bool SyncRes::s_nopacketcache;
bool SyncRes::s_rootNXTrust;
bool SyncRes::s_noEDNS;
+bool SyncRes::s_qnameminimization;
#define LOG(x) if(d_lm == Log) { g_log <<Logger::Warning << x; } else if(d_lm == Store) { d_trace << x; }
SyncRes::SyncRes(const struct timeval& now) : d_authzonequeries(0), d_outqueries(0), d_tcpoutqueries(0), d_throttledqueries(0), d_timeouts(0), d_unreachables(0),
d_totUsec(0), d_now(now),
- d_cacheonly(false), d_doDNSSEC(false), d_doEDNS0(false), d_lm(s_lm)
+ d_cacheonly(false), d_doDNSSEC(false), d_doEDNS0(false), d_qNameMinimization(s_qnameminimization), d_lm(s_lm)
/** everything begins here - this is the entry point just after receiving a packet */
return ret;
+#define QLOG(x) LOG(prefix << " child=" << child << ": " << x << endl)
+int SyncRes::doResolve(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>& beenthere, vState& state) {
+ if (!getQNameMinimization()) {
+ return doResolveNoQNameMinimization(qname, qtype, ret, depth, beenthere, state);
+ }
+ // The qname minimization algorithm is a simplified version of the one in RFC 7816 (bis).
+ // It could be simplified because the cache maintenance (both positive and negative)
+ // is already done by doResolveNoQNameMinimization().
+ //
+ // Sketch of algorithm:
+ // Check cache
+ // If result found: done
+ // Otherwise determine closes ancestor from cache data
+ // Repeat querying A, adding more labels of the original qname
+ // If we get a delegation continue at ancestor determination
+ // Until we have the full name.
+ //
+ // The algorithm starts with adding a single label per iteration, and
+ // moves to three labels per iteration after three iterations.
+ DNSName child;
+ string prefix = d_prefix;
+ prefix.append(depth, ' ');
+ prefix.append(string("QM ") + qname.toString() + "|" + qtype.getName());
+ QLOG("doResolve");
+ // Look in cache only
+ vector<DNSRecord> retq;
+ bool old = setCacheOnly(true);
+ bool fromCache = false;
+ int res = doResolveNoQNameMinimization(qname, qtype, retq, depth + 1, beenthere, state, &fromCache);
+ setCacheOnly(old);
+ if (fromCache) {
+ QLOG("Step0 Found in cache");
+ ret.insert(ret.end(), retq.begin(), retq.end());
+ return res;
+ }
+ QLOG("Step0 Not cached");
+ const unsigned int qnamelen = qname.countLabels();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= qnamelen; ) {
+ // Step 1
+ vector<DNSRecord> bestns;
+ // the two retries allow getBestNSFromCache&co to reprime the root
+ // hints, in case they ever go missing
+ for (int tries = 0; tries < 2 && bestns.empty(); ++tries) {
+ bool flawedNSSet = false;
+ set<GetBestNSAnswer> beenthereIgnored;
+ getBestNSFromCache(qname, qtype, bestns, &flawedNSSet, depth + 1, beenthereIgnored);
+ }
+ DNSName ancestor;
+ if (bestns.size() > 0) {
+ ancestor = bestns[0].d_name;
+ QLOG("Step1 Ancestor from cache is " << ancestor.toString());
+ } else {
+ QLOG("Step1 No ancestor found return ServFail");
+ return RCode::ServFail;
+ }
+ child = ancestor;
+ unsigned int targetlen = std::min(child.countLabels() + (i > 3 ? 3 : 1), qnamelen);
+ for (; i <= qnamelen; i++) {
+ // Step 2
+ while (child.countLabels() < targetlen) {
+ child.prependRawLabel(qname.getRawLabel(qnamelen - child.countLabels() - 1));
+ }
+ targetlen += i > 3 ? 3 : 1;
+ targetlen = std::min(targetlen, qnamelen);
+ QLOG("Step2 New child");
+ // Step 3 resolve
+ if (child == qname) {
+ QLOG("Step3 Going to do final resolve");
+ res = doResolveNoQNameMinimization(qname, qtype, ret, depth + 1, beenthere, state);
+ QLOG("Step3 Final resolve: " << RCode::to_s(res) << "/" << ret.size() << endl);
+ return res;
+ }
+ // Step 6
+ QLOG("Step4 Resolve A for child");
+ retq.resize(0);
+ StopAtDelegation stopAtDelegation = Stop;
+ res = doResolveNoQNameMinimization(child, QType::A, retq, depth + 1, beenthere, state, NULL, &stopAtDelegation);
+ QLOG("Step4 Resolve A result is " << RCode::to_s(res) << "/" << retq.size() << "/" << stopAtDelegation);
+ if (stopAtDelegation == Stopped) {
+ QLOG("Delegation seen, continue at step 1");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (res != RCode::NoError) {
+ // Case 5: unexpected answer
+ QLOG("Step5: other rcode, last effort final resolve");
+ setQNameMinimization(false);
+ res = doResolveNoQNameMinimization(qname, qtype, ret, depth + 1, beenthere, state);
+ QLOG("Step5 End resolve: " << RCode::to_s(res) << "/" << ret.size() << endl);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Should not be reached
+ QLOG("Max iterations reached, return ServFail");
+ return RCode::ServFail;
/*! This function will check the cache and go out to the internet if the answer is not in cache
* \param qname The name we need an answer for
* \param beenthere
* \return DNS RCODE or -1 (Error) or -2 (RPZ hit)
-int SyncRes::doResolve(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>& beenthere, vState& state)
