<em/From:/ an address matching <em/regexp/ or if you are the author and the
message is addressed <em/to:/ something matching <em/regexp/.
-See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="matching messages"> for information on the
-exact format of <em/pattern/.
+See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="Message Matching in Hooks"> for information on the exact format of <em/pattern/.
as the default Fcc: mailbox. If no match is found the message will be saved
to <ref id="record" name="$record"> mailbox.
-See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="matching messages"> for information on the
-exact format of <em/pattern/.
+See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="Message Matching in Hooks"> for information on the exact format of <em/pattern/.
Example: <tt/fcc-hook aol.com$ +spammers/
matches recipients of the message. When multiple matches occur, commands are
executed in the order they are specified in the muttrc.
-See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="matching messages"> for information on the
-exact format of <em/pattern/.
+See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="Message Matching in Hooks"> for information on the exact format of <em/pattern/.
Example: <tt/send-hook mutt &dquot;set mime_forward signature=''&dquot;/