const char *attrName)
TargetEntry *result;
+ CoerceToDomain *coerce_expr = NULL;
Node *src_expr;
Node *prior_expr;
Node *src_input;
* For FieldStore, instead of nesting we can generate a single
* FieldStore with multiple target fields. We must nest when
* ArrayRefs are involved though.
+ *
+ * As a further complication, the destination column might be a domain,
+ * resulting in each assignment containing a CoerceToDomain node over a
+ * FieldStore or ArrayRef. These should have matching target domains,
+ * so we strip them and reconstitute a single CoerceToDomain over the
+ * combined FieldStore/ArrayRef nodes. (Notice that this has the result
+ * that the domain's checks are applied only after we do all the field or
+ * element updates, not after each one. This is arguably desirable.)
src_expr = (Node *) src_tle->expr;
prior_expr = (Node *) prior_tle->expr;
+ if (src_expr && IsA(src_expr, CoerceToDomain) &&
+ prior_expr && IsA(prior_expr, CoerceToDomain) &&
+ ((CoerceToDomain *) src_expr)->resulttype ==
+ ((CoerceToDomain *) prior_expr)->resulttype)
+ {
+ /* we assume without checking that resulttypmod/resultcollid match */
+ coerce_expr = (CoerceToDomain *) src_expr;
+ src_expr = (Node *) ((CoerceToDomain *) src_expr)->arg;
+ prior_expr = (Node *) ((CoerceToDomain *) prior_expr)->arg;
+ }
src_input = get_assignment_input(src_expr);
prior_input = get_assignment_input(prior_expr);
if (src_input == NULL ||
newexpr = NULL;
+ if (coerce_expr)
+ {
+ /* put back the CoerceToDomain */
+ CoerceToDomain *newcoerce = makeNode(CoerceToDomain);
+ memcpy(newcoerce, coerce_expr, sizeof(CoerceToDomain));
+ newcoerce->arg = (Expr *) newexpr;
+ newexpr = (Node *) newcoerce;
+ }
result = flatCopyTargetEntry(src_tle);
result->expr = (Expr *) newexpr;
return result;
INSERT INTO domarrtest values (NULL, '{{"a","b","c"},{"d","e","f"}}');
INSERT INTO domarrtest values (NULL, '{{"toolong","b","c"},{"d","e","f"}}');
ERROR: value too long for type character varying(4)
+INSERT INTO domarrtest (testint4arr[1], testint4arr[3]) values (11,22);
select * from domarrtest;
testint4arr | testchar4arr
{2,2} | {{a,b},{c,d},{e,f}}
{2,2} | {{a},{c}}
| {{a,b,c},{d,e,f}}
-(5 rows)
+ {11,NULL,22} |
+(6 rows)
select testint4arr[1], testchar4arr[2:2] from domarrtest;
testint4arr | testchar4arr
2 | {{c,d}}
2 | {{c}}
| {{d,e,f}}
-(5 rows)
+ 11 |
+(6 rows)
select array_dims(testint4arr), array_dims(testchar4arr) from domarrtest;
array_dims | array_dims
[1:2] | [1:3][1:2]
[1:2] | [1:2][1:1]
| [1:2][1:3]
-(5 rows)
+ [1:3] |
+(6 rows)
COPY domarrtest FROM stdin;
COPY domarrtest FROM stdin; -- fail
{2,2} | {{a,b},{c,d},{e,f}}
{2,2} | {{a},{c}}
| {{a,b,c},{d,e,f}}
+ {11,NULL,22} |
{3,4} | {q,w,e}
-(7 rows)
+(8 rows)
+update domarrtest set
+ testint4arr[1] = testint4arr[1] + 1,
+ testint4arr[3] = testint4arr[3] - 1
+where testchar4arr is null;
+select * from domarrtest where testchar4arr is null;
+ testint4arr | testchar4arr
+ {12,NULL,21} |
+(2 rows)
drop table domarrtest;
drop domain domainint4arr restrict;
(1 row)
drop domain dia;
+-- Test domains over arrays of composite
+create type comptype as (r float8, i float8);
+create domain dcomptypea as comptype[];
+create table dcomptable (d1 dcomptypea unique);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(1,2)]::dcomptypea);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(3,4), row(5,6)]::comptype[]);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(7,8)::comptype, row(9,10)::comptype]);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(1,2)]::dcomptypea); -- fail on uniqueness
+ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "dcomptable_d1_key"
+DETAIL: Key (d1)=({"(1,2)"}) already exists.
