dsw opt ncb vcproj sln suo
+ cvsignore cnv res icu exe obj bin exp lib out plg jar spp stub policy ttf
+ TTF otf);
+my $ignore_exts = join '|',
+ map { "\\.$_" }
+ @ignore_extensions;
+# ignore regex
+my $ignore = "CVS|\\~|\\#|Debug|Release|positions|unidata|$ignore_exts";
+my $year = localtime->year + 1900;
+# Perl doesn't have fnmatch. Closest thing is File::FnMatch but that's
+# UNIX-only (see its caveats). So, as a workaround, convert globs to regular
+# expressions. Translated from Python's fnmatch module.
+sub glob_to_regex($) {
+ my ($glob, $i, $len, $regex);
+ $glob = shift;
+ $i = 0;
+ $len = length($glob);
+ $regex = "";
+ # charat(STR, IDX)
+ # Return the character in the argument at the given index.
+ my $charat = sub($$) { return substr(shift, shift, 1) };
+ while ($i < $len) {
+ my ($c, $out);
+ $c = &$charat($glob, $i++);
+ if ($c eq '*') { $out = '.*' }
+ elsif ($c eq '?') { $out = '.' }
+ elsif ($c eq '[') { # glob classes
+ my $j = $i;
+ # Get the closing index of the class. ] appearing here is part
+ # of the class.
+ if ($j < $len && &$charat($glob, $j) eq '!') { $j++ }
+ if ($j < $len && &$charat($glob, $j) eq ']') { $j++ }
+ while ($j < $len && &$charat($glob, $j) ne ']') { $j++ }
+ # Didn't find closing brace. Use literal [
+ if ($j >= $len) { $out = "\\[" }
+ else {
+ # The complete class contents (except the braces)
+ my $s = substr($regex, $i, $j - $i);
+ $s =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $i = $j + 1; # change position to outside class
+ # Negation
+ if (&$charat($s, 0) eq '!') { $s = '^'.substr($s, 1); }
+ # Literal ^
+ elsif (&$charat($s, 0) eq '^') { $s = '\\'.$s; }
+ $out = "[$s]";
+ }
+ }
+ else { $out = quotemeta($c) }
+ $regex .= $out;
+ }
+ return $regex;
-my $command = "find $icuSource -type f -mtime -$yday | fgrep -v -f cpyskip.txt";
-my @files = `$command`;
-@files = grep(!/$ignore/, @files);
-my $file;
-foreach $file (@files) {
- chomp $file;
- my @lines = `head -n 20 "$file"`;
- if (grep(/copyright.*$year/i, @lines) == 0) {
- print "$file\n";
- }
+open SKIP, "<$cpyskip" or die "Error opening $cpyskip.";
+my @ignore_globs = map { chomp; glob_to_regex($_) } <SKIP>;
+close SKIP;
+# Check if this file should be ignored.
+sub ignore($) {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ return 1 if $filename =~ /$ignore/;
+ for my $r (@ignore_globs) { return 1 if $filename =~ /$r/ }
+ 0;
+# any(CODE, LIST)
+# Evaluate CODE for each element of LIST till CODE($_) returns 1. Return 0 if
+# not found.
+sub any(&@) {
+ my $code = shift;
+ local $_;
+ &$code && return 1 for @_;
+ 0;
+ wanted => sub { # $_ is the full path to the file
+ return unless -f;
+ return if (localtime(stat($_)->mtime)->year + 1900) < $year;
+ return if ignore($_);
+ # file is recent and shouldn't be ignored. find copyright.
+ # if file contains a line with "copyright" and current year on the
+ # same line, we're good.
+ open F, "<$_" or die "Error opening '$_'.";
+ my $result = any { $_ =~ /copyright.*$year/i } <F>;
+ close F;
+ print "$_\n" unless $result;
+ },
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ }, $icu_src);