nArgs = PySequence_Size(converters);
p = (ffi_info *)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(ffi_info) + sizeof(ffi_type) * (nArgs + 1));
- if (p == NULL) {
- PyErr_NoMemory();
- return NULL;
- }
+ if (p == NULL)
+ return (THUNK)PyErr_NoMemory();
p->pcl = MallocClosure();
if (p->pcl == NULL) {
- PyMem_Free(p);
- return NULL;
+ goto error;
for (i = 0; i < nArgs; ++i) {
PyObject *cnv = PySequence_GetItem(converters, i);
+ if (cnv == NULL)
+ goto error;
p->atypes[i] = GetType(cnv);
p->restype = &ffi_type_void;
} else {
StgDictObject *dict = PyType_stgdict(restype);
- if (dict == NULL) {
- PyMem_Free(p);
- return NULL;
- }
+ if (dict == NULL)
+ goto error;
p->setfunc = dict->setfunc;
p->restype = &dict->ffi_type;
if (result != FFI_OK) {
"ffi_prep_cif failed with %d", result);
- PyMem_Free(p);
- return NULL;
+ goto error;
result = ffi_prep_closure(p->pcl, &p->cif, closure_fcn, p);
if (result != FFI_OK) {
"ffi_prep_closure failed with %d", result);
- PyMem_Free(p);
- return NULL;
+ goto error;
p->converters = converters;
p->callable = callable;
return (THUNK)p;
+ error:
+ if (p) {
+ FreeCallback((THUNK)p);
+ PyMem_Free(p);
+ }
+ return NULL;