* Global error callback (default)
- * This is only used
+ * This is only used if set to non-false. * is the default callback for
+ * all packages, whereas specific packages may set a default callback
+ * for all instances, regardless of whether they are a singleton or not.
+ *
+ * To exclude non-singletons, only set the local callback for the singleton
* @see PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback()
* @access private
+ '*' => false,
* Global Log object (default)
- * This is only used
+ * This is only used if set to non-false. Use to set a default log object for
+ * all stacks, regardless of instantiation order or location
* @see PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultLogger()
* @access private
+ * Global Overriding Callback
+ *
+ * This callback will override any error callbacks that specific loggers have set.
+ * Use with EXTREME caution
+ * @see PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback()
+ * @access private
+ */
* One of four possible return values from the error Callback
* @see PEAR_ErrorStack::_errorCallback()
* If this is returned, then the error will only be pushed onto the stack,
* and not logged.
* If this is returned, then the error will only be logged, but not pushed
* onto the error stack.
-define("PEAR_ERRORSTACK_LOG", 3);
+define('PEAR_ERRORSTACK_LOG', 3);
* If this is returned, then the error is completely ignored.
* Error code for an attempt to instantiate a non-class as a PEAR_ErrorStack in
* the singleton method.
* Error code for an attempt to pass an object into {@link PEAR_ErrorStack::getMessage()}
var $_errors = array();
+ /**
+ * Storage of errors by level.
+ *
+ * Allows easy retrieval and deletion of only errors from a particular level
+ * @since PEAR 1.4.0dev
+ * @var array
+ * @access private
+ */
+ var $_errorsByLevel = array();
* Package name this error stack represents
* @var string
* in PHP 5
function PEAR_ErrorStack($package, $msgCallback = false, $contextCallback = false,
- $throwPEAR_Error = false, $exceptionClass = 'Exception')
+ $throwPEAR_Error = false, $exceptionClass = null)
$this->_package = $package;
$this->_compat = $throwPEAR_Error;
+ // this allows child classes to simply redefine $this->_exceptionClass
+ if (!is_null($exceptionClass)) {
$this->_exceptionClass = $exceptionClass;
+ }
* Return a single error stack for this package.
* @return PEAR_ErrorStack
function &singleton($package, $msgCallback = false, $contextCallback = false,
- $throwPEAR_Error = false, $exceptionClass = 'Exception',
+ $throwPEAR_Error = false, $exceptionClass = null,
$stackClass = 'PEAR_ErrorStack')
if (isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'][$package])) {
* This method sets the callback that can be used to generate error
* messages for any instance
- * @param string $package Package Name
* @param array|string Callback function/method
function setMessageCallback($msgCallback)
* This method sets the callback that can be used to generate error
* messages for a singleton
* @param array|string Callback function/method
+ * @param string Package name, or false for all packages
* @static
- function setDefaultCallback($callback = false)
+ function setDefaultCallback($callback = false, $package = false)
if (!is_callable($callback)) {
$callback = false;
+ $package = $package ? $package : '*';
* This method sets the callback that can be used to generate error
* messages for any PEAR_ErrorStack instance
- * @param string $package Package Name
* @param array|string Callback function/method
function setContextCallback($contextCallback)
- * Set an error Callback for every package error stack
+ * Set a temporary overriding error callback for every package error stack
+ *
+ * Use this to temporarily disable all existing callbacks (can be used
+ * to emulate the @ operator, for instance)
* @see staticPopCallback(), pushCallback()
* @param string|array $cb
function staticPushCallback($cb)
- foreach($GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'] as $package => $unused) {
- $GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'][$package]->pushCallback($cb);
- }
- * Remove a callback from every error callback stack
+ * Remove a temporary overriding error callback
* @see staticPushCallback()
* @return array|string|false
+ * @static
function staticPopCallback()
- foreach($GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'] as $package => $unused) {
- $GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'][$package]->popCallback();
$err['repackage'] = $repackage;
$push = $log = true;
+ // try the overriding callback first
+ $callback = $this->staticPopCallback();
+ if ($callback) {
+ $this->staticPushCallback($callback);
+ }
+ if (!is_callable($callback)) {
+ // try the local callback next
$callback = $this->popCallback();
if (is_callable($callback)) {
- switch(call_user_func($callback, $err)){
- return $err;
- break;
- $log = false;
- break;
- $push = false;
- break;
- // anything else returned has the same effect as pushandlog
+ } else {
+ // try the default callback
+ $callback = isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_DEFAULT_CALLBACK'][$this->_package]) ?
