fold.txt \
ft_ada.txt \
ft_ps1.txt \
+ ft_raku.txt \
ft_rust.txt \
ft_sql.txt \
gui.txt \
fold.html \
ft_ada.html \
ft_ps1.html \
+ ft_raku.html \
ft_rust.html \
ft_sql.html \
gui.html \
--- /dev/null
+*vim-raku.txt* The Raku programming language filetype
+ *vim-raku*
+Vim-raku provides syntax highlighting, indentation, and other support for
+editing Raku programs.
+1. Using Unicode in your Raku files |raku-unicode|
+1. Using Unicode in your Raku files *raku-unicode*
+Defining new operators using Unicode symbols is a good way to make your
+Raku program easy to read. See:
+While Raku does define ASCII alternatives for some common operators (see
+, using the full range of
+Unicode operators is highly desirable. Your operating system provides input
+facilities, but using the features built in to Vim may be preferable.
+The natural way to produce these symbols in Vim is to use digraph shortcuts
+(:help |digraphs-use|). Many of them are defined; type `:digraphs` to get
+the list. A convenient way to read the list of digraphs is to save them in a
+file. From the shell: >
+ vim +'redir >/tmp/vim-digraphs-listing.txt' +digraphs +'redir END' +q
+Some of them are available with standard Vim digraphs:
+ << « /0 ∅ !< ≮ ~
+ >> » Ob ∘ !> ≯ ~
+ ., … 00 ∞ (C ⊂ ~
+ (U ∩ -: ÷ )C ⊃ ~
+ )U ∪ (_ ⊆ >= ≥ ~
+ ?= ≅ )_ ⊇ =< ≤ ~
+ (- ∈ ?= ≅ != ≠ ~
+ -) ∋ ?- ≃ ~
+The Greek alphabet is available with '*' followed by a similar Latin symbol:
+ *p π ~
+ *t τ ~
+ *X × ~
+Numbers, subscripts and superscripts are available with 's' and 'S':
+ 0s ₀ 0S ⁰ ~
+ 1s ₁ 1S ¹ ~
+ 2s ₂ 9S ⁹ ~
+But some don´t come defined by default. Those are digraph definitions you can
+add in your ~/.vimrc file. >
+ exec 'digraph \\ '.char2nr('∖')
+ exec 'digraph \< '.char2nr('≼')
+ exec 'digraph \> '.char2nr('≽')
+ exec 'digraph (L '.char2nr('⊈')
+ exec 'digraph )L '.char2nr('⊉')
+ exec 'digraph (/ '.char2nr('⊄')
+ exec 'digraph )/ '.char2nr('⊅')
+ exec 'digraph )/ '.char2nr('⊅')
+ exec 'digraph U+ '.char2nr('⊎')
+ exec 'digraph 0- '.char2nr('⊖')
+ " Euler's constant
+ exec 'digraph ne '.char2nr('𝑒')
+ " Raku's atomic operations marker
+ exec 'digraph @@ '.char2nr('⚛')
+Alternatively, you can write Insert mode abbreviations that convert ASCII-
+based operators into their single-character Unicode equivalent. >
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(<) ⊄
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(<=) ⊈
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(>) ⊅
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(>=) ⊉
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(cont) ∌
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(elem) ∉
+ iabbrev <buffer> != ≠
+ iabbrev <buffer> (&) ∩
+ iabbrev <buffer> (+) ⊎
+ iabbrev <buffer> (-) ∖
+ iabbrev <buffer> (.) ⊍
+ iabbrev <buffer> (<) ⊂
+ iabbrev <buffer> (<+) ≼
+ iabbrev <buffer> (<=) ⊆
+ iabbrev <buffer> (>) ⊃
+ iabbrev <buffer> (>+) ≽
+ iabbrev <buffer> (>=) ⊇
+ iabbrev <buffer> (\|) ∪
+ iabbrev <buffer> (^) ⊖
+ iabbrev <buffer> (atomic) ⚛
+ iabbrev <buffer> (cont) ∋
+ iabbrev <buffer> (elem) ∈
+ iabbrev <buffer> * ×
+ iabbrev <buffer> **0 ⁰
+ iabbrev <buffer> **1 ¹
+ iabbrev <buffer> **2 ²
+ iabbrev <buffer> **3 ³
+ iabbrev <buffer> **4 ⁴
+ iabbrev <buffer> **5 ⁵
+ iabbrev <buffer> **6 ⁶
+ iabbrev <buffer> **7 ⁷
+ iabbrev <buffer> **8 ⁸
+ iabbrev <buffer> **9 ⁹
+ iabbrev <buffer> ... …
+ iabbrev <buffer> / ÷
+ iabbrev <buffer> << «
+ iabbrev <buffer> <<[=]<< «=«
+ iabbrev <buffer> <<[=]>> «=»
+ iabbrev <buffer> <= ≤
+ iabbrev <buffer> =~= ≅
+ iabbrev <buffer> >= ≥
+ iabbrev <buffer> >> »
+ iabbrev <buffer> >>[=]<< »=«
+ iabbrev <buffer> >>[=]>> »=»
+ iabbrev <buffer> Inf ∞
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-add-fetch ⚛+=
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-assign ⚛=
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch ⚛
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-dec-fetch --⚛
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch-dec ⚛--
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch-inc ⚛++
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-inc-fetch ++⚛
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-sub-fetch ⚛−=
+ iabbrev <buffer> e 𝑒
+ iabbrev <buffer> o ∘
+ iabbrev <buffer> pi π
+ iabbrev <buffer> set() ∅
+ iabbrev <buffer> tau τ
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl:
-*options.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2021 Apr 16
+*options.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2021 Apr 17
quote~ change.txt /*quote~*
r change.txt /*r*
r.vim syntax.txt /*r.vim*
+raku-unicode ft_raku.txt /*raku-unicode*
rand() eval.txt /*rand()*
random eval.txt /*random*
range() eval.txt /*range()*
vim-mac intro.txt /*vim-mac*
vim-modes intro.txt /*vim-modes*
vim-modes-intro intro.txt /*vim-modes-intro*
+vim-raku ft_raku.txt /*vim-raku*
+vim-raku.txt ft_raku.txt /*vim-raku.txt*
vim-script-intro usr_41.txt /*vim-script-intro*
vim-use intro.txt /*vim-use*
vim-variable eval.txt /*vim-variable*
-*todo.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2021 Apr 17
+*todo.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2021 Apr 21
-------------------- Known bugs and current work -----------------------
-make "skiprtp" also omit 'packpath'?
-- Implement blob index and slice assignment?
- Make all of test_blob run in three ways
Vim9 - Make everything work:
-- use CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) in many more places
-- For builtin functions using tv_get_string*() use check_for_string() to be
- more strict about the argument type (not a bool).
- done: balloon_()
-- Check many more builtin function arguments at compile time.
- map() could check that the return type of the function argument matches
- the type of the list or dict member. (#8092)
-- Compile replacement of :s command: s/pat/\=expr/
-- Compile redir to local variable: var_redir_start().
-- Implement type cast at the script level.
- Compile builtin functions that access local variables:
- When evaluating constants for script variables, some functions could work:
- give an error for "echo Func()" if Func() does not return anything.
- Using "windo echo expr" does not accept a line break inside "expr" (in a
:def function and at script level in a not executed block). #7681
-- "assert_fails()" cannot access local variables. Perhaps add this:
- assertfails
- ... cmd ...
- endassertfails /E99:.*cmd/
- Similar to try/catch/endtry but without the boilerplate.
+- use CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) in many more places
+- For builtin functions using tv_get_string*() use check_for_string() to be
+ more strict about the argument type (not a bool).
+ done: balloon_()
+- Check many more builtin function arguments at compile time.
+ map() could check that the return type of the function argument matches
+ the type of the list or dict member. (#8092)
+- Allow for using an autoload function name without quotes. It is then loaded
+ (and compiled) right away. #8124
Once Vim9 is stable:
- Change the help to prefer Vim9 syntax where appropriate
-*usr_12.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2017 Aug 11
+*usr_12.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2021 Apr 19
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
The |:global| command can be combined with the |:move| command to move all the
lines before the first line, resulting in a reversed file. The command is: >
- :global/^/m 0
+ :global/^/move 0
Abbreviated: >
:g/^/m 0
The "^" regular expression matches the beginning of the line (even if the line
-is blank). The |:move| command moves the matching line to after the mythical
+is blank). The |:move| command moves the matching line to after the imaginary
zeroth line, so the current matching line becomes the first line of the file.
As the |:global| command is not confused by the changing line numbering,
|:global| proceeds to match all remaining lines of the file and puts each as
-*usr_41.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2021 Mar 14
+*usr_41.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2021 Apr 19
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
-Numbers can be decimal, hexadecimal, octal or binary. A hexadecimal number
-starts with "0x" or "0X". For example "0x1f" is decimal 31. An octal number
-starts with a zero. "017" is decimal 15. A binary number starts with "0b" or
-"0B". For example "0b101" is decimal 5. Careful: don't put a zero before a
-decimal number, it will be interpreted as an octal number!
- The ":echo" command always prints decimal numbers. Example: >
+Numbers can be decimal, hexadecimal, octal or binary.
+A hexadecimal number starts with "0x" or "0X". For example "0x1f" is decimal
+An octal number starts with "0o", "0O" or a zero and another digit. "0o17" is
+decimal 15. Using just a zero prefix is not supported in Vim9 script.
+A binary number starts with "0b" or "0B". For example "0b101" is decimal 5.
+A decimal number is just digits. Careful: don't put a zero before a decimal
+number, it will be interpreted as an octal number in legacy script!
+The ":echo" command always prints decimal numbers. Example: >
:echo 0x7f 0o36
< 127 30 ~
+++ /dev/null
-" Vim filetype plugin file
-" Language: Perl 6
-" Maintainer: vim-perl <>
-" Homepage:
-" Bugs/requests:
-" Last Change: 2020 Apr 15
-" Contributors: Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson <>
-" Based on ftplugin/perl.vim by Dan Sharp <dwsharp at hotmail dot com>
-if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif
-let b:did_ftplugin = 1
-" Make sure the continuation lines below do not cause problems in
-" compatibility mode.
-let s:save_cpo = &cpo
-set cpo-=C
-setlocal formatoptions-=t
-setlocal formatoptions+=crqol
-setlocal keywordprg=p6doc
-setlocal comments=:#
-setlocal commentstring=#%s
-" Change the browse dialog on Win32 to show mainly Perl-related files
-if has("gui_win32")
- let b:browsefilter = "Perl Source Files (*.pl)\t*.pl\n" .
- \ "Perl Modules (*.pm)\t*.pm\n" .
- \ "Perl Documentation Files (*.pod)\t*.pod\n" .
- \ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
-" Provided by Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad dot com>
-setlocal include=\\<\\(use\\\|require\\)\\>
-setlocal includeexpr=substitute(substitute(v:fname,'::','/','g'),'$','.pm','')
-setlocal define=[^A-Za-z_]
-" The following line changes a global variable but is necessary to make
-" gf and similar commands work. Thanks to Andrew Pimlott for pointing out
-" the problem. If this causes a " problem for you, add an
-" after/ftplugin/perl6.vim file that contains
-" set isfname-=:
-set isfname+=:
-setlocal iskeyword=48-57,_,A-Z,a-z,:,-
-" Set this once, globally.
-if !exists("perlpath")
- if executable("perl6")
- try
- if &shellxquote != '"'
- let perlpath = system('perl6 -e "@*INC.join(q/,/).say"')
- else
- let perlpath = system("perl6 -e '@*INC.join(q/,/).say'")
- endif
- let perlpath = substitute(perlpath,',.$',',,','')
- catch /E145:/
- let perlpath = ".,,"
- endtry
- else
- " If we can't call perl to get its path, just default to using the
- " current directory and the directory of the current file.
- let perlpath = ".,,"
- endif
-let &l:path=perlpath
-" Undo the stuff we changed.
-let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal fo< com< cms< inc< inex< def< isk<" .
- \ " | unlet! b:browsefilter"
-" Restore the saved compatibility options.
-let &cpo = s:save_cpo
-unlet s:save_cpo
" Language: R
" Maintainer: Jakson Alves de Aquino <>
" Homepage:
-" Last Change: Tue Apr 07, 2015 04:38PM
+" Last Change: Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:37AM
" Only do this when not yet done for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
setlocal comments=:#',:###,:##,:#
-if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter")
+if (has("gui_win32") || has("gui_gtk")) && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "R Source Files (*.R)\t*.R\n" .
\ "Files that include R (*.Rnw *.Rd *.Rmd *.Rrst)\t*.Rnw;*.Rd;*.Rmd;*.Rrst\n" .
\ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
--- /dev/null
+" Vim filetype plugin file
+" Language: Raku
+" Maintainer: vim-perl <>
+" Homepage:
+" Bugs/requests:
+" Last Change: 2021-04-16
+" Contributors: Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson <>
+" Based on ftplugin/perl.vim by Dan Sharp <dwsharp at hotmail dot com>
+if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif
+let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+" Make sure the continuation lines below do not cause problems in
+" compatibility mode.
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo-=C
+setlocal formatoptions-=t
+setlocal formatoptions+=crqol
+setlocal keywordprg=p6doc
+setlocal comments=:#\|,:#=,:#
+setlocal commentstring=#%s
+" Provided by Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad dot com>
+setlocal include=\\<\\(use\\\|require\\)\\>
+setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'::','/','g')
+setlocal suffixesadd=.rakumod,.rakudoc,.pm6,.pm
+setlocal define=[^A-Za-z_]
+" The following line changes a global variable but is necessary to make
+" gf and similar commands work. Thanks to Andrew Pimlott for pointing out
+" the problem. If this causes a problem for you, add an
+" after/ftplugin/raku.vim file that contains
+" set isfname-=:
+set isfname+=:
+setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255,-
+" Raku exposes its CompUnits through $*REPO, but mapping module names to
+" compunit paths is nontrivial. Probably it's more convenient to rely on
+" people using zef, which has a handy store of sources for modules it has
+" installed.
+func s:compareReverseFtime(a, b)
+ let atime = getftime(a:a)
+ let btime = getftime(a:b)
+ return atime > btime ? -1 : atime == btime ? 0 : 1
+let &l:path = "lib,."
+if exists('$RAKULIB')
+ let &l:path = &l:path . "," . $RAKULIB
+let &l:path = &l:path . "," . join(
+ \ sort(glob("~/.zef/store/*/*/lib", 0, 1), "s:compareReverseFtime"),
+ \ ',')
+" Convert ascii-based ops into their single-character unicode equivalent
+if get(g:, 'raku_unicode_abbrevs', 0)
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(<) ⊄
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(<=) ⊈
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(>) ⊅
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(>=) ⊉
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(cont) ∌
+ iabbrev <buffer> !(elem) ∉
+ iabbrev <buffer> != ≠
+ iabbrev <buffer> (&) ∩
+ iabbrev <buffer> (+) ⊎
+ iabbrev <buffer> (-) ∖
+ iabbrev <buffer> (.) ⊍
+ iabbrev <buffer> (<) ⊂
+ iabbrev <buffer> (<+) ≼
+ iabbrev <buffer> (<=) ⊆
+ iabbrev <buffer> (>) ⊃
+ iabbrev <buffer> (>+) ≽
+ iabbrev <buffer> (>=) ⊇
+ iabbrev <buffer> (\|) ∪
+ iabbrev <buffer> (^) ⊖
+ iabbrev <buffer> (atomic) ⚛
+ iabbrev <buffer> (cont) ∋
+ iabbrev <buffer> (elem) ∈
+ iabbrev <buffer> * ×
+ iabbrev <buffer> **0 ⁰
+ iabbrev <buffer> **1 ¹
+ iabbrev <buffer> **2 ²
+ iabbrev <buffer> **3 ³
+ iabbrev <buffer> **4 ⁴
+ iabbrev <buffer> **5 ⁵
+ iabbrev <buffer> **6 ⁶
+ iabbrev <buffer> **7 ⁷
+ iabbrev <buffer> **8 ⁸
+ iabbrev <buffer> **9 ⁹
+ iabbrev <buffer> ... …
+ iabbrev <buffer> / ÷
+ iabbrev <buffer> << «
+ iabbrev <buffer> <<[=]<< «=«
+ iabbrev <buffer> <<[=]>> «=»
+ iabbrev <buffer> <= ≤
+ iabbrev <buffer> =~= ≅
+ iabbrev <buffer> >= ≥
+ iabbrev <buffer> >> »
+ iabbrev <buffer> >>[=]<< »=«
+ iabbrev <buffer> >>[=]>> »=»
+ iabbrev <buffer> Inf ∞
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-add-fetch ⚛+=
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-assign ⚛=
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch ⚛
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-dec-fetch --⚛
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch-dec ⚛--
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch-inc ⚛++
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-inc-fetch ++⚛
+ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-sub-fetch ⚛−=
+ iabbrev <buffer> e 𝑒
+ iabbrev <buffer> o ∘
+ iabbrev <buffer> pi π
+ iabbrev <buffer> set() ∅
+ iabbrev <buffer> tau τ
+" Undo the stuff we changed.
+let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal fo< com< cms< inc< inex< def< isf< isk< kp< path<" .
+ \ " | unlet! b:browsefilter"
+" Restore the saved compatibility options.
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
" Language: R help file
" Maintainer: Jakson Alves de Aquino <>
" Homepage:
-" Last Change: Tue Apr 07, 2015 04:37PM
+" Last Change: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:01PM
" Only do this when not yet done for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,.
-if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter")
+if (has("gui_win32") || has("gui_gtk")) && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "R Source Files (*.R *.Rnw *.Rd *.Rmd *.Rrst)\t*.R;*.Rnw;*.Rd;*.Rmd;*.Rrst\n" .
\ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
" Language: R Markdown file
" Maintainer: Jakson Alves de Aquino <>
" Homepage:
-" Last Change: Sun Jul 22, 2018 06:51PM
+" Last Change: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:03PM
" Original work by Alex Zvoleff (adjusted from R help for rmd by Michel Kuhlmann)
" Only do this when not yet done for this buffer
" Don't load another plugin for this buffer
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
-if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter")
+if (has("gui_win32") || has("gui_gtk")) && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "R Source Files (*.R *.Rnw *.Rd *.Rmd *.Rrst)\t*.R;*.Rnw;*.Rd;*.Rmd;*.Rrst\n" .
\ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
" Language: Rnoweb
" Maintainer: Jakson Alves de Aquino <>
" Homepage:
-" Last Change: Tue Apr 07, 2015 04:37PM
+" Last Change: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:02PM
" Only do this when not yet done for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
setlocal suffixesadd=.bib,.tex
setlocal comments=b:%,b:#,b:##,b:###,b:#'
-if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter")
+if (has("gui_win32") || has("gui_gtk")) && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "R Source Files (*.R *.Rnw *.Rd *.Rmd *.Rrst)\t*.R;*.Rnw;*.Rd;*.Rmd;*.Rrst\n" .
\ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
" Language: reStructuredText documentation format with R code
" Maintainer: Jakson Alves de Aquino <>
" Homepage:
-" Last Change: Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:47PM
+" Last Change: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:02PM
" Original work by Alex Zvoleff
" Only do this when not yet done for this buffer
setlocal formatexpr=FormatRrst()
-if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter")
+if (has("gui_win32") || has("gui_gtk")) && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "R Source Files (*.R *.Rnw *.Rd *.Rmd *.Rrst)\t*.R;*.Rnw;*.Rd;*.Rmd;*.Rrst\n" .
\ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
" Is syntax highlighting active ?
let b:indent_use_syntax = has("syntax")
-setlocal indentexpr=GetPerl6Indent()
+setlocal indentexpr=GetRakuIndent()
" we reset it first because the Perl 5 indent file might have been loaded due
" to a .pl/pm file extension, and indent files don't clean up afterwards
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo-=C
-function! GetPerl6Indent()
+function! GetRakuIndent()
" Get the line to be indented
let cline = getline(v:lnum)
return 0
- " Don't reindent coments on first column
- if cline =~ '^#'
- return 0
- endif
" Get current syntax item at the line's first char
let csynid = ''
if b:indent_use_syntax
" Don't reindent POD and heredocs
- if csynid =~ "^p6Pod"
+ if csynid =~ "^rakuPod"
return indent(v:lnum)
let skippin = 2
while skippin
let synid = synIDattr(synID(lnum,1,0),"name")
- if (synid =~ "^p6Pod" || synid =~ "p6Comment")
+ if (synid =~ "^rakuPod" || synid =~ "rakuComment")
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
if lnum == 0
return 0
if line =~ '[<«\[{(]\s*\(#[^)}\]»>]*\)\=$'
- let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
+ let ind = ind + &sw
if cline =~ '^\s*[)}\]»>]'
- let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
+ let ind = ind - &sw
" Indent lines that begin with 'or' or 'and'
if cline =~ '^\s*\(or\|and\)\>'
if line !~ '^\s*\(or\|and\)\>'
- let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
+ let ind = ind + &sw
elseif line =~ '^\s*\(or\|and\)\>'
- let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
+ let ind = ind - &sw
return ind
" Language: Rmd
" Author: Jakson Alves de Aquino <>
" Homepage:
-" Last Change: Sun Aug 19, 2018 09:14PM
+" Last Change: Sun Mar 28, 2021 08:05PM
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
let s:RIndent = function(substitute(&indentexpr, "()", "", ""))
let b:did_indent = 1
-setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},:,!^F,o,O,e
+setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},<:>,!^F,o,O,e
setlocal indentexpr=GetRmdIndent()
if exists("*GetRmdIndent")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
+" Simple Python indentation algorithm
+function s:GetPyIndent()
+ let plnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
+ let pline = getline(plnum)
+ let cline = getline(v:lnum)
+ if pline =~ '^s```\s*{\s*python '
+ return 0
+ elseif pline =~ ':$'
+ return indent(plnum) + &shiftwidth
+ elseif cline =~ 'else:$'
+ return indent(plnum) - &shiftwidth
+ endif
+ return indent(plnum)
function s:GetMdIndent()
let pline = getline(v:lnum - 1)
let cline = getline(v:lnum)
function s:GetYamlIndent()
- let pline = getline(v:lnum - 1)
+ let plnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
+ let pline = getline(plnum)
if pline =~ ':\s*$'
- return indent(v:lnum) + shiftwidth()
+ return indent(plnum) + shiftwidth()
elseif pline =~ '^\s*- '
return indent(v:lnum) + 2
- return indent(prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1))
+ return indent(plnum)
function GetRmdIndent()
if search('^[ \t]*```{r', "bncW") > search('^[ \t]*```$', "bncW")
return s:RIndent()
- elseif v:lnum > 1 && search('^---$', "bnW") == 1 &&
- \ (search('^---$', "nW") > v:lnum || search('^...$', "nW") > v:lnum)
+ elseif v:lnum > 1 && (search('^---$', "bnW") == 1 &&
+ \ (search('^---$', "nW") > v:lnum || search('^\.\.\.$', "nW") > v:lnum))
return s:GetYamlIndent()
+ elseif search('^[ \t]*```{python', "bncW") > search('^[ \t]*```$', "bncW")
+ return s:GetPyIndent()
return s:GetMdIndent()
" Vim indent file
" Language: Vim script
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2021 Feb 18
+" Last Change: 2021 Apr 18
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
" End of heredoc: use indent of matching start line
let lnum = v:lnum - 1
while lnum > 0
- if synIDattr(synID(lnum, 1, 1), "name") !~ 'vimLetHereDoc'
+ let attr = synIDattr(synID(lnum, 1, 1), "name")
+ if attr != '' && attr !~ 'vimLetHereDoc'
return indent(lnum)
let lnum -= 1
+++ /dev/null
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language: Perl 6
-" Maintainer: vim-perl <>
-" Homepage:
-" Bugs/requests:
-" Last Change: 2020 Apr 15
-" Contributors: Luke Palmer <>
-" Moritz Lenz <>
-" Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson <>
-" This is a big undertaking. Perl 6 is the sort of language that only Perl
-" can parse. But I'll do my best to get vim to.
-" You can associate the extension ".pl" with the filetype "perl6" by setting
-" autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.pl setf perl6
-" in your ~/.vimrc. But that will infringe on Perl 5, so you might want to
-" put a modeline near the beginning or end of your Perl 6 files instead:
-" # vim: filetype=perl6
-" TODO:
-" * Deal with s:Perl5//
-" * m:s// is a match, not a substitution
-" * Make these highlight as strings, not operators:
-" <==> <=:=> <===> <=~> <« »> «>» «<»
-" * Allow more keywords to match as function calls(leave() is export(), etc)
-" * Optimization: use nextgroup instead of lookaround (:help syn-nextgroup)
-" * Fix s''' substitutions being matched as package names
-" * Match s/// and m/// better, so things like "$s/" won't match
-" * Add more support for folding (:help syn-fold)
-" * Add more syntax syncing hooks (:help syn-sync)
-" * Q//:
-" :to, :heredoc
-" interpolate \q:s{$scalar} (though the spec isn't very clear on it)
-" Impossible TODO?:
-" * Unspace
-" * Unicode bracketing characters for quoting (there are so many)
-" * Various tricks depending on context. I.e. we can't know when Perl
-" expects «*» to be a string or a hyperoperator. The latter is presumably
-" more common, so that's what we assume.
-" * Selective highlighting of Pod formatting codes with the :allow option
-" * Arbitrary number, order, and negation of adverbs to Q//, q//, qq//.
-" Currently only the first adverb is considered significant. Anything
-" more would require an exponential amount of regexes, making this
-" already slow syntax file even slower.
-" If you want to have Pir code inside Q:PIR// strings highlighted, do:
-" let perl6_embedded_pir=1
-" The above requires pir.vim, which you can find in Parrot's repository:
-" Some less than crucial things have been made optional to speed things up.
-" Look at the comments near the if/else branches in this file to see exactly
-" which features are affected. "perl6_extended_all" enables everything.
-" The defaults are:
-" unlet perl6_extended_comments
-" unlet perl6_extended_q
-" unlet perl6_extended_all
-" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
-if exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
-let s:keepcpo= &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" identifiers
-syn match p6Normal display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*"
-" This is used in the for loops below
-" Don't use the "syn keyword" construct because that always has higher
-" priority than matches/regions, so the words can't be autoquoted with
-" the "=>" and "p5=>" operators. All the lookaround stuff is to make sure
-" we don't match them as part of some other identifier.
-let s:before_keyword = " display \"\\%(\\k\\|\\K\\@<=[-']\\)\\@<!\\%("
-let s:after_keyword = "\\)\\%(\\k\\|[-']\\K\\@=\\)\\@!\""
-" Billions of keywords
-let s:keywords = {
- \ "p6Attention": [
- \ ],
- \ "p6DeclareRoutine": [
- \ "macro sub submethod method multi proto only rule token regex category",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Module": [
- \ "module class role package enum grammar slang subset",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Variable": [
- \ "self",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Include": [
- \ "use require",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Conditional": [
- \ "if else elsif unless",
- \ ],
- \ "p6VarStorage": [
- \ "let my our state temp has constant",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Repeat": [
- \ "for loop repeat while until gather given",
- \ ],
- \ "p6FlowControl": [
- \ "take do when next last redo return contend maybe defer",
- \ "default exit make continue break goto leave async lift",
- \ ],
- \ "p6TypeConstraint": [
- \ "is as but trusts of returns handles where augment supersede",
- \ ],
- \ "p6ClosureTrait": [
- \ ],
- \ "p6Exception": [
- \ "die fail try warn",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Property": [
- \ "prec irs ofs ors export deep binary unary reparsed rw parsed cached",
- \ "readonly defequiv will ref copy inline tighter looser equiv assoc",
- \ "required",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Number": [
- \ "NaN Inf",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Pragma": [
- \ "oo fatal",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Type": [
- \ "Object Any Junction Whatever Capture Match",
- \ "Signature Proxy Matcher Package Module Class",
- \ "Grammar Scalar Array Hash KeyHash KeySet KeyBag",
- \ "Pair List Seq Range Set Bag Mapping Void Undef",
- \ "Failure Exception Code Block Routine Sub Macro",
- \ "Method Submethod Regex Str Blob Char Byte",
- \ "Codepoint Grapheme StrPos StrLen Version Num",
- \ "Complex num complex Bit bit bool True False",
- \ "Increasing Decreasing Ordered Callable AnyChar",
- \ "Positional Associative Ordering KeyExtractor",
- \ "Comparator OrderingPair IO KitchenSink Role",
- \ "Int int int1 int2 int4 int8 int16 int32 int64",
- \ "Rat rat rat1 rat2 rat4 rat8 rat16 rat32 rat64",
- \ "Buf buf buf1 buf2 buf4 buf8 buf16 buf32 buf64",
- \ "UInt uint uint1 uint2 uint4 uint8 uint16 uint32",
- \ "uint64 Abstraction utf8 utf16 utf32",
- \ ],
- \ "p6Operator": [
- \ "div x xx mod also leg cmp before after eq ne le lt",
- \ "gt ge eqv ff fff and andthen Z X or xor",
- \ "orelse extra m mm rx s tr",
- \ ],
-\ }
-for [group, words] in items(s:keywords)
- let s:words_space = join(words, " ")
- let s:temp = split(s:words_space)
- let s:words = join(s:temp, "\\|")
- exec "syn match ". group ." ". s:before_keyword . s:words . s:after_keyword
-unlet s:keywords s:words_space s:temp s:words
-" More operators
-" Don't put a "\+" at the end of the character class. That makes it so
-" greedy that the "%" " in "+%foo" won't be allowed to match as a sigil,
-" among other things
-syn match p6Operator display "[-+/*~?|=^!%&,<>.;\\]"
-syn match p6Operator display "\%(:\@<!::\@!\|::=\|\.::\)"
-" these require whitespace on the left side
-syn match p6Operator display "\%(\s\|^\)\@<=\%(xx=\|p5=>\)"
-" "i" requires a digit to the left, and no keyword char to the right
-syn match p6Operator display "\d\@<=i\k\@!"
-" index overloading
-syn match p6Operator display "\%(&\.(\@=\|@\.\[\@=\|%\.{\@=\)"
-" all infix operators except nonassocative ones
-let s:infix_a = [
- \ "div % mod +& +< +> \\~& ?& \\~< \\~> +| +\\^ \\~| \\~\\^ ?| ?\\^ xx x",
- \ "\\~ && & also <== ==> <<== ==>> == != < <= > >= \\~\\~ eq ne lt le gt",
- \ "ge =:= === eqv before after \\^\\^ min max \\^ff ff\\^ \\^ff\\^",
- \ "\\^fff fff\\^ \\^fff\\^ fff ff ::= := \\.= => , : p5=> Z minmax",
- \ "\\.\\.\\. and andthen or orelse xor \\^ += -= /= \\*= \\~= //= ||=",
- \ "+ - \\*\\* \\* // / \\~ || |",
-\ ]
-" nonassociative infix operators
-let s:infix_n = "but does <=> leg cmp \\.\\. \\.\\.\\^\\^ \\^\\.\\. \\^\\.\\.\\^"
-let s:infix_a_long = join(s:infix_a, " ")
-let s:infix_a_words = split(s:infix_a_long)
-let s:infix_a_pattern = join(s:infix_a_words, "\\|")
-let s:infix_n_words = split(s:infix_n)
-let s:infix_n_pattern = join(s:infix_n_words, "\\|")
-let s:both = [s:infix_a_pattern, s:infix_n_pattern]
-let s:infix = join(s:both, "\\|")
-let s:infix_assoc = "!\\?\\%(" . s:infix_a_pattern . "\\)"
-let s:infix = "!\\?\\%(" . s:infix . "\\)"
-unlet s:infix_a s:infix_a_long s:infix_a_words s:infix_a_pattern
-unlet s:infix_n s:infix_n_pattern s:both
-" [+] reduce
-exec "syn match p6ReduceOp display \"\\k\\@<!\\[[R\\\\]\\?!\\?". s:infix_assoc ."]\\%(«\\|<<\\)\\?\""
-unlet s:infix_assoc
-" Reverse and cross operators (Rop, Xop)
-exec "syn match p6ReverseCrossOp display \"[RX]". s:infix ."\""
-" q() or whatever() is always a function call
-syn match p6Normal display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*(\@="
-" basically all builtins that can be followed by parentheses
-let s:routines = [
- \ "eager hyper substr index rindex grep map sort join lines hints chmod",
- \ "split reduce min max reverse truncate zip cat roundrobin classify",
- \ "first sum keys values pairs defined delete exists elems end kv any",
- \ "all one wrap shape key value name pop push shift splice unshift floor",
- \ "ceiling abs exp log log10 rand sign sqrt sin cos tan round strand",
- \ "roots cis unpolar polar atan2 pick chop p5chop chomp p5chomp lc",
- \ "lcfirst uc ucfirst capitalize normalize pack unpack quotemeta comb",
- \ "samecase sameaccent chars nfd nfc nfkd nfkc printf sprintf caller",
- \ "evalfile run runinstead nothing want bless chr ord gmtime time eof",
- \ "localtime gethost getpw chroot getlogin getpeername kill fork wait",
- \ "perl graphs codes bytes clone print open read write readline say seek",
- \ "close opendir readdir slurp pos fmt vec link unlink symlink uniq pair",
- \ "asin atan sec cosec cotan asec acosec acotan sinh cosh tanh asinh",
- \ "acos acosh atanh sech cosech cotanh sech acosech acotanh asech ok",
- \ "plan_ok dies_ok lives_ok skip todo pass flunk force_todo use_ok isa_ok",
- \ "diag is_deeply isnt like skip_rest unlike cmp_ok eval_dies_ok nok_error",
- \ "eval_lives_ok approx is_approx throws_ok version_lt plan eval succ pred",
- \ "times nonce once signature new connect operator undef undefine sleep",
- \ "from to infix postfix prefix circumfix postcircumfix minmax lazy count",
- \ "unwrap getc pi e context void quasi body each contains rewinddir subst",
- \ "can isa flush arity assuming rewind callwith callsame nextwith nextsame",
- \ "attr eval_elsewhere none srand trim trim_start trim_end lastcall WHAT",
- \ "WHERE HOW WHICH VAR WHO WHENCE ACCEPTS REJECTS does not true iterator by",
- \ "re im invert flip",
-\ ]
-" we want to highlight builtins like split() though, so this comes afterwards
-" TODO: check if this would be faster as one big regex
-let s:words_space = join(s:routines, " ")
-let s:temp = split(s:words_space)
-let s:words = join(s:temp, "\\|")
-exec "syn match p6Routine ". s:before_keyword . s:words . s:after_keyword
-unlet s:before_keyword s:after_keyword s:words_space s:temp s:words s:routines
-" packages, must come after all the keywords
-syn match p6Normal display "\%(::\)\@<=\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*"
-syn match p6Normal display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(::\)\@="
-" some standard packages
-syn match p6Type display "\%(::\|\k\|\K\@<=[-']\)\@<!\%(Order\%(::Same\|::Increase\|::Decrease\)\?\)\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)\@!"
-syn match p6Type display "\%(::\|\k\|\K\@<=[-']\)\@<!\%(Bool\%(::True\|::False\)\?\)\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)\@!"
-syn match p6Shebang display "\%^#!.*"
-syn match p6BlockLabel display "\%(^\s*\)\@<=\h\w*\s*::\@!\_s\@="
-syn match p6Number display "\k\@<!_\@!\%(\d\|__\@!\)\+_\@<!\%([eE]_\@!+\?\%(\d\|_\)\+\)\?_\@<!"
-syn match p6Float display "\k\@<!_\@!\%(\d\|__\@!\)\+_\@<![eE]_\@!-\%(\d\|_\)\+"
-syn match p6Float display "\k\@<!_\@<!\%(\d\|__\@!\)*_\@<!\.\@<!\._\@!\.\@!\a\@!\%(\d\|_\)\+_\@<!\%([eE]_\@!\%(\d\|_\)\+\)\?"
-syn match p6NumberBase display "[obxd]" contained
-syn match p6Number display "\<0\%(o[0-7][0-7_]*\)\@=" nextgroup=p6NumberBase
-syn match p6Number display "\<0\%(b[01][01_]*\)\@=" nextgroup=p6NumberBase
-syn match p6Number display "\<0\%(x\x[[:xdigit:]_]*\)\@=" nextgroup=p6NumberBase
-syn match p6Number display "\<0\%(d\d[[:digit:]_]*\)\@=" nextgroup=p6NumberBase
-syn match p6Number display "\%(\<0o\)\@<=[0-7][0-7_]*"
-syn match p6Number display "\%(\<0b\)\@<=[01][01_]*"
-syn match p6Number display "\%(\<0x\)\@<=\x[[:xdigit:]_]*"
-syn match p6Number display "\%(\<0d\)\@<=\d[[:digit:]_]*"
-syn match p6Version display "\<v\d\@=" nextgroup=p6VersionNum
-syn match p6VersionNum display "\d\+" nextgroup=p6VersionDot contained
-syn match p6VersionDot display "\.\%(\d\|\*\)\@=" nextgroup=p6VersionNum contained
-" try to distinguish the "is" function from the "is" trail auxiliary
-syn match p6Routine display "\%(\%(\S\k\@<!\|^\)\s*\)\@<=is\>"
-" does is a type constraint sometimes
-syn match p6TypeConstraint display "does\%(\s*\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)\)\@="
-" int is a type sometimes
-syn match p6Type display "\<int\>\%(\s*(\|\s\+\d\)\@!"
-" these Routine names are also Properties, if preceded by "is"
-syn match p6Property display "\%(is\s\+\)\@<=\%(signature\|context\|also\|shape\)"
-" The sigil in ::*Package
-syn match p6PackageTwigil display "\%(::\)\@<=\*"
-" $<match>
-syn region p6MatchVarSigil
- \ matchgroup=p6Variable
- \ start="\$\%(<<\@!\)\@="
- \ end=">\@<="
- \ contains=p6MatchVar
-syn region p6MatchVar
- \ matchgroup=p6Twigil
- \ start="<"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
-" Contextualizers
-syn match p6Context display "\<\%(item\|list\|slice\|hash\)\>"
-syn match p6Context display "\%(\$\|@\|%\|&\|@@\)(\@="
-" the "$" placeholder in "$var1, $, var2 = @list"
-syn match p6Placeholder display "\%(,\s*\)\@<=\$\%(\K\|\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\)\@!"
-syn match p6Placeholder display "\$\%(\K\|\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\)\@!\%(,\s*\)\@="
-" Quoting
-" one cluster for every quote adverb
-syn cluster p6Interp_s
- \ add=p6InterpScalar
-syn cluster p6Interp_scalar
- \ add=p6InterpScalar
-syn cluster p6Interp_a
- \ add=p6InterpArray
-syn cluster p6Interp_array
- \ add=p6InterpArray
-syn cluster p6Interp_h
- \ add=p6InterpHash
-syn cluster p6Interp_hash
- \ add=p6InterpHash
-syn cluster p6Interp_f
- \ add=p6InterpFunction
-syn cluster p6Interp_f
- \ add=p6InterpFunction
-syn cluster p6Interp_c
- \ add=p6InterpClosure
-syn cluster p6Interp_closure
- \ add=p6InterpClosure
-if exists("perl6_extended_q") || exists("perl6_extended_all")
- syn cluster p6Interp_ww
- \ add=p6StringSQ
- \ add=p6StringDQ
- syn cluster p6Interp_quotewords
- \ add=p6StringSQ
- \ add=p6StringDQ
-syn cluster p6Interp_q
- \ add=p6EscQQ
- \ add=p6EscBackSlash
-syn cluster p6Interp_single
- \ add=p6EscQQ
- \ add=p6EscBackSlash
-syn cluster p6Interp_b
- \ add=@p6Interp_q
- \ add=p6Escape
- \ add=p6EscOpenCurly
- \ add=p6EscCodePoint
- \ add=p6EscHex
- \ add=p6EscOct
- \ add=p6EscOctOld
- \ add=p6EscNull
-syn cluster p6Interp_backslash
- \ add=@p6Interp_q
- \ add=p6Escape
- \ add=p6EscOpenCurly
- \ add=p6EscCodePoint
- \ add=p6EscHex
- \ add=p6EscOct
- \ add=p6EscOctOld
- \ add=p6EscNull
-syn cluster p6Interp_qq
- \ add=@p6Interp_scalar
- \ add=@p6Interp_array
- \ add=@p6Interp_hash
- \ add=@p6Interp_function
- \ add=@p6Interp_closure
- \ add=@p6Interp_backslash
-syn cluster p6Interp_double
- \ add=@p6Interp_scalar
- \ add=@p6Interp_array
- \ add=@p6Interp_hash
- \ add=@p6Interp_function
- \ add=@p6Interp_closure
- \ add=@p6Interp_backslash
-syn region p6InterpScalar
- \ start="\ze\z(\$\%(\%(\%(\d\+\|!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\%(\.\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
- \ start="\ze\z(\$\%(\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(\d\+\|!\|/\|¢\)\)\)"
- \ end="\z1\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
- \ keepend
-syn region p6InterpScalar
- \ matchgroup=p6Context
- \ start="\$\ze()\@!"
- \ skip="([^)]*)"
- \ end=")\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
-syn region p6InterpArray
- \ start="\ze\z(@\$*\%(\%(\%(!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\%(\.\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
- \ end="\z1\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
- \ keepend
-syn region p6InterpArray
- \ matchgroup=p6Context
- \ start="@\ze()\@!"
- \ start="@@\ze()\@!"
- \ skip="([^)]*)"
- \ end=")\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
-syn region p6InterpHash
- \ start="\ze\z(%\$*\%(\%(\%(!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\%(\.\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
- \ end="\z1\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
- \ keepend
-syn region p6InterpHash
- \ matchgroup=p6Context
- \ start="%\ze()\@!"
- \ skip="([^)]*)"
- \ end=")\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
-syn region p6InterpFunction
- \ start="\ze\z(&\%(\%(!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=\)\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(\.\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
- \ end="\z1\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
- \ keepend
-syn region p6InterpFunction
- \ matchgroup=p6Context
- \ start="&\ze()\@!"
- \ skip="([^)]*)"
- \ end=")\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
-syn region p6InterpClosure
- \ start="\\\@<!{}\@!"
- \ skip="{[^}]*}"
- \ end="}"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
- \ keepend
-" generic escape
-syn match p6Escape display "\\\S" contained
-" escaped closing delimiters
-syn match p6EscQuote display "\\'" contained
-syn match p6EscDoubleQuote display "\\\"" contained
-syn match p6EscCloseAngle display "\\>" contained
-syn match p6EscCloseFrench display "\\»" contained
-syn match p6EscBackTick display "\\`" contained
-syn match p6EscForwardSlash display "\\/" contained
-syn match p6EscVerticalBar display "\\|" contained
-syn match p6EscExclamation display "\\!" contained
-syn match p6EscComma display "\\," contained
-syn match p6EscDollar display "\\\$" contained
-syn match p6EscCloseCurly display "\\}" contained
-syn match p6EscCloseBracket display "\\\]" contained
-" misc escapes
-syn match p6EscOctOld display "\\\d\{1,3}" contained
-syn match p6EscNull display "\\0\d\@!" contained
-syn match p6EscCodePoint display "\%(\\c\)\@<=\%(\d\|\S\|\[\)\@=" contained nextgroup=p6CodePoint
-syn match p6EscHex display "\%(\\x\)\@<=\%(\x\|\[\)\@=" contained nextgroup=p6HexSequence
-syn match p6EscOct display "\%(\\o\)\@<=\%(\o\|\[\)\@=" contained nextgroup=p6OctSequence
-syn match p6EscQQ display "\\qq" contained nextgroup=p6QQSequence
-syn match p6EscOpenCurly display "\\{" contained
-syn match p6EscHash display "\\#" contained
-syn match p6EscBackSlash display "\\\\" contained
-syn region p6QQSequence
- \ matchgroup=p6Escape
- \ start="\["
- \ skip="\[[^\]]*]"
- \ end="]"
- \ contained
- \ transparent
- \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
-syn match p6CodePoint display "\%(\d\+\|\S\)" contained
-syn region p6CodePoint
- \ matchgroup=p6Escape
- \ start="\["
- \ end="]"
- \ contained
-syn match p6HexSequence display "\x\+" contained
-syn region p6HexSequence
- \ matchgroup=p6Escape
- \ start="\["
- \ end="]"
- \ contained
-syn match p6OctSequence display "\o\+" contained
-syn region p6OctSequence
- \ matchgroup=p6Escape
- \ start="\["
- \ end="]"
- \ contained
-" matches :key, :!key, :$var, :key<var>, etc
-" Since we don't know in advance how the adverb ends, we use a trick.
-" Consume nothing with the start pattern (\ze at the beginning),
-" while capturing the whole adverb into \z1 and then putting it before
-" the match start (\zs) of the end pattern.
-syn region p6Adverb
- \ start="\ze\z(:!\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\?\)"
- \ start="\ze\z(:!\?[@$%]\$*\%(::\|\%(\$\@<=\d\+\|!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\)\|\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\)\)"
- \ end="\z1\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
- \ keepend
-" <words>
-" FIXME: not sure how to distinguish this from the "less than" operator
-" in all cases. For now, it matches if any of the following is true:
-" * There is whitespace missing on either side of the "<", since
-" people tend to put spaces around "less than"
-" * It comes after "enum", "for", "any", "all", or "none"
-" * It's the first or last thing on a line (ignoring whitespace)
-" * It's preceded by "= "
-" It never matches when:
-" * Preceded by [<+~=] (e.g. <<foo>>, =<$foo>)
-" * Followed by [-=] (e.g. <--, <=, <==)
-syn region p6StringAngle
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\<\%(enum\|for\|any\|all\|none\)\>\s*(\?\s*\)\@<=<\%(<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
- \ start="\%(\s\|[<+~=]\)\@<!<\%(<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
- \ start="[<+~=]\@<!<\%(\s\|<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
- \ start="\%(^\s*\)\@<=<\%(<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
- \ start="[<+~=]\@<!<\%(\s*$\)\@="
- \ start="\%(=\s\+\)\@=<\%(<\|=>\|[-=]\{1,2}>\@!\)\@!"
- \ skip="\\\@<!\\>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contains=p6InnerAnglesOne,p6EscBackSlash,p6EscCloseAngle
-syn region p6InnerAnglesOne
- \ matchgroup=p6StringAngle
- \ start="<"
- \ skip="\\\@<!\\>"
- \ end=">"
- \ transparent
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6InnerAnglesOne
-" <<words>>
-syn region p6StringAngles
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="<<=\@!"
- \ skip="\\\@<!\\>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ contains=p6InnerAnglesTwo,@p6Interp_qq,p6Comment,p6EscHash,p6EscCloseAngle,p6Adverb,p6StringSQ,p6StringDQ
-syn region p6InnerAnglesTwo
- \ matchgroup=p6StringAngles
- \ start="<<"
- \ skip="\\\@<!\\>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ transparent
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6InnerAnglesTwo
-" «words»
-syn region p6StringFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="«"
- \ skip="\\\@<!\\»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contains=p6InnerFrench,@p6Interp_qq,p6Comment,p6EscHash,p6EscCloseFrench,p6Adverb,p6StringSQ,p6StringDQ
-syn region p6InnerFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6StringFrench
- \ start="«"
- \ skip="\\\@<!\\»"
- \ end="»"
- \ transparent
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6InnerFrench
-" 'string'
-syn region p6StringSQ
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="'"
- \ skip="\\\@<!\\'"
- \ end="'"
- \ contains=@p6Interp_q,p6EscQuote
-" "string"
-syn region p6StringDQ
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start=+"+
- \ skip=+\\\@<!\\"+
- \ end=+"+
- \ contains=@p6Interp_qq,p6EscDoubleQuote
-" Q// and friends.
-syn match p6QuoteQ display "\%([Qq]\%(ww\|to\|[qwxsahfcb]\)\?\)\>" nextgroup=p6QPairs skipwhite skipempty
-syn match p6QPairs contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=p6StringQ,p6StringQ_PIR "\%(\_s*:!\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\?\)*"
-if exists("perl6_embedded_pir")
- syn include @p6PIR syntax/pir.vim
-" hardcoded set of delimiters
-let s:delims = [
- \ ["\\\"", "\\\"", "p6EscDoubleQuote", "\\\\\\@<!\\\\\\\""],
- \ ["'", "'", "p6EscQuote", "\\\\\\@<!\\\\'"],
- \ ["/", "/", "p6EscForwardSlash", "\\\\\\@<!\\\\/"],
- \ ["`", "`", "p6EscBackTick", "\\\\\\@<!\\\\`"],
- \ ["|", "|", "p6EscVerticalBar", "\\\\\\@<!\\\\|"],
- \ ["!", "!", "p6EscExclamation", "\\\\\\@<!\\\\!"],
- \ [",", ",", "p6EscComma", "\\\\\\@<!\\\\,"],
- \ ["\\$", "\\$", "p6EscDollar", "\\\\\\@<!\\\\\\$"],
- \ ["{", "}", "p6EscCloseCurly", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\}\\|{[^}]*}\\)"],
- \ ["<", ">", "p6EscCloseAngle", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\>\\|<[^>]*>\\)"],
- \ ["«", "»", "p6EscCloseFrench", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\»\\|«[^»]*»\\)"],
- \ ["\\\[", "]", "p6EscCloseBracket", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\]\\|\\[^\\]]*]\\)"],
- \ ["\\s\\@<=(", ")", "p6EscCloseParen", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\)\\|([^)]*)\\)"],
-\ ]
-" double and triple delimiters too
-if exists("perl6_extended_q") || exists("perl6_extended_all")
- call add(s:delims, ["««", "»»", "p6EscCloseFrench", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\»»\\|««\\%([^»]\\|»»\\@!\\)*»»\\)"])
- call add(s:delims, ["«««", "»»»", "p6EscCloseFrench", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\»»»\\|«««\\%([^»]\\|»\\%(»»\\)\\@!\\)*»»»\\)"])
- call add(s:delims, ["{{", "}}", "p6EscCloseCurly", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\}}\\|{{\\%([^}]\\|}}\\@!\\)*}}\\)"])
- call add(s:delims, ["{{{", "}}}", "p6EscCloseCurly", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\}}}\\|{{{\\%([^}]\\|}\\%(}}\\)\\@!\\)*}}}\\)"])
- call add(s:delims, ["\\\[\\\[", "]]", "p6EscCloseBracket", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\]]\\|\\[\\[\\%([^\\]]\\|]]\\@!\\)*]]\\)"])
- call add(s:delims, ["\\\[\\\[\\\[", "]]]", "p6EscCloseBracket", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\]]]\\|\\[\\[\\[\\%([^\\]]\\|]\\%(]]\\)\\@!\\)*]]]\\)"])
- call add(s:delims, ["\\s\\@<=((", "))", "p6EscCloseParen", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\))\\|((\\%([^)]\\|))\\@!\\)*))\\)"])
- call add(s:delims, ["\\s\\@<=(((", ")))", "p6EscCloseParen", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\)))\\|(((\\%([^)]\\|)\\%())\\)\\@!\\)*)))\\)"])
- call add(s:delims, ["\\s\\@<=<<", ">>", "p6EscCloseAngle", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\>>\\|<<\\%([^>]\\|>>\\@!\\)*>>\\)"])
- call add(s:delims, ["\\s\\@<=<<<", ">>>", "p6EscCloseAngle", "\\%(\\\\\\@<!\\\\>>>\\|<<<\\%([^>]\\|>\\%(>>\\)\\@!\\)*>>>\\)"])
-if !exists("perl6_extended_q") && !exists("perl6_extended_all")
- " simple version, no special highlighting within the string
- for [start_delim, end_delim, end_group, skip] in s:delims
- exec "syn region p6StringQ matchgroup=p6Quote start=\"".start_delim."\" skip=\"".skip."\" end=\"".end_delim."\" contains=".end_group." contained"
- endfor
- if exists("perl6_embedded_pir")
- " highlight embedded PIR code
- for [start_delim, end_delim, end_group, skip] in s:delims
- exec "syn region p6StringQ_PIR matchgroup=p6Quote start=\"\\%(Q\\s*:PIR\\s*\\)\\@<=".start_delim."\" skip=\"".skip."\" end=\"".end_delim."\" contains=@p6PIR,".end_group." contained"
- endfor
- endif
- let s:before = "syn region p6StringQ matchgroup=p6Quote start=\"\\%("
- let s:after = "\\%(\\_s*:!\\?\\K\\%(\\k\\|[-']\\K\\@=\\)*\\%(([^)]*)\\|\\[[^\\]]*]\\|<[^>]*>\\|«[^»]*»\\|{[^}]*}\\)\\?\\)*\\_s*\\)\\@<="
- let s:adverbs = [
- \ ["s", "scalar"],
- \ ["a", "array"],
- \ ["h", "hash"],
- \ ["f", "function"],
- \ ["c", "closure"],
- \ ["b", "backslash"],
- \ ["w", "words"],
- \ ["ww", "quotewords"],
- \ ["x", "exec"],
- \ ]
- " these can't be conjoined with q and qq (e.g. as qqq and qqqq)
- let s:q_adverbs = [
- \ ["q", "single"],
- \ ["qq", "double"],
- \ ]
- for [start_delim, end_delim, end_group, skip] in s:delims
- " Q, q, and qq with any number of (ignored) adverbs
- exec s:before ."Q". s:after .start_delim."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\""." contained"
- exec s:before ."q". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_q"." contained"
- exec s:before ."qq". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_qq"." contained"
- for [short, long] in s:adverbs
- " Qs, qs, qqs, Qa, qa, qqa, etc, with ignored adverbs
- exec s:before ."Q".short. s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".long." contained"
- exec s:before ."q".short. s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_q,@p6Interp_".long." contained"
- exec s:before ."qq".short. s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_qq,@p6Interp_".long." contained"
- " Q, q, and qq, with one significant adverb
- exec s:before ."Q\\s*:\\%(".short."\\|".long."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".long." contained"
- for [q_short, q_long] in s:q_adverbs
- exec s:before ."Q\\s*:\\%(".q_short."\\|".q_long."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".q_long." contained"
- endfor
- exec s:before ."q\\s*:\\%(".short."\\|".long."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_q,@p6Interp_".long." contained"
- exec s:before ."qq\\s*:\\%(".short."\\|".long."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_qq,@p6Interp_".long." contained"
- for [short2, long2] in s:adverbs
- " Qs, qs, qqs, Qa, qa, qqa, etc, with one significant adverb
- exec s:before ."Q".short."\\s*:\\%(".short2."\\|".long2."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".long.",@p6Interp_".long2." contained"
- for [q_short2, q_long2] in s:q_adverbs
- exec s:before ."Q".short."\\s*:\\%(".q_short2."\\|".q_long2."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=@p6Interp_".long.",@p6Interp_".q_long2." contained"
- endfor
- exec s:before ."q".short."\\s*:\\%(".short2."\\|".long2."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_q,@p6Interp_".long.",@p6Interp_".long2." contained"
- exec s:before ."qq".short."\\s*:\\%(".short2."\\|".long2."\\)". s:after .start_delim ."\" skip=\"". skip ."\" end=\"". end_delim ."\" contains=". end_group .",@p6Interp_qq,@p6Interp_".long.",@p6Interp_".long2." contained"
- endfor
- endfor
- endfor
- unlet s:before s:after s:adverbs s:q_adverbs
-unlet s:delims
-" Match these so something else above can't. E.g. the "q" in "role q { }"
-" should not be considered a string
-syn match p6Normal display "\%(\<\%(role\|grammar\|slang\)\s\+\)\@<=\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*"
-" :key
-syn match p6Operator display ":\@<!::\@!!\?" nextgroup=p6Key
-syn match p6Key display "\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*" contained
-" => and p5=> autoquoting
-syn match p6StringP5Auto display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\ze\s\+p5=>"
-syn match p6StringAuto display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\ze\%(p5\)\@<!=>"
-syn match p6StringAuto display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\ze\s\+=>"
-syn match p6StringAuto display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*p5\ze=>"
-" Hyperoperators. Needs to come after the quoting operators (<>, «», etc)
-exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"»" .s:infix."»\\?\""
-exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"«\\?".s:infix."«\""
-exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"»" .s:infix."«\""
-exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"«" .s:infix. "»\""
-exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \">>" .s:infix."\\%(>>\\)\\?\""
-exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"\\%(<<\\)\\?".s:infix."<<\""
-exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \">>" .s:infix."<<\""
-exec "syn match p6HyperOp display \"<<" .s:infix.">>\""
-unlet s:infix
-" Regexes and grammars
-syn match p6RegexName display "\%(\<\%(regex\|rule\|token\)\s\+\)\@<=\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*" nextgroup=p6RegexBlockCrap skipwhite skipempty
-syn match p6RegexBlockCrap "[^{]*" nextgroup=p6RegexBlock skipwhite skipempty transparent contained
-syn region p6RegexBlock
- \ matchgroup=p6Normal
- \ start="{"
- \ end="}"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" Perl 6 regex bits
-syn cluster p6Regexen
- \ add=p6RxMeta
- \ add=p6RxEscape
- \ add=p6EscHex
- \ add=p6EscOct
- \ add=p6EscNull
- \ add=p6RxAnchor
- \ add=p6RxCapture
- \ add=p6RxGroup
- \ add=p6RxAlternation
- \ add=p6RxAdverb
- \ add=p6RxAdverbArg
- \ add=p6RxStorage
- \ add=p6RxAssertion
- \ add=p6RxQuoteWords
- \ add=p6RxClosure
- \ add=p6RxStringSQ
- \ add=p6RxStringDQ
- \ add=p6Comment
-syn match p6RxMeta display contained ".\%(\k\|\s\)\@<!"
-syn match p6RxAnchor display contained "[$^]"
-syn match p6RxEscape display contained "\\\S"
-syn match p6RxCapture display contained "[()]"
-syn match p6RxAlternation display contained "|"
-syn match p6RxRange display contained "\.\."
-syn region p6RxClosure
- \ matchgroup=p6Normal
- \ start="{"
- \ end="}"
- \ contained
- \ containedin=p6RxClosure
- \ contains=TOP
-syn region p6RxGroup
- \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial2
- \ start="\["
- \ end="]"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-syn region p6RxAssertion
- \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial2
- \ start="<"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables,p6RxCharClass,p6RxAssertCall
-syn region p6RxAssertCall
- \ matchgroup=p6Normal
- \ start="\%(::\|\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\)\@<=(\@="
- \ end=")\@<="
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
-syn region p6RxCharClass
- \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial2
- \ start="\%(<[-!+?]\?\)\@<=\["
- \ skip="\\]"
- \ end="]"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6RxRange,p6RxEscape,p6EscHex,p6EscOct,p6EscNull
-syn region p6RxQuoteWords
- \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial2
- \ start="< "
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
-syn region p6RxAdverb
- \ start="\ze\z(:!\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)"
- \ end="\z1\zs"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
- \ keepend
-syn region p6RxAdverbArg
- \ start="\%(:!\?\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\@<=("
- \ skip="([^)]*)"
- \ end=")"
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
-syn region p6RxStorage
- \ matchgroup=p6Operator
- \ start="\%(^\s*\)\@<=:\%(my\>\|temp\>\)\@="
- \ end="$"
- \ contains=TOP
- \ contained
-" Perl 5 regex bits
-syn cluster p6RegexP5Base
- \ add=p6RxP5Escape
- \ add=p6RxP5Oct
- \ add=p6RxP5Hex
- \ add=p6RxP5EscMeta
- \ add=p6RxP5CodePoint
- \ add=p6RxP5Prop
-" normal regex stuff
-syn cluster p6RegexP5
- \ add=@p6RegexP5Base
- \ add=p6RxP5Quantifier
- \ add=p6RxP5Meta
- \ add=p6RxP5QuoteMeta
- \ add=p6RxP5ParenMod
- \ add=p6RxP5Verb
- \ add=p6RxP5Count
- \ add=p6RxP5Named
- \ add=p6RxP5ReadRef
- \ add=p6RxP5WriteRef
- \ add=p6RxP5CharClass
- \ add=p6RxP5Anchor
-" inside character classes
-syn cluster p6RegexP5Class
- \ add=@p6RegexP5Base
- \ add=p6RxP5Posix
- \ add=p6RxP5Range
-syn match p6RxP5Escape display contained "\\\S"
-syn match p6RxP5CodePoint display contained "\\c\S\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5CPId
-syn match p6RxP5CPId display contained "\S"
-syn match p6RxP5Oct display contained "\\\%(\o\{1,3}\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5OctSeq
-syn match p6RxP5OctSeq display contained "\o\{1,3}"
-syn match p6RxP5Anchor display contained "[\^$]"
-syn match p6RxP5Hex display contained "\\x\%({\x\+}\|\x\{1,2}\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5HexSeq
-syn match p6RxP5HexSeq display contained "\x\{1,2}"
-syn region p6RxP5HexSeq
- \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
- \ start="{"
- \ end="}"
- \ contained
-syn region p6RxP5Named
- \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
- \ start="\%(\\N\)\@<={"
- \ end="}"
- \ contained
-syn match p6RxP5Quantifier display contained "\%([+*]\|(\@<!?\)"
-syn match p6RxP5ReadRef display contained "\\[1-9]\d\@!"
-syn match p6RxP5ReadRef display contained "\\k<\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5ReadRefId
-syn region p6RxP5ReadRefId
- \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
- \ start="<"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
-syn match p6RxP5WriteRef display contained "\\g\%(\d\|{\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5WriteRefId
-syn match p6RxP5WriteRefId display contained "\d\+"
-syn region p6RxP5WriteRefId
- \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
- \ start="{"
- \ end="}"
- \ contained
-syn match p6RxP5Prop display contained "\\[pP]\%(\a\|{\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5PropId
-syn match p6RxP5PropId display contained "\a"
-syn region p6RxP5PropId
- \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
- \ start="{"
- \ end="}"
- \ contained
-syn match p6RxP5Meta display contained "[(|).]"
-syn match p6RxP5ParenMod display contained "(\@<=?\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5Mod,p6RxP5ModName,p6RxP5Code
-syn match p6RxP5Mod display contained "?\%(<\?=\|<\?!\|[#:|]\)"
-syn match p6RxP5Mod display contained "?-\?[impsx]\+"
-syn match p6RxP5Mod display contained "?\%([-+]\?\d\+\|R\)"
-syn match p6RxP5Mod display contained "?(DEFINE)"
-syn match p6RxP5Mod display contained "?\%(&\|P[>=]\)" nextgroup=p6RxP5ModDef
-syn match p6RxP5ModDef display contained "\h\w*"
-syn region p6RxP5ModName
- \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial
- \ start="?'"
- \ end="'"
- \ contained
-syn region p6RxP5ModName
- \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial
- \ start="?P\?<"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
-syn region p6RxP5Code
- \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial
- \ start="??\?{"
- \ end="})\@="
- \ contained
- \ contains=TOP
-syn match p6RxP5EscMeta display contained "\\[?*.{}()[\]|\^$]"
-syn match p6RxP5Count display contained "\%({\d\+\%(,\%(\d\+\)\?\)\?}\)\@=" nextgroup=p6RxP5CountId
-syn region p6RxP5CountId
- \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
- \ start="{"
- \ end="}"
- \ contained
-syn match p6RxP5Verb display contained "(\@<=\*\%(\%(PRUNE\|SKIP\|THEN\)\%(:[^)]*\)\?\|\%(MARK\|\):[^)]*\|COMMIT\|F\%(AIL\)\?\|ACCEPT\)"
-syn region p6RxP5QuoteMeta
- \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
- \ start="\\Q"
- \ end="\\E"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6Variables,p6EscBackSlash
-syn region p6RxP5CharClass
- \ matchgroup=p6StringSpecial
- \ start="\[\^\?"
- \ skip="\\]"
- \ end="]"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6RegexP5Class
-syn region p6RxP5Posix
- \ matchgroup=p6RxP5Escape
- \ start="\[:"
- \ end=":]"
- \ contained
-syn match p6RxP5Range display contained "-"
-" 'string' inside a regex
-syn region p6RxStringSQ
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="'"
- \ skip="\\\@<!\\'"
- \ end="'"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6EscQuote,p6EscBackSlash
-" "string" inside a regex
-syn region p6RxStringDQ
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start=+"+
- \ skip=+\\\@<!\\"+
- \ end=+"+
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6EscDoubleQuote,p6EscBackSlash
-" $!, $var, $!var, $::var, $package::var $*::package::var, etc
-" Thus must come after the matches for the "$" regex anchor, but before
-" the match for the $ regex delimiter
-syn cluster p6Variables
- \ add=p6VarSlash
- \ add=p6VarExclam
- \ add=p6VarMatch
- \ add=p6VarNum
- \ add=p6Variable
-syn match p6VarSlash display "\$/"
-syn match p6VarExclam display "\$!"
-syn match p6VarMatch display "\$¢"
-syn match p6VarNum display "\$\d\+"
-syn match p6Variable display "\%(@@\|[@&$%]\$*\)\%(::\|\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\)\|\K\)\@=" nextgroup=p6Twigil,p6VarName,p6PackageScope
-syn match p6VarName display "\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*" contained
-syn match p6Twigil display "\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@<!::\@!\)\K\@=" nextgroup=p6PackageScope,p6VarName contained
-syn match p6PackageScope display "\%(\K\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\)\?::" nextgroup=p6PackageScope,p6VarName contained
-" Perl 6 regex regions
-" /foo/
-" Below some hacks to recognise the // variant. This is virtually impossible
-" to catch in all cases as the / is used in so many other ways, but these
-" should be the most obvious ones.
-" TODO: mostly stolen from perl.vim, might need more work
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\%(\<\%(split\|while\|until\|if\|unless\)\|\.\.\|[-+*!~(\[{=]\)\s*\)\@<=//\@!"
- \ start="^//\@!"
- \ start=+\s\@<=/[^[:space:][:digit:]$@%=]\@=\%(/\_s*\%([([{$@%&*[:digit:]"'`]\|\_s\w\|[[:upper:]_abd-fhjklnqrt-wyz]\)\)\@!/\@!+
- \ skip="\\/"
- \ end="/"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarExclam,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
-" m/foo/, mm/foo/, rx/foo/
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=//\@!"
- \ skip="\\/"
- \ end="/"
- \ keepend
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarExclam,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
-" m!foo!, mm!foo!, rx!foo!
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=!!\@!"
- \ skip="\\!"
- \ end="!"
- \ keepend
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarSlash,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
-" m$foo$, mm$foo$, rx$foo$, m|foo|, mm|foo|, rx|foo|, etc
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\z([\"'`|,$]\)\$\@!"
- \ skip="\\\z1"
- \ end="\z1"
- \ keepend
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" m (foo), mm (foo), rx (foo)
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s\+\)\@<=()\@!)\@!"
- \ skip="\\)"
- \ end=")"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" m[foo], mm[foo], rx[foo]
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\[]\@!]\@!"
- \ skip="\\]"
- \ end="]"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" m{foo}, mm{foo}, rx{foo}
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<={}\@!}\@!"
- \ skip="\\}"
- \ end="}"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" m<foo>, mm<foo>, rx<foo>
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=<>\@!>\@!"
- \ skip="\\>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" m«foo», mm«foo», rx«foo»
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=«»\@!»\@!"
- \ skip="\\»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" Substitutions
-" s/foo/bar/
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=/"
- \ skip="\\/"
- \ end="/"me=e-1
- \ keepend
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarExclam,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
- \ nextgroup=p6Substitution
-syn region p6Substitution
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="/"
- \ skip="\\/"
- \ end="/"
- \ contained
- \ keepend
- \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
-" s!foo!bar!
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=!"
- \ skip="\\!"
- \ end="!"me=e-1
- \ keepend
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,p6Variable,p6VarSlash,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
- \ nextgroup=p6Substitution
-syn region p6Substitution
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="!"
- \ skip="\\!"
- \ end="!"
- \ contained
- \ keepend
- \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
-" s$foo$bar$, s|foo|bar, etc
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\z([\"'`|,$]\)"
- \ skip="\\\z1"
- \ end="\z1"me=e-1
- \ keepend
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
- \ nextgroup=p6Substitution
-syn region p6Substitution
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\z([\"'`|,$]\)"
- \ skip="\\\z1"
- \ end="\z1"
- \ contained
- \ keepend
- \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
-" s{foo}
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<={}\@!"
- \ skip="\\}"
- \ end="}"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" s[foo]
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\[]\@!"
- \ skip="\\]"
- \ end="]"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" s<foo>
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=<>\@!"
- \ skip="\\>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" s«foo»
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=«»\@!"
- \ skip="\\»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" s (foo)
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<s\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s\+\)\@<=()\@!"
- \ skip="\\)"
- \ end=")"
- \ contains=@p6Regexen,@p6Variables
-" Perl 5 regex regions
-" m:P5//
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=/"
- \ skip="\\/"
- \ end="/"
- \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variable,p6VarExclam,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
-" m:P5!!
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=!"
- \ skip="\\!"
- \ end="!"
- \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variable,p6VarSlash,p6VarMatch,p6VarNum
-" m:P5$$, m:P5||, etc
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=\z([\"'`|,$]\)"
- \ skip="\\\z1"
- \ end="\z1"
- \ contains=@p6RegexP5,@p6Variables
-" m:P5 ()
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s\+\)\@<=()\@!"
- \ skip="\\)"
- \ end=")"
- \ contains=@p6RegexP5,@p6Variables
-" m:P5[]
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=[]\@!"
- \ skip="\\]"
- \ end="]"
- \ contains=@p6RegexP5,@p6Variables
-" m:P5{}
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<={}\@!"
- \ skip="\\}"
- \ end="}"
- \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variables
-" m:P5<>
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=<>\@!"
- \ skip="\\>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variables
-" m:P5«»
-syn region p6Match
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=«»\@!"
- \ skip="\\»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contains=@p6RegexP5,p6Variables
-" Transliteration
-" tr/foo/bar/, tr|foo|bar, etc
-syn region p6String
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@<!\<tr\%(\s*:!\?\k\%(\k\|[-']\K\@=\)*\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*\s*\)\@<=\z([/\"'`|!,$]\)"
- \ skip="\\\z1"
- \ end="\z1"me=e-1
- \ contains=p6RxRange
- \ nextgroup=p6Transliteration
-syn region p6Transliteration
- \ matchgroup=p6Quote
- \ start="\z([/\"'`|!,$]\)"
- \ skip="\\\z1"
- \ end="\z1"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6Interp_qq
-" Comments
-" normal end-of-line comment
-syn match p6Comment display "#.*" contains=p6Attention
-" Multiline comments. Arbitrary numbers of opening brackets are allowed,
-" but we only define regions for 1 to 3
-syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#("
- \ skip="([^)]*)"
- \ end=")"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#("
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
-syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#\["
- \ skip="\[[^\]]*]"
- \ end="]"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#\["
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
-syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#{"
- \ skip="{[^}]*}"
- \ end="}"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#{"
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
-syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#<"
- \ skip="<[^>]*>"
- \ end=">"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#<"
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
-syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#«"
- \ skip="«[^»]*»"
- \ end="»"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#«"
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
-" double and triple delimiters
-if exists("perl6_extended_comments") || exists("perl6_extended_all")
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#(("
- \ skip="((\%([^)\|))\@!]\)*))"
- \ end="))"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#(("
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#((("
- \ skip="(((\%([^)]\|)\%())\)\@!\)*)))"
- \ end=")))"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#((("
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#\[\["
- \ skip="\[\[\%([^\]]\|]]\@!\)*]]"
- \ end="]]"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#\[\["
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#\[\[\["
- \ skip="\[\[\[\%([^\]]\|]\%(]]\)\@!\)*]]]"
- \ end="]]]"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#\[\[\["
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#{{"
- \ skip="{{\%([^}]\|}}\@!\)*}}"
- \ end="}}"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#{{"
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#{{{"
- \ skip="{{{\%([^}]\|}\%(}}\)\@!\)*}}}"
- \ end="}}}"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#{{{"
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#<<"
- \ skip="<<\%([^>]\|>>\@!\)*>>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#<<"
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#<<<"
- \ skip="<<<\%([^>]\|>\%(>>\)\@!\)*>>>"
- \ end=">>>"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#<<<"
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#««"
- \ skip="««\%([^»]\|»»\@!\)*»»"
- \ end="»»"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#««"
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
- syn region p6Comment
- \ matchgroup=p6Comment
- \ start="^\@<!#«««"
- \ skip="«««\%([^»]\|»\%(»»\)\@!\)*»»»"
- \ end="»»»"
- \ matchgroup=p6Error
- \ start="^#«««"
- \ contains=p6Attention,p6Comment
-" Pod
-" Abbreviated blocks (implicit code forbidden)
-syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=\ze\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contains=p6PodAbbrNoCodeType
- \ keepend
-syn region p6PodAbbrNoCodeType
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodName,p6PodAbbrNoCode
-syn match p6PodName contained ".\+" contains=@p6PodFormat
-syn match p6PodComment contained ".\+"
-syn region p6PodAbbrNoCode
- \ start="^"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodFormat
-" Abbreviated blocks (everything is code)
-syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=\zecode\>"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contains=p6PodAbbrCodeType
- \ keepend
-syn region p6PodAbbrCodeType
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodName,p6PodAbbrCode
-syn region p6PodAbbrCode
- \ start="^"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
-" Abbreviated blocks (everything is a comment)
-syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=\zecomment\>"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contains=p6PodAbbrCommentType
- \ keepend
-syn region p6PodAbbrCommentType
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodComment,p6PodAbbrNoCode
-" Abbreviated blocks (implicit code allowed)
-syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=\ze\%(pod\|item\|nested\|\u\+\)\>"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contains=p6PodAbbrType
- \ keepend
-syn region p6PodAbbrType
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodName,p6PodAbbr
-syn region p6PodAbbr
- \ start="^"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
-" Abbreviated block to end-of-file
-syn region p6PodAbbrRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=\zeEND\>"
- \ end="\%$"
- \ contains=p6PodAbbrEOFType
- \ keepend
-syn region p6PodAbbrEOFType
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="\%$"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodName,p6PodAbbrEOF
-syn region p6PodAbbrEOF
- \ start="^"
- \ end="\%$"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
-" Directives
-syn region p6PodDirectRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=\%(config\|use\)\>"
- \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
- \ contains=p6PodDirectArgRegion
- \ keepend
-syn region p6PodDirectArgRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\S\+"
- \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodDirectConfigRegion
-syn region p6PodDirectConfigRegion
- \ start=""
- \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodConfig
-" =encoding is a special directive
-syn region p6PodDirectRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=encoding\>"
- \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
- \ contains=p6PodEncodingArgRegion
- \ keepend
-syn region p6PodEncodingArgRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodName
- \ start="\S\+"
- \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
- \ contained
-" Paragraph blocks (implicit code forbidden)
-syn region p6PodParaRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=for\>"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contains=p6PodParaNoCodeTypeRegion
- \ keepend
- \ extend
-syn region p6PodParaNoCodeTypeRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodParaNoCode,p6PodParaConfigRegion
-syn region p6PodParaConfigRegion
- \ start=""
- \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\k\@<!\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodConfig
-syn region p6PodParaNoCode
- \ start="^[^=]"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodFormat
-" Paragraph blocks (everything is code)
-syn region p6PodParaRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=for\>\ze\s*code\>"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contains=p6PodParaCodeTypeRegion
- \ keepend
- \ extend
-syn region p6PodParaCodeTypeRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodParaCode,p6PodParaConfigRegion
-syn region p6PodParaCode
- \ start="^[^=]"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
-" Paragraph blocks (implicit code allowed)
-syn region p6PodParaRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=for\>\ze\s*\%(pod\|item\|nested\|\u\+\)\>"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contains=p6PodParaTypeRegion
- \ keepend
- \ extend
-syn region p6PodParaTypeRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodPara,p6PodParaConfigRegion
-syn region p6PodPara
- \ start="^[^=]"
- \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=\K\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
-" Paragraph block to end-of-file
-syn region p6PodParaRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=for\>\ze\s\+END\>"
- \ end="\%$"
- \ contains=p6PodParaEOFTypeRegion
- \ keepend
- \ extend
-syn region p6PodParaEOFTypeRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="\%$"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodParaEOF,p6PodParaConfigRegion
-syn region p6PodParaEOF
- \ start="^[^=]"
- \ end="\%$"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
-" Delimited blocks (implicit code forbidden)
-syn region p6PodDelimRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=begin\>"
- \ end="^=end\>"
- \ contains=p6PodDelimNoCodeTypeRegion
- \ keepend
- \ extend
-syn region p6PodDelimNoCodeTypeRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze=end\>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodDelimNoCode,p6PodDelimConfigRegion
-syn region p6PodDelimConfigRegion
- \ start=""
- \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=\K\|\s*$\)"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodConfig
-syn region p6PodDelimNoCode
- \ start="^"
- \ end="^\ze=end\>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat
-" Delimited blocks (everything is code)
-syn region p6PodDelimRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=begin\>\ze\s*code\>"
- \ end="^=end\>"
- \ contains=p6PodDelimCodeTypeRegion
- \ keepend
- \ extend
-syn region p6PodDelimCodeTypeRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze=end\>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodDelimCode,p6PodDelimConfigRegion
-syn region p6PodDelimCode
- \ start="^"
- \ end="^\ze=end\>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks
-" Delimited blocks (implicit code allowed)
-syn region p6PodDelimRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=begin\>\ze\s*\%(pod\|item\|nested\|\u\+\)\>"
- \ end="^=end\>"
- \ contains=p6PodDelimTypeRegion
- \ keepend
- \ extend
-syn region p6PodDelimTypeRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="^\ze=end\>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodDelim,p6PodDelimConfigRegion
-syn region p6PodDelim
- \ start="^"
- \ end="^\ze=end\>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
-" Delimited block to end-of-file
-syn region p6PodDelimRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodPrefix
- \ start="^=begin\>\ze\s\+END\>"
- \ end="\%$"
- \ contains=p6PodDelimEOFTypeRegion
- \ extend
-syn region p6PodDelimEOFTypeRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\K\k*"
- \ end="\%$"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodDelimEOF,p6PodDelimConfigRegion
-syn region p6PodDelimEOF
- \ start="^"
- \ end="\%$"
- \ contained
- \ contains=@p6PodNestedBlocks,@p6PodFormat,p6PodImplicitCode
-syn cluster p6PodConfig
- \ add=p6PodConfigOperator
- \ add=p6PodExtraConfig
- \ add=p6StringAuto
- \ add=p6PodAutoQuote
- \ add=p6StringSQ
-syn region p6PodParens
- \ start="("
- \ end=")"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6Number,p6StringSQ
-syn match p6PodAutoQuote display contained "=>"
-syn match p6PodConfigOperator display contained ":!\?" nextgroup=p6PodConfigOption
-syn match p6PodConfigOption display contained "[^[:space:](<]\+" nextgroup=p6PodParens,p6StringAngle
-syn match p6PodExtraConfig display contained "^="
-syn match p6PodVerticalBar display contained "|"
-syn match p6PodColon display contained ":"
-syn match p6PodSemicolon display contained ";"
-syn match p6PodComma display contained ","
-syn match p6PodImplicitCode display contained "^\s.*"
-syn region p6PodDelimEndRegion
- \ matchgroup=p6PodType
- \ start="\%(^=end\>\)\@<="
- \ end="\K\k*"
-" These may appear inside delimited blocks
-syn cluster p6PodNestedBlocks
- \ add=p6PodAbbrRegion
- \ add=p6PodDirectRegion
- \ add=p6PodParaRegion
- \ add=p6PodDelimRegion
- \ add=p6PodDelimEndRegion
-" Pod formatting codes
-syn cluster p6PodFormat
- \ add=p6PodFormatOne
- \ add=p6PodFormatTwo
- \ add=p6PodFormatThree
- \ add=p6PodFormatFrench
-" Balanced angles found inside formatting codes. Ensures proper nesting.
-syn region p6PodFormatAnglesOne
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormat
- \ start="<"
- \ skip="<[^>]*>"
- \ end=">"
- \ transparent
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatAnglesOne
-syn region p6PodFormatAnglesTwo
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormat
- \ start="<<"
- \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ transparent
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatAnglesTwo
-syn region p6PodFormatAnglesThree
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormat
- \ start="<<<"
- \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
- \ end=">>>"
- \ transparent
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatAnglesThree
-syn region p6PodFormatAnglesFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormat
- \ start="«"
- \ skip="«[^»]*»"
- \ end="»"
- \ transparent
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatAnglesThree
-" All formatting codes
-syn region p6PodFormatOne
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="\u<"
- \ skip="<[^>]*>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne
-syn region p6PodFormatTwo
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="\u<<"
- \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo
-syn region p6PodFormatThree
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="\u<<<"
- \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
- \ end=">>>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree
-syn region p6PodFormatFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="\u«"
- \ skip="«[^»]*»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree
-" C<> and V<> don't allow nested formatting formatting codes
-syn region p6PodFormatOne
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="[CV]<"
- \ skip="<[^>]*>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne
-syn region p6PodFormatTwo
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="[CV]<<"
- \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo
-syn region p6PodFormatThree
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="[CV]<<<"
- \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
- \ end=">>>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree
-syn region p6PodFormatFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="[CV]«"
- \ skip="«[^»]*»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench
-" L<> can have a "|" separator
-syn region p6PodFormatOne
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="L<"
- \ skip="<[^>]*>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodVerticalBar
-syn region p6PodFormatTwo
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="L<<"
- \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodVerticalBar
-syn region p6PodFormatThree
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="L<<<"
- \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
- \ end=">>>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar
-syn region p6PodFormatFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="L«"
- \ skip="«[^»]*»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar
-" E<> can have a ";" separator
-syn region p6PodFormatOne
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="E<"
- \ skip="<[^>]*>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodSemiColon
-syn region p6PodFormatTwo
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="E<<"
- \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodSemiColon
-syn region p6PodFormatThree
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="E<<<"
- \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
- \ end=">>>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodSemiColon
-syn region p6PodFormatFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="E«"
- \ skip="«[^»]*»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodSemiColon
-" M<> can have a ":" separator
-syn region p6PodFormatOne
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="M<"
- \ skip="<[^>]*>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodColon
-syn region p6PodFormatTwo
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="M<<"
- \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodColon
-syn region p6PodFormatThree
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="M<<<"
- \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
- \ end=">>>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodColon
-syn region p6PodFormatFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="M«"
- \ skip="«[^»]*»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodColon
-" D<> can have "|" and ";" separators
-syn region p6PodFormatOne
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="D<"
- \ skip="<[^>]*>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon
-syn region p6PodFormatTwo
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="D<<"
- \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAngleTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon
-syn region p6PodFormatThree
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="D<<<"
- \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
- \ end=">>>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon
-syn region p6PodFormatFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="D«"
- \ skip="«[^»]*»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon
-" X<> can have "|", "," and ";" separators
-syn region p6PodFormatOne
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="X<"
- \ skip="<[^>]*>"
- \ end=">"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesOne,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon,p6PodComma
-syn region p6PodFormatTwo
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="X<<"
- \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
- \ end=">>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesTwo,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon,p6PodComma
-syn region p6PodFormatThree
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="X<<<"
- \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
- \ end=">>>"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesThree,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon,p6PodComma
-syn region p6PodFormatFrench
- \ matchgroup=p6PodFormatCode
- \ start="X«"
- \ skip="«[^»]*»"
- \ end="»"
- \ contained
- \ contains=p6PodFormatAnglesFrench,p6PodFormatFrench,p6PodFormatOne,p6PodFormatTwo,p6PodFormatThree,p6PodVerticalBar,p6PodSemiColon,p6PodComma
-" Define the default highlighting.
-" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
-hi def link p6EscOctOld p6Error
-hi def link p6PackageTwigil p6Twigil
-hi def link p6StringAngle p6String
-hi def link p6StringFrench p6String
-hi def link p6StringAngles p6String
-hi def link p6StringSQ p6String
-hi def link p6StringDQ p6String
-hi def link p6StringQ p6String
-hi def link p6RxStringSQ p6String
-hi def link p6RxStringDQ p6String
-hi def link p6Substitution p6String
-hi def link p6Transliteration p6String
-hi def link p6StringAuto p6String
-hi def link p6StringP5Auto p6String
-hi def link p6Key p6String
-hi def link p6Match p6String
-hi def link p6RegexBlock p6String
-hi def link p6RxP5CharClass p6String
-hi def link p6RxP5QuoteMeta p6String
-hi def link p6RxCharClass p6String
-hi def link p6RxQuoteWords p6String
-hi def link p6ReduceOp p6Operator
-hi def link p6ReverseCrossOp p6Operator
-hi def link p6HyperOp p6Operator
-hi def link p6QuoteQ p6Operator
-hi def link p6RxRange p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxAnchor p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5Anchor p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6CodePoint p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxMeta p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5Range p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5CPId p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5Posix p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5Mod p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5HexSeq p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5OctSeq p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5WriteRefId p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6HexSequence p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6OctSequence p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5Named p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5PropId p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5Quantifier p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5CountId p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6RxP5Verb p6StringSpecial
-hi def link p6Escape p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscNull p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscHash p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscQQ p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscQuote p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscDoubleQuote p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscBackTick p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscForwardSlash p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscVerticalBar p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscExclamation p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscDollar p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscOpenCurly p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscCloseCurly p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscCloseBracket p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscCloseAngle p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscCloseFrench p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6EscBackSlash p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxEscape p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxCapture p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxAlternation p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5 p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5ReadRef p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5Oct p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5Hex p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5EscMeta p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5Meta p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5Escape p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5CodePoint p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5WriteRef p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6RxP5Prop p6StringSpecial2
-hi def link p6Property Tag
-hi def link p6Attention Todo
-hi def link p6Type Type
-hi def link p6Error Error
-hi def link p6BlockLabel Label
-hi def link p6Float Float
-hi def link p6Normal Normal
-hi def link p6Package Normal
-hi def link p6PackageScope Normal
-hi def link p6Number Number
-hi def link p6VersionNum Number
-hi def link p6String String
-hi def link p6Repeat Repeat
-hi def link p6Keyword Keyword
-hi def link p6Pragma Keyword
-hi def link p6Module Keyword
-hi def link p6DeclareRoutine Keyword
-hi def link p6VarStorage Special
-hi def link p6FlowControl Special
-hi def link p6NumberBase Special
-hi def link p6Twigil Special
-hi def link p6StringSpecial2 Special
-hi def link p6VersionDot Special
-hi def link p6Comment Comment
-hi def link p6Include Include
-hi def link p6Shebang PreProc
-hi def link p6ClosureTrait PreProc
-hi def link p6Routine Function
-hi def link p6Operator Operator
-hi def link p6Version Operator
-hi def link p6Context Operator
-hi def link p6Quote Delimiter
-hi def link p6TypeConstraint PreCondit
-hi def link p6Exception Exception
-hi def link p6Placeholder Identifier
-hi def link p6Variable Identifier
-hi def link p6VarSlash Identifier
-hi def link p6VarNum Identifier
-hi def link p6VarExclam Identifier
-hi def link p6VarMatch Identifier
-hi def link p6VarName Identifier
-hi def link p6MatchVar Identifier
-hi def link p6RxP5ReadRefId Identifier
-hi def link p6RxP5ModDef Identifier
-hi def link p6RxP5ModName Identifier
-hi def link p6Conditional Conditional
-hi def link p6StringSpecial SpecialChar
-hi def link p6PodAbbr p6Pod
-hi def link p6PodAbbrEOF p6Pod
-hi def link p6PodAbbrNoCode p6Pod
-hi def link p6PodAbbrCode p6PodCode
-hi def link p6PodPara p6Pod
-hi def link p6PodParaEOF p6Pod
-hi def link p6PodParaNoCode p6Pod
-hi def link p6PodParaCode p6PodCode
-hi def link p6PodDelim p6Pod
-hi def link p6PodDelimEOF p6Pod
-hi def link p6PodDelimNoCode p6Pod
-hi def link p6PodDelimCode p6PodCode
-hi def link p6PodImplicitCode p6PodCode
-hi def link p6PodExtraConfig p6PodPrefix
-hi def link p6PodVerticalBar p6PodFormatCode
-hi def link p6PodColon p6PodFormatCode
-hi def link p6PodSemicolon p6PodFormatCode
-hi def link p6PodComma p6PodFormatCode
-hi def link p6PodFormatOne p6PodFormat
-hi def link p6PodFormatTwo p6PodFormat
-hi def link p6PodFormatThree p6PodFormat
-hi def link p6PodFormatFrench p6PodFormat
-hi def link p6PodType Type
-hi def link p6PodConfigOption String
-hi def link p6PodCode PreProc
-hi def link p6Pod Comment
-hi def link p6PodComment Comment
-hi def link p6PodAutoQuote Operator
-hi def link p6PodConfigOperator Operator
-hi def link p6PodPrefix Statement
-hi def link p6PodName Identifier
-hi def link p6PodFormatCode SpecialChar
-hi def link p6PodFormat SpecialComment
-" Syncing to speed up processing
-"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodAbbrRegion "^=\K\k*\>"
-"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodDirectRegion "^=\%(config\|use\|encoding\)\>"
-"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodParaRegion "^=for\>"
-"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodDelimRegion "^=begin\>"
-"syn sync match p6SyncPod groupthere p6PodDelimEndRegion "^=end\>"
-" Let's just sync whole file, the other methods aren't reliable (or I don't
-" know how to use them reliably)
-syn sync fromstart
-setlocal foldmethod=syntax
-let b:current_syntax = "perl6"
-let &cpo = s:keepcpo
-unlet s:keepcpo
-" vim:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:expandtab:ft=vim
" Tom Payne <>
" Contributor: Johannes Ranke <>
" Homepage:
-" Last Change: Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:10PM
+" Last Change: Sun Mar 28, 2021 01:47PM
" Filenames: *.R *.r *.Rhistory *.Rt
" NOTE: The highlighting of R functions might be defined in
syn match rTodoParen contained "\(BUG\|FIXME\|NOTE\|TODO\)\s*(.\{-})\s*:" contains=rTodoKeyw,rTodoInfo transparent
syn keyword rTodoKeyw BUG FIXME NOTE TODO contained
syn match rTodoInfo "(\zs.\{-}\ze)" contained
-syn match rComment contains=@Spell,rCommentTodo,rTodoParen,rOBlock "#.*"
+syn match rComment contains=@Spell,rCommentTodo,rTodoParen "#.*"
" Roxygen
if g:r_syntax_hl_roxygen
" A roxygen block can start at the beginning of a file (first version) and
- " after a blank line (second version). It ends when a line that does not
+ " after a blank line (second version). It ends when a line appears that does not
" contain a roxygen comment. In the following comments, any line containing
" a roxygen comment marker (one or two hash signs # followed by a single
" quote ' and preceded only by whitespace) is called a roxygen line. A
syn match rOTitleBlock "\%^\(\s*#\{1,2}' .*\n\)\{1,}" contains=rOCommentKey,rOTitleTag
syn match rOTitleBlock "^\s*\n\(\s*#\{1,2}' .*\n\)\{1,}" contains=rOCommentKey,rOTitleTag
+ " A title as part of a block is always at the beginning of the block, i.e.
+ " either at the start of a file or after a completely empty line.
+ syn match rOTitle "\%^\(\s*#\{1,2}' .*\n\)\{-1,}\s*#\{1,2}'\s*$" contained contains=rOCommentKey,rOTitleTag
+ syn match rOTitle "^\s*\n\(\s*#\{1,2}' .*\n\)\{-1,}\s*#\{1,2}'\s*$" contained contains=rOCommentKey,rOTitleTag
+ syn match rOTitleTag contained "@title"
" When a roxygen block has a title and additional content, the title
" consists of one or more roxygen lines (as little as possible are matched),
" followed either by an empty roxygen line
syn region rOBlockNoTitle start="\%^\(\s*#\{1,2}' .*\n\)\{-1,}\s*#\{1,2}'\s*\n\(\s*#\{1,2}'.*\n\)\{-}\s*#\{1,2}' @describeIn" end="^\s*\(#\{1,2}'\)\@!" contains=rOTag,rOExamples,@Spell keepend fold
syn region rOBlockNoTitle start="^\s*\n\(\s*#\{1,2}' .*\n\)\{-1,}\s*#\{1,2}'\s*\n\(\s*#\{1,2}'.*\n\)\{-}\s*#\{1,2}' @describeIn" end="^\s*\(#\{1,2}'\)\@!" contains=rOTag,rOExamples,@Spell keepend fold
- " A title as part of a block is always at the beginning of the block, i.e.
- " either at the start of a file or after a completely empty line.
- syn match rOTitle "\%^\(\s*#\{1,2}' .*\n\)\{-1,}\s*#\{1,2}'\s*$" contained contains=rOCommentKey,rOTitleTag
- syn match rOTitle "^\s*\n\(\s*#\{1,2}' .*\n\)\{-1,}\s*#\{1,2}'\s*$" contained contains=rOCommentKey,rOTitleTag
- syn match rOTitleTag contained "@title"
syn match rOCommentKey "^\s*#\{1,2}'" contained
- syn region rOExamples start="^#\{1,2}' @examples.*"rs=e+1,hs=e+1 end="^\(#\{1,2}' @.*\)\@=" end="^\(#\{1,2}'\)\@!" contained contains=rOTag fold
+ syn region rOExamples start="^\s*#\{1,2}' @examples.*"rs=e+1,hs=e+1 end="^\(#\{1,2}' @.*\)\@=" end="^\(#\{1,2}'\)\@!" contained contains=rOTag fold
+ " R6 classes may contain roxygen lines independent of roxygen blocks
+ syn region rOR6Class start=/R6Class(/ end=/)/ transparent contains=ALLBUT,rError,rBraceError,rCurlyError fold
+ syn match rOR6Block "#\{1,2}'.*" contains=rOTag,rOExamples,@Spell containedin=rOR6Class contained
+ syn match rOR6Block "^\s*#\{1,2}'.*" contains=rOTag,rOExamples,@Spell containedin=rOR6Class contained
- " rOTag list generated from the lists in
+ " rOTag list originally generated from the lists that were available in
" and
" using s/^ \([A-Za-z0-9]*\) = .*/ syn match rOTag contained "@\1"/
syn match rOTag contained "@S3method"
syn match rOTag contained "@useDynLib"
" other
+ syn match rOTag contained "@eval"
syn match rOTag contained "@include"
+ syn match rOTag contained "@includeRmd"
+ syn match rOTag contained "@order"
syn match rSpecial display contained "\\u{\x\{1,4}}"
syn match rSpecial display contained "\\U{\x\{1,8}}"
+" Raw string
+syn region rRawString matchgroup=rRawStrDelim start=/[rR]\z(['"]\)\z(-*\)(/ end=/)\z2\z1/ keepend
+syn region rRawString matchgroup=rRawStrDelim start=/[rR]\z(['"]\)\z(-*\){/ end=/}\z2\z1/ keepend
+syn region rRawString matchgroup=rRawStrDelim start=/[rR]\z(['"]\)\z(-*\)\[/ end=/\]\z2\z1/ keepend
" Statement
syn keyword rStatement break next return
syn keyword rConditional if else
hi def link rOpError Error
hi def link rParenError Error
hi def link rPreProc PreProc
+hi def link rRawString String
+hi def link rRawStrDelim Delimiter
hi def link rRepeat Repeat
hi def link rSpecial SpecialChar
hi def link rStatement Statement
hi def link rOTitleBlock Title
hi def link rOBlock Comment
hi def link rOBlockNoTitle Comment
+ hi def link rOR6Block Comment
hi def link rOTitle Title
hi def link rOCommentKey Comment
hi def link rOExamples SpecialComment
--- /dev/null
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Raku
+" Maintainer: vim-perl <>
+" Homepage:
+" Bugs/requests:
+" Last Change: 2021-04-16
+" Contributors: Luke Palmer <>
+" Moritz Lenz <>
+" Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson <>
+" This is a big undertaking.
+" The ftdetect/raku.vim file in this repository takes care of setting the
+" right filetype for Raku files. To set it explicitly you can also add this
+" line near the bottom of your source file:
+" # vim: filetype=raku
+" TODO:
+" * Go over the list of keywords/types to see what's deprecated/missing
+" * Add more support for folding (:help syn-fold)
+" If you want to have Pir code inside Q:PIR// strings highlighted, do:
+" let raku_embedded_pir=1
+" The above requires pir.vim, which you can find in Parrot's repository:
+" To highlight Perl 5 regexes (m:P5//):
+" let raku_perl5_regexes=1
+" To enable folding:
+" let raku_fold=1
+if version < 704 | throw "raku.vim uses regex syntax which Vim <7.4 doesn't support. Try 'make fix_old_vim' in the vim-perl repository." | endif
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let s:keepcpo= &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Patterns which will be interpolated by the preprocessor (tools/
+" @@IDENT_NONDIGIT@@ "[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]"
+" @@IDENT_CHAR@@ "[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]"
+" @@IDENTIFIER@@ "\%(@@IDENT_NONDIGIT@@\%(@@IDENT_CHAR@@\|[-']@@IDENT_NONDIGIT@@\@=\)*\)"
+" @@IDENTIFIER_START@@ "@@IDENT_CHAR@@\@1<!\%(@@IDENT_NONDIGIT@@[-']\)\@2<!"
+" @@IDENTIFIER_END@@ "\%(@@IDENT_CHAR@@\|[-']@@IDENT_NONDIGIT@@\)\@!"
+" @@METAOP@@ #\%(\d\|[@%$][.?^=[:alpha:]]\)\@!\%(\.\|[^[{('".[:space:]]\)\+#
+" @@ADVERBS@@ "\%(\_s*:!\?@@IDENTIFIER@@\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*"
+" Same but escaped, for use in string eval
+" @@IDENT_NONDIGIT_Q@@ "[A-Za-z_\\xC0-\\xFF]"
+" @@IDENT_CHAR_Q@@ "[A-Za-z_\\xC0-\\xFF0-9]"
+" @@IDENTIFIER_Q@@ "\\%(@@IDENT_NONDIGIT_Q@@\\%(@@IDENT_CHAR_Q@@\\|[-']@@IDENT_NONDIGIT_Q@@\\@=\\)*\\)"
+" @@IDENTIFIER_START_Q@@ "@@IDENT_CHAR_Q@@\\@1<!\\%(@@IDENT_NONDIGIT_Q@@[-']\\)\\@2<!"
+" @@IDENTIFIER_END_Q@@ "\\%(@@IDENT_CHAR_Q@@\\|[-']@@IDENT_NONDIGIT_Q@@\\)\\@!"
+" Identifiers (subroutines, methods, constants, classes, roles, etc)
+syn match rakuIdentifier display "\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+let s:keywords = {
+ \ "rakuInclude": [
+ \ "use require import unit",
+ \ ],
+ \ "rakuConditional": [
+ \ "if else elsif unless with orwith without once",
+ \ ],
+ \ "rakuVarStorage": [
+ \ "let my our state temp has constant",
+ \ ],
+ \ "rakuRepeat": [
+ \ "for loop repeat while until gather given",
+ \ "supply react race hyper lazy quietly",
+ \ ],
+ \ "rakuFlowControl": [
+ \ "take take-rw do when next last redo return return-rw",
+ \ "start default exit make continue break goto leave",
+ \ "proceed succeed whenever emit done",
+ \ ],
+ \ "rakuClosureTrait": [
+ \ ],
+ \ "rakuException": [
+ \ "die fail try warn",
+ \ ],
+ \ "rakuPragma": [
+ \ "experimental fatal isms lib newline nqp precompilation",
+ \ "soft strict trace variables worries",
+ \ ],
+ \ "rakuOperator": [
+ \ "div xx x mod also leg cmp before after eq ne le lt not",
+ \ "gt ge eqv ff fff and andthen or xor orelse lcm gcd o",
+ \ "unicmp notandthen minmax",
+ \ ],
+ \ "rakuType": [
+ \ "int int1 int2 int4 int8 int16 int32 int64",
+ \ "rat rat1 rat2 rat4 rat8 rat16 rat32 rat64",
+ \ "buf buf1 buf2 buf4 buf8 buf16 buf32 buf64",
+ \ "blob blob1 blob2 blob4 blob8 blob16 blob32 blob64",
+ \ "uint uint1 uint2 uint4 uint8 uint16 uint32 bit bool",
+ \ "uint64 utf8 utf16 utf32 bag set mix complex",
+ \ "num num32 num64 long longlong Pointer size_t str void",
+ \ "ulong ulonglong ssize_t atomicint",
+ \ ],
+\ }
+" These can be immediately followed by parentheses
+let s:types = [
+ \ "Object Any Cool Junction Whatever Capture Match",
+ \ "Signature Proxy Matcher Package Module Class",
+ \ "Grammar Scalar Array Hash KeyHash KeySet KeyBag",
+ \ "Pair List Seq Range Set Bag Map Mapping Void Undef",
+ \ "Failure Exception Code Block Routine Sub Macro",
+ \ "Method Submethod Regex Str Blob Char Byte Parcel",
+ \ "Codepoint Grapheme StrPos StrLen Version Num",
+ \ "Complex Bit True False Order Same Less More",
+ \ "Increasing Decreasing Ordered Callable AnyChar",
+ \ "Positional Associative Ordering KeyExtractor",
+ \ "Comparator OrderingPair IO KitchenSink Role",
+ \ "Int Rat Buf UInt Abstraction Numeric Real",
+ \ "Nil Mu SeekFromBeginning SeekFromEnd SeekFromCurrent",
+\ ]
+" We explicitly enumerate the alphanumeric infix operators allowed after [RSXZ]
+" to avoid matching package names that start with those letters.
+let s:alpha_metaops = [
+ \ "div mod gcd lcm xx x does but cmp leg eq ne gt ge lt le before after eqv",
+ \ "min max not so andthen and or orelse unicmp coll minmax",
+\ ]
+let s:words_space = join(s:alpha_metaops, " ")
+let s:temp = split(s:words_space)
+let s:alpha_metaops_or = join(s:temp, "\\|")
+" We don't use "syn keyword" here because that always has higher priority
+" than matches/regions, which would prevent these words from matching as
+" autoquoted strings before "=>".
+syn match rakuKeywordStart display "\%(\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)\@!\)\@=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\@1<!\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF][-']\)\@2<!"
+ \ nextgroup=rakuAttention,rakuVariable,rakuInclude,rakuConditional,rakuVarStorage,rakuRepeat,rakuFlowControl,rakuClosureTrait,rakuException,rakuNumber,rakuPragma,rakuType,rakuOperator,rakuIdentifier
+for [s:group, s:words_list] in items(s:keywords)
+ let s:words_space = join(s:words_list, " ")
+ let s:temp = split(s:words_space)
+ let s:words = join(s:temp, "\\|")
+ exec "syn match ". s:group ." display \"[.^]\\@1<!\\%(". s:words . "\\)(\\@!\\%([A-Za-z_\\xC0-\\xFF0-9]\\|[-'][A-Za-z_\\xC0-\\xFF]\\)\\@!\" contained"
+let s:words_space = join(s:types, " ")
+let s:temp = split(s:words_space)
+let s:words = join(s:temp, "\\|")
+exec "syn match rakuType display \"\\%(". s:words . "\\)\\%([A-Za-z_\\xC0-\\xFF0-9]\\|[-'][A-Za-z_\\xC0-\\xFF]\\)\\@!\" contained"
+unlet s:group s:words_list s:keywords s:types s:words_space s:temp s:words
+syn match rakuPreDeclare display "[.^]\@1<!\<\%(multi\|proto\|only\)\>" nextgroup=rakuDeclare,rakuIdentifier skipwhite skipempty
+syn match rakuDeclare display "[.^]\@1<!\<\%(macro\|sub\|submethod\|method\|module\|class\|role\|package\|enum\|grammar\|slang\|subset\)\>" nextgroup=rakuIdentifier skipwhite skipempty
+syn match rakuDeclareRegex display "[.^]\@1<!\<\%(regex\|rule\|token\)\>" nextgroup=rakuRegexName skipwhite skipempty
+syn match rakuTypeConstraint display "\%([.^]\|^\s*\)\@<!\a\@=\%(does\|as\|but\|trusts\|of\|returns\|handles\|where\|augment\|supersede\)\>"
+syn match rakuTypeConstraint display "\%([.^]\|^\s*\)\@<![A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\@1<!\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF][-']\)\@2<!is\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)\@!" skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuProperty
+syn match rakuProperty display "\a\@=\%(signature\|context\|also\|shape\|prec\|irs\|ofs\|ors\|export\|deep\|binary\|unary\|reparsed\|rw\|parsed\|cached\|readonly\|defequiv\|will\|ref\|copy\|inline\|tighter\|looser\|equiv\|assoc\|required\|DEPRECATED\|raw\|repr\|dynamic\|hidden-from-backtrace\|nodal\|pure\)" contained
+" packages, must come after all the keywords
+syn match rakuIdentifier display "\%(::\)\@2<=\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)*"
+syn match rakuIdentifier display "\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(::\)\@="
+" The sigil in ::*Package
+syn match rakuPackageTwigil display "\%(::\)\@2<=\*"
+" some standard packages
+syn match rakuType display "\%(::\)\@2<!\%(SeekType\%(::SeekFromBeginning\|::SeekFromCurrent\|::SeekFromEnd\)\|Order\%(::Same\|::More\|::Less\)\?\|Bool\%(::True\|::False\)\?\)\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)\@!"
+" Don't put a "\+" at the end of the character class. That makes it so
+" greedy that the "%" " in "+%foo" won't be allowed to match as a sigil,
+" among other things
+syn match rakuOperator display "[-+/*~?|=^!%&,<>».;\\∈∉∋∌∩∪≼≽⊂⊃⊄⊅⊆⊇⊈⊉⊍⊎⊖∅∘]"
+syn match rakuOperator display "\%(:\@1<!::\@2!\|::=\|\.::\)"
+" these require whitespace on the left side
+syn match rakuOperator display "\%(\s\|^\)\@1<=\%(xx=\)"
+" index overloading
+syn match rakuOperator display "\%(&\.(\@=\|@\.\[\@=\|%\.{\@=\)"
+" Reduce metaoperators like [+]
+syn match rakuReduceOp display "\%(^\|\s\|(\)\@1<=!*\%([RSXZ\[]\)*[&RSXZ]\?\[\+(\?\%(\d\|[@%$][.?^=[:alpha:]]\)\@!\%(\.\|[^[{('".[:space:]]\)\+)\?]\+"
+syn match rakuSetOp display "R\?(\%([-^.+|&]\|[<>][=+]\?\|cont\|elem\))"
+" Reverse, cross, and zip metaoperators
+exec "syn match rakuRSXZOp display \"[RSXZ]:\\@!\\%(\\a\\@=\\%(". s:alpha_metaops_or . "\\)\\>\\|[[:alnum:]]\\@!\\%([.,]\\|[^[,.[:alnum:][:space:]]\\)\\+\\|\\s\\@=\\|$\\)\""
+syn match rakuBlockLabel display "^\s*\zs\h\w*\s*::\@!\_s\@="
+syn match rakuNumber display "[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\@1<!\%(\%(\%(\_^\|\s\|[^*\a]\)\@1<=[-+]\)\?Inf\|NaN\)"
+syn match rakuNumber display "[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\@1<!\%(\%(\_^\|\s\|[^*\a]\)\@1<=[-+]\)\?\%(\%(\d\|__\@!\)*[._]\@1<!\.\)\?_\@!\%(\d\|_\)\+_\@1<!\%([eE]-\?_\@!\%(\d\|_\)\+\)\?i\?"
+syn match rakuNumber display "[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\@1<!\%(\%(\_^\|\s\|[^*\a]\)\@1<=[-+]\)\?0[obxd]\@=" nextgroup=rakuOctBase,rakuBinBase,rakuHexBase,rakuDecBase
+syn match rakuOctBase display "o" contained nextgroup=rakuOctNumber
+syn match rakuBinBase display "b" contained nextgroup=rakuBinNumber
+syn match rakuHexBase display "x" contained nextgroup=rakuHexNumber
+syn match rakuDecBase display "d" contained nextgroup=rakuDecNumber
+syn match rakuOctNumber display "[0-7][0-7_]*" contained
+syn match rakuBinNumber display "[01][01_]*" contained
+syn match rakuHexNumber display "\x[[:xdigit:]_]*" contained
+syn match rakuDecNumber display "\d[[:digit:]_]*" contained
+syn match rakuVersion display "\<v\d\+\%(\.\%(\*\|\d\+\)\)*+\?"
+" Contextualizers
+syn match rakuContext display "\<\%(item\|list\|slice\|hash\)\>"
+syn match rakuContext display "\%(\$\|@\|%\|&\)(\@="
+" Quoting
+" one cluster for every quote adverb
+syn cluster rakuInterp_scalar
+ \ add=rakuInterpScalar
+syn cluster rakuInterp_array
+ \ add=rakuInterpArray
+syn cluster rakuInterp_hash
+ \ add=rakuInterpHash
+syn cluster rakuInterp_function
+ \ add=rakuInterpFunction
+syn cluster rakuInterp_closure
+ \ add=rakuInterpClosure
+syn cluster rakuInterp_q
+ \ add=rakuEscQQ
+ \ add=rakuEscBackSlash
+syn cluster rakuInterp_backslash
+ \ add=@rakuInterp_q
+ \ add=rakuEscape
+ \ add=rakuEscOpenCurly
+ \ add=rakuEscCodePoint
+ \ add=rakuEscHex
+ \ add=rakuEscOct
+ \ add=rakuEscOctOld
+ \ add=rakuEscNull
+syn cluster rakuInterp_qq
+ \ add=@rakuInterp_scalar
+ \ add=@rakuInterp_array
+ \ add=@rakuInterp_hash
+ \ add=@rakuInterp_function
+ \ add=@rakuInterp_closure
+ \ add=@rakuInterp_backslash
+ \ add=rakuMatchVarSigil
+syn region rakuInterpScalar
+ \ start="\ze\z(\$\%(\%(\%(\d\+\|!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@1<!::\@!\)[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\)\%(\.\^\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
+ \ start="\ze\z(\$\%(\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@1<!::\@!\)[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\)\|\%(\d\+\|!\|/\|¢\)\)\)"
+ \ end="\z1\zs"
+ \ contained keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuInterpScalar
+ \ matchgroup=rakuContext
+ \ start="\$\ze()\@!"
+ \ skip="([^)]*)"
+ \ end=")\zs"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuInterpArray
+ \ start="\ze\z(@\$*\%(\%(\%(!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@1<!::\@!\)[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\)\%(\.\^\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
+ \ end="\z1\zs"
+ \ contained keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuInterpArray
+ \ matchgroup=rakuContext
+ \ start="@\ze()\@!"
+ \ skip="([^)]*)"
+ \ end=")\zs"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuInterpHash
+ \ start="\ze\z(%\$*\%(\%(\%(!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@1<!::\@!\)[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\)\%(\.\^\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
+ \ end="\z1\zs"
+ \ contained keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuInterpHash
+ \ matchgroup=rakuContext
+ \ start="%\ze()\@!"
+ \ skip="([^)]*)"
+ \ end=")\zs"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuInterpFunction
+ \ start="\ze\z(&\%(\%(!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@1<!::\@!\)[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(\.\^\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\|\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)*\)\.\?\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\)\)"
+ \ end="\z1\zs"
+ \ contained keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuInterpFunction
+ \ matchgroup=rakuContext
+ \ start="&\ze()\@!"
+ \ skip="([^)]*)"
+ \ end=")\zs"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuInterpClosure
+ \ start="\\\@1<!{}\@!"
+ \ skip="{[^}]*}"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contained keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+" generic escape
+syn match rakuEscape display "\\\S" contained
+" escaped closing delimiters
+syn match rakuEscQuote display "\\'" contained
+syn match rakuEscDoubleQuote display "\\\"" contained
+syn match rakuEscCloseAngle display "\\>" contained
+syn match rakuEscCloseFrench display "\\»" contained
+syn match rakuEscBackTick display "\\`" contained
+syn match rakuEscForwardSlash display "\\/" contained
+syn match rakuEscVerticalBar display "\\|" contained
+syn match rakuEscExclamation display "\\!" contained
+syn match rakuEscComma display "\\," contained
+syn match rakuEscDollar display "\\\$" contained
+syn match rakuEscCloseCurly display "\\}" contained
+syn match rakuEscCloseBracket display "\\\]" contained
+" matches :key, :!key, :$var, :key<var>, etc
+" Since we don't know in advance how the adverb ends, we use a trick.
+" Consume nothing with the start pattern (\ze at the beginning),
+" while capturing the whole adverb into \z1 and then putting it before
+" the match start (\zs) of the end pattern.
+syn region rakuAdverb
+ \ start="\ze\z(:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\|\[[^\]]*]\|<[^>]*>\|«[^»]*»\|{[^}]*}\)\?\)"
+ \ start="\ze\z(:!\?[@$%]\$*\%(::\|\%(\$\@1<=\d\+\|!\|/\|¢\)\|\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@1<!::\@!\)[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)\|\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\)\)"
+ \ end="\z1\zs"
+ \ contained keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+" <words>
+" Distinguishing this from the "less than" operator is tricky. For now,
+" it matches if any of the following is true:
+" * There is whitespace missing on either side of the "<", since
+" people tend to put spaces around "less than". We make an exception
+" for " = < ... >" assignments though.
+" * It comes after "enum", "for", "any", "all", or "none"
+" * It's the first or last thing on a line (ignoring whitespace)
+" * It's preceded by "(\s*" or "=\s\+"
+" * It's empty and terminated on the same line (e.g. <> and < >)
+" It never matches when:
+" * Preceded by [<+~=!] (e.g. <<foo>>, =<$foo>, * !< 3)
+" * Followed by [-=] (e.g. <--, <=, <==, <->)
+syn region rakuStringAngle
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\%(\<\%(enum\|for\|any\|all\|none\)\>\s*(\?\s*\)\@<=<\%(<\|=>\|\%([=-]\{1,2}>\|[=-]\{2}\)\)\@!"
+ \ start="\%(\s\|[<+~=!]\)\@<!<\%(<\|=>\|\%([=-]\{1,2}>\|[=-]\{2}\)\)\@!"
+ \ start="[<+~=!]\@1<!<\%(\s\|<\|=>\|\%([=-]\{1,2}>\|[=-]\{1,2}\)\)\@!"
+ \ start="\%(^\s*\)\@<=<\%(<\|=>\|\%([=-]\{1,2}>\|[=-]\{2}\)\)\@!"
+ \ start="[<+~=!]\@1<!<\%(\s*$\)\@="
+ \ start="\%((\s*\|=\s\+\)\@<=<\%(<\|=>\|\%([=-]\{1,2}>\|[=-]\{2}\)\)\@!"
+ \ start="<\%(\s*>\)\@="
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contains=rakuInnerAnglesOne,rakuEscBackSlash,rakuEscCloseAngle
+syn region rakuStringAngleFixed
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="<"
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contains=rakuInnerAnglesOne,rakuEscBackSlash,rakuEscCloseAngle
+ \ contained
+syn region rakuInnerAnglesOne
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringAngle
+ \ start="\\\@1<!<"
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ transparent contained
+ \ contains=rakuInnerAnglesOne
+" <<words>>
+syn region rakuStringAngles
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="<<=\@!"
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ contains=rakuInnerAnglesTwo,@rakuInterp_qq,rakuComment,rakuBracketComment,rakuEscHash,rakuEscCloseAngle,rakuAdverb,rakuStringSQ,rakuStringDQ
+syn region rakuInnerAnglesTwo
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringAngles
+ \ start="<<"
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ transparent contained
+ \ contains=rakuInnerAnglesTwo
+" «words»
+syn region rakuStringFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="«"
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contains=rakuInnerFrench,@rakuInterp_qq,rakuComment,rakuBracketComment,rakuEscHash,rakuEscCloseFrench,rakuAdverb,rakuStringSQ,rakuStringDQ
+syn region rakuInnerFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringFrench
+ \ start="\\\@1<!«"
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ transparent contained
+ \ contains=rakuInnerFrench
+" Hyperops. They need to come after "<>" and "«»" strings in order to override
+" them, but before other types of strings, to avoid matching those delimiters
+" as parts of hyperops.
+syn match rakuHyperOp display #[^[:digit:][{('",:[:space:]][^[{('",:[:space:]]*\%(«\|<<\)#
+syn match rakuHyperOp display "«\%(\d\|[@%$][.?^=[:alpha:]]\)\@!\%(\.\|[^[{('".[:space:]]\)\+[«»]"
+syn match rakuHyperOp display "»\%(\d\|[@%$][.?^=[:alpha:]]\)\@!\%(\.\|[^[{('".[:space:]]\)\+\%(«\|»\?\)"
+syn match rakuHyperOp display "<<\%(\d\|[@%$][.?^=[:alpha:]]\)\@!\%(\.\|[^[{('".[:space:]]\)\+\%(<<\|>>\)"
+syn match rakuHyperOp display ">>\%(\d\|[@%$][.?^=[:alpha:]]\)\@!\%(\.\|[^[{('".[:space:]]\)\+\%(<<\|\%(>>\)\?\)"
+" 'string'
+syn region rakuStringSQ
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="'"
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\'"
+ \ end="'"
+ \ contains=@rakuInterp_q,rakuEscQuote
+ \ keepend extend
+" "string"
+syn region rakuStringDQ
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start=+"+
+ \ skip=+\\\@1<!\\"+
+ \ end=+"+
+ \ contains=@rakuInterp_qq,rakuEscDoubleQuote
+ \ keepend extend
+" Q// and friends
+syn match rakuQuoteQStart display "\%(:\|\%(sub\|role\)\s\)\@5<![Qq]\@=" nextgroup=rakuQuoteQ,rakuQuoteQ_q,rakuQuoteQ_qww,rakuQuoteQ_qq,rakuQuoteQ_to,rakuQuoteQ_qto,rakuQuoteQ_qqto,rakuIdentifier
+syn match rakuQuoteQ display "Q\%(qq\|ww\|[abcfhpsqvwx]\)\?[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=rakuPairsQ skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuQuoteQ_q display "q[abcfhpsvwx]\?[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=rakuPairsQ_q skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuQuoteQ_qww display "qww[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=rakuPairsQ_qww skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuQuoteQ_qq display "qq\%([pwx]\|ww\)\?[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=rakuPairsQ_qq skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuQuoteQ_to display "Qto[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=rakuStringQ_to skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuQuoteQ_qto display "qto[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=rakuStringQ_qto skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuQuoteQ_qqto display "qqto[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=rakuStringQ_qqto skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuQuoteQ_qto display "q\_s*\%(\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*:\%(to\|heredoc\)\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*(\@!\)\@=" nextgroup=rakuPairsQ_qto skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuQuoteQ_qqto display "qq\_s*\%(\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*:\%(to\|heredoc\)\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*(\@!\)\@=" nextgroup=rakuPairsQ_qqto skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuPairsQ "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuStringQ
+syn match rakuPairsQ_q "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuStringQ_q
+syn match rakuPairsQ_qww "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuStringQ_qww
+syn match rakuPairsQ_qq "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuStringQ_qq
+syn match rakuPairsQ_qto "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuStringQ_qto
+syn match rakuPairsQ_qqto "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuStringQ_qqto
+if exists("raku_embedded_pir") || exists("raku_extended_all")
+ syn include @rakuPIR syntax/pir.vim
+ syn match rakuQuote_QPIR display "Q[A-Za-z(]\@!\%(\_s*:PIR\)\@=" nextgroup=rakuPairsQ_PIR skipwhite skipempty
+ syn match rakuPairs_QPIR contained "\_s*:PIR" transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuStringQ_PIR
+" hardcoded set of delimiters
+let s:plain_delims = [
+ \ ["DQ", "\\\"", "\\\"", "rakuEscDoubleQuote", "\\\\\\@1<!\\\\\\\""],
+ \ ["SQ", "'", "'", "rakuEscQuote", "\\\\\\@1<!\\\\'"],
+ \ ["Slash", "/", "/", "rakuEscForwardSlash", "\\\\\\@1<!\\\\/"],
+ \ ["BackTick", "`", "`", "rakuEscBackTick", "\\\\\\@1<!\\\\`"],
+ \ ["Bar", "|", "|", "rakuEscVerticalBar", "\\\\\\@1<!\\\\|"],
+ \ ["Exclamation", "!", "!", "rakuEscExclamation", "\\\\\\@1<!\\\\!"],
+ \ ["Comma", ",", ",", "rakuEscComma", "\\\\\\@1<!\\\\,"],
+ \ ["Dollar", "\\$", "\\$", "rakuEscDollar", "\\\\\\@1<!\\\\\\$"],
+\ ]
+let s:bracketing_delims = [
+ \ ["Curly", "{", "}", "rakuEscCloseCurly", "\\%(\\\\\\@1<!\\\\}\\|{[^}]*}\\)"],
+ \ ["Angle", "<", ">", "rakuEscCloseAngle", "\\%(\\\\\\@1<!\\\\>\\|<[^>]*>\\)"],
+ \ ["French", "«", "»", "rakuEscCloseFrench", "\\%(\\\\\\@1<!\\\\»\\|«[^»]*»\\)"],
+ \ ["Bracket", "\\\[", "]", "rakuEscCloseBracket", "\\%(\\\\\\@1<!\\\\]\\|\\[^\\]]*]\\)"],
+ \ ["Paren", "\\s\\@1<=(", ")", "rakuEscCloseParen", "\\%(\\\\\\@1<!\\\\)\\|([^)]*)\\)"],
+\ ]
+let s:all_delims = s:plain_delims + s:bracketing_delims
+for [s:name, s:start_delim, s:end_delim, s:end_group, s:skip] in s:all_delims
+ exec "syn region rakuStringQ matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contained"
+ exec "syn region rakuStringQ_q matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contains=@rakuInterp_q,".s:end_group." contained"
+ exec "syn region rakuStringQ_qww matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contains=@rakuInterp_q,rakuStringSQ,rakuStringDQ".s:end_group." contained"
+ exec "syn region rakuStringQ_qq matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contains=@rakuInterp_qq,".s:end_group." contained"
+ exec "syn region rakuStringQ_to matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\\z([^".s:end_delim."]\\+\\)".s:end_delim."\" end=\"^\\s*\\z1$\" contained"
+ exec "syn region rakuStringQ_qto matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\\z([^".s:end_delim."]\\+\\)".s:end_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"^\\s*\\z1$\" contains=@rakuInterp_q,".s:end_group." contained"
+ exec "syn region rakuStringQ_qqto matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\\z(\[^".s:end_delim."]\\+\\)".s:end_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"^\\s*\\z1$\" contains=@rakuInterp_qq,".s:end_group." contained"
+ if exists("raku_embedded_pir") || exists("raku_extended_all")
+ exec "syn region rakuStringQ_PIR matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contains=@rakuPIR,".s:end_group." contained"
+ endif
+unlet s:name s:start_delim s:end_delim s:end_group s:skip s:plain_delims s:all_delims
+" :key
+syn match rakuOperator display ":\@1<!::\@!!\?" nextgroup=rakuKey,rakuStringAngleFixed,rakuStringAngles,rakuStringFrench
+syn match rakuKey display "\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)" contained nextgroup=rakuStringAngleFixed,rakuStringAngles,rakuStringFrench
+" Regexes and grammars
+syn match rakuRegexName display "\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\?" nextgroup=rakuRegexBlockCrap skipwhite skipempty contained
+syn match rakuRegexBlockCrap "[^{]*" nextgroup=rakuRegexBlock skipwhite skipempty transparent contained
+syn region rakuRegexBlock
+ \ matchgroup=rakuNormal
+ \ start="{"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexen,@rakuVariables
+" Perl 6 regex bits
+syn cluster rakuRegexen
+ \ add=rakuRxMeta
+ \ add=rakuRxEscape
+ \ add=rakuEscCodePoint
+ \ add=rakuEscHex
+ \ add=rakuEscOct
+ \ add=rakuEscNull
+ \ add=rakuRxAnchor
+ \ add=rakuRxCapture
+ \ add=rakuRxGroup
+ \ add=rakuRxAlternation
+ \ add=rakuRxBoundary
+ \ add=rakuRxAdverb
+ \ add=rakuRxAdverbArg
+ \ add=rakuRxStorage
+ \ add=rakuRxAssertion
+ \ add=rakuRxAssertGroup
+ \ add=rakuRxQuoteWords
+ \ add=rakuRxClosure
+ \ add=rakuRxStringSQ
+ \ add=rakuRxStringDQ
+ \ add=rakuComment
+ \ add=rakuBracketComment
+ \ add=rakuMatchVarSigil
+syn match rakuRxMeta display contained ".\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|\s\)\@1<!"
+syn match rakuRxAnchor display contained "[$^]"
+syn match rakuRxEscape display contained "\\\S"
+syn match rakuRxCapture display contained "[()]"
+syn match rakuRxAlternation display contained "|"
+syn match rakuRxRange display contained "\.\."
+" misc escapes
+syn match rakuEscOctOld display "\\[1-9]\d\{1,2}" contained
+syn match rakuEscNull display "\\0\d\@!" contained
+syn match rakuEscCodePoint display "\\[cC]" contained nextgroup=rakuCodePoint
+syn match rakuEscHex display "\\[xX]" contained nextgroup=rakuHexSequence
+syn match rakuEscOct display "\\o" contained nextgroup=rakuOctSequence
+syn match rakuEscQQ display "\\qq" contained nextgroup=rakuQQSequence
+syn match rakuEscOpenCurly display "\\{" contained
+syn match rakuEscHash display "\\#" contained
+syn match rakuEscBackSlash display "\\\\" contained
+syn region rakuQQSequence
+ \ matchgroup=rakuEscape
+ \ start="\["
+ \ skip="\[[^\]]*]"
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contained transparent
+ \ contains=@rakuInterp_qq
+syn match rakuCodePoint display "\%(\d\+\|\S\)" contained
+syn region rakuCodePoint
+ \ matchgroup=rakuEscape
+ \ start="\["
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contained
+syn match rakuHexSequence display "\x\+" contained
+syn region rakuHexSequence
+ \ matchgroup=rakuEscape
+ \ start="\["
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contained
+syn match rakuOctSequence display "\o\+" contained
+syn region rakuOctSequence
+ \ matchgroup=rakuEscape
+ \ start="\["
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contained
+" $<match>, @<match>
+syn region rakuMatchVarSigil
+ \ matchgroup=rakuVariable
+ \ start="[$@]\%(<<\@!\)\@="
+ \ end=">\@1<="
+ \ contains=rakuMatchVar
+syn region rakuMatchVar
+ \ matchgroup=rakuTwigil
+ \ start="<"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+syn region rakuRxClosure
+ \ matchgroup=rakuNormal
+ \ start="{"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contained
+ \ containedin=rakuRxClosure
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuRxGroup
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringSpecial2
+ \ start="\["
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexen,@rakuVariables,rakuMatchVarSigil
+syn region rakuRxAssertion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringSpecial2
+ \ start="<\%(?\?\%(before\|after\)\|\%(\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)=\)\|[+?*]\)\?"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexen,rakuIdentifier,@rakuVariables,rakuRxCharClass,rakuRxAssertCall
+syn region rakuRxAssertGroup
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringSpecial2
+ \ start="<\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)=\["
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\]"
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contained
+syn match rakuRxAssertCall display "\%(::\|\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\)" contained nextgroup=rakuRxAssertArgs
+syn region rakuRxAssertArgs
+ \ start="("
+ \ end=")"
+ \ contained keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuRxAssertArgs
+ \ start=":"
+ \ end="\ze>"
+ \ contained keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn match rakuRxBoundary display contained "\%([«»]\|<<\|>>\)"
+syn region rakuRxCharClass
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringSpecial2
+ \ start="\%(<[-!+?]\?\)\@2<=\["
+ \ skip="\\]"
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuRxRange,rakuRxEscape,rakuEscHex,rakuEscOct,rakuEscCodePoint,rakuEscNull
+syn region rakuRxQuoteWords
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringSpecial2
+ \ start="<\s"
+ \ end="\s\?>"
+ \ contained
+syn region rakuRxAdverb
+ \ start="\ze\z(:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\)"
+ \ end="\z1\zs"
+ \ contained keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuRxAdverbArg
+ \ start="\%(:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\)\@<=("
+ \ skip="([^)]\{-})"
+ \ end=")"
+ \ contained
+ \ keepend
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn region rakuRxStorage
+ \ matchgroup=rakuOperator
+ \ start="\%(^\s*\)\@<=:\%(my\>\|temp\>\)\@="
+ \ end="$"
+ \ contains=TOP
+ \ contained
+ \ keepend
+" 'string' inside a regex
+syn region rakuRxStringSQ
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="'"
+ \ skip="\\\@1<!\\'"
+ \ end="'"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuEscQuote,rakuEscBackSlash
+" "string" inside a regex
+syn region rakuRxStringDQ
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start=+"+
+ \ skip=+\\\@1<!\\"+
+ \ end=+"+
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuEscDoubleQuote,rakuEscBackSlash,@rakuInterp_qq
+" $!, $var, $!var, $::var, $package::var $*::package::var, etc
+" Thus must come after the matches for the "$" regex anchor, but before
+" the match for the $ regex delimiter
+syn cluster rakuVariables
+ \ add=rakuVarSlash
+ \ add=rakuVarExclam
+ \ add=rakuVarMatch
+ \ add=rakuVarNum
+ \ add=rakuVariable
+syn match rakuBareSigil display "[@$%&]\%(\s*\%([,)}=]\|where\>\)\)\@="
+syn match rakuVarSlash display "\$/"
+syn match rakuVarExclam display "\$!"
+syn match rakuVarMatch display "\$¢"
+syn match rakuVarNum display "\$\d\+"
+syn match rakuVariable display "self"
+syn match rakuVariable display "[@$%&]\?[@&$%]\$*\%(::\|\%(\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@1<!::\@!\)[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)\|[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)\@=" nextgroup=rakuTwigil,rakuVarName,rakuPackageScope
+syn match rakuVarName display "\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)" nextgroup=rakuPostHyperOp contained
+syn match rakuClose display "[\])]" transparent nextgroup=rakuPostHyperOp
+syn match rakuPostHyperOp display "\%(»\|>>\)" contained
+syn match rakuTwigil display "\%([.^*?=!~]\|:\@1<!::\@!\)[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=" nextgroup=rakuPackageScope,rakuVarName contained
+syn match rakuPackageScope display "\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\?::" nextgroup=rakuPackageScope,rakuVarName contained
+" Perl 6 regex regions
+syn match rakuMatchStart_m display "\.\@1<!\<\%(mm\?\|rx\)\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)\@!" skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuMatchAdverbs_m
+syn match rakuMatchStart_s display "\.\@1<!\<[sS]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)\@!" skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuMatchAdverbs_s
+syn match rakuMatchStart_tr display "\.\@1<!\<tr\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)\@!" skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuMatchAdverbs_tr
+syn match rakuMatchAdverbs_m "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuMatch
+syn match rakuMatchAdverbs_s "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuSubstitution
+syn match rakuMatchAdverbs_tr "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=rakuTransliteration
+" /foo/
+syn region rakuMatchBare
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="/\@1<!\%(\%(\_^\|[!\[,=~|&/:({]\|\^\?fff\?\^\?\|=>\|\<\%(if\|unless\|while\|when\|where\|so\)\)\s*\)\@<=/[/=]\@!"
+ \ skip="\\/"
+ \ end="/"
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexen,rakuVariable,rakuVarExclam,rakuVarMatch,rakuVarNum
+" m/foo/, m$foo$, m!foo!, etc
+syn region rakuMatch
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start=+\z([/!$,|`"]\)+
+ \ skip="\\\z1"
+ \ end="\z1"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexen,rakuVariable,rakuVarNum
+" m<foo>, m«foo», m{foo}, etc
+for [s:name, s:start_delim, s:end_delim, s:end_group, s:skip] in s:bracketing_delims
+ exec "syn region rakuMatch matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contained keepend contains=@rakuRegexen,@rakuVariables"
+unlet s:name s:start_delim s:end_delim s:end_group s:skip
+" Substitutions
+" s/foo//, s$foo$$, s!foo!!, etc
+syn region rakuSubstitution
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start=+\z([/!$,|`"]\)+
+ \ skip="\\\z1"
+ \ end="\z1"me=e-1
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexen,rakuVariable,rakuVarNum
+ \ nextgroup=rakuReplacement
+syn region rakuReplacement
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\z(.\)"
+ \ skip="\\\z1"
+ \ end="\z1"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuInterp_qq
+" s<foo><bar>, s«foo»«bar», s{foo}{bar}, etc
+for [s:name, s:start_delim, s:end_delim, s:end_group, s:skip] in s:bracketing_delims
+ exec "syn region rakuSubstitution matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contained keepend contains=@rakuRegexen,@rakuVariables nextgroup=rakuRepl".s:name
+ exec "syn region rakuRepl".s:name." matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contained keepend contains=@rakuInterp_qq"
+unlet s:name s:start_delim s:end_delim s:end_group s:skip
+" Transliteration
+" tr/foo/bar/, tr|foo|bar, etc
+syn region rakuTransliteration
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start=+\z([/!$,|`"]\)+
+ \ skip="\\\z1"
+ \ end="\z1"me=e-1
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuRxRange
+ \ nextgroup=rakuTransRepl
+syn region rakuTransRepl
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\z(.\)"
+ \ skip="\\\z1"
+ \ end="\z1"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuInterp_qq,rakuRxRange
+" tr<foo><bar>, tr«foo»«bar», tr{foo}{bar}, etc
+for [s:name, s:start_delim, s:end_delim, s:end_group, s:skip] in s:bracketing_delims
+ exec "syn region rakuTransliteration matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contained keepend contains=rakuRxRange nextgroup=rakuTransRepl".s:name
+ exec "syn region rakuTransRepl".s:name." matchgroup=rakuQuote start=\"".s:start_delim."\" skip=\"".s:skip."\" end=\"".s:end_delim."\" contained keepend contains=@rakuInterp_qq,rakuRxRange"
+unlet s:name s:start_delim s:end_delim s:end_group s:skip s:bracketing_delims
+if exists("raku_perl5_regexes") || exists("raku_extended_all")
+" Perl 5 regex regions
+syn cluster rakuRegexP5Base
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Escape
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Oct
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Hex
+ \ add=rakuRxP5EscMeta
+ \ add=rakuRxP5CodePoint
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Prop
+" normal regex stuff
+syn cluster rakuRegexP5
+ \ add=@rakuRegexP5Base
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Quantifier
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Meta
+ \ add=rakuRxP5QuoteMeta
+ \ add=rakuRxP5ParenMod
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Verb
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Count
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Named
+ \ add=rakuRxP5ReadRef
+ \ add=rakuRxP5WriteRef
+ \ add=rakuRxP5CharClass
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Anchor
+" inside character classes
+syn cluster rakuRegexP5Class
+ \ add=@rakuRegexP5Base
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Posix
+ \ add=rakuRxP5Range
+syn match rakuRxP5Escape display contained "\\\S"
+syn match rakuRxP5CodePoint display contained "\\c\S\@=" nextgroup=rakuRxP5CPId
+syn match rakuRxP5CPId display contained "\S"
+syn match rakuRxP5Oct display contained "\\\%(\o\{1,3}\)\@=" nextgroup=rakuRxP5OctSeq
+syn match rakuRxP5OctSeq display contained "\o\{1,3}"
+syn match rakuRxP5Anchor display contained "[\^$]"
+syn match rakuRxP5Hex display contained "\\x\%({\x\+}\|\x\{1,2}\)\@=" nextgroup=rakuRxP5HexSeq
+syn match rakuRxP5HexSeq display contained "\x\{1,2}"
+syn region rakuRxP5HexSeq
+ \ matchgroup=rakuRxP5Escape
+ \ start="{"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contained
+syn region rakuRxP5Named
+ \ matchgroup=rakuRxP5Escape
+ \ start="\%(\\N\)\@2<={"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contained
+syn match rakuRxP5Quantifier display contained "\%([+*]\|(\@1<!?\)"
+syn match rakuRxP5ReadRef display contained "\\[1-9]\d\@!"
+syn match rakuRxP5ReadRef display contained "\[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]<\@=" nextgroup=rakuRxP5ReadRefId
+syn region rakuRxP5ReadRefId
+ \ matchgroup=rakuRxP5Escape
+ \ start="<"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+syn match rakuRxP5WriteRef display contained "\\g\%(\d\|{\)\@=" nextgroup=rakuRxP5WriteRefId
+syn match rakuRxP5WriteRefId display contained "\d\+"
+syn region rakuRxP5WriteRefId
+ \ matchgroup=rakuRxP5Escape
+ \ start="{"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contained
+syn match rakuRxP5Prop display contained "\\[pP]\%(\a\|{\)\@=" nextgroup=rakuRxP5PropId
+syn match rakuRxP5PropId display contained "\a"
+syn region rakuRxP5PropId
+ \ matchgroup=rakuRxP5Escape
+ \ start="{"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contained
+syn match rakuRxP5Meta display contained "[(|).]"
+syn match rakuRxP5ParenMod display contained "(\@1<=?\@=" nextgroup=rakuRxP5Mod,rakuRxP5ModName,rakuRxP5Code
+syn match rakuRxP5Mod display contained "?\%(<\?=\|<\?!\|[#:|]\)"
+syn match rakuRxP5Mod display contained "?-\?[impsx]\+"
+syn match rakuRxP5Mod display contained "?\%([-+]\?\d\+\|R\)"
+syn match rakuRxP5Mod display contained "?(DEFINE)"
+syn match rakuRxP5Mod display contained "?\%(&\|P[>=]\)" nextgroup=rakuRxP5ModDef
+syn match rakuRxP5ModDef display contained "\h\w*"
+syn region rakuRxP5ModName
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringSpecial
+ \ start="?'"
+ \ end="'"
+ \ contained
+syn region rakuRxP5ModName
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringSpecial
+ \ start="?P\?<"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+syn region rakuRxP5Code
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringSpecial
+ \ start="??\?{"
+ \ end="})\@="
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=TOP
+syn match rakuRxP5EscMeta display contained "\\[?*.{}()[\]|\^$]"
+syn match rakuRxP5Count display contained "\%({\d\+\%(,\%(\d\+\)\?\)\?}\)\@=" nextgroup=rakuRxP5CountId
+syn region rakuRxP5CountId
+ \ matchgroup=rakuRxP5Escape
+ \ start="{"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contained
+syn match rakuRxP5Verb display contained "(\@1<=\*\%(\%(PRUNE\|SKIP\|THEN\)\%(:[^)]*\)\?\|\%(MARK\|\):[^)]*\|COMMIT\|F\%(AIL\)\?\|ACCEPT\)"
+syn region rakuRxP5QuoteMeta
+ \ matchgroup=rakuRxP5Escape
+ \ start="\\Q"
+ \ end="\\E"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuVariables,rakuEscBackSlash
+syn region rakuRxP5CharClass
+ \ matchgroup=rakuStringSpecial
+ \ start="\[\^\?"
+ \ skip="\\]"
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexP5Class
+syn region rakuRxP5Posix
+ \ matchgroup=rakuRxP5Escape
+ \ start="\[:"
+ \ end=":]"
+ \ contained
+syn match rakuRxP5Range display contained "-"
+" m:P5//
+syn region rakuMatch
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@2<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=/"
+ \ skip="\\/"
+ \ end="/"
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexP5,rakuVariable,rakuVarExclam,rakuVarMatch,rakuVarNum
+" m:P5!!
+syn region rakuMatch
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@2<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=!"
+ \ skip="\\!"
+ \ end="!"
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexP5,rakuVariable,rakuVarSlash,rakuVarMatch,rakuVarNum
+" m:P5$$, m:P5||, etc
+syn region rakuMatch
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@2<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=\z([\"'`|,$]\)"
+ \ skip="\\\z1"
+ \ end="\z1"
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexP5,@rakuVariables
+" m:P5 ()
+syn region rakuMatch
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@2<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s\+\)\@<=()\@!"
+ \ skip="\\)"
+ \ end=")"
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexP5,@rakuVariables
+" m:P5[]
+syn region rakuMatch
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@2<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=[]\@!"
+ \ skip="\\]"
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexP5,@rakuVariables
+" m:P5{}
+syn region rakuMatch
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@2<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<={}\@!"
+ \ skip="\\}"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexP5,rakuVariables
+" m:P5<>
+syn region rakuMatch
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@2<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=<>\@!"
+ \ skip="\\>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexP5,rakuVariables
+" m:P5«»
+syn region rakuMatch
+ \ matchgroup=rakuQuote
+ \ start="\%(\%(::\|[$@%&][.!^:*?]\?\|\.\)\@2<!\<m\s*:P\%(erl\)\?5\s*\)\@<=«»\@!"
+ \ skip="\\»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contains=@rakuRegexP5,rakuVariables
+" Comments
+syn match rakuAttention display "\<\%(ACHTUNG\|ATTN\|ATTENTION\|FIXME\|NB\|TODO\|TBD\|WTF\|XXX\|NOTE\)" contained
+" normal end-of-line comment
+syn match rakuComment display "#.*" contains=rakuAttention
+" Multiline comments. Arbitrary numbers of opening brackets are allowed,
+" but we only define regions for 1 to 3
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]("
+ \ skip="([^)]*)"
+ \ end=")"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]\["
+ \ skip="\[[^\]]*]"
+ \ end="]"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]{"
+ \ skip="{[^}]*}"
+ \ end="}"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]<"
+ \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]«"
+ \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+" Comments with double and triple delimiters
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=](("
+ \ skip="((\%([^)\|))\@!]\)*))"
+ \ end="))"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]((("
+ \ skip="(((\%([^)]\|)\%())\)\@!\)*)))"
+ \ end=")))"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]\[\["
+ \ skip="\[\[\%([^\]]\|]]\@!\)*]]"
+ \ end="]]"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]\[\[\["
+ \ skip="\[\[\[\%([^\]]\|]\%(]]\)\@!\)*]]]"
+ \ end="]]]"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]{{"
+ \ skip="{{\%([^}]\|}}\@!\)*}}"
+ \ end="}}"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]{{{"
+ \ skip="{{{\%([^}]\|}\%(}}\)\@!\)*}}}"
+ \ end="}}}"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]<<"
+ \ skip="<<\%([^>]\|>>\@!\)*>>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]<<<"
+ \ skip="<<<\%([^>]\|>\%(>>\)\@!\)*>>>"
+ \ end=">>>"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]««"
+ \ skip="««\%([^»]\|»»\@!\)*»»"
+ \ end="»»"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn region rakuBracketComment
+ \ matchgroup=rakuBracketComment
+ \ start="#[`|=]«««"
+ \ skip="«««\%([^»]\|»\%(»»\)\@!\)*»»»"
+ \ end="»»»"
+ \ contains=rakuAttention,rakuBracketComment
+syn match rakuShebang display "\%^#!.*"
+" => autoquoting
+syn match rakuStringAuto display "\.\@1<!\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\ze\%(p5\)\@2<![RSXZ]\@1<!=>"
+syn match rakuStringAuto display "\.\@1<!\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\ze\s\+=>"
+syn match rakuStringAuto display "\.\@1<!\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)p5\ze=>"
+" Pod
+" Abbreviated blocks (implicit code forbidden)
+syn region rakuPodAbbrRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^\s*\zs=\ze\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contains=rakuPodAbbrNoCodeType
+ \ keepend
+syn region rakuPodAbbrNoCodeType
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodName,rakuPodAbbrNoCode
+syn match rakuPodName contained ".\+" contains=@rakuPodFormat
+syn match rakuPodComment contained ".\+"
+syn region rakuPodAbbrNoCode
+ \ start="^"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodFormat
+" Abbreviated blocks (everything is code)
+syn region rakuPodAbbrRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^\s*\zs=\zecode\>"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contains=rakuPodAbbrCodeType
+ \ keepend
+syn region rakuPodAbbrCodeType
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodName,rakuPodAbbrCode
+syn region rakuPodAbbrCode
+ \ start="^"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+" Abbreviated blocks (everything is a comment)
+syn region rakuPodAbbrRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^=\zecomment\>"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contains=rakuPodAbbrCommentType
+ \ keepend
+syn region rakuPodAbbrCommentType
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodComment,rakuPodAbbrNoCode
+" Abbreviated blocks (implicit code allowed)
+syn region rakuPodAbbrRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^=\ze\%(pod\|item\|nested\|\u\+\)\>"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contains=rakuPodAbbrType
+ \ keepend
+syn region rakuPodAbbrType
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodName,rakuPodAbbr
+syn region rakuPodAbbr
+ \ start="^"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodFormat,rakuPodImplicitCode
+" Abbreviated block to end-of-file
+syn region rakuPodAbbrRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^=\zeEND\>"
+ \ end="\%$"
+ \ contains=rakuPodAbbrEOFType
+ \ keepend
+syn region rakuPodAbbrEOFType
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="\%$"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodName,rakuPodAbbrEOF
+syn region rakuPodAbbrEOF
+ \ start="^"
+ \ end="\%$"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodNestedBlocks,@rakuPodFormat,rakuPodImplicitCode
+" Directives
+syn region rakuPodDirectRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^=\%(config\|use\)\>"
+ \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\|\s*$\)"
+ \ contains=rakuPodDirectArgRegion
+ \ keepend
+syn region rakuPodDirectArgRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\S\+"
+ \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\|\s*$\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodDirectConfigRegion
+syn region rakuPodDirectConfigRegion
+ \ start=""
+ \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\|\s*$\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodConfig
+" =encoding is a special directive
+syn region rakuPodDirectRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^=encoding\>"
+ \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\|\s*$\)"
+ \ contains=rakuPodEncodingArgRegion
+ \ keepend
+syn region rakuPodEncodingArgRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodName
+ \ start="\S\+"
+ \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\|\s*$\)"
+ \ contained
+" Paragraph blocks (implicit code forbidden)
+syn region rakuPodParaRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^\s*\zs=for\>"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contains=rakuPodParaNoCodeTypeRegion
+ \ keepend extend
+syn region rakuPodParaNoCodeTypeRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodParaNoCode,rakuPodParaConfigRegion
+syn region rakuPodParaConfigRegion
+ \ start=""
+ \ end="^\ze\%([^=]\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@1<!\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodConfig
+syn region rakuPodParaNoCode
+ \ start="^[^=]"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodFormat
+" Paragraph blocks (everything is code)
+syn region rakuPodParaRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^\s*\zs=for\>\ze\s*code\>"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contains=rakuPodParaCodeTypeRegion
+ \ keepend extend
+syn region rakuPodParaCodeTypeRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodParaCode,rakuPodParaConfigRegion
+syn region rakuPodParaCode
+ \ start="^[^=]"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+" Paragraph blocks (implicit code allowed)
+syn region rakuPodParaRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^\s*\zs=for\>\ze\s*\%(pod\|item\|nested\|\u\+\)\>"
+ \ end="^\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contains=rakuPodParaTypeRegion
+ \ keepend extend
+syn region rakuPodParaTypeRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodPara,rakuPodParaConfigRegion
+syn region rakuPodPara
+ \ start="^[^=]"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze\%(\s*$\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodFormat,rakuPodImplicitCode
+" Paragraph block to end-of-file
+syn region rakuPodParaRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^=for\>\ze\s\+END\>"
+ \ end="\%$"
+ \ contains=rakuPodParaEOFTypeRegion
+ \ keepend extend
+syn region rakuPodParaEOFTypeRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="\%$"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodParaEOF,rakuPodParaConfigRegion
+syn region rakuPodParaEOF
+ \ start="^[^=]"
+ \ end="\%$"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodNestedBlocks,@rakuPodFormat,rakuPodImplicitCode
+" Delimited blocks (implicit code forbidden)
+syn region rakuPodDelimRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^\z(\s*\)\zs=begin\>"
+ \ end="^\z1\zs=end\>"
+ \ contains=rakuPodDelimNoCodeTypeRegion
+ \ keepend extend skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=rakuPodType
+syn region rakuPodDelimNoCodeTypeRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze=end\>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodDelimNoCode,rakuPodDelimConfigRegion
+syn region rakuPodDelimConfigRegion
+ \ start=""
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze\%([^=]\|=[A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\|\s*$\)"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodConfig
+syn region rakuPodDelimNoCode
+ \ start="^"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze=end\>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodNestedBlocks,@rakuPodFormat
+" Delimited blocks (everything is code)
+syn region rakuPodDelimRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^\z(\s*\)\zs=begin\>\ze\s*code\>"
+ \ end="^\z1\zs=end\>"
+ \ contains=rakuPodDelimCodeTypeRegion
+ \ keepend extend skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=rakuPodType
+syn region rakuPodDelimCodeTypeRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze=end\>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodDelimCode,rakuPodDelimConfigRegion
+syn region rakuPodDelimCode
+ \ start="^"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze=end\>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodNestedBlocks
+" Delimited blocks (implicit code allowed)
+syn region rakuPodDelimRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^\z(\s*\)\zs=begin\>\ze\s*\%(pod\|item\|nested\|\u\+\)\>"
+ \ end="^\z1\zs=end\>"
+ \ contains=rakuPodDelimTypeRegion
+ \ keepend extend skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=rakuPodType
+syn region rakuPodDelimTypeRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze=end\>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodDelim,rakuPodDelimConfigRegion
+syn region rakuPodDelim
+ \ start="^"
+ \ end="^\s*\zs\ze=end\>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodNestedBlocks,@rakuPodFormat,rakuPodImplicitCode
+" Delimited block to end-of-file
+syn region rakuPodDelimRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodPrefix
+ \ start="^=begin\>\ze\s\+END\>"
+ \ end="\%$"
+ \ extend
+ \ contains=rakuPodDelimEOFTypeRegion
+syn region rakuPodDelimEOFTypeRegion
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodType
+ \ start="\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+ \ end="\%$"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodDelimEOF,rakuPodDelimConfigRegion
+syn region rakuPodDelimEOF
+ \ start="^"
+ \ end="\%$"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=@rakuPodNestedBlocks,@rakuPodFormat,rakuPodImplicitCode
+syn cluster rakuPodConfig
+ \ add=rakuPodConfigOperator
+ \ add=rakuPodExtraConfig
+ \ add=rakuStringAuto
+ \ add=rakuPodAutoQuote
+ \ add=rakuStringSQ
+syn region rakuPodParens
+ \ start="("
+ \ end=")"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuNumber,rakuStringSQ
+syn match rakuPodAutoQuote display contained "=>"
+syn match rakuPodConfigOperator display contained ":!\?" nextgroup=rakuPodConfigOption
+syn match rakuPodConfigOption display contained "[^[:space:](<]\+" nextgroup=rakuPodParens,rakuStringAngle
+syn match rakuPodExtraConfig display contained "^="
+syn match rakuPodVerticalBar display contained "|"
+syn match rakuPodColon display contained ":"
+syn match rakuPodSemicolon display contained ";"
+syn match rakuPodComma display contained ","
+syn match rakuPodImplicitCode display contained "^\s.*"
+syn match rakuPodType display contained "\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)"
+" These may appear inside delimited blocks
+syn cluster rakuPodNestedBlocks
+ \ add=rakuPodAbbrRegion
+ \ add=rakuPodDirectRegion
+ \ add=rakuPodParaRegion
+ \ add=rakuPodDelimRegion
+" Pod formatting codes
+syn cluster rakuPodFormat
+ \ add=rakuPodFormatOne
+ \ add=rakuPodFormatTwo
+ \ add=rakuPodFormatThree
+ \ add=rakuPodFormatFrench
+" Balanced angles found inside formatting codes. Ensures proper nesting.
+syn region rakuPodFormatAnglesOne
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormat
+ \ start="<"
+ \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ transparent contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatAnglesOne
+syn region rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormat
+ \ start="<<"
+ \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ transparent contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatAnglesOne,rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo
+syn region rakuPodFormatAnglesThree
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormat
+ \ start="<<<"
+ \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+ \ end=">>>"
+ \ transparent contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatAnglesOne,rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo,rakuPodFormatAnglesThree
+syn region rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormat
+ \ start="«"
+ \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ transparent contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatAnglesOne,rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo,rakuPodFormatAnglesThree
+" All formatting codes
+syn region rakuPodFormatOne
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="\u<"
+ \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesOne,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne
+syn region rakuPodFormatTwo
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="\u<<"
+ \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo
+syn region rakuPodFormatThree
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="\u<<<"
+ \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+ \ end=">>>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesThree,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree
+syn region rakuPodFormatFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="\u«"
+ \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree
+" C<> and V<> don't allow nested formatting formatting codes
+syn region rakuPodFormatOne
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="[CV]<"
+ \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesOne
+syn region rakuPodFormatTwo
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="[CV]<<"
+ \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo
+syn region rakuPodFormatThree
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="[CV]<<<"
+ \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+ \ end=">>>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesThree
+syn region rakuPodFormatFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="[CV]«"
+ \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench
+" L<> can have a "|" separator
+syn region rakuPodFormatOne
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="L<"
+ \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesOne,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodVerticalBar
+syn region rakuPodFormatTwo
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="L<<"
+ \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodVerticalBar
+syn region rakuPodFormatThree
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="L<<<"
+ \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+ \ end=">>>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesThree,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodVerticalBar
+syn region rakuPodFormatFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="L«"
+ \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodVerticalBar
+" E<> can have a ";" separator
+syn region rakuPodFormatOne
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="E<"
+ \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesOne,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodSemiColon
+syn region rakuPodFormatTwo
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="E<<"
+ \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodSemiColon
+syn region rakuPodFormatThree
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="E<<<"
+ \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+ \ end=">>>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesThree,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodSemiColon
+syn region rakuPodFormatFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="E«"
+ \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodSemiColon
+" M<> can have a ":" separator
+syn region rakuPodFormatOne
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="M<"
+ \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesOne,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodColon
+syn region rakuPodFormatTwo
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="M<<"
+ \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodColon
+syn region rakuPodFormatThree
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="M<<<"
+ \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+ \ end=">>>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesThree,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodColon
+syn region rakuPodFormatFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="M«"
+ \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodColon
+" D<> can have "|" and ";" separators
+syn region rakuPodFormatOne
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="D<"
+ \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesOne,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodVerticalBar,rakuPodSemiColon
+syn region rakuPodFormatTwo
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="D<<"
+ \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAngleTwo,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodVerticalBar,rakuPodSemiColon
+syn region rakuPodFormatThree
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="D<<<"
+ \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+ \ end=">>>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesThree,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodVerticalBar,rakuPodSemiColon
+syn region rakuPodFormatFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="D«"
+ \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodVerticalBar,rakuPodSemiColon
+" X<> can have "|", "," and ";" separators
+syn region rakuPodFormatOne
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="X<"
+ \ skip="<[^>]*>"
+ \ end=">"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesOne,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodVerticalBar,rakuPodSemiColon,rakuPodComma
+syn region rakuPodFormatTwo
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="X<<"
+ \ skip="<<[^>]*>>"
+ \ end=">>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesTwo,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodVerticalBar,rakuPodSemiColon,rakuPodComma
+syn region rakuPodFormatThree
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="X<<<"
+ \ skip="<<<[^>]*>>>"
+ \ end=">>>"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesThree,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodVerticalBar,rakuPodSemiColon,rakuPodComma
+syn region rakuPodFormatFrench
+ \ matchgroup=rakuPodFormatCode
+ \ start="X«"
+ \ skip="«[^»]*»"
+ \ end="»"
+ \ contained
+ \ contains=rakuPodFormatAnglesFrench,rakuPodFormatFrench,rakuPodFormatOne,rakuPodFormatTwo,rakuPodFormatThree,rakuPodVerticalBar,rakuPodSemiColon,rakuPodComma
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_raku_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_raku_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink rakuEscOctOld rakuError
+ HiLink rakuPackageTwigil rakuTwigil
+ HiLink rakuStringAngle rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringAngleFixed rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringFrench rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringAngles rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringSQ rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringDQ rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringQ rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringQ_q rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringQ_qww rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringQ_qq rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringQ_to rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringQ_qto rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringQ_qqto rakuString
+ HiLink rakuRxStringSQ rakuString
+ HiLink rakuRxStringDQ rakuString
+ HiLink rakuReplacement rakuString
+ HiLink rakuReplCurly rakuString
+ HiLink rakuReplAngle rakuString
+ HiLink rakuReplFrench rakuString
+ HiLink rakuReplBracket rakuString
+ HiLink rakuReplParen rakuString
+ HiLink rakuTransliteration rakuString
+ HiLink rakuTransRepl rakuString
+ HiLink rakuTransReplCurly rakuString
+ HiLink rakuTransReplAngle rakuString
+ HiLink rakuTransReplFrench rakuString
+ HiLink rakuTransReplBracket rakuString
+ HiLink rakuTransReplParen rakuString
+ HiLink rakuStringAuto rakuString
+ HiLink rakuKey rakuString
+ HiLink rakuMatch rakuString
+ HiLink rakuSubstitution rakuString
+ HiLink rakuMatchBare rakuString
+ HiLink rakuRegexBlock rakuString
+ HiLink rakuRxP5CharClass rakuString
+ HiLink rakuRxP5QuoteMeta rakuString
+ HiLink rakuRxCharClass rakuString
+ HiLink rakuRxQuoteWords rakuString
+ HiLink rakuReduceOp rakuOperator
+ HiLink rakuSetOp rakuOperator
+ HiLink rakuRSXZOp rakuOperator
+ HiLink rakuHyperOp rakuOperator
+ HiLink rakuPostHyperOp rakuOperator
+ HiLink rakuQuoteQ rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuQuoteQ_q rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuQuoteQ_qww rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuQuoteQ_qq rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuQuoteQ_to rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuQuoteQ_qto rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuQuoteQ_qqto rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuQuoteQ_PIR rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuMatchStart_m rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuMatchStart_s rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuMatchStart_tr rakuQuote
+ HiLink rakuBareSigil rakuVariable
+ HiLink rakuRxRange rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxAnchor rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxBoundary rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Anchor rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuCodePoint rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxMeta rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Range rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5CPId rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Posix rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Mod rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5HexSeq rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5OctSeq rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5WriteRefId rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuHexSequence rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuOctSequence rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Named rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5PropId rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Quantifier rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5CountId rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Verb rakuStringSpecial
+ HiLink rakuRxAssertGroup rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscape rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscNull rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscHash rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscQQ rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscQuote rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscDoubleQuote rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscBackTick rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscForwardSlash rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscVerticalBar rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscExclamation rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscDollar rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscOpenCurly rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscCloseCurly rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscCloseBracket rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscCloseAngle rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscCloseFrench rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscBackSlash rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscCodePoint rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscOct rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuEscHex rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxEscape rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxCapture rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxAlternation rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5 rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5ReadRef rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Oct rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Hex rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5EscMeta rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Meta rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Escape rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5CodePoint rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5WriteRef rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuRxP5Prop rakuStringSpecial2
+ HiLink rakuProperty Tag
+ HiLink rakuAttention Todo
+ HiLink rakuType Type
+ HiLink rakuError Error
+ HiLink rakuBlockLabel Label
+ HiLink rakuNormal Normal
+ HiLink rakuIdentifier Normal
+ HiLink rakuPackage Normal
+ HiLink rakuPackageScope Normal
+ HiLink rakuNumber Number
+ HiLink rakuOctNumber Number
+ HiLink rakuBinNumber Number
+ HiLink rakuHexNumber Number
+ HiLink rakuDecNumber Number
+ HiLink rakuString String
+ HiLink rakuRepeat Repeat
+ HiLink rakuPragma Keyword
+ HiLink rakuPreDeclare Keyword
+ HiLink rakuDeclare Keyword
+ HiLink rakuDeclareRegex Keyword
+ HiLink rakuVarStorage Special
+ HiLink rakuFlowControl Special
+ HiLink rakuOctBase Special
+ HiLink rakuBinBase Special
+ HiLink rakuHexBase Special
+ HiLink rakuDecBase Special
+ HiLink rakuTwigil Special
+ HiLink rakuStringSpecial2 Special
+ HiLink rakuVersion Special
+ HiLink rakuComment Comment
+ HiLink rakuBracketComment Comment
+ HiLink rakuInclude Include
+ HiLink rakuShebang PreProc
+ HiLink rakuClosureTrait PreProc
+ HiLink rakuOperator Operator
+ HiLink rakuContext Operator
+ HiLink rakuQuote Delimiter
+ HiLink rakuTypeConstraint PreCondit
+ HiLink rakuException Exception
+ HiLink rakuVariable Identifier
+ HiLink rakuVarSlash Identifier
+ HiLink rakuVarNum Identifier
+ HiLink rakuVarExclam Identifier
+ HiLink rakuVarMatch Identifier
+ HiLink rakuVarName Identifier
+ HiLink rakuMatchVar Identifier
+ HiLink rakuRxP5ReadRefId Identifier
+ HiLink rakuRxP5ModDef Identifier
+ HiLink rakuRxP5ModName Identifier
+ HiLink rakuConditional Conditional
+ HiLink rakuStringSpecial SpecialChar
+ HiLink rakuPodAbbr rakuPod
+ HiLink rakuPodAbbrEOF rakuPod
+ HiLink rakuPodAbbrNoCode rakuPod
+ HiLink rakuPodAbbrCode rakuPodCode
+ HiLink rakuPodPara rakuPod
+ HiLink rakuPodParaEOF rakuPod
+ HiLink rakuPodParaNoCode rakuPod
+ HiLink rakuPodParaCode rakuPodCode
+ HiLink rakuPodDelim rakuPod
+ HiLink rakuPodDelimEOF rakuPod
+ HiLink rakuPodDelimNoCode rakuPod
+ HiLink rakuPodDelimCode rakuPodCode
+ HiLink rakuPodImplicitCode rakuPodCode
+ HiLink rakuPodExtraConfig rakuPodPrefix
+ HiLink rakuPodVerticalBar rakuPodFormatCode
+ HiLink rakuPodColon rakuPodFormatCode
+ HiLink rakuPodSemicolon rakuPodFormatCode
+ HiLink rakuPodComma rakuPodFormatCode
+ HiLink rakuPodFormatOne rakuPodFormat
+ HiLink rakuPodFormatTwo rakuPodFormat
+ HiLink rakuPodFormatThree rakuPodFormat
+ HiLink rakuPodFormatFrench rakuPodFormat
+ HiLink rakuPodType Type
+ HiLink rakuPodConfigOption String
+ HiLink rakuPodCode PreProc
+ HiLink rakuPod Comment
+ HiLink rakuPodComment Comment
+ HiLink rakuPodAutoQuote Operator
+ HiLink rakuPodConfigOperator Operator
+ HiLink rakuPodPrefix Statement
+ HiLink rakuPodName Identifier
+ HiLink rakuPodFormatCode SpecialChar
+ HiLink rakuPodFormat SpecialComment
+ delcommand HiLink
+if exists("raku_fold") || exists("raku_extended_all")
+ setl foldmethod=syntax
+ syn region rakuBlockFold
+ \ start="^\z(\s*\)\%(my\|our\|augment\|multi\|proto\|only\)\?\s*\%(\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\s\+\)\?\<\%(CATCH\|try\|ENTER\|LEAVE\|CHECK\|INIT\|BEGIN\|END\|KEEP\|UNDO\|PRE\|POST\|module\|package\|enum\|subset\|class\|sub\%(method\)\?\|multi\|method\|slang\|grammar\|regex\|token\|rule\)\>[^{]\+\%({\s*\%(#.*\)\?\)\?$"
+ \ end="^\z1}"
+ \ transparent fold keepend extend
+let b:current_syntax = "raku"
+let &cpo = s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" vim:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:expandtab:ft=vim
" markdown Text with R statements
" Language: markdown with R code chunks
" Homepage:
-" Last Change: Thu Apr 18, 2019 09:17PM
+" Last Change: Wed Apr 21, 2021 09:55AM
" For highlighting pandoc extensions to markdown like citations and TeX and
" many other advanced features like folding of markdown sections, it is
-" Configuration if not using pandoc syntax:
-" Add syntax highlighting of YAML header
-let g:rmd_syn_hl_yaml = get(g:, 'rmd_syn_hl_yaml', 1)
-" Add syntax highlighting of citation keys
-let g:rmd_syn_hl_citations = get(g:, 'rmd_syn_hl_citations', 1)
-" Highlight the header of the chunk of R code
-let g:rmd_syn_hl_chunk = get(g:, 'g:rmd_syn_hl_chunk', 0)
+" Highlight the header of the chunks as R code
+let g:rmd_syn_hl_chunk = get(g:, 'rmd_syn_hl_chunk', 0)
" Pandoc-syntax has more features, but it is slower.
let g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs = get(g:, 'pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs', ['r'])
runtime syntax/pandoc.vim
if exists("b:current_syntax")
- " Fix recognition of R code
- syn region pandocDelimitedCodeBlock_r start=/^```{r\>.*}$/ end=/^```$/ contained containedin=pandocDelimitedCodeBlock contains=@R
+ " Recognize inline R code
syn region rmdrInline matchgroup=rmdInlineDelim start="`r " end="`" contains=@R containedin=pandocLaTeXRegion,yamlFlowString keepend
hi def link rmdInlineDelim Delimiter
+ " Fix recognition of language chunks (code adapted from pandoc, 2021-03-28)
+ " Knitr requires braces in the block's header
+ for s:lng in g:pandoc#syntax#codeblocks#embeds#langs
+ let s:nm = matchstr(s:lng, '^[^=]*')
+ exe 'syn clear pandocDelimitedCodeBlock_'.s:nm
+ exe 'syn clear pandocDelimitedCodeBlockinBlockQuote_'.s:nm
+ if g:rmd_syn_hl_chunk
+ exe 'syn region rmd'.s:nm.'ChunkDelim matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim start="^\s*```\s*{\s*'.s:nm.'\>" matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim end="}$" keepend containedin=rmd'.s:nm.'Chunk contains=@R'
+ exe 'syn region rmd'.s:nm.'Chunk start="^\s*```\s*{\s*'.s:nm.'\>.*$" matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim end="^\s*```\ze\s*$" keepend contains=rmd'.s:nm.'ChunkDelim,@'.toupper(s:nm)
+ else
+ exe 'syn region rmd'.s:nm.'Chunk matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim start="^\s*```\s*{\s*'.s:nm.'\>.*$" matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim end="^\s*```\ze\s*$" keepend contains=@'.toupper(s:nm)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ unlet s:lng
+ unlet s:nm
+ hi def link rmdInlineDelim Delimiter
+ hi def link rmdCodeDelim Delimiter
let b:current_syntax = "rmd"
+" Configuration if not using pandoc syntax:
+" Add syntax highlighting of YAML header
+let g:rmd_syn_hl_yaml = get(g:, 'rmd_syn_hl_yaml', 1)
+" Add syntax highlighting of citation keys
+let g:rmd_syn_hl_citations = get(g:, 'rmd_syn_hl_citations', 1)
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
exe 'syn include @Rmd'.s:nm.' syntax/'.s:ft.'.vim'
if g:rmd_syn_hl_chunk
- exe 'syn region rmd'.s:nm.'ChunkDelim matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim start="^\s*```\s*{\s*'.s:nm.'\>" matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim end="}$" keepend containedin=rmd'.s:nm.'Chunk contains=@Rmd'.s:nm
+ exe 'syn region rmd'.s:nm.'ChunkDelim matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim start="^\s*```\s*{\s*'.s:nm.'\>" matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim end="}$" keepend containedin=rmd'.s:nm.'Chunk contains=@Rmdr'
exe 'syn region rmd'.s:nm.'Chunk start="^\s*```\s*{\s*'.s:nm.'\>.*$" matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim end="^\s*```\ze\s*$" keepend contains=rmd'.s:nm.'ChunkDelim,@Rmd'.s:nm
exe 'syn region rmd'.s:nm.'Chunk matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim start="^\s*```\s*{\s*'.s:nm.'\>.*$" matchgroup=rmdCodeDelim end="^\s*```\ze\s*$" keepend contains=@Rmd'.s:nm
- exe 'syn region rmd'.s:nm.'Inline matchgroup=rmdInlineDelim start="`'.s:nm.' " end="`" contains=@Rmd'.s:nm.' keepend'
unlet! s:type
+" Recognize inline R code
+syn region rmdrInline matchgroup=rmdInlineDelim start="`r " end="`" contains=@Rmdr keepend
hi def link rmdInlineDelim Delimiter
hi def link rmdCodeDelim Delimiter
" Highlighting of R code using an existing r.vim syntax file if available {{{1
syn include @rnowebR syntax/r.vim
-syn region rnowebChunk matchgroup=rnowebDelimiter start="^<<.*>>=" matchgroup=rnowebDelimiter end="^@" contains=@rnowebR,rnowebChunkReference,rnowebChunk fold keepend
-syn match rnowebChunkReference "^<<.*>>$" contained
+syn region rnowebChunk matchgroup=rnowebDelimiter start="^\s*<<.*>>=" matchgroup=rnowebDelimiter end="^@" contains=@rnowebR,rnowebChunkReference,rnowebChunk fold keepend
+syn match rnowebChunkReference "^\s*<<.*>>$" contained
syn region rnowebSexpr matchgroup=Delimiter start="\\Sexpr{" matchgroup=Delimiter end="}" contains=@rnowebR contained
" Sweave options command {{{1
Ders 5.3'ün iki adet kopyasý olduðunu görün, özgün sürümü ve kopyasý.
NOT: Bu komutu kullanarak bir dýþ komutun çýktýsýný da dosyanýn içine
- koyabilirsiniz. Örneðin :r :!ls yazmak ls komutunun vereceði çýktýyý
+ koyabilirsiniz. Örneðin :r !ls yazmak ls komutunun vereceði çýktýyý
dosyanýn içinde hemen imlecin altýndaki satýra koyar.
to disable the GUI and X11. If you don't have GUI libraries and/or X11, these
features will be disabled automatically.
-To built Vim on Ubuntu from scratch on a clean system using git:
+To build Vim on Ubuntu from scratch on a clean system using git:
Install tools required to be able to get and build Vim:
% sudo apt install git
% sudo apt install make