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1]) values(row(9,10));
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1].r) values(11);
+select * from dcomptable;
+ d1
+ {"(1,2)"}
+ {"(3,4)","(5,6)"}
+ {"(7,8)","(9,10)"}
+ {"(9,10)"}
+ {"(11,)"}
+(5 rows)
+select d1[2], d1[1].r, d1[1].i from dcomptable;
+ d1 | r | i
+ | 1 | 2
+ (5,6) | 3 | 4
+ (9,10) | 7 | 8
+ | 9 | 10
+ | 11 |
+(5 rows)
+update dcomptable set d1[2] = row(d1[2].i, d1[2].r);
+select * from dcomptable;
+ d1
+ {"(1,2)","(,)"}
+ {"(3,4)","(6,5)"}
+ {"(7,8)","(10,9)"}
+ {"(9,10)","(,)"}
+ {"(11,)","(,)"}
+(5 rows)
+update dcomptable set d1[1].r = d1[1].r + 1 where d1[1].i > 0;
+select * from dcomptable;
+ d1
+ {"(11,)","(,)"}
+ {"(2,2)","(,)"}
+ {"(4,4)","(6,5)"}
+ {"(8,8)","(10,9)"}
+ {"(10,10)","(,)"}
+(5 rows)
+alter domain dcomptypea add constraint c1 check (value[1].r <= value[1].i);
+alter domain dcomptypea add constraint c2 check (value[1].r > value[1].i); -- fail
+ERROR: column "d1" of table "dcomptable" contains values that violate the new constraint
+select array[row(2,1)]::dcomptypea; -- fail
+ERROR: value for domain dcomptypea violates check constraint "c1"
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(1,2)]::comptype[]);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(2,1)]::comptype[]); -- fail
+ERROR: value for domain dcomptypea violates check constraint "c1"
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1].r) values(99);
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1].r, d1[1].i) values(99, 100);
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1].r, d1[1].i) values(100, 99); -- fail
+ERROR: value for domain dcomptypea violates check constraint "c1"
+update dcomptable set d1[1].r = d1[1].r + 1 where d1[1].i > 0; -- fail
+ERROR: value for domain dcomptypea violates check constraint "c1"
+update dcomptable set d1[1].r = d1[1].r - 1 where d1[1].i > 0;
+select * from dcomptable;
+ d1
+ {"(11,)","(,)"}
+ {"(99,)"}
+ {"(1,2)","(,)"}
+ {"(3,4)","(6,5)"}
+ {"(7,8)","(10,9)"}
+ {"(9,10)","(,)"}
+ {"(0,2)"}
+ {"(98,100)"}
+(8 rows)
+drop table dcomptable;
+drop type comptype cascade;
+NOTICE: drop cascades to type dcomptypea
+-- Test not-null restrictions
create domain dnotnull varchar(15) NOT NULL;
create domain dnull varchar(15);
create domain dcheck varchar(15) NOT NULL CHECK (VALUE = 'a' OR VALUE = 'c' OR VALUE = 'd');
INSERT INTO domarrtest values ('{2,2}', '{{"a"},{"c"}}');
INSERT INTO domarrtest values (NULL, '{{"a","b","c"},{"d","e","f"}}');
INSERT INTO domarrtest values (NULL, '{{"toolong","b","c"},{"d","e","f"}}');
+INSERT INTO domarrtest (testint4arr[1], testint4arr[3]) values (11,22);
select * from domarrtest;
select testint4arr[1], testchar4arr[2:2] from domarrtest;
select array_dims(testint4arr), array_dims(testchar4arr) from domarrtest;
select * from domarrtest;
+update domarrtest set
+ testint4arr[1] = testint4arr[1] + 1,
+ testint4arr[3] = testint4arr[3] - 1
+where testchar4arr is null;
+select * from domarrtest where testchar4arr is null;
drop table domarrtest;
drop domain domainint4arr restrict;
drop domain domainchar4arr restrict;
select pg_typeof('{1,2,3}'::dia || 42); -- should be int[] not dia
drop domain dia;
+-- Test domains over arrays of composite
+create type comptype as (r float8, i float8);
+create domain dcomptypea as comptype[];
+create table dcomptable (d1 dcomptypea unique);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(1,2)]::dcomptypea);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(3,4), row(5,6)]::comptype[]);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(7,8)::comptype, row(9,10)::comptype]);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(1,2)]::dcomptypea); -- fail on uniqueness
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1]) values(row(9,10));
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1].r) values(11);
+select * from dcomptable;
+select d1[2], d1[1].r, d1[1].i from dcomptable;
+update dcomptable set d1[2] = row(d1[2].i, d1[2].r);
+select * from dcomptable;
+update dcomptable set d1[1].r = d1[1].r + 1 where d1[1].i > 0;
+select * from dcomptable;
+alter domain dcomptypea add constraint c1 check (value[1].r <= value[1].i);
+alter domain dcomptypea add constraint c2 check (value[1].r > value[1].i); -- fail
+select array[row(2,1)]::dcomptypea; -- fail
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(1,2)]::comptype[]);
+insert into dcomptable values (array[row(2,1)]::comptype[]); -- fail
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1].r) values(99);
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1].r, d1[1].i) values(99, 100);
+insert into dcomptable (d1[1].r, d1[1].i) values(100, 99); -- fail
+update dcomptable set d1[1].r = d1[1].r + 1 where d1[1].i > 0; -- fail
+update dcomptable set d1[1].r = d1[1].r - 1 where d1[1].i > 0;
+select * from dcomptable;
+drop table dcomptable;
+drop type comptype cascade;
+-- Test not-null restrictions
create domain dnotnull varchar(15) NOT NULL;
create domain dnull varchar(15);
create domain dcheck varchar(15) NOT NULL CHECK (VALUE = 'a' OR VALUE = 'c' OR VALUE = 'd');