- } elseif (is_callable($GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_DEFAULT_CALLBACK'])) {
- switch(call_user_func($GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_DEFAULT_CALLBACK'], $err)){
+ }
+ if (is_callable($callback)) {
+ switch(call_user_func($callback, $err)){
return $err;
if ($push) {
array_unshift($this->_errors, $err);
+ $this->_errorsByLevel[$err['level']][] = &$this->_errors[0];
if ($log) {
if ($this->_logger || $GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_DEFAULT_LOGGER']) {
if (class_exists($this->_exceptionClass)) {
$exception = $this->_exceptionClass;
+ if (is_string($msg) && is_numeric($code)) {
+ $code = $code + 0;
+ }
$ret = new $exception($msg, $code);
$ret->errorData = $err;
+ return $ret;
return $err;
* Determine whether there are any errors on the stack
+ * @param string|array Level name. Use to determine if any errors
+ * of level (string), or levels (array) have been pushed
* @return boolean
- function hasErrors()
+ function hasErrors($level = false)
+ if ($level) {
+ return isset($this->_errorsByLevel[$level]);
+ }
return count($this->_errors);
* Retrieve all errors since last purge
- * @param boolean $purge set in order to empty the error stack
+ * @param boolean set in order to empty the error stack
+ * @param string level name, to return only errors of a particular severity
* @return array
- function getErrors($purge = false)
+ function getErrors($purge = false, $level = false)
if (!$purge) {
+ if ($level) {
+ if (!isset($this->_errorsByLevel[$level])) {
+ return array();
+ } else {
+ return $this->_errorsByLevel[$level];
+ }
+ } else {
return $this->_errors;
+ }
+ if ($level) {
+ $ret = $this->_errorsByLevel[$level];
+ foreach ($this->_errorsByLevel[$level] as $i => $unused) {
+ // entries are references to the $_errors array
+ $this->_errorsByLevel[$level][$i] = false;
+ }
+ // array_filter removes all entries === false
+ $this->_errors = array_filter($this->_errors);
+ unset($this->_errorsByLevel[$level]);
+ return $ret;
+ }
$ret = $this->_errors;
$this->_errors = array();
+ $this->_errorsByLevel = array();
return $ret;
- * Determine whether there are any errors on any error stack
+ * Determine whether there are any errors on a single error stack, or on any error stack
+ *
+ * The optional parameter can be used to test the existence of any errors without the need of
+ * singleton instantiation
+ * @param string|false Package name to check for errors
+ * @param string Level name to check for a particular severity
* @return boolean
* @static
- function staticHasErrors()
+ function staticHasErrors($package = false, $level = false)
+ if ($package) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'][$package])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'][$package]->hasErrors($level);
+ }
foreach ($GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'] as $package => $obj) {
- if ($obj->hasErrors()) {
+ if ($obj->hasErrors($level)) {
return true;
* Get a list of all errors since last purge, organized by package
+ * @since PEAR 1.4.0dev BC break! $level is now in the place $merge used to be
* @param boolean $clearStack Set to purge the error stack of existing errors
+ * @param string $level Set to a level name in order to retrieve only errors of a particular level
* @param boolean $merge Set to return a flat array, not organized by package
* @param array $sortfunc Function used to sort a merged array - default
* sorts by time, and should be good for most cases
* @static
* @return array
- function staticGetErrors($purge = false, $merge = false, $sortfunc = array('PEAR_ErrorStack', '_sortErrors'))
+ function staticGetErrors($purge = false, $level = false, $merge = false, $sortfunc = array('PEAR_ErrorStack', '_sortErrors'))
$ret = array();
if (!is_callable($sortfunc)) {
$sortfunc = array('PEAR_ErrorStack', '_sortErrors');
foreach ($GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'] as $package => $obj) {
- $test = $GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'][$package]->getErrors($purge);
+ $test = $GLOBALS['_PEAR_ERRORSTACK_SINGLETON'][$package]->getErrors($purge, $level);
if ($test) {
if ($merge) {
$ret = array_merge($ret, $test);
* @return array|false either array('file' => file, 'line' => line,
* 'function' => function name, 'class' => class name) or
* if this doesn't work, then false
- * @param array Results of debug_backtrace()
* @param unused
* @param integer backtrace frame.
+ * @param array Results of debug_backtrace()
* @static
function getFileLine($code, $params, $backtrace = null)
if (count($err['params'])) {
foreach ($err['params'] as $name => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
- $val = implode(', ', $val);
+ // @ is needed in case $val is a multi-dimensional array
+ $val = @implode(', ', $val);
if (is_object($val)) {
if (method_exists($val, '__toString')) {
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('PEAR_ErrorStack');
$stack->pushCallback(array('PEAR_ErrorStack', '_handleError'));
\ No newline at end of file