.. method:: str.title()
- Return a titlecased version of the string: words start with uppercase
- characters, all remaining cased characters are lowercase.
+ Return a titlecased version of the string where words start with an uppercase
+ character and the remaining characters are lowercase.
+ The algorithm uses a simple language-independent definition of a word as
+ groups of consecutive letters. The definition works in many contexts but
+ it means that apostrophes in contractions and possessives form word
+ boundaries, which may not be the desired result::
+ >>> "they're bill's friends from the UK".title()
+ "They'Re Bill'S Friends From The Uk"
+ A workaround for apostrophes can be constructed using regular expressions::
+ >>> import re
+ >>> def titlecase(s):
+ return re.sub(r"[A-Za-z]+('[A-Za-z]+)?",
+ lambda mo: mo.group(0)[0].upper() +
+ mo.group(0)[1:].lower(),
+ s)
+ >>> titlecase("they're bill's friends.")
+ "They're Bill's Friends."
For 8-bit strings, this method is locale-dependent.