set splitscroll&
+function Test_nosplitscroll_cmdwin_cursor_position()
+ set nosplitscroll
+ call setline(1, range(&lines))
+ " No scroll when cursor is at near bottom of window and cusor position
+ " recompution (done by line('w0') in this test) happens while in cmdwin.
+ normal! G
+ let firstline = line('w0')
+ autocmd CmdwinEnter * ++once autocmd WinEnter * ++once call line('w0')
+ execute "normal! q:\<C-w>q"
+ redraw!
+ call assert_equal(firstline, line('w0'))
+ " User script can change cursor position successfully while in cmdwin and it
+ " shouldn't be changed when closing cmdwin.
+ execute "normal! Gq:\<Cmd>call win_execute(winnr('#')->win_getid(), 'call cursor(1, 1)')\<CR>\<C-w>q"
+ call assert_equal(1, line('.'))
+ call assert_equal(1, col('.'))
+ execute "normal! Gq:\<Cmd>autocmd WinEnter * ++once call cursor(1, 1)\<CR>\<C-w>q"
+ call assert_equal(1, line('.'))
+ call assert_equal(1, col('.'))
+ %bwipeout!
+ set splitscroll&
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab