A great reference for colormaps is <ulink url="http://www.colorbrewer2.org">ColorBrewer</ulink>.
+ <warning><para>The resulting bands of new raster will have no nodata value set. To get back nodatavalue suitable for overlay with other rasters,
+ apply a <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue" /> operation.</para></warning>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0 </para>
, ref.rast, '8BUI'::text, i*5) As rast
FROM ref cross JOIN generate_series(1,10,3) As i ) As shapes ;</programlisting>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_NumBands(rast) As n_orig
- , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast, 'greyscale')) As ngrey
- , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast, 'pseudocolor')) As npseudo
- , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast, 'fire')) As nfire
- , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast, 'bluered')) As nbluered
- , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast, '100% 255 0 0
+ , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'greyscale')) As ngrey
+ , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'pseudocolor')) As npseudo
+ , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'fire')) As nfire
+ , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'bluered')) As nbluered
+ , ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, '100% 255 0 0
80% 160 0 0
50% 130 0 0
30% 30 0 0
<refsection><title>Examples: Compare different color map looks using ST_AsPNG</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_AsPNG(rast) As orig_png
- , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,'greyscale')) As grey_png
- , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast, 'pseudocolor')) As pseudo_png
- , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast, 'nfire')) As fire_png
- , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast, 'bluered')) As bluered_png
- , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast, '100% 255 0 0
+ , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1,'greyscale')) As grey_png
+ , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'pseudocolor')) As pseudo_png
+ , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'nfire')) As fire_png
+ , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'bluered')) As bluered_png
+ , ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, '100% 255 0 0
80% 160 0 0
50% 130 0 0
30% 30 0 0
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Reclass" />,
+ <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Union" />