// Cost in the first case is: P + V
// For this calculation, we always assume P > Qout. If Qout > P
// The result of this function will be ignored at the caller.
- // Cost in the second case is: Qout + Qin * U + P * V
+ // Let F = SuccFreq - Qin
+ // Cost in the second case is: Qout + min(Qin, F) * U + max(Qin, F) * V
if (PDom == nullptr || !Succ->isSuccessor(PDom)) {
BranchProbability UProb = BestSuccSucc;
BranchProbability VProb = AdjustedSuccSumProb - UProb;
+ BlockFrequency F = SuccFreq - Qin;
BlockFrequency V = SuccFreq * VProb;
- BlockFrequency QinU = Qin * UProb;
+ BlockFrequency QinU = std::min(Qin, F) * UProb;
BlockFrequency BaseCost = P + V;
- BlockFrequency DupCost = Qout + QinU + P * VProb;
+ BlockFrequency DupCost = Qout + QinU + std::max(Qin, F) * VProb;
return greaterWithBias(BaseCost, DupCost, EntryFreq);
BranchProbability UProb = MBPI->getEdgeProbability(Succ, PDom);
BranchProbability VProb = AdjustedSuccSumProb - UProb;
BlockFrequency U = SuccFreq * UProb;
BlockFrequency V = SuccFreq * VProb;
+ BlockFrequency F = SuccFreq - Qin;
// If there is a post-dominating successor, here is the calculation:
- // | \Qout | \ | \Qout | \
- // |P C | = |P C | =
- // = C' |P C = C' |P C
- // | /Qin | | | /Qin | |
- // | / | C' (+Succ) | / | C' (+Succ)
- // Succ Succ /| Succ Succ /|
- // | \ V | \/ | | \ V | \/ |
- // |U \ |U /\ | |U = |U /\ |
- // = D = = \= | D | = =|
- // | / |/ D | / |/ D
- // | / | / | = | /
- // |/ | / |/ | =
- // Dom Dom Dom Dom
+ // | \Qout | \ | \Qout | \
+ // |P C | = |P C | =
+ // = C' |P C = C' |P C
+ // | /Qin | | | /Qin | |
+ // | / | C' (+Succ) | / | C' (+Succ)
+ // Succ Succ /| Succ Succ /|
+ // | \ V | \/ | | \ V | \/ |
+ // |U \ |U /\ =? |U = |U /\ |
+ // = D = = =?| | D | = =|
+ // | / |/ D | / |/ D
+ // | / | / | = | /
+ // |/ | / |/ | =
+ // Dom Dom Dom Dom
// '=' : Branch taken for that CFG edge
// The cost for taken branches in the first case is P + U
+ // Let F = SuccFreq - Qin
// The cost in the second case (assuming independence), given the layout:
- // BB, Succ, (C+Succ), D, Dom
- // is Qout + P * V + Qin * U
+ // BB, Succ, (C+Succ), D, Dom or the layout:
+ // BB, Succ, D, Dom, (C+Succ)
+ // is Qout + max(F, Qin) * U + min(F, Qin)
// compare P + U vs Qout + P * U + Qin.
// The 3rd and 4th cases cover when Dom would be chosen to follow Succ.
// For the 3rd case, the cost is P + 2 * V
- // For the 4th case, the cost is Qout + Qin * U + P * V + V
- // We choose 4 over 3 when (P + V) > Qout + Qin * U + P * V
+ // For the 4th case, the cost is Qout + min(Qin, F) * U + max(Qin, F) * V + V
+ // We choose 4 over 3 when (P + V) > Qout + min(Qin, F) * U + max(Qin, F) * V
if (UProb > AdjustedSuccSumProb / 2 &&
!hasBetterLayoutPredecessor(Succ, PDom, *BlockToChain[PDom], UProb, UProb,
Chain, BlockFilter))
// Cases 3 & 4
- return greaterWithBias((P + V), (Qout + Qin * UProb + P * VProb),
- EntryFreq);
+ return greaterWithBias(
+ (P + V), (Qout + std::max(Qin, F) * VProb + std::min(Qin, F) * UProb),
+ EntryFreq);
// Cases 1 & 2
- return greaterWithBias(
- (P + U), (Qout + Qin * AdjustedSuccSumProb + P * UProb), EntryFreq);
+ return greaterWithBias((P + U),
+ (Qout + std::min(Qin, F) * AdjustedSuccSumProb +
+ std::max(Qin, F) * UProb),
+ EntryFreq);
/// Check for a trellis layout. \p BB is the upper part of a trellis if its
ret void
+; Because %endif has a higher frequency than %if, the calculations show we
+; shouldn't tail-duplicate %endif so that we can place it after %if. We were
+; previously undercounting the cost by ignoring execution frequency that didn't
+; come from the %if->%endif path.
+; CHECK-LABEL: higher_frequency_succ_tail_dup
+; CHECK: %entry
+; CHECK: %elseif
+; CHECK: %else
+; CHECK: %endif
+; CHECK: %then
+; CHECK: %ret
+define void @higher_frequency_succ_tail_dup(i1 %a, i1 %b, i1 %c) {
+ br label %if
+if: ; preds = %entry
+ call void @effect(i32 0)
+ br i1 %a, label %elseif, label %endif, !prof !11 ; even
+elseif: ; preds = %if
+ call void @effect(i32 1)
+ br i1 %b, label %else, label %endif, !prof !11 ; even
+else: ; preds = %elseif
+ call void @effect(i32 2)
+ br label %endif
+endif: ; preds = %if, %elseif, %else
+ br i1 %c, label %then, label %ret, !prof !12 ; 5 to 3
+then: ; preds = %endif
+ call void @effect(i32 3)
+ br label %ret
+ret: ; preds = %endif, %then
+ ret void
+declare void @effect(i32)
!5 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 84, i32 16}
!6 = !{!"function_entry_count", i32 10}
!7 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 60, i32 40}
!8 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 5001, i32 4999}
!9 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 85, i32 15}
!10 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 90, i32 10}
+!11 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 1, i32 1}
+!12 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 5, i32 3}