VP9 decoder can now use frame buffers passed in by the application.
Change-Id: I599527ec85c577f3f5552831d79a693884fafb73
INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_codec.h
INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_image.h
+INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_external_frame_buffer.h
INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_integer.h
INSTALL-LIBS-$(CONFIG_DECODERS) += include/vpx/vpx_decoder.h
INSTALL-LIBS-$(CONFIG_ENCODERS) += include/vpx/vpx_encoder.h
#include "test/encode_test_driver.h"
namespace libvpx_test {
+const int kCodecFactoryParam = 0;
class CodecFactory {
CodecFactory() {}
return detail ? detail : vpx_codec_error(&decoder_);
+ // Passes the external frame buffer information to libvpx.
+ vpx_codec_err_t SetExternalFrameBuffers(
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb_list, int fb_count,
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb, void *user_priv) {
+ InitOnce();
+ return vpx_codec_set_frame_buffers(&decoder_,
+ fb_list, fb_count,
+ cb, user_priv);
+ }
virtual const vpx_codec_iface_t* CodecInterface() const = 0;
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include "test/codec_factory.h"
+#include "test/decode_test_driver.h"
+#include "test/ivf_video_source.h"
+#include "test/md5_helper.h"
+#include "test/test_vectors.h"
+#include "test/util.h"
+#include "test/webm_video_source.h"
+namespace {
+const int kVideoNameParam = 1;
+const char kVP9TestFile[] = "vp90-2-02-size-lf-1920x1080.webm";
+// Callback used by libvpx to request the application to allocate a frame
+// buffer of at least |new_size| in bytes.
+int realloc_vp9_frame_buffer(void *user_priv, size_t new_size,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb) {
+ (void)user_priv;
+ if (fb == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ delete [] fb->data;
+ fb->data = new uint8_t[new_size];
+ fb->size = new_size;
+ return 0;
+// Callback will not allocate data for frame buffer.
+int zero_realloc_vp9_frame_buffer(void *user_priv, size_t new_size,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb) {
+ (void)user_priv;
+ if (fb == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ delete [] fb->data;
+ fb->data = NULL;
+ fb->size = new_size;
+ return 0;
+// Callback will allocate one less byte.
+int one_less_byte_realloc_vp9_frame_buffer(void *user_priv, size_t new_size,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb) {
+ (void)user_priv;
+ if (fb == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ delete [] fb->data;
+ const size_t error_size = new_size - 1;
+ fb->data = new uint8_t[error_size];
+ fb->size = error_size;
+ return 0;
+// Class for testing passing in external frame buffers to libvpx.
+class ExternalFrameBufferMD5Test
+ : public ::libvpx_test::DecoderTest,
+ public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWithParam<const char*> {
+ protected:
+ ExternalFrameBufferMD5Test()
+ : DecoderTest(GET_PARAM(::libvpx_test::kCodecFactoryParam)),
+ md5_file_(NULL),
+ num_buffers_(0),
+ frame_buffers_(NULL) {}
+ virtual ~ExternalFrameBufferMD5Test() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_buffers_; ++i) {
+ delete [] frame_buffers_[i].data;
+ }
+ delete [] frame_buffers_;
+ if (md5_file_ != NULL)
+ fclose(md5_file_);
+ }
+ virtual void PreDecodeFrameHook(
+ const libvpx_test::CompressedVideoSource &video,
+ libvpx_test::Decoder *decoder) {
+ if (num_buffers_ > 0 && video.frame_number() == 0) {
+ // Have libvpx use frame buffers we create.
+ frame_buffers_ = new vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t[num_buffers_];
+ memset(frame_buffers_, 0, sizeof(frame_buffers_[0]) * num_buffers_);
+ decoder->SetExternalFrameBuffers(
+ frame_buffers_, num_buffers_,
+ realloc_vp9_frame_buffer, NULL));
+ }
+ }
+ void OpenMD5File(const std::string &md5_file_name_) {
+ md5_file_ = libvpx_test::OpenTestDataFile(md5_file_name_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(md5_file_ != NULL) << "Md5 file open failed. Filename: "
+ << md5_file_name_;
+ }
+ virtual void DecompressedFrameHook(const vpx_image_t &img,
+ const unsigned int frame_number) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(md5_file_ != NULL);
+ char expected_md5[33];
+ char junk[128];
+ // Read correct md5 checksums.
