--- /dev/null
+language: java
+ only:
+ - master
+ - "/^release.*/"
+ global:
+ - CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/xalan-j2.jar:/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar:/usr/share/java/xml-resolver.jar:$(pwd)/.travis
+ - secure: "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"
+- sudo apt-get update -q
+- sudo apt-get install xsltproc
+- sudo apt-get install libxml-xpath-perl
+- sudo apt-get install libsaxon-java libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java libsaxon-java
+ libxerces2-java
+- sudo apt-get install trang
+- sudo apt-get install imagemagick
+- sudo apt-get install dblatex
+- cp .travis/xmlc ~/.xmlc
+- make
+- make check
+- make dist
+- git config --global user.email "builds@travis-ci.com"
+- git config --global user.name "Travis CI"
+- export GIT_TAG=snapshot/$(date -u "+%Y-%m-%d")-$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER
+- git tag $GIT_TAG -a -m "Generated tag from TravisCI build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"
+- git push https://$GITHUBTOKEN@github.com/docbook/xslt10-stylesheets $GIT_TAG > /dev/null 2>&1
+ provider: releases
+ prerelease: true
+ api_key:
+ secure: "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"
+ file:
+ - dist/docbook-xsl-snapshot.tar.bz2
+ - dist/docbook-xsl-snapshot.tar.gz
+ - dist/docbook-xsl-snapshot.zip
+ - dist/docbook-xsl-ns-snapshot.tar.bz2
+ - dist/docbook-xsl-ns-snapshot.tar.gz
+ - dist/docbook-xsl-ns-snapshot.zip
+ - dist/docbook-xsl-doc-snapshot.tar.bz2
+ - dist/docbook-xsl-doc-snapshot.tar.gz
+ - dist/docbook-xsl-doc-snapshot.zip
+ on:
+ repo: docbook/xslt10-stylesheets
+ branch: master
+ email:
+ on_success: change
+ on_failure: change
+ irc:
+ channels:
+ - "chat.freenode.net#docbook"
--- /dev/null
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# CatalogManager provides an interface to the catalog properties.
+# Properties can come from two places: from system properties or
+# from a CatalogManager.properties file. This class provides a
+# transparent interface to both, with system properties preferred
+# over property file values.
+# Catalog Files:
+# The semicolon-delimited list of catalog files.
+# Example: catalogs=./xcatalog;/share/doctypes/catalog
+# Relative Catalogs:
+# If false, relative catalog URIs are made absolute with respect to the
+# base URI of the CatalogManager.properties file. This setting only
+# applies to catalog URIs obtained from the catalogs property in the
+# CatalogManager.properties file
+# Example: relative-catalogs = [yes|no]
+# Verbosity:
+# If non-zero, the Catalog classes will print informative and debugging
+# messages. The higher the number, the more messages.
+# Example: verbosity = [0..99]
+# Prefer:
+# Which identifier is preferred, "public" or "system"?
+# Example: xml.catalog.prefer = [public|system]
+# Static-catalog:
+# Should a single catalog be constructed for all parsing, or should a
+# different catalog be created for each parser?
+# Example: static-catalog = [yes|no]
+# Allow-oasis-xml-catalog-pi
+# If the source document contains "oasis-xml-catalog" processing
+# instructions, should they be used?
+# Example: allow-oasis-xml-catalog-pi = [yes|no]
+# catalog-class-name
+# If you're using the convenience classes
+# org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.*, this setting allows you to specify
+# an alternate class name to use for the underlying catalog.
+# Example: catalog-class-name=org.apache.xml.resolver.Resolver
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!-- -*- nxml -*- -->
+ <java classpath-separator=":" xml:id="java">
+ <system-property name="javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory"
+ value="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl"/>
+ <system-property name="javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory"
+ value="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl"/>
+ <classpath path="/usr/share/java/xml-resolver.jar"/>
+ </java>
+ <java xml:id="bigmem">
+ <java-option name="Xmx512m"/>
+ </java>
+ <saxon xml:id="saxon" extends="java">
+ <arg name="x" value="org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader"/>
+ <arg name="y" value="org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader"/>
+ <arg name="r" value="org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver"/>
+ <param name="use.extensions" value="1"/>
+ </saxon>
+ <saxon xml:id="saxon-9" extends="saxon" class="net.sf.saxon.Transform"
+ java="/usr/bin/java">
+ <classpath path="/usr/share/java/saxon/saxon.jar"/>
+ <classpath path="/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar"/>
+ </saxon>
+ <saxon xml:id="saxon-6" extends="saxon" class="com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet">
+ <classpath path="/usr/share/java/saxon.jar"/>
+ <classpath path="/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar"/>
+ </saxon>
+ <xsltproc xml:id="xsltproc" exec="xsltproc"></xsltproc>
+ <xmllint xml:id="xmllint" exec="xmllint"></xmllint>
--- /dev/null
+export repo_dir ?= $(abspath .)
+ $(MAKE) -C xsl
+ $(MAKE) -C xsl doc
+ $(MAKE) -C xsl check
+ $(MAKE) -C xsl release
+ $(MAKE) -C xsl zip-ns TMP=$(repo_dir)/dist
+ $(MAKE) -C xsl clean
-= DocBook XSLT 1.0 Stylesheets
+## DocBook XSLT 1.0 Stylesheets
This repository contains the DocBook XSLT 1.0 Stylesheets, now
migrated away from SourceForge.
other things are being ported.
Nevertheless, this is now the intended repository of record.
+For build instructions please refer to the [DocBook XSL Release Build Process](building.md).
\ No newline at end of file
DocBook XSL Release Build Process
-The build process for a snapshot or actual release is created by running the docbook-build shell script like follows:
-/opt/buildtree/docbook/releasetools/docbook-build \
- -a ns \
- -b /opt/buildtree/docbook \
- -l /opt/scratch-release \
- -t /opt/scratch-release \
- -p /var/opt/release \
- -v 1.79.1 \
- -x zip-ns \
- -z US/Pacific \
- xsl \
- || rm -f /opt/scratch/docbook-xsl-snapshot.lock
-* `-a ns` Specifies that the 'ns' suffix is to be added to the build name of the namespace version. Saved in the `$ADDEDSUFFIX` variable.
-* `-b /opt/buildtree/docbook` Specifies the source for the build, the repo directory. Saved in the `$BASEDIR` variable.
-* `-l /opt/scratch-release` Location of the generated log file. Saved in the `$LOGDIR` variable.
-* `-t /opt/scratch-release` Location of any generated temp files. This is where the "built" version resides before being zipped up. Saved in the `$TMPDIR` variable.
-* `-p /var/opt/release` Location of the final zip files. Saved in the `$SITEBASE` variable.
-* `-v 1.79.1` The numerical version of this release. Saved in the `$RELEASEVERSION` variable.
-* `-x zip-ns` Name of the Makefile target for generating the zip files. Saved in the `$ZIPARG` variable.
-* `-z US/Pacific` Specifies the time zone for date stamps. Saved in the `$ZONE` variable.
-* `xsl` The name of the distro to build. Saved in the `$DISTROS` variable.
-docbook-build script steps
-The `docbook-build` shell script performs the following steps:
-1. cd to the build directory `/opt/buildtree/docbook`.
-2. Execute `svn cleanup`.
-3. Execute `svn update` to make sure the latest files are in place.
-4. Execute `svn info` and extract from the results the SVN version number to be placed in the `REVISION` variable, and copies it the the `REVISION` file.
-5. Create a lock file to prevent two build processes from running at the same time.
-6. Filter the `VERSION` file to insert the current build version taken from the `-v` option of the `docbook-build` script.
-7. Checks to see if a lock file is in place from a previous build. If so, it loops with sleep 1 until a) the
-LOCK_TIMEOUT count is reached and exits if so, or b) the lock has cleared and it prints "Done", creates a new
-lock file, and continues.
-8. Remove the previous log file that captures `STDERR` and `STDOUT`.
-9. Removes the existing `VERSION` file in the source, and then does `svn update VERSION` to get the latest.
-10. Runs a sed command on the `VERSION` file to replace the old <Version> content with the value of `$REVISION` created earlier.
-11. Starts the logging of output to the log file.
-12. Prints a date timestamp.
-13. Build the XSL files using this command. This Makefile must also build the -ns version as well, because no other commands in the script do so.
- ```
- make distrib -C xsl XSLT="$repo_dir/buildtools/xslt -$ENGINE" \
- ```
-14. echo some descriptive text to a file named header.txt.
-15. Make a tar.bz2 file using this command:
- ```
- make zip-ns -C xsl ZIPVER=$RELEASEVERSION TMP=$TMP \
- XSLT="$repo_dir/buildtools/xslt -$ENGINE" PDF_MAKER=$PDF_MAKER
- ```
- where `$RELEASEVERSION` is the value from the -v command line option.
-16. Generate a list of changes to a LatestChanges file using this command:
- ```
- svn cleanup && svn update && svn log --verbose --limit 200 > LatestChanges
- ```
-17. Copy the contents of `header.txt` and `LatestChanges` to a `README.txt` file.
-18. Copy the tar.bz2 files to `$SITEBASE` and cd to that directory.
-19. Remove the old existing xsl and xsl-ns directories and any log file.
-20. For each tar.bz2 file, bunzip it and tar extract into the $TMP directory, creating the `docbook-xsl-1.79.1`
-directory there.
-21. Run `mkdir xsl` and `mkdir xsl-ns` to initialize these directories.
-22. Copy contents of the directories:
- ```
- cp -pR docbook-xsl-1.79.1/* xsl
- cp -pR docbook-xsl-ns-1.79.1/* xsl-ns
- ```
-23. Copy the zip files, `README.txt`, and `LatestChanges` to `$SITEBASE` (`/var/opt/release`)
-Uploading a distro
-This section describes setting up a distribution on SourceForge. It requires a SourceForge shell account.
-1. Log onto the SourceForge DocBook project and create the new release directories. Go to Files > docbook-xsl and select Add Folder, and name it 1.79.1 for the new release. Do the same for docbook-xsl-ns and docbook-xsl-doc. This creates the new directories for the new release in the location `/home/frs/project/docbook/docbook-xsl/1.79.1` for example.
-2. On the build machine, cd to `$SITEBASE` (`/var/opt/release`) where the .zip and tar.bz2 files are located.
-3. Use scp to copy the .zip and .tar.bz2 files to the SourceForge account, using a command like this:
-`scp docbook-xsl-1.79.1.zip bobstayton,docbook@web.sourceforge.net`:
-The files will land in `/home/project-web/docbook`.
-4. Log into the shell account on the SourceForge machine with a command like this:
-`ssh -t bobstayton,docbook@shell.sourceforge.net create`
-5. `cd /home/project-web/docbook/htdocs/release/xsl`
-6. rm current (this is a symlink, not an actual directory).
-7. Unzip the stylesheet files and doc, creating the docbook-xsl-1.79.1 directory:
- ```
- unzip ../../../docbook-xsl-1.79.1.zip
- unzip ../../../docbook-xsl-doc-1.79.1.zip
- ```
-8. Run these commands to set up the numbered and current directories:
- ```
- mv docbook-xsl-1.79.1 1.79.1
- chmod -R g+w 1.79.1
- ln -s 1.79.1 current
- ```
-9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 replacing xsl with xsl-ns for the namespaced version of the stylesheets.
-10. To make the zip files available for download, use commands like this to copy the zip and tar.bz2 files to the directories created in step 1 of this section:
- ```cp /home/project-web/docbook/docbook-xsl-1.79.1.zip /home/frs/project/docbook/docbook-xsl-1.79.1```
-Repeat for docbook-xsl-ns and docbook-xsl-doc
-11. Edit the `RELEASE-NOTES.txt` file into a short `README` file and post that there using SourceForge upload.
-That will cause the `README` to be displayed below the list of files.
\ No newline at end of file
+ `make`
+Avalable flags:
+* XSLTENGINE=[saxon,xsltproc]
+ `make check`
+ `make dist`