if (tx > rx) {
- gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x, y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+l, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->crx);
- gdImageRectangle(ic->im, x, y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+l, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->crxd);
+ if (l > 0) {
+ gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x, y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+l, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->crx);
+ gdImageRectangle(ic->im, x, y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+l, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->crxd);
+ }
gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x+l, y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+width, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->ctx);
gdImageRectangle(ic->im, x+l, y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+width, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->ctxd);
gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x, y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+(width-l), y+YENDOFFSET, ic->crx);
gdImageRectangle(ic->im, x, y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+(width-l), y+YENDOFFSET, ic->crxd);
- gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x+(width-l), y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+width, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->ctx);
- gdImageRectangle(ic->im, x+(width-l), y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+width, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->ctxd);
+ if (l > 0) {
+ gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x+(width-l), y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+width, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->ctx);
+ gdImageRectangle(ic->im, x+(width-l), y+YBEGINOFFSET, x+width, y+YENDOFFSET, ic->ctxd);
+ }
int l;
l = (int)((rx/(float)max)*len);
- gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x, y+(len-l), x+7, y+len, ic->crx);
+ if (l > 0) {
+ gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x, y+(len-l), x+7, y+len, ic->crx);
+ }
l = (int)((tx/(float)max)*len);
- gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x+5, y+(len-l), x+12, y+len, ic->ctx);
+ if (l > 0) {
+ gdImageFilledRectangle(ic->im, x+5, y+(len-l), x+12, y+len, ic->ctx);
+ }
void drawdonut(IMAGECONTENT *ic, const int x, const int y, const float rxp, const float txp)
int ret, x, y;
ic.im = gdImageCreate(x, y);
ic.interface.updated = (time_t)get_timestamp(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5);
- layoutinit(&ic, "vnstati output reference test", x, y);
+ layoutinit(&ic, "vnstati libgd output comparison", x, y);
- pngout = fopen("vnstati_check.png", "w");
+ pngout = fopen("vnstati_libgd_comparison_check.png", "w");
ck_assert_ptr_ne(pngout, NULL);
drawlegend(&ic, 40, 30);
gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetSmall(), x-20, y+30, (unsigned char*)"1.0/0.1 - 0.1/1.0", ic.ctext);
+ gdImagePng(ic.im, pngout);
+ ret = fclose(pngout);
+ ck_assert_int_eq(ret, 0);
+ gdImageDestroy(ic.im);
+ int ret, x, y;
+ float i;
+ char buffer[6];
+ FILE *pngout;
+ x = 1500;
+ y = 900;
+ defaultcfg();
+ initimagecontent(&ic);
+ ic.im = gdImageCreate(x, y);
+ colorinit(&ic);
+ ic.interface.updated = (time_t)get_timestamp(2012, 3, 4, 5, 6);
+ layoutinit(&ic, "donut with 0.2% input steps and other elements", x, y);
+ pngout = fopen("vnstati_element_check.png", "w");
+ ck_assert_ptr_ne(pngout, NULL);
+ x = 40;
+ y = 70;
+ gdImageStringUp(ic.im, gdFontGetSmall(), 1, y+15, (unsigned char*)"50.0%", ic.ctext);
+ for (i=50.0; i>=0; i-=0.2) {
+ drawdonut(&ic, x, y, i, i);
+ x += 55;
+ if (x>1000) {
+ x = 40;
+ y += 60;
+ snprintf(buffer, 6, "%3.1f%%", (double)i-0.2);
+ gdImageStringUp(ic.im, gdFontGetSmall(), 1, y+15, (unsigned char*)buffer, ic.ctext);
+ }
+ }
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetGiant(), 1020, 40, (unsigned char*)"Giant - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", ic.ctext);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetLarge(), 1020, 60, (unsigned char*)"Large - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", ic.ctext);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1020, 80, (unsigned char*)"MediumBold - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", ic.ctext);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetSmall(), 1020, 100, (unsigned char*)"Small - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", ic.ctext);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetTiny(), 1020, 120, (unsigned char*)"Tiny - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", ic.ctext);
+ drawlegend(&ic, 1230, 140);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 160, 400, 50, 50, 100);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 180, 400, 25, 75, 100);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 200, 400, 75, 25, 100);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 220, 400, 0, 100, 100);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 240, 400, 100, 0, 100);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 260, 400, 50, 50, 130);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 280, 400, 25, 75, 130);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 300, 400, 75, 25, 130);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 320, 400, 0, 100, 130);
+ drawbar(&ic, 1050, 340, 400, 100, 0, 130);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1050, 360, 400, 50, 50, 100);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1070, 360, 400, 25, 75, 100);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1090, 360, 400, 75, 25, 100);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1110, 360, 400, 0, 100, 100);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1130, 360, 400, 100, 0, 100);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1150, 360, 400, 50, 50, 130);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1170, 360, 400, 25, 75, 130);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1190, 360, 400, 75, 25, 130);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1210, 360, 400, 0, 100, 130);
+ drawpole(&ic, 1230, 360, 400, 100, 0, 130);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 400, (unsigned char*)"Color: ctext", ic.ctext);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 420, (unsigned char*)"Color: cedge", ic.cedge);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 440, (unsigned char*)"Color: cheader", ic.cheader);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 460, (unsigned char*)"Color: cheadertitle", ic.cheadertitle);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 480, (unsigned char*)"Color: cheaderdate", ic.cheaderdate);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 500, (unsigned char*)"Color: cline", ic.cline);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 520, (unsigned char*)"Color: clinel", ic.clinel);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 540, (unsigned char*)"Color: cbackground", ic.cbackground);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 560, (unsigned char*)"Color: cvnstat", ic.cvnstat);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 580, (unsigned char*)"Color: cbgoffset", ic.cbgoffset);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 600, (unsigned char*)"Color: crx", ic.crx);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 620, (unsigned char*)"Color: crxd", ic.crxd);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 640, (unsigned char*)"Color: ctx", ic.ctx);
+ gdImageString(ic.im, gdFontGetMediumBold(), 1280, 660, (unsigned char*)"Color: ctxd", ic.ctxd);
gdImagePng(ic.im, pngout);
ret = fclose(pngout);
tcase_add_test(tc_image, hourly_imagescaling_normal);
tcase_add_test(tc_image, hourly_imagescaling_rate_1024);
tcase_add_test(tc_image, hourly_imagescaling_rate_1000);
- tcase_add_test(tc_image, output_check);
+ tcase_add_test(tc_image, libgd_output_comparison);
+ tcase_add_test(tc_image, element_output_check);
suite_add_tcase(s, tc_image);