+ const int res = fscanf(md5_file_, "%s %s", expected_md5, junk);
+ ASSERT_NE(EOF, res) << "Read md5 data failed";
+ expected_md5[32] = '\0';
+ ::libvpx_test::MD5 md5_res;
+ md5_res.Add(&img);
+ const char *const actual_md5 = md5_res.Get();
+ // Check md5 match.
+ ASSERT_STREQ(expected_md5, actual_md5)
+ << "Md5 checksums don't match: frame number = " << frame_number;
+ }
+ void set_num_buffers(int num_buffers) { num_buffers_ = num_buffers; }
+ int num_buffers() const { return num_buffers_; }
+ private:
+ FILE *md5_file_;
+ int num_buffers_;
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *frame_buffers_;
+class ExternalFrameBufferTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ ExternalFrameBufferTest()
+ : video_(NULL),
+ decoder_(NULL),
+ num_buffers_(0),
+ frame_buffers_(NULL) {}
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ video_ = new libvpx_test::WebMVideoSource(kVP9TestFile);
+ video_->Init();
+ video_->Begin();
+ vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t cfg = {0};
+ decoder_ = new libvpx_test::VP9Decoder(cfg, 0);
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_buffers_; ++i) {
+ delete [] frame_buffers_[i].data;
+ }
+ delete [] frame_buffers_;
+ delete decoder_;
+ delete video_;
+ }
+ // Passes the external frame buffer information to libvpx.
+ vpx_codec_err_t SetExternalFrameBuffers(
+ int num_buffers,
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb) {
+ if (num_buffers > 0) {
+ num_buffers_ = num_buffers;
+ // Have libvpx use frame buffers we create.
+ frame_buffers_ = new vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t[num_buffers_];
+ memset(frame_buffers_, 0, sizeof(frame_buffers_[0]) * num_buffers_);
+ }
+ return decoder_->SetExternalFrameBuffers(frame_buffers_, num_buffers_,
+ cb, NULL);
+ }
+ // Pass Null frame buffer list to libvpx.
+ vpx_codec_err_t SetNullFrameBuffers(
+ int num_buffers,
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb) {
+ return decoder_->SetExternalFrameBuffers(NULL, num_buffers,
+ cb, NULL);
+ }
+ vpx_codec_err_t DecodeOneFrame() {
+ const vpx_codec_err_t res =
+ decoder_->DecodeFrame(video_->cxdata(), video_->frame_size());
+ if (res == VPX_CODEC_OK)
+ video_->Next();
+ return res;
+ }
+ vpx_codec_err_t DecodeRemainingFrames() {
+ for (; video_->cxdata(); video_->Next()) {
+ const vpx_codec_err_t res =
+ decoder_->DecodeFrame(video_->cxdata(), video_->frame_size());
+ if (res != VPX_CODEC_OK)
+ return res;
+ libvpx_test::DxDataIterator dec_iter = decoder_->GetDxData();
+ const vpx_image_t *img = NULL;
+ // Get decompressed data
+ while ((img = dec_iter.Next())) {
+ }
+ }
+ return VPX_CODEC_OK;
+ }
+ libvpx_test::WebMVideoSource *video_;
+ libvpx_test::VP9Decoder *decoder_;
+ int num_buffers_;
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *frame_buffers_;
+// This test runs through the set of test vectors, and decodes them.
+// Libvpx will call into the application to allocate a frame buffer when
+// needed. The md5 checksums are computed for each frame in the video file.
+// If md5 checksums match the correct md5 data, then the test is passed.
+// Otherwise, the test failed.
+TEST_P(ExternalFrameBufferMD5Test, ExtFBMD5Match) {
+ const std::string filename = GET_PARAM(kVideoNameParam);
+ libvpx_test::CompressedVideoSource *video = NULL;
+ // Number of buffers equals number of possible reference buffers(8), plus
+ // one working buffer, plus four jitter buffers.
+ const int num_buffers = 13;
+ set_num_buffers(num_buffers);
+ // Tell compiler we are not using kVP8TestVectors.
+ (void)libvpx_test::kVP8TestVectors;
+ // Open compressed video file.
+ if (filename.substr(filename.length() - 3, 3) == "ivf") {
+ video = new libvpx_test::IVFVideoSource(filename);
+ } else if (filename.substr(filename.length() - 4, 4) == "webm") {
+ video = new libvpx_test::WebMVideoSource(filename);
+ }
+ video->Init();
+ // Construct md5 file name.
+ const std::string md5_filename = filename + ".md5";
+ OpenMD5File(md5_filename);
+ // Decode frame, and check the md5 matching.
+ delete video;
+TEST_F(ExternalFrameBufferTest, EightFrameBuffers) {
+ // Minimum number of reference buffers for VP9 is 8.
+ const int num_buffers = 8;
+ SetExternalFrameBuffers(num_buffers, realloc_vp9_frame_buffer));
+ ASSERT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, DecodeRemainingFrames());
+TEST_F(ExternalFrameBufferTest, EightJitterBuffers) {
+ // Number of buffers equals number of possible reference buffers(8), plus
+ // one working buffer, plus eight jitter buffers.
+ const int num_buffers = 17;
+ SetExternalFrameBuffers(num_buffers, realloc_vp9_frame_buffer));
+ ASSERT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, DecodeRemainingFrames());
+TEST_F(ExternalFrameBufferTest, NotEnoughBuffers) {
+ // Minimum number of reference buffers for VP9 is 8.
+ const int num_buffers = 7;
+ SetExternalFrameBuffers(num_buffers, realloc_vp9_frame_buffer));
+TEST_F(ExternalFrameBufferTest, NullFrameBufferList) {
+ // Number of buffers equals number of possible reference buffers(8), plus
+ // one working buffer, plus four jitter buffers.
+ const int num_buffers = 13;
+ SetNullFrameBuffers(num_buffers, realloc_vp9_frame_buffer));
+TEST_F(ExternalFrameBufferTest, NullRealloc) {
+ // Number of buffers equals number of possible reference buffers(8), plus
+ // one working buffer, plus four jitter buffers.
+ const int num_buffers = 13;
+ SetExternalFrameBuffers(num_buffers,
+ zero_realloc_vp9_frame_buffer));
+TEST_F(ExternalFrameBufferTest, ReallocOneLessByte) {
+ // Number of buffers equals number of possible reference buffers(8), plus
+ // one working buffer, plus four jitter buffers.
+ const int num_buffers = 13;
+ SetExternalFrameBuffers(num_buffers,
+ one_less_byte_realloc_vp9_frame_buffer));
+ ::testing::ValuesIn(libvpx_test::kVP9TestVectors));
+} // namespace
LIBVPX_TEST_SRCS-yes += decode_test_driver.cc
LIBVPX_TEST_SRCS-yes += decode_test_driver.h
LIBVPX_TEST_SRCS-$(CONFIG_DECODERS) += ivf_video_source.h
+LIBVPX_TEST_SRCS-$(CONFIG_VP9_DECODER) += external_frame_buffer_test.cc
## WebM Parsing
NESTEGG_SRCS += ../nestegg/halloc/halloc.h
vp8_get_si, /* vpx_codec_get_si_fn_t get_si; */
vp8_decode, /* vpx_codec_decode_fn_t decode; */
vp8_get_frame, /* vpx_codec_frame_get_fn_t frame_get; */
{ /* encoder functions */
void vp9_free_frame_buffers(VP9_COMMON *cm) {
int i;
- for (i = 0; i < FRAME_BUFFERS; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < cm->fb_count; i++)
int mi_size;
if (vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(&cm->post_proc_buffer, width, height, ss_x, ss_y,
goto fail;
set_mb_mi(cm, aligned_width, aligned_height);
const int ss_y = cm->subsampling_y;
int mi_size;
+ if (cm->fb_count == 0) {
+ cm->fb_count = FRAME_BUFFERS;
+ CHECK_MEM_ERROR(cm, cm->yv12_fb,
+ vpx_calloc(cm->fb_count, sizeof(*cm->yv12_fb)));
+ CHECK_MEM_ERROR(cm, cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt,
+ vpx_calloc(cm->fb_count, sizeof(*cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt)));
+ }
- for (i = 0; i < FRAME_BUFFERS; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cm->fb_count; i++) {
cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt[i] = 0;
if (vp9_alloc_frame_buffer(&cm->yv12_fb[i], width, height, ss_x, ss_y,
goto fail;
- cm->new_fb_idx = FRAME_BUFFERS - 1;
+ cm->new_fb_idx = cm->fb_count - 1;
cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt[cm->new_fb_idx] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
void vp9_remove_common(VP9_COMMON *cm) {
+ vpx_free(cm->yv12_fb);
+ vpx_free(cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt);
+ cm->yv12_fb = NULL;
+ cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt = NULL;
void vp9_initialize_common() {
YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *frame_to_show;
- int fb_idx_ref_cnt[FRAME_BUFFERS]; /* reference counts */
+ YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *yv12_fb;
+ int *fb_idx_ref_cnt; /* reference counts */
int ref_frame_map[REF_FRAMES]; /* maps fb_idx to reference slot */
// TODO(jkoleszar): could expand active_ref_idx to 4, with 0 as intra, and
int frame_parallel_decoding_mode;
int log2_tile_cols, log2_tile_rows;
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb_list; // External frame buffers
+ int fb_count; // Total number of frame buffers
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t realloc_fb_cb;
+ void *user_priv; // Private data associated with the external frame buffers.
// ref == 0 => LAST_FRAME
static int get_free_fb(VP9_COMMON *cm) {
int i;
- for (i = 0; i < FRAME_BUFFERS; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < cm->fb_count; i++)
if (cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt[i] == 0)
- assert(i < FRAME_BUFFERS);
+ assert(i < cm->fb_count);
cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt[i] = 1;
return i;
const int ref = cm->active_ref_idx[i];
struct scale_factors *const sf = &cm->active_ref_scale[i];
struct scale_factors_common *const sfc = &cm->active_ref_scale_comm[i];
- if (ref >= FRAME_BUFFERS) {
+ if (ref >= cm->fb_count) {
} else {
- vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(get_frame_new_buffer(cm), cm->width, cm->height,
- cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
+ if (cm->fb_list != NULL) {
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *const ext_fb = &cm->fb_list[cm->new_fb_idx];
+ if (vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(get_frame_new_buffer(cm),
+ cm->width, cm->height,
+ cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
+ cm->realloc_fb_cb, cm->user_priv)) {
+ vpx_internal_error(&cm->error, VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
+ "Failed to allocate external frame buffer");
+ }
+ } else {
+ vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(get_frame_new_buffer(cm), cm->width, cm->height,
+ cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
+ }
static void setup_frame_size(VP9D_COMP *pbi,
if (vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(&cpi->alt_ref_buffer,
cpi->oxcf.width, cpi->oxcf.height,
cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
vpx_internal_error(&cpi->common.error, VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
"Failed to allocate altref buffer");
if (vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(&cpi->last_frame_uf,
cm->width, cm->height,
cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
vpx_internal_error(&cpi->common.error, VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
"Failed to reallocate last frame buffer");
if (vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(&cpi->scaled_source,
cm->width, cm->height,
cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
vpx_internal_error(&cpi->common.error, VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
"Failed to reallocate scaled source buffer");
cm->width, cm->height,
cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
scale_and_extend_frame(ref, &cm->yv12_fb[new_fb]);
cpi->scaled_ref_idx[i] = new_fb;
} else {
cm->width, cm->height,
cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
// Calculate scaling factors for each of the 3 available references
for (i = 0; i < REFS_PER_FRAME; ++i) {
int img_setup;
int img_avail;
int invert_tile_order;
+ /* External buffer info to save for VP9 common. */
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb_list; // External frame buffers
+ int fb_count; // Total number of frame buffers
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t realloc_fb_cb;
+ void *user_priv; // Private data associated with the external frame buffers.
static unsigned long priv_sz(const vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t *si,
ctx->postproc_cfg.noise_level = 0;
- if (!optr)
+ if (!optr) {
- else
+ } else {
+ VP9D_COMP *const pbi = (VP9D_COMP*)optr;
+ VP9_COMMON *const cm = &pbi->common;
+ if (ctx->fb_list != NULL && ctx->realloc_fb_cb != NULL &&
+ ctx->fb_count > 0) {
+ cm->fb_list = ctx->fb_list;
+ cm->fb_count = ctx->fb_count;
+ cm->realloc_fb_cb = ctx->realloc_fb_cb;
+ cm->user_priv = ctx->user_priv;
+ } else {
+ cm->fb_count = FRAME_BUFFERS;
+ }
+ CHECK_MEM_ERROR(cm, cm->yv12_fb,
+ vpx_calloc(cm->fb_count, sizeof(*cm->yv12_fb)));
+ CHECK_MEM_ERROR(cm, cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt,
+ vpx_calloc(cm->fb_count, sizeof(*cm->fb_idx_ref_cnt)));
ctx->pbi = optr;
+ }
ctx->decoder_init = 1;
if (vp9_receive_compressed_data(ctx->pbi, data_sz, data, deadline)) {
- VP9D_COMP *pbi = (VP9D_COMP *)ctx->pbi;
+ VP9D_COMP *pbi = (VP9D_COMP*)ctx->pbi;
res = update_error_state(ctx, &pbi->common.error);
return img;
+static vpx_codec_err_t vp9_set_frame_buffers(
+ vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb_list, int fb_count,
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb, void *user_priv) {
+ if (fb_count < REF_FRAMES) {
+ /* The application must pass in at least REF_FRAMES frame buffers. */
+ } else if (!ctx->pbi) {
+ /* If the decoder has already been initialized, do not accept external
+ * frame buffers.
+ */
+ ctx->fb_list = fb_list;
+ ctx->fb_count = fb_count;
+ ctx->realloc_fb_cb = cb;
+ ctx->user_priv = user_priv;
+ return VPX_CODEC_OK;
+ }
static vpx_codec_err_t vp9_xma_get_mmap(const vpx_codec_ctx_t *ctx,
vpx_codec_mmap_t *mmap,
vpx_codec_iter_t *iter) {
int ctrl_id,
va_list args) {
int *update_info = va_arg(args, int *);
- VP9D_COMP *pbi = (VP9D_COMP *)ctx->pbi;
+ VP9D_COMP *pbi = (VP9D_COMP*)ctx->pbi;
if (update_info) {
*update_info = pbi->refresh_frame_flags;
int *corrupted = va_arg(args, int *);
if (corrupted) {
- VP9D_COMP *pbi = (VP9D_COMP *)ctx->pbi;
+ VP9D_COMP *pbi = (VP9D_COMP*)ctx->pbi;
if (pbi)
*corrupted = pbi->common.frame_to_show->corrupted;
int *const display_size = va_arg(args, int *);
if (display_size) {
- const VP9D_COMP *const pbi = (VP9D_COMP *)ctx->pbi;
+ const VP9D_COMP *const pbi = (VP9D_COMP*)ctx->pbi;
if (pbi) {
display_size[0] = pbi->common.display_width;
display_size[1] = pbi->common.display_height;
CODEC_INTERFACE(vpx_codec_vp9_dx) = {
"WebM Project VP9 Decoder" VERSION_STRING,
/* vpx_codec_caps_t caps; */
vp9_init, /* vpx_codec_init_fn_t init; */
vp9_destroy, /* vpx_codec_destroy_fn_t destroy; */
vp9_get_si, /* vpx_codec_get_si_fn_t get_si; */
vp9_decode, /* vpx_codec_decode_fn_t decode; */
vp9_get_frame, /* vpx_codec_frame_get_fn_t frame_get; */
+ vp9_set_frame_buffers, /* vpx_codec_set_frame_buffers_fn_t set_fb; */
/* encoder functions */
text vpx_codec_register_put_frame_cb
text vpx_codec_register_put_slice_cb
text vpx_codec_set_mem_map
+text vpx_codec_set_frame_buffers
* types, removing or reassigning enums, adding/removing/rearranging
* fields to structures
-#define VPX_CODEC_INTERNAL_ABI_VERSION (4) /**<\hideinitializer*/
+#define VPX_CODEC_INTERNAL_ABI_VERSION (5) /**<\hideinitializer*/
typedef struct vpx_codec_alg_priv vpx_codec_alg_priv_t;
typedef struct vpx_codec_priv_enc_mr_cfg vpx_codec_priv_enc_mr_cfg_t;
typedef vpx_image_t *(*vpx_codec_get_frame_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
vpx_codec_iter_t *iter);
+/*!\brief Pass in external frame buffers for the decoder to use.
+ *
+ * Registers a given function to be called when the current frame to
+ * decode will be bigger than the external frame buffer size. This
+ * function must be called before the first call to decode or libvpx
+ * will assume the default behavior of allocating frame buffers internally.
+ * Frame buffers with a size of 0 are valid.
+ *
+ * \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context
+ * \param[in] fb_list Pointer to array of frame buffers
+ * \param[in] fb_count Number of elements in frame buffer array
+ * \param[in] cb Pointer to the callback function
+ * \param[in] user_priv User's private data
+ *
+ * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
+ * External frame buffers will be used by libvpx.
+ * fb_count was less than the value needed by the codec.
+ * \retval #VPX_CODEC_ERROR
+ * Decoder context not initialized, or algorithm not capable of
+ * using external frame buffers.
+ *
+ * \note
+ * When decoding VP9, the application must pass in at least 8 external
+ * frame buffers, as VP9 can have up to 8 reference frames.
+ */
+typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_set_frame_buffers_fn_t)(
+ vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb_list, int fb_count,
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb, void *user_priv);
/*\brief eXternal Memory Allocation memory map get iterator
vpx_codec_get_si_fn_t get_si; /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_get_si_fn_t */
vpx_codec_decode_fn_t decode; /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_decode_fn_t */
vpx_codec_get_frame_fn_t get_frame; /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_get_frame_fn_t */
+ vpx_codec_set_frame_buffers_fn_t set_fb; /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_set_frame_buffers_fn_t */
} dec;
struct vpx_codec_enc_iface {
vpx_codec_enc_cfg_map_t *cfg_maps; /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_enc_cfg_map_t */
return SAVE_STATUS(ctx, res);
+vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_set_frame_buffers(
+ vpx_codec_ctx_t *ctx,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb_list, int fb_count,
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb, void *user_priv) {
+ vpx_codec_err_t res;
+ if (!ctx || !fb_list || fb_count <= 0 || !cb) {
+ } else if (!ctx->iface || !ctx->priv ||
+ !(ctx->iface->caps & VPX_CODEC_CAP_EXTERNAL_FRAME_BUFFER)) {
+ } else {
+ res = ctx->iface->dec.set_fb(ctx->priv->alg_priv, fb_list, fb_count,
+ cb, user_priv);
+ }
+ return SAVE_STATUS(ctx, res);
API_DOC_SRCS-yes += vpx_decoder.h
API_DOC_SRCS-yes += vpx_encoder.h
API_DOC_SRCS-yes += vpx_image.h
+API_DOC_SRCS-yes += vpx_external_frame_buffer.h
API_SRCS-yes += src/vpx_decoder.c
API_SRCS-yes += vpx_decoder.h
API_SRCS-yes += vpx_codec.h
API_SRCS-yes += vpx_codec.mk
API_SRCS-yes += vpx_image.h
+API_SRCS-yes += vpx_external_frame_buffer.h
API_SRCS-$(BUILD_LIBVPX) += vpx_integer.h
#include "vpx_codec.h"
+#include "vpx_external_frame_buffer.h"
/*!\brief Current ABI version number
* types, removing or reassigning enums, adding/removing/rearranging
* fields to structures
-#define VPX_DECODER_ABI_VERSION (2 + VPX_CODEC_ABI_VERSION) /**<\hideinitializer*/
+#define VPX_DECODER_ABI_VERSION (3 + VPX_CODEC_ABI_VERSION) /**<\hideinitializer*/
/*! \brief Decoder capabilities bitfield
#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_FRAME_THREADING 0x200000 /**< Can support frame-based
multi-threading */
+#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_EXTERNAL_FRAME_BUFFER 0x400000 /**< Can support external
+ frame buffers */
#define VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC 0x10000 /**< Postprocess decoded frame */
#define VPX_CODEC_USE_ERROR_CONCEALMENT 0x20000 /**< Conceal errors in decoded
/*!@} - end defgroup cap_put_slice*/
+ /*!\defgroup cap_external_frame_buffer External Frame Buffer Functions
+ *
+ * The following section is required to be implemented for all decoders
+ * that advertise the VPX_CODEC_CAP_EXTERNAL_FRAME_BUFFER capability.
+ * Calling this function for codecs that don't advertise this capability
+ * will result in an error code being returned, usually VPX_CODEC_ERROR.
+ *
+ * \note
+ * Currently this only works with VP9.
+ * @{
+ */
+ /*!\brief Pass in external frame buffers for the decoder to use.
+ *
+ * Registers a given function to be called when the current frame to
+ * decode will be bigger than the external frame buffer size. This
+ * function must be called before the first call to decode or libvpx
+ * will assume the default behavior of allocating frame buffers internally.
+ * Frame buffers with a size of 0 are valid.
+ *
+ * \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context
+ * \param[in] fb_list Pointer to array of frame buffers
+ * \param[in] fb_count Number of elements in frame buffer array
+ * \param[in] cb Pointer to the callback function
+ * \param[in] user_priv User's private data
+ *
+ * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
+ * External frame buffers passed into the decoder.
+ * \retval #VPX_CODEC_ERROR
+ * Decoder context not initialized, or algorithm not capable of
+ * using external frame buffers.
+ *
+ * \note
+ * When decoding VP9, the application must pass in at least 8 external
+ * frame buffers, as VP9 can have up to 8 reference frames.
+ */
+ vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_set_frame_buffers(
+ vpx_codec_ctx_t *ctx,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb_list, int fb_count,
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb, void *user_priv);
+ /*!@} - end defgroup cap_external_frame_buffer */
/*!@} - end defgroup decoder*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
+/*!\brief External frame buffer
+ *
+ * This structure is used to hold external frame buffers passed into the
+ * decoder by the application.
+ */
+typedef struct vpx_codec_frame_buffer {
+ uint8_t *data; /**< Pointer to the data buffer */
+ size_t size; /**< Size of data in bytes */
+ void *frame_priv; /**< Frame's private data */
+} vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t;
+/*!\brief realloc frame buffer callback prototype
+ *
+ * This callback is invoked by the decoder to notify the application one
+ * of the external frame buffers must increase in size, in order for the
+ * decode call to complete. The callback must allocate at least new_size in
+ * bytes and assign it to fb->data. Then the callback must set fb->size to
+ * the allocated size. The application does not need to align the allocated
+ * data. The callback is usually triggered by a frame size change. On success
+ * the callback must return 0. Any failure the callback must return a value
+ * less than 0.
+ *
+ * \param[in] user_priv User's private data
+ * \param[in] new_size Size in bytes needed by the buffer.
+ * \param[in/out] fb Pointer to frame buffer to increase size.
+ */
+typedef int (*vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t)(
+ void *user_priv, size_t new_size, vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
+#define yv12_align_addr(addr, align) \
+ (void*)(((size_t)(addr) + ((align) - 1)) & (size_t)-(align))
vp8_yv12_de_alloc_frame_buffer(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf) {
if (ybf) {
- vpx_free(ybf->buffer_alloc);
+ // If libvpx is using external frame buffers then buffer_alloc_sz must
+ // not be set.
+ if (ybf->buffer_alloc_sz > 0) {
+ vpx_free(ybf->buffer_alloc);
+ }
/* buffer_alloc isn't accessed by most functions. Rather y_buffer,
u_buffer and v_buffer point to buffer_alloc and are used. Clear out
int vp9_free_frame_buffer(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf) {
if (ybf) {
- vpx_free(ybf->buffer_alloc);
+ if (ybf->buffer_alloc_sz > 0) {
+ vpx_free(ybf->buffer_alloc);
+ }
/* buffer_alloc isn't accessed by most functions. Rather y_buffer,
u_buffer and v_buffer point to buffer_alloc and are used. Clear out
int vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf,
int width, int height,
- int ss_x, int ss_y, int border) {
+ int ss_x, int ss_y, int border,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *ext_fb,
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb,
+ void *user_priv) {
if (ybf) {
const int aligned_width = (width + 7) & ~7;
const int aligned_height = (height + 7) & ~7;
const int frame_size = yplane_size + 2 * uvplane_size;
- if (frame_size > ybf->buffer_alloc_sz) {
- // Allocation to hold larger frame, or first allocation.
- if (ybf->buffer_alloc)
- vpx_free(ybf->buffer_alloc);
- ybf->buffer_alloc = vpx_memalign(32, frame_size);
- ybf->buffer_alloc_sz = frame_size;
+ if (ext_fb != NULL) {
+ const int align_addr_extra_size = 31;
+ const int external_frame_size = frame_size + align_addr_extra_size;
+ if (external_frame_size > ext_fb->size) {
+ // Allocation to hold larger frame, or first allocation.
+ if (cb(user_priv, external_frame_size, ext_fb) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (ext_fb->data == NULL || ext_fb->size < external_frame_size) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ybf->buffer_alloc = yv12_align_addr(ext_fb->data, 32);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (frame_size > ybf->buffer_alloc_sz) {
+ // Allocation to hold larger frame, or first allocation.
+ if (ybf->buffer_alloc)
+ vpx_free(ybf->buffer_alloc);
+ ybf->buffer_alloc = vpx_memalign(32, frame_size);
+ ybf->buffer_alloc_sz = frame_size;
+ }
+ if (ybf->buffer_alloc_sz < frame_size)
+ return -1;
- if (!ybf->buffer_alloc || ybf->buffer_alloc_sz < frame_size)
+ if (!ybf->buffer_alloc)
return -1;
/* Only support allocating buffers that have a border that's a multiple
int ss_x, int ss_y, int border) {
if (ybf) {
- return vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(ybf, width, height, ss_x, ss_y, border);
+ return vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(ybf, width, height, ss_x, ss_y, border,
return -2;
extern "C" {
+#include "vpx/vpx_external_frame_buffer.h"
#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
int vp9_alloc_frame_buffer(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf,
int width, int height, int ss_x, int ss_y,
int border);
+ // Updates the yv12 buffer config with the frame buffer. If ext_fb is not
+ // NULL then libvpx is using external frame buffers. The function will
+ // check if the frame buffer is big enough to fit the decoded frame and
+ // try to reallocate the frame buffer. If ext_fb is not NULL and the frame
+ // buffer is not big enough libvpx will call cb with minimum size in bytes.
+ //
+ // Returns 0 on success. Returns < 0 on failure.
int vp9_realloc_frame_buffer(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf,
int width, int height, int ss_x, int ss_y,
- int border);
+ int border,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *ext_fb,
+ vpx_realloc_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb,
+ void *user_priv);
int vp9_free_frame_buffer(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf);
#ifdef __cplusplus
"Enable decoder error-concealment");
static const arg_def_t scalearg = ARG_DEF("S", "scale", 0,
"Scale output frames uniformly");
+static const arg_def_t fb_arg =
+ ARG_DEF(NULL, "frame-buffers", 1, "Number of frame buffers to use");
static const arg_def_t *all_args[] = {
&codecarg, &use_yv12, &use_i420, &flipuvarg, &noblitarg,
&progressarg, &limitarg, &skiparg, &postprocarg, &summaryarg, &outputfile,
- &threadsarg, &verbosearg, &scalearg,
+ &threadsarg, &verbosearg, &scalearg, &fb_arg,
(float)frame_out * 1000000.0 / (float)dx_time);
+// Called by libvpx if the frame buffer size needs to increase.
+// Parameters:
+// user_priv Data passed into libvpx.
+// new_size Minimum size needed by libvpx to decompress the next frame.
+// fb Pointer to the frame buffer to update.
+// Returns 0 on success. Returns < 0 on failure.
+int realloc_vp9_frame_buffer(void *user_priv, size_t new_size,
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb) {
+ (void)user_priv;
+ if (!fb)
+ return -1;
+ free(fb->data);
+ fb->data = (uint8_t*)malloc(new_size);
+ if (!fb->data) {
+ fb->size = 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ fb->size = new_size;
+ return 0;
void generate_filename(const char *pattern, char *out, size_t q_len,
unsigned int d_w, unsigned int d_h,
unsigned int frame_in) {
int do_scale = 0;
vpx_image_t *scaled_img = NULL;
int frame_avail, got_data;
+ int num_external_frame_buffers = 0;
+ vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t *frame_buffers = NULL;
struct VpxDecInputContext input = {0};
struct VpxInputContext vpx_input_ctx = {0};
quiet = 0;
else if (arg_match(&arg, &scalearg, argi))
do_scale = 1;
+ else if (arg_match(&arg, &fb_arg, argi))
+ num_external_frame_buffers = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
else if (arg_match(&arg, &addnoise_level, argi)) {
+ if (num_external_frame_buffers > 0) {
+ // Allocate the frame buffer list, setting all of the values to 0.
+ // Including the size of frame buffers. Libvpx will request the
+ // application to realloc the frame buffer data if the size is too small.
+ frame_buffers = (vpx_codec_frame_buffer_t*)calloc(
+ num_external_frame_buffers, sizeof(*frame_buffers));
+ if (vpx_codec_set_frame_buffers(&decoder, frame_buffers,
+ num_external_frame_buffers,
+ realloc_vp9_frame_buffer,
+ NULL)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure external frame buffers: %s\n",
+ vpx_codec_error(&decoder));
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
frame_avail = 1;
got_data = 0;
if (scaled_img) vpx_img_free(scaled_img);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_external_frame_buffers; ++i) {
+ free(frame_buffers[i].data);
+ }
+ free(frame_buffers);