/who on a secret channel that the user is not a member of
now returns proper RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG instead of nothing.
+ - Fix Bug: 85: "WHO #SecretChannel" that user is not a member of now returns
+ proper RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG instead of nothing. (Ali Shemiran)
- Implemented IRC commands SERVICE, SERVLIST, and SQUERY as dummy functions
to be even more RFC-compliant. Closes bug 74.
- Fixed Bug 75: KICK now handles comma-delimited lists.
/* Secret channel? */
if (!is_member && strchr(Channel_Modes(Chan), 's'))
- return CONNECTED;
+ return IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG, Client_ID(Client), Channel_Name(Chan));
cl2chan = Channel_FirstMember(Chan);
for (; cl2chan ; cl2chan = Channel_NextMember(Chan, cl2chan)) {
Name = #TopicChannel
Modes = t
Topic = the topic
+ Name = #SecretChannel
+ Modes = s
+ Topic = A secret Channel
# -eof-
timeout { exit 1 }
":ngircd.test.server 352 nick \* * localhost ngircd.test.server nick H\* :0 Real Name"
+expect {
+ timeout { exit 1 }
+ "315"
+send "who #SecretChannel\r"
+expect {
+ timeout { exit 1 }
+ "315"
send "quit\r"
expect {