- * ":exit", ":xit" and ":wq": Write file and quite the current window.
+ * ":exit", ":xit" and ":wq": Write file and quit the current window.
static void
ex_exit(exarg_T *eap)
- if (before_quit_autocmds(curwin, FALSE, eap->forceit))
- return;
- * if more files or windows we won't exit
+ * we plan to exit if there is only one relevant window
if (check_more(FALSE, eap->forceit) == OK && only_one_window())
exiting = TRUE;
- if ( ((eap->cmdidx == CMD_wq
- || curbufIsChanged())
- && do_write(eap) == FAIL)
+ // Write the buffer for ":wq" or when it was changed.
+ // Trigger QuitPre and ExitPre.
+ // Check if we can exit now, after autocommands have changed things.
+ if (((eap->cmdidx == CMD_wq || curbufIsChanged()) && do_write(eap) == FAIL)
+ || before_quit_autocmds(curwin, FALSE, eap->forceit)
|| check_more(TRUE, eap->forceit) == FAIL
|| (only_one_window() && check_changed_any(eap->forceit, FALSE)))
call delete('Xfile3')
+" Check that buffer is written before triggering QuitPre
+func Test_wq_quitpre_autocommand()
+ edit Xsomefile
+ call setline(1, 'hello')
+ split
+ let g:seq = []
+ augroup Testing
+ au QuitPre * call add(g:seq, 'QuitPre - ' .. (&modified ? 'modified' : 'not modified'))
+ au BufWritePost * call add(g:seq, 'written')
+ augroup END
+ wq
+ call assert_equal(['written', 'QuitPre - not modified'], g:seq)
+ augroup Testing
+ au!
+ augroup END
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:seq
+ call delete('Xsomefile')
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