+int SyncRes::doResolveNoQNameMinimization(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>& beenthere, vState& state, bool *fromCache, StopAtDelegation *stopAtDelegation)
string prefix;
if(doLog()) {
if(iter->second.isAuth()) {
d_wasOutOfBand = doOOBResolve(qname, qtype, ret, depth, res);
+ if (fromCache)
+ *fromCache = d_wasOutOfBand;
return res;
else {
d_totUsec += lwr.d_usec;
accountAuthLatency(lwr.d_usec, remoteIP.sin4.sin_family);
+ if (fromCache)
+ *fromCache = true;
// filter out the good stuff from lwr.result()
if (res == 1) {
for(const auto& rec : lwr.d_records) {
if(doCacheCheck(qname, authname, wasForwardedOrAuthZone, wasAuthZone, wasForwardRecurse, qtype, ret, depth, res, state)) {
// we done
d_wasOutOfBand = wasAuthZone;
+ if (fromCache)
+ *fromCache = true;
return res;
+ if(d_cacheonly)
return 0;
LOG(prefix<<qname<<": initial validation status for "<<qname<<" is "<<vStates[state]<<endl);
- if(!(res=doResolveAt(nsset, subdomain, flawedNSSet, qname, qtype, ret, depth, beenthere, state)))
+ if(!(res=doResolveAt(nsset, subdomain, flawedNSSet, qname, qtype, ret, depth, beenthere, state, stopAtDelegation)))
return 0;
LOG(prefix<<qname<<": failed (res="<<res<<")"<<endl);
typedef vector<ComboAddress> ret_t;
ret_t ret;
- bool oldCacheOnly = d_cacheonly;
+ bool oldCacheOnly = setCacheOnly(cacheOnly);
bool oldRequireAuthData = d_requireAuthData;
bool oldValidationRequested = d_DNSSECValidationRequested;
d_requireAuthData = false;
d_DNSSECValidationRequested = false;
- d_cacheonly = cacheOnly;
vState newState = Indeterminate;
res_t resv4;
d_requireAuthData = oldRequireAuthData;
d_DNSSECValidationRequested = oldValidationRequested;
- d_cacheonly = oldCacheOnly;
+ setCacheOnly(oldCacheOnly);
/* we need to remove from the nsSpeeds collection the existing IPs
for this nameserver that are no longer in the set, even if there
int SyncRes::doResolveAt(NsSet &nameservers, DNSName auth, bool flawedNSSet, const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype,
- unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>&beenthere, vState& state)
+ unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>&beenthere, vState& state, StopAtDelegation* stopAtDelegation)
auto luaconfsLocal = g_luaconfs.getLocal();
string prefix;
return rcode;
if (gotNewServers) {
+ if (stopAtDelegation && *stopAtDelegation == Stop) {
+ *stopAtDelegation = Stopped;
+ return rcode;
+ }
return rcode;
if (gotNewServers) {
+ if (stopAtDelegation && *stopAtDelegation == Stop) {
+ *stopAtDelegation = Stopped;
+ return rcode;
+ }
/* was lame */
return d_lm != LogNone;
- void setCacheOnly(bool state=true)
+ bool setCacheOnly(bool state = true)
- d_cacheonly=state;
+ bool old = d_cacheonly;
+ d_cacheonly = state;
+ return old;
+ }
+ void setQNameMinimization(bool state=true)
+ {
+ d_qNameMinimization=state;
void setDoEDNS0(bool state=true)
return d_trace.str();
+ bool getQNameMinimization() const
+ {
+ return d_qNameMinimization;
+ }
void setLuaEngine(shared_ptr<RecursorLua4> pdl)
d_pdl = pdl;
static bool s_noEDNS;
static bool s_rootNXTrust;
static bool s_nopacketcache;
+ static bool s_qnameminimization;
std::unordered_map<std::string,bool> d_discardedPolicies;
DNSFilterEngine::Policy d_appliedPolicy;
typedef std::map<DNSName,vState> zonesStates_t;
+ enum StopAtDelegation { DontStop, Stop, Stopped };
int doResolveAt(NsSet &nameservers, DNSName auth, bool flawedNSSet, const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret,
- unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>&beenthere, vState& state);
+ unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>&beenthere, vState& state, StopAtDelegation* stopAtDelegation);
bool doResolveAtThisIP(const std::string& prefix, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, LWResult& lwr, boost::optional<Netmask>& ednsmask, const DNSName& auth, bool const sendRDQuery, const DNSName& nsName, const ComboAddress& remoteIP, bool doTCP, bool* truncated);
bool processAnswer(unsigned int depth, LWResult& lwr, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, DNSName& auth, bool wasForwarded, const boost::optional<Netmask> ednsmask, bool sendRDQuery, NsSet &nameservers, std::vector<DNSRecord>& ret, const DNSFilterEngine& dfe, bool* gotNewServers, int* rcode, vState& state);
int doResolve(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>& beenthere, vState& state);
+ int doResolveNoQNameMinimization(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>& beenthere, vState& state, bool* fromCache = NULL, StopAtDelegation* stopAtDelegation = NULL);
bool doOOBResolve(const AuthDomain& domain, const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, int& res);
bool doOOBResolve(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, int &res);
domainmap_t::const_iterator getBestAuthZone(DNSName* qname) const;
bool d_wantsRPZ{true};
bool d_wasOutOfBand{false};
bool d_wasVariable{false};
+ bool d_qNameMinimization{false};
LogMode d